package org.kc7bfi.jflac; /** * libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library * Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Josh Coalson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ import org.kc7bfi.jflac.frame.EntropyPartitionedRiceContents; import; public class FLACEncoder { private class verify_input_fifo { int[][] data = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][Constants.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; int size; /* of each data[] in samples */ int tail; } ; private class verify_output { byte[] data; int capacity; int bytes; } ; private static final int ENCODER_IN_MAGIC = 0; private static final int ENCODER_IN_METADATA = 1; private static final int ENCODER_IN_AUDIO = 2; // stream encoder states private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_OK = 0; /** * < The encoder is in the normal OK state. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR = 1; /** * < An error occurred in the underlying verify stream decoder; * check stream_encoder_get_verify_decoder_state(). */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_MISMATCH_IN_AUDIO_DATA = 2; /** * < The verify decