package typeimport; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import nebula.lang.TypeStandalone; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; public class ImportDataDefine { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String inputFileName = "orclqss.ADEMPIERE340.xml"; String outputFolder = "nebula"; ImportDataDefine parser = new ImportDataDefine(); Document document = parser.parse(inputFileName); // get root element Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();, rootElement); } List<Type> types = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<String, Type> typeMapByName = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Type> typeMapByRawName = Maps.newHashMap(); public Type addType(String rawName, String name, Type type) { types.add(type); typeMapByName.put(name, type); typeMapByRawName.put(rawName, type); return type; } public Type addType(String rawName, String name, String remarks) { return addType(rawName, name, new Type(rawName, name, remarks)); } DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); public ImportDataDefine() { } // Load and parse XML file into DOM public Document parse(String filePath) { Document document = null; try { // DOM parser instance DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // parse an XML file into a DOM tree document = builder.parse(new File(filePath)); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return document; } Map<String, String> tables = Maps.newHashMap(); enum NameKey { HasNameKey, HasIDKeyWithNameRequired, HasIDKeyWithNameNotKey, HasNotName } public void read(String outputFolderName, Element rootElement) throws IOException { NodeList nodeList = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("table"); if (nodeList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i); String tableName = element.getAttribute("name"); this.tables.put(tableName, tableName); } for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i); this.readTable(element); } } File outputFolder = new File(outputFolderName); if (!outputFolder.exists()) { outputFolder.mkdir(); } else { // for (File file : outputFolder.listFiles()) { // file.delete(); // } } for (Type type : types) { boolean hasIDKey = false; boolean hasNameKey = false; boolean hasNameRequired = false; boolean hasName = false; for (Field field : type.fields) { if ("Name".equalsIgnoreCase( { hasName = true; if (field.isRequired) { hasNameRequired = true; } if (field.isKey) { hasNameKey = true; } } else if (field.isKey) { if (field.rawName.endsWith("_ID") && "ID".equals(field.type)) { hasIDKey = true; } } } if (hasIDKey && !hasName) { type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Transaction; } else if (hasIDKey && hasNameRequired) { type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Master; } System.out.println( + "\t" + hasIDKey + "\t" + hasNameKey + "\t" + hasNameRequired + "\t" + hasName); } for (Type type : types) { for (Field field : type.fields) { if (field.isKey) { if (field.rawName.endsWith("_ID") && !"ID".equals(field.type) && typeMapByName.containsKey(field.type)) { Type refType = typeMapByName.get(field.type); switch (refType.standalone) { case Master: type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Master; break; case Transaction: type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Transaction; break; } } } } } for (Type type : types) { for (Field field : type.fields) { if (field.isKey) { if (field.rawName.endsWith("_ID") && !"ID".equals(field.type) && typeMapByName.containsKey(field.type)) { Type refType = typeMapByName.get(field.type); switch (refType.standalone) { case Master: type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Master; break; case Transaction: type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Transaction; break; } } } } } for (Type type : types) { if (type.standalone == TypeStandalone.Abstract) { type.standalone = TypeStandalone.Master; } } OutputStreamWriter out = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(5000); for (Type type : types) { out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFolder, + ".nebula"))); String skip = TheSkipTypes.get(type.rawName); if ("AdClientInfo".equals( { System.out.println("ddd"); } sb.setLength(0); sb.append("@Remarks(\"" + escape(type.remarks) + "\")\n"); sb.append("@Refby(\"" + type.cntReference + "\")\n"); if (type.standalone == TypeStandalone.Transaction) { sb.append("tx " + + " {\n"); } else { sb.append("type " + + " {\n"); } for (Field field : type.fields) { if (skip != null && skip.indexOf("$" + field.rawName) >= 0) { System.out.println("==Skip== \t" + type.rawName + "\t" + field.rawName); continue; } if (field.remarks.length() > 0) { sb.append("\t@Remarks(\"" + escape(field.remarks) + "\")\n"); } sb.append("\t"); if (!field.isRequired) { sb.append("?"); } if (field.isKey) { sb.append("!"); } if (field.isRequired && "Name".equals( { sb.append("*"); } sb.append(; if (! { sb.append(" " + field.type); } sb.append(";"); if (field.defaultValue.length() > 0) { sb.append("/* " + escape(field.defaultValue) + " */"); } sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("};\n\n"); out.write(sb.toString()); out.close(); } } public Type readTable(Element table) throws IOException { String tableName = table.getAttribute("name"); String remarks = table.getAttribute("remarks"); // buf += "@NumRows(" + table.getAttribute("numRows") + ")\n"; Type type = this.addType(tableName, refineName(tableName), remarks); NodeList nodes = table.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ("column".equals(node.getNodeName())) { readColumn(type, (Element) node); } else if ("primaryKey".equals(node.getNodeName())) { String primaryKey = ((Element) node).getAttribute("column"); type.addKeyField(primaryKey); } } } System.out.println("loaded " + type.rawName); return type; } static final String[] systems = "IsActive Created Createdby Updated Updatedby".toUpperCase().split(" "); protected static Hashtable<String, String> TheSkipTypes = new Hashtable<String, String>(); static { //@formatter:off StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( " " + "AD_CLIENT $AD_ORG_ID " + "AD_COLUMN $AD_PROCESS_ID " + "AD_PRINTFORMAT $JASPERPROCESS_ID " + "AD_PRINTFORMATITEM $AD_PRINTGRAPH_ID " + "AD_TABLE $DATECOLUMN_ID " + "AD_WORKFLOW $AD_WF_NODE_ID " + "AD_LANGUAGE $AD_CLIENT_ID-$AD_ORG_ID " + "C_INVOICE $C_CASHLINE_ID-$C_PAYMENT_ID-$C_PAYMENTTERM_ID-$M_RMA_ID " + "C_LEAD $R_REQUEST_ID " + "C_ORDER $C_CASHLINE_ID-$C_PAYMENT_ID-$C_PAYMENTTERM_ID-$ORIG_INOUT_ID-$ORIG_ORDER_ID " + "C_ORDERLINE $ORIG_INOUTLINE_ID-$ORIG_ORDERLINE_ID " + "C_SALESREGION $SALESREP_ID " + "I_INVENTORY $M_INVENTORY_ID-$M_INVENTORYLINE_ID " + "M_ATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE $M_LOT_ID " + "M_INOUT $M_RMA_ID " + "M_INOUTLINE $M_RMALINE_ID " + "M_LOCATOR $M_WAREHOUSE_ID " + "C_BPARTNER $SUPERVISOR_ID-$SALESREP_ID " ); //@formatter:on while (st.hasMoreTokens()) TheSkipTypes.put(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken()); } protected static Hashtable<String, String> TheNameTypes = new Hashtable<String, String>(); static { //@formatter:off StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( " " + "A_CITY Name " + "A_EMAIL Email " + "A_STATE Name " + "A_STREET Name " + "A_ZIP Name " + "ACCOUNTNO AccountNo " + "ALPHA Number " + "AMOUNT Amount " + "BIRTHDAY Birthday " + "BLUE Number " + "CITY Name " + "COMMENTS Comment " + "DELIVERYDAYS Count " + "DESCRIPTION Description " + "DISCOUNT Number " + "DISCOUNTDAYS Count " + "DISCOUNTDAYS2 Count " + "DOCACTION Attr " + "DOCSTATUS Attr " + "DOCUMENTNO Long " + "DUNS String " + "EMAIL Email " + "FAX Fax " + "GREEN Number " + "HELP Help " + "IBAN IBAN " + "ISO_CODE String " + "ISVALID YesNo " + "LDAPQUERY String " + "MESSAGE Description " + "MESSAGE2 Description " + "MESSAGE3 Description " + "NAICS NAICS " + "NAME Name " + "NOTE Note " + "PASSWORD Password " + "PHONE PhoneNumber " + "PHONE2 PhoneNumber " + "PIN PIN " + "POSTED YesNo " + "PREFIX String " + "PRIORITY Priority " + "PROBABILITY Probability " + "PROCESSED YesNo " + "QTY Quantity " + "RANKING Ranking " + "RATE Rate " + "RATIO Ratio " + "RED Number " + "SEQNO SeqNo " + "SKU String " + "SSN SSN " + "SUBJECT Subject " + "SUFFIX String " + "SWIFTCode SWIFTCode " + "SYMBOL Symbol " + "TITLE String " + "UOMEDICode UOMEDICode " + "UPC UPC " + "VALIDFROM Date " + "VALIDTO Date " + "VALUE String " + "WEIGHT Weight " + "DISCONTINUED YesNo " + "DISCONTINUEDBY Date " + "POSTAL Code " + "FREQUENCY Number " + "POREFERENCE Name " + "PRODUCTDESCRIPTION Description " + "LINEDESCRIPTION Description " + "INFO Description " + "RESOURCEDESCRIPTION Description " + "KEYWORD String " + "PO_DESCRIPTION Description " + "MEMO Note " + "PERCENT Percent " + "Cost Number " + "AD_LANGUAGE String " + "TAXID String " + "TOTALLINES Count " + "PAYMENTRULE Name " + "TAXID Code " + "BPTAXID Code " + "I_ISIMPORTED YesNo " + "DELIVERYRULE Attr " + "DELIVERYVIARULE Attr " + "PRIORITYRULE Attr " + "ACCESSLEVEL Attr " + "FREIGHTCOSTRULE Name " + "SORTNO SeqNo " + "COUNTRYCODE Code " + "SEQUENCE SeqNo " + "ASSIGNDATEFROM Date " + "ASSIGNDATETO Date " + "COUNTER Count " + "PRICEEFFECTIVE Price " + "RED_1 Long " + "GREEN_1 Long " + "BLUE_1 Long " + "ALPHA_1 Long " + "LDAPPORT Long " + "URL URL " + "XSPACE Number " + "YSPACE Number " + "SIZEX Number " + "SIZEY Number " + "HOSTPORT Long " + "IDRANGESTART Long " + "IDRANGEEND Long " + "IMAGEALPHA Number " + "STARTPOINT Long " + "LANGUAGEISO Code " + "DURATION Number " + "LIMIT Number " + "IP_ADDRESS String " + "FOLDER String " + "GAAP GAAP " + "ARGS String " + "LOCODE Code " + "COORDINATES Code " + "AREACODE Code " + "META_LANGUAGE Attr " + "LASTSYNCHRONIZED Date " + "LASTCONTACT Date " + "LASTSYNCHRONIZED Date " + "LASTSYNCHRONIZED Date " + "FIRSTSALE Date " + "FIRSTSALE Date " + "LASTCONTACT Date " + "CHECKED Date " + "SOURCEUPDATED Date " + "TRXSENT Date " + "TRXRECEIVED Date " + "REPLY_RECEIVED Date " + "LINEDATEWORKSTART Date " + "LINEDATEWORKCOMPLETE Date " + "DUNNINGGRACE Date " + "P_DATE_TO Date " + " " + "RELEASENO String " + "OPERATION String " + "META_LANGUAGE Attr " + "TOPICACTION String " + "DOCSUBTYPESO String " + "ISO_CODE_TO String " + "REPLENISHMENTCREATE String " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + "ACCEPTAMEX YesNo " + "ACCEPTATM YesNo " + "ACCEPTCHECK YesNo " + "ACCEPTCORPORATE YesNo " + "ACCEPTDINERS YesNo " + "ACCEPTDIRECTDEBIT YesNo " + "ACCEPTDIRECTDEPOSIT YesNo " + "ACCEPTDISCOVER YesNo " + "ACCEPTMC YesNo " + "ACCEPTVISA YesNo " + "ACCESSTYPERULE YesNo " + "ACCOUNTSIGN YesNo " + "ACTION YesNo " + "AD_OVERRIDE_DICT YesNo " + "AFTERDELIVERY YesNo " + "ALLFIELDS YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_ACCOUNT YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_ASSET YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_BPARTNER YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_CASHJOURNAL YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_INOUT YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_INVOICE YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_ORDER YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_PAYMENT YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_PRODUCT YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_RESOURCE YesNo " + "ALLOW_INFO_SCHEDULE YesNo " + "ALLOWUOMFRACTIONS YesNo " + "ANDOR YesNo " + "ANYACCT YesNo " + "ANYACTIVITY YesNo " + "ANYBPARTNER YesNo " + "ANYCAMPAIGN YesNo " + "ANYLOCFROM YesNo " + "ANYLOCTO YesNo " + "ANYORG YesNo " + "ANYORGTRX YesNo " + "ANYPRODUCT YesNo " + "ANYPROJECT YesNo " + "ANYSALESREGION YesNo " + "ANYUSER1 YesNo " + "ANYUSER2 YesNo " + "APAR YesNo " + "AUTOARCHIVE YesNo " + "AUTOPERIODCONTROL YesNo " + "BOMUSE YesNo " + "BPBANKACCTUSE YesNo " + "BUDGETCONTROLSCOPE YesNo " + "CHARGEFEE YesNo " + "CHARGEINTEREST YesNo " + "CHECKCOMPLETE YesNo " + "CLASSIFICATION YesNo " + "COMMISSIONORDERS YesNo " + "CONFIDENTIALTYPEENTRY YesNo " + "CONFIGURATIONLEVEL YesNo " + "CONNECTIONPROFILE YesNo " + "COPYFROM YesNo " + "COPYLINES YesNo " + "COSTINGLEVEL YesNo " + "COSTINGMETHOD YesNo " + "COUNTHIGHMOVEMENT YesNo " + "CREATECONFIRM YesNo " + "CREATECOPY YesNo " + "CREATEFROM YesNo " + "CREATELEVELSSEQUENTIALLY