package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException; import javax.transaction.xa.XAException; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean; import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.arjPropertyManager; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Uid; import; import; import; import; import com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.thread.ThreadActionData; import; import; import; import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.TransactionImple; import com.hp.mwtests.ts.jta.common.DummyXA; /** * @deprecated as of 5.0.5.Final In a subsequent release we will change packages names in order to * provide a better separation between public and internal classes. */ @Deprecated // in order to provide a better separation between public and internal classes. class ExtendedFailureXAResource extends FailureXAResource { private boolean forgotten; @Override public void commit(Xid id, boolean onePhase) throws XAException { if (!forgotten) super.commit(id, onePhase); } @Override public void forget(Xid xid) throws XAException { super.forget(xid); forgotten = true; } } public class ObjStoreBrowserTest { private ObjStoreBrowser osb; private ObjStoreBrowser createObjStoreBrowser() { ObjStoreBrowser osb = new ObjStoreBrowser(); osb.setType("com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.AtomicAction", ""); return osb; } @BeforeClass public static void setUp() { } @Before public void beforeTest() { FailureXAResource.resetForgetCounts(); osb = createObjStoreBrowser(); osb.start(); } @After public void afterTest() { osb.stop(); } @Test public void testXAResourceRecordBean() throws Exception { com.arjuna.common.tests.simple.EnvironmentBeanTest.testBeanByReflection(new XAResourceRecordBean(new UidWrapper(Uid.nullUid()))); } @Test public void testCommitMarkableResourceRecordBean() throws Exception { com.arjuna.common.tests.simple.EnvironmentBeanTest.testBeanByReflection(new CommitMarkableResourceRecordBean(new UidWrapper(Uid.nullUid()))); } /** * Test that resources that generate heuristics are instrumented correctly * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMBeanHeuristic () throws Exception { FailureXAResource failureXAResource = new FailureXAResource(FailureXAResource.FailLocation.commit); // generates a heuristic on commit getHeuristicMBean(osb, new TransactionImple(1000000000), failureXAResource); } /** * Test removing a heuristic participant (each test asserts forget was called (see tryRemove) * - if forget succeeds check that the log is removed */ @Test public void testParticipantForgetAndRemove () throws Exception { // generate a heuristic HeuristicTestData hd = getHeuristic(); // try removing the resource (forget calls succeed) tryRemove(false, false, hd); // since the remove op ignores forget failures it should succeed (meaning that there will be no corresponding MBean) assertEquals(0, hd.getHeuristicParticipants().size()); } /** * Test removing a heuristic participant (each test asserts forget was called (see tryRemove) * - if forget fails and the property to ignore forget failures is set check that the log is removed */ @Test public void testParticipantRemovePasses () throws Exception { // generate a heuristic HeuristicTestData hd = getHeuristic(); // try removing the resource (forget fails and remove ignores forget failures) tryRemove(true, true, hd); // since the remove op ignores forget failures it should succeed (meaning that there will be no corresponding MBean) assertEquals(0, hd.getHeuristicParticipants().size()); } /** * Test removing a heuristic participant (each test asserts forget was called (see tryRemove) * - if forget fails and the property to ignore forget failures is not set check that the log is not removed */ @Test public void testParticipantRemoveFails () throws Exception { // generate a heuristic HeuristicTestData hd = getHeuristic(); // try removing the resource (forget fails and remove does not ignore forget failures) tryRemove(true, false, hd); // since the remove op does not ignores forget failures it should fail (meaning that the corresponding MBean still exists) assertEquals(1, hd.getHeuristicParticipants().size()); } /** * Test removing a transaction with heuristic participants succeeds if the ignores heuristics property is true */ @Test public void testTxnRemovePasses () throws Exception { // generate a heuristic HeuristicTestData hd = getHeuristic(); // ignore forget failures during MBean remove opertaions arjPropertyManager.getObjectStoreEnvironmentBean().setIgnoreMBeanHeuristics(true); // tell the heuristic resource to fail forget calls hd.setRefuseForget(true); // invoke the MBean remove operation on the transaction hd.txnMBean.remove(); osb.probe(); // verify that the txn is no longer instrumented assertEquals(0, hd.getTransactionObjectNames().size()); } /** * Test removing a transaction with heuristic participants fails if the ignores heuristics property is false */ @Test public void testTxnRemoveFails () throws Exception { // generate a heuristic