package nebula.vm; /*** * Excerpted from "Language Implementation Patterns", * published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. * Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, * courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. * We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. * Visit for more book information. ***/ public class SymbolTable { // types in increasing order of complexity ("wideness") public static final int tUSER = 0; // user-defined type public static final int tBOOLEAN = 1; public static final int tCHAR = 2; public static final int tINT = 3; public static final int tFLOAT = 4; public static final int tVOID = 5; public static final BuiltInTypeSymbol _boolean = new BuiltInTypeSymbol("boolean", tBOOLEAN); public static final BuiltInTypeSymbol _char = new BuiltInTypeSymbol("char", tCHAR); public static final BuiltInTypeSymbol _int = new BuiltInTypeSymbol("int", tINT); public static final BuiltInTypeSymbol _float = new BuiltInTypeSymbol("float", tFLOAT); public static final BuiltInTypeSymbol _void = new BuiltInTypeSymbol("void", tVOID); public CymbolListener listener = new CymbolListener() { public void info(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } public void error(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); } }; /** arithmetic types defined in order of least to most 'complex' */ public static final Type[] indexToType = { null, _boolean, _char, _int, _float, _void }; GlobalScope globals = new GlobalScope(); public SymbolTable() { initTypeSystem(); } protected void initTypeSystem() { for (Type t : indexToType) { if ( t!=null ) globals.define((BuiltInTypeSymbol)t); } } // public Type bop(CymbolAST a, CymbolAST b) { return a.evalType; } // public Type relop(CymbolAST a, CymbolAST b) { return _boolean; } // public Type eqop(CymbolAST a, CymbolAST b) { return _boolean; } // // public Type uminus(CymbolAST a) { return a.evalType; } // public Type unot(CymbolAST a) { return _boolean; } // // public Type arrayIndex(CymbolAST id, CymbolAST index) { // Symbol s = id.scope.resolve(id.getText()); // VariableSymbol vs = (VariableSymbol)s; // id.symbol = vs; // return ((ArrayType)vs.type).elementType; // } // // public Type call(CymbolAST id, List args) { // Symbol s = id.scope.resolve(id.getText()); // MethodSymbol ms = (MethodSymbol)s; // id.symbol = ms; // return ms.type; // } // // public Type member(CymbolAST expr, CymbolAST field) { // StructSymbol scope=(StructSymbol)expr.evalType; // get scope of expr // Symbol s = scope.resolveMember(field.getText());// resolve ID in scope // field.symbol = s; // make AST point into symbol table // return s.type; // return ID's type // } public String toString() { return globals.toString(); } }