YesNo " + "CREATEPACKAGE YesNo " + "CREATEPAYMENT YesNo " + "CREATEPO YesNo " + "CREATERECIPROCALRATE YesNo " + "CREATESO YesNo " + "CUMULATIVELEVEL YesNo " + "DECIMALPOINT YesNo " + "DIMENSIONUNITS YesNo " + "DIRECTDEPLOY YesNo " + "DIVIDEBY100 YesNo " + "DOPRICING YesNo " + "DURATIONUNIT YesNo " + "DYNPRIORITYUNIT YesNo " + "EMAILRECIPIENT YesNo " + "EMAILTEST YesNo " + "ENFORCECLIENTSECURITY YesNo " + "ENFORCEPRICELIMIT YesNo " + "ENFORCEROLESECURITY YesNo " + "EVENINVOICEWEEK YesNo " + "EVENTCHANGELOG YesNo " + "FINISHMODE YesNo " + "GENERATELIST YesNo " + "GENERATEORDER YesNo " + "GENERATETO YesNo " + "IMAGEISATTACHED YesNo " + "IMPORTFIELDS YesNo " + "IMPORTTABLE YesNo " + "INVOICEFREQUENCY YesNo " + "INVOICERULE YesNo " + "INVOICEWEEKDAY YesNo " + "INVOICEWEEKDAYCUTOFF YesNo " + "JOINELEMENT YesNo " + "LANDEDCOSTDISTRIBUTION YesNo " + "LIMIT_BASE YesNo " + "LIMIT_ROUNDING YesNo " + "LIST_BASE YesNo " + "LIST_ROUNDING YesNo " + "LISTDETAILS YesNo " + "LISTSOURCES YesNo " + "LISTTRX YesNo " + "MATCHSTATEMENT YesNo " + "MEASUREDISPLAY YesNo " + "MEASURESCOPE YesNo " + "MMPOLICY YesNo " + "NETDAY YesNo " + "NEXTACTION YesNo " + "OVERWRITEACCT YesNo " + "OVERWRITEACTIVITY YesNo " + "OVERWRITEBPARTNER YesNo " + "OVERWRITECAMPAIGN YesNo " + "OVERWRITELOCFROM YesNo " + "OVERWRITELOCTO YesNo " + "OVERWRITEORG YesNo " + "OVERWRITEORGTRX YesNo " + "OVERWRITEPRICELIMIT YesNo " + "OVERWRITEPRODUCT YesNo " + "OVERWRITEPROJECT YesNo " + "OVERWRITESALESREGION YesNo " + "OVERWRITEUSER1 YesNo " + "OVERWRITEUSER2 YesNo " + "PAYMENTRULEPO YesNo " + "PERIODACTION YesNo " + "POSTACTUAL YesNo " + "POSTBUDGET YesNo " + "POSTENCUMBRANCE YesNo " + "POSTSTATISTICAL YesNo " + "PRIORITYBASE YesNo " + "PRIORITYUSER YesNo " + "PROCCREATE YesNo " + "PROJECTCATEGORY YesNo " + "PROJECTLINELEVEL YesNo " + "PROJINVOICERULE YesNo " + "PUBLISHRFQ YesNo " + "QUERYSOURCE YesNo " + "R_AVSADDR YesNo " + "R_AVSZIP YesNo " + "R_CVV2MATCH YesNo " + "RANKRFQ YesNo " + "RATING YesNo " + "RATIOOPERAND YesNo " + "RECEIVEINQUIRYREPLY YesNo " + "RECEIVEORDERREPLY YesNo " + "RECOGNITIONFREQUENCY YesNo " + "REDO YesNo " + "REQUIRESTAXCERTIFICATE YesNo " + "REQUIREVV YesNo " + "SCRIPTROLL YesNo " + "SENDDUNNINGLETTER YesNo " + "SENDEMAIL YesNo " + "SENDINQUIRY YesNo " + "SENDIT YesNo " + "SENDORDER YesNo " + "SEPARATOR YesNo " + "SHOWHELP YesNo " + "SPLITELEMENT YesNo " + "STARTMODE YesNo " + "STARTNEWYEAR YesNo " + "STD_BASE YesNo " + "STD_ROUNDING YesNo " + "STOREARCHIVEONFILESYSTEM YesNo " + "STOREATTACHMENTSONFILESYSTEM YesNo " + "SUBFLOWEXECUTION YesNo " + "UNDO YesNo " + "UNINSTALL YesNo " + "UPDATEQTY YesNo " + "USECURRENCYBALANCING YesNo " + "USESUSPENSEBALANCING YesNo " + "USESUSPENSEERROR YesNo " + "VALIDATEWORKFLOW YesNo " + "WEEKDAY YesNo " ); //@formatter:on while (st.hasMoreTokens()) TheNameTypes.put(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken()); } public void readColumn(Type type, Element column) throws IOException { for (String rev : systems) { if (rev.equals(column.getAttribute("name"))) { return; } } /* * <table name="AD_ACCESSLOG" numRows="0" * remarks="Log of Access to the System" schema="ADEMPIERE340" * type="TABLE"> */ String rawColName = column.getAttribute("name"); String rawTypeName = column.getAttribute("type"); String rawTypeSize = column.getAttribute("size"); String tColName = null; String tTypeName = null; boolean required = false; /* * buf += "\t@autoUpdated(" + column.getAttribute("autoUpdated") + * ")\n"; */ /* buf += "\t@remarks(\"" + column.getAttribute("remarks") + "\")\n"; */ required = "false".equals(column.getAttribute("nullable")); boolean isEntity = false; NodeList nodes = column.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ("parent".equals(node.getNodeName())) { if (rawColName.endsWith("_ID")) { tColName = rawColName.substring(0, rawColName.length() - 3); } else { tColName = rawColName; } Element parent = (Element) node; tTypeName = refineName(parent.getAttribute("table")); isEntity = true; } else if ("child".equals(node.getNodeName())) { type.cntReference++; } } } if (!isEntity) { if (rawColName.endsWith("_ID")) { // String fieldTableName = rawColName.substring(0, // rawColName.length() - 3); // if (type.rawName.