HeuristicTestData hd = getHeuristic(); // ignore forget failures during MBean remove opertaions arjPropertyManager.getObjectStoreEnvironmentBean().setIgnoreMBeanHeuristics(false); // tell the heuristic resource to fail forget calls hd.setRefuseForget(true); // invoke the MBean remove operation on the transaction hd.txnMBean.remove(); osb.probe(); // verify that the txn is still instrumented assertEquals(1, hd.getTransactionObjectNames().size()); } private static final class HeuristicTestData { FailureXAResource failureXAResource; TransactionImple tx; XAResourceRecordBeanMBean resourceBean; JTAActionBean txnMBean; ObjectName participantBeanName; String resourceBeanName; String txnBeanName; HeuristicTestData(TransactionImple tx, FailureXAResource failureXAResource, JTAActionBean txnMBean, XAResourceRecordBeanMBean resourceBean, ObjectName participantBeanName, String txnBeanName, String resourceBeanName) { this.failureXAResource = failureXAResource; this.tx = tx; this.resourceBean = resourceBean; this.txnBeanName = txnBeanName; this.txnMBean = txnMBean; this.participantBeanName = participantBeanName; this.resourceBeanName = resourceBeanName; } Set<ObjectName> getTransactionObjectNames() throws MalformedObjectNameException { Set<ObjectName> names = JMXServer.getAgent().queryNames(txnBeanName, null); return names != null ? names : new HashSet<>(); } Set<ObjectName> getHeuristicParticipants() throws MalformedObjectNameException { Set<ObjectName> names = JMXServer.getAgent().queryNames(resourceBeanName, null); return names != null ? names : new HashSet<>(); } void setRefuseForget(boolean refuse) { failureXAResource.setRefuseForget(failureXAResource.getXid(), refuse); } } private HeuristicTestData getHeuristic() throws Exception { FailureXAResource failureXAResource = new FailureXAResource(FailureXAResource.FailLocation.commit); // generates a heuristic on commit TransactionImple tx = new TransactionImple(1000000000); XAResourceRecordBeanMBean resourceBean = getHeuristicMBean(osb, tx, failureXAResource); JTAActionBean txnMBean = getTransactionBean(osb, tx, true); Set<ObjectName> participants; String resourceBeanName; String txnBeanName; assertNotNull(txnMBean); assertNotNull(resourceBean); txnBeanName = String.format("jboss.jta:type=ObjectStore,itype=%s,uid=%s", txnMBean.type(), txnMBean.getId().replace(':', '_')); resourceBeanName = String.format("%s,puid=%s", txnBeanName, resourceBean.getId().replace(':', '_')); participants = JMXServer.getAgent().queryNames(resourceBeanName, null); assertEquals(1, participants.size()); return new HeuristicTestData(tx, failureXAResource, txnMBean, resourceBean, participants.iterator().next(), txnBeanName, resourceBeanName); } private HeuristicTestData tryRemove(boolean failForget, boolean ignoreMBeanHeuristics, HeuristicTestData hd) throws MBeanException, MalformedObjectNameException { ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean osEnv = arjPropertyManager.getObjectStoreEnvironmentBean(); osEnv.setIgnoreMBeanHeuristics(ignoreMBeanHeuristics); hd.failureXAResource.setRefuseForget(hd.failureXAResource.getXid(), failForget); // remove the bean via JMX hd.resourceBean.remove(); // assert that forget was called on the resource assertEquals(1, hd.failureXAResource.getForgetCount(hd.failureXAResource.getXid())); osb.probe(); return hd; } private TransactionImple generateHeuristic(TransactionImple tx, FailureXAResource failureXAResource) throws Exception { ThreadActionData.purgeActions(); XAResource[] resources = { new DummyXA(false), failureXAResource }; // enlist the XA resources into the transaction for (XAResource resource : resources) tx.enlistResource(resource); try { tx.commit(); fail("Expected a mixed heuristic"); } catch (final HeuristicMixedException expected) { } return tx; } private JTAActionBean getTransactionBean(ObjStoreBrowser osb, TransactionImple tx, boolean present) { // there should be one MBean corresponding to the Transaction tx UidWrapper w = osb.findUid(tx.get_uid()); if (!present) { assertNull(w); return null; } assertNotNull(w); OSEntryBean ai = w.getMBean(); assertNotNull(ai); // the MBean should wrap a JTAActionBean assertTrue(ai instanceof JTAActionBean); return (JTAActionBean) ai; } private XAResourceRecordBeanMBean getHeuristicMBean(ObjStoreBrowser osb, TransactionImple tx, FailureXAResource failureXAResource) throws Exception { generateHeuristic(tx, failureXAResource); osb.probe(); // there should be one MBean corresponding to the Transaction JTAActionBean actionBean = getTransactionBean(osb, tx, true); assertNotNull(actionBean); // and the transaction should contain only one participant (namely the FailureXAResource that generated the heuristic): Collection<LogRecordWrapper> participants = actionBean.getParticipants(); assertEquals(1, participants.size()); assertNotNull(failureXAResource.getXid()); LogRecordWrapper participant = participants.iterator().next(); assertTrue(participant.isHeuristic()); assertTrue(participant instanceof XAResourceRecordBeanMBean); return (XAResourceRecordBeanMBean) participant; } }