package test.httpd; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; class ChannelState { public ChannelState(FileChannel fchannel, long position, long total, ByteBuffer buffer) { this.fchannel = fchannel; this.position = position; this.total_file_size = total; this.buffer = buffer; } public FileChannel fchannel; public ByteBuffer buffer; public long position; public long total_file_size; } public class webserver { public static void main(String[] args) { // File wwwBase=new File("h:/workspace/web server/"); // File wwwBase=new File("/home/jacasey/workspace/web server/"); File wwwBase = new File("d:/Temp/"); try { ServerSocketChannel channel =; InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(8080); channel.socket().bind(address); channel.configureBlocking(false); Selector selector =; channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); while (true) { int n =; if (n == 0) { continue; } Set<SelectionKey> readyKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); Iterator<SelectionKey> ready = readyKeys.iterator(); while (ready.hasNext()) { SelectionKey selkey =; ready.remove(); try { if (selkey.isValid() == false) { continue; } else if (selkey.isAcceptable()) { ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel client = server.accept(); if (client == null) continue; client.configureBlocking(false); client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(3276); SelectionKey key = client.keyFor(selector); key.attach(buffer); } else if (selkey.isReadable()) { handle_ready_read(wwwBase, selkey); } else if (selkey.isWritable()) { handle_write_ready(selector, selkey); } } catch (IOException err) {; err.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void handle_write_ready(Selector selector, SelectionKey selkey) throws IOException, ClosedChannelException { SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel); ChannelState state = (ChannelState) selkey.attachment(); if (state.buffer != null) { client.write(state.buffer); if (state.buffer.hasRemaining()) { state.buffer.compact(); client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); selkey.attach(state); } else { transfer_file(selkey, client, state); } } else { transfer_file(selkey, client, state); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void handle_ready_read(File wwwBase, SelectionKey selkey) throws IOException, MalformedURLException, FileNotFoundException { ByteBuffer buffer = (ByteBuffer) selkey.attachment(); SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel); long BYTES_READ =; int position = buffer.position(); buffer.flip(); if (BYTES_READ >= 4) { // String tmp=new String(buffer.array()); // System.err.println(tmp); boolean short_read = process_request(buffer); if (short_read == false) { // determine what sort of request it is String requestMethod = ""; String queryString = process_query_string(buffer, requestMethod); // File data = new File(wwwBase + queryString); // FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(data); // FileChannel fchannel = fis.getChannel(); // use the inbuilt class to guess the type of data we are going // towrite back to the client String contentType = "text/html"; // System.out.println("request: " + data.toString()); // contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(data.toString()); // if (data.isFile()) { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); output.append("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); output.append("Server: proxy\r\n"); // output.append("Connection: close\r\n"); // eventually I // will have to detect whether a client is capable of // persistance OK for now. output.append("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"); output.append("Content-Type: " + contentType + "\r\n"); output.append(("Content-Length: 21\r\n")); output.append("\r\n"); buffer.clear(); buffer.put(output.toString().getBytes()); buffer.flip(); client.write(buffer); ByteBuffer body = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); body.put("<h1>Hello world!</h1>".getBytes()); body.flip(); client.write(body); selkey.cancel(); client.close(); // if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // // short header write // buffer.compact(); // // client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); // selkey.attach(buffer); // } else { // transfer_file(selkey, client, new ChannelState(fchannel, 0, data.length(), buffer)); // } // } else { // // file does not exist // } } else { // short read client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_READ); // reset the buffer so that we can read more data in buffer.position(position); buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); selkey.attach(buffer); } } else if (BYTES_READ > 0) { // short read client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_READ); // reset the buffer so that we can read more data in buffer.position(position); buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); selkey.attach(buffer); } else if (BYTES_READ == -1) { System.err.println("closed"); client.close(); } } public static String process_query_string(ByteBuffer buffer, String requestMethod) { byte[] request = new byte[buffer.position()]; buffer.flip(); buffer.get(request); buffer.clear(); int i = 0; for (; i < request.length; i++) { if (request[i] == ' ') { i++; break; } requestMethod += (char) request[i]; } // extract the query_string if we are dealing with a get request StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(100); if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) { for (; i < request.length; i++) { if (request[i] == ' ') break; queryString.append((char) request[i]); } } else { System.err.println("unhandled method" + requestMethod); // unhandled method } return queryString.toString(); } public static boolean process_request(ByteBuffer buffer) { boolean short_read = false; byte END_HTTP[] = "\r\n\r\n".getBytes(); byte END_OF_REQUEST[] = new byte[4]; buffer.position(buffer.limit() - 4); buffer.get(END_OF_REQUEST, 0, 4); for (int j = 0; j < END_OF_REQUEST.length; j++) { if (END_HTTP[j] != END_OF_REQUEST[j]) { short_read = true; break; } } return short_read; } public static void transfer_file(SelectionKey selkey, SocketChannel client, ChannelState cs) throws IOException, ClosedChannelException { ByteBuffer buffer = cs.buffer; // pipe the file channel data back to our socket channel long write = cs.fchannel.transferTo(cs.position, 32768, client); // if we have a short write select OP_WRITE if (cs.position + write < cs.total_file_size) { client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); cs.position += write; selkey.attach(cs); } else { cs.fchannel.close(); client.register(selkey.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_READ); buffer.clear(); selkey.attach(buffer); } } }