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldTableName)) { // tColName = "ID"; // tTypeName = "ID"; // } else { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "ID"; // } } } if (tTypeName == null) { if (TheNameTypes.containsKey(rawColName)) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = TheNameTypes.get(rawColName); } } if (tTypeName == null) { if (rawColName.startsWith("IS") && "CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && "1".equals(rawTypeSize)) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "YesNo"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("DATE".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("DATE") || rawColName.endsWith("DATE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Date"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("LINE") || rawColName.endsWith("LINE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Long"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("QTY") || rawColName.endsWith("QTY"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Quantity"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("WIDTH") || rawColName.endsWith("WIDTH"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Width"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("HEIGHT") || rawColName.endsWith("HEIGHT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Height"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("LENGTH") || rawColName.endsWith("LENGTH"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Length"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("DEPTH") || rawColName.endsWith("DEPTH"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Depth"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("WEIGHT") || rawColName.endsWith("WEIGHT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Weight"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("VOLUME") || rawColName.endsWith("VOLUME"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("COST") || rawColName.endsWith("COST"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("POSITION") || rawColName.endsWith("POSITION"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("MARGIN") || rawColName.endsWith("MARGIN"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.endsWith("NO")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "SeqNo"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("DUE") || rawColName.endsWith("DUE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("PASTDUE") || rawColName.endsWith("PASTDUE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("AMT") || rawColName.endsWith("AMT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Amount"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("AMOUNT") || rawColName.endsWith("AMOUNT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Amount"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("PRICE") || rawColName.endsWith("PRICE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Price"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("UNIT") || rawColName.endsWith("UNIT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("CLICK") || rawColName.endsWith("CLICK"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Count"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("IMPRESSION") || rawColName.endsWith("IMPRESSION"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("ACCT") || rawColName.endsWith("ACCT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("VERSION") || rawColName.endsWith("VERSION"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("COUNT") || rawColName.endsWith("COUNT"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Count"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("TIME") || rawColName.endsWith("TIME"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Long"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("LEVEL") || rawColName.endsWith("LEVEL"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Long"