package nebula.vm; /*** * Excerpted from "The Definitive ANTLR Reference", * published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. * Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, * courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. * We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. * Visit for more book information. ***/ import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; public class TestNebulaParser_If extends TestCase { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); private NebulaRegisterParser loadFromString(String code) throws Exception { return parse(new ANTLRStringStream(code)); } private NebulaRegisterParser parse(CharStream stream) throws Exception { NebulaRegisterLexer assemblerLexer = new NebulaRegisterLexer(stream); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(assemblerLexer); sb.setLength(0); NebulaRegisterParser parser = new NebulaRegisterParser(tokens) { protected void info(String str) { if (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == '\n') { String txtTemps = ""; for (TempVar v : tmps) { txtTemps += "" + (v.applied ? " " : v.reg) + " "; } str = String.format("|%1$-10s| %2$s", txtTemps, str); } sb.append(str); }; }; return parser; } public void test_method_complex_compute() throws Exception { //@formatter:off String text = "" + "class Test {" + " void funcSayHello2a(){\n" + " int a = 10;\n" + " if ( a == 10 ) then a = 30;" + " else a = 256;" + " int i =1;" + " if ( i + 10 ) then i = 30;" + " i = 1234;" + " return a;\n" + " }" + "}"; //@formatter:on NebulaRegisterParser parser = loadFromString(text); ClassSymbol clz = parser.classDefinition(); assertTrue(parser.getNumberOfSyntaxErrors() == 0); assertEquals("funcSayHello2a", clz.methods[0].name); String actual = sb.toString(); System.out.println(actual); //@formatter:off String expectedMain = "" + "| | FUNC : funcSayHello2a() {\n" + "|1 | ICONST: tmp1#I = 10;\n" + "|1 | HIDE : a#I = tmp1#I;\n" + "|2 | ICONST: tmp2#I = 10;\n" + "|2 | IEQ : tmp2#I = a#I + tmp2#I;\n" + "|2 3 | ICONST: tmp3#I = 30;\n" + "|2 3 | HIDE : a#I = tmp3#I;\n" + "|2 | ICONST: tmp2#I = 256;\n" + "|2 | HIDE : a#I = tmp2#I;\n" + "|2 | ICONST: tmp2#I = 1;\n" + "|2 | HIDE : i#I = tmp2#I;\n" + "|3 | ICONST: tmp3#I = 10;\n" + "|3 | IADD : tmp3#I = i#I + tmp3#I;\n" + "|3 4 | ICONST: tmp4#I = 30;\n" + "|3 4 | HIDE : i#I = tmp4#I;\n" + "|3 | ICONST: tmp3#I = 1234;\n" + "|3 | HIDE : i#I = tmp3#I;\n" + "| | RET : ;\n" + "| | }\n"; //@formatter:on assertEquals(expectedMain, actual); } }