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("COL") || rawColName.endsWith("COL"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Long"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("DAYS") || rawColName.endsWith("DAYS"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Count"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NUMBER".equals(rawTypeName)) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Number"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("URL") || rawColName.endsWith("URL"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "URL"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("NAME") || rawColName.endsWith("NAME"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Name"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("STATE") || rawColName.endsWith("STATE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("STATUS") || rawColName.endsWith("STATUS"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("TYPE") || rawColName.endsWith("TYPE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("LEVEL") || rawColName.endsWith("LEVEL"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("TYPE") || rawColName.endsWith("TYPE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("STATE") || rawColName.endsWith("STATE"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Attr"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.startsWith("ON")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "YesNo"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.startsWith("HAS")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "YesNo"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("CHAR".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("PROCESSING") || rawColName.endsWith("PROCESSING"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "YesNo"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && Long.parseLong(rawTypeSize) >= 2000) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Note"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && Long.parseLong(rawTypeSize) >= 2000) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Note"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && Long.parseLong(rawTypeSize) >= 2000) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Note"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("ADDRESS") || rawColName.endsWith("ADDRESS"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Name"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("HOST") || rawColName.endsWith("HOST"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Host"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("ADDR") || rawColName.endsWith("ADDR"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Name"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.endsWith("NAME")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Name"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.endsWith("NAME")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Name"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && rawColName.endsWith("VALUE")) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "String"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("LINK") || rawColName.endsWith("LINK"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Url"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("DESCRIPTION") || rawColName.endsWith("DESCRIPTION"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Description"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("DATE".equals(rawTypeName) && (rawColName.startsWith("TIME") || rawColName.endsWith("TIME"))) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Time"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("BLOB".equals(rawTypeName)) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Note"; } if ("CLOB".equals(rawTypeName)) { tColName = rawColName; tTypeName = "Note"; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("NVARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName)) { int size = Integer.parseInt(rawTypeSize); switch (size) { case 1020: tTypeName = "Note"; break; case 510: tTypeName = "Note"; break; case 480: tTypeName = "Note"; break; case 240: tTypeName = "Description"; break; case 120: tTypeName = "Description"; break; case 80: tTypeName = "Description"; break; case 60: tTypeName = "String"; break; case 44: tTypeName = "String"; break; case 40: tTypeName = "String"; break; case 20: tTypeName = "String"; break; default: tTypeName = "String"; break; } tColName = rawColName; } } if (tTypeName == null) { if ("VARCHAR2".equals(rawTypeName)) { tTypeName = "String"; tColName = rawColName; } if ("NCHAR".equals(rawTypeName)) { tTypeName = "String"; tColName = rawColName; } } if (tColName == null) { System.out.println(rawColName + "\t" + rawTypeName + "\t" + column.getAttribute("size").trim() + "\t" + type.rawName + "\n"); } tColName = refineName(tColName); String defaultValue = column.getAttribute("defaultValue"); Field field = type.addField(rawColName, tColName, tTypeName, defaultValue, required); field.remarks = column.getAttribute("remarks"); } static final String[] revs = ("is display field where Enforce Support release database" + " Logger source method class Function ldap Date Selection client Alert role Frequency " + "Keep Select Form Event Change Request Auto Smtp Store unix windows File Discount " + " Line Bpartner cash Readonly Other Error Post Record entity Access Centrally Dependent " + "Label Validation Old New Text Dimension format paper Margin Hdr Image Footer header " + "value Paint Printer Print orderby Line Procedure Beta Server show Unrealized Docno Overwrite " + "Create Days between after Charge Interest Dunning Doctype Invoice payment Times Tender " + " Archive Conversion Amt Foreign Document Fee Total Qty Price Freight Resource Tax" + " Accept Bpcontact Delivery Priority Grand Product Creditcard Voice Writeoff Proxy Attribute" + "Require Planned Project Reference balance Committed Sales Standard Notification" + " Country System Remuneration Revenue Unearned Gross " + " UnixAttachmentpath Language Decimal").toUpperCase().split(" "); public String refineName(String name) { for (String rev : revs) { name = name.replaceFirst("^" + rev, rev + "_"); name = name.replaceFirst("_" + rev, "_" + rev + "_"); } name = name.replaceFirst("__", "_"); return, name); } class Type { String rawName; String name; String remarks; long cntReference; TypeStandalone standalone = TypeStandalone.Abstract; public Type(String rawName, String name, String remarks) { this.rawName = rawName; = name; this.remarks = remarks; } List<Field> fields = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<String, Field> fieldMapByName = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Field> fieldMapByRawName = Maps.newHashMap(); public Field addField(String rawName, String name, Field field) { fields.add(field); fieldMapByName.put(name, field); fieldMapByRawName.put(rawName, field); return field; } public Field addField(String rawName, String name, String fieldType, String defaultValue, boolean required) { return addField(rawName, name, new Field(rawName, name, fieldType, defaultValue, required, false)); } public void addKeyField(String primaryKey) { Field key = fieldMapByRawName.get(primaryKey); key.isKey = true; } } class Field { String rawName; String name; String type; String defaultValue; String remarks; boolean isRequired = false; boolean isKey = false; public Field(String rawName, String name) { this(rawName, name, name, null, false, false); } public Field(String rawName, String name, String type) { this(rawName, name, type, null, false, false); } public Field(String rawName, String name, String type, String defaultValue) { this(rawName, name, type, defaultValue, false, false); } public Field(String rawName, String name, String type, String defaultValue, boolean isRequired, boolean isKey) { this.rawName = rawName; = name; this.type = type; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.isRequired = isRequired; this.isKey = isKey; } } public String escape(String text) { return text.replace('\"', '\'').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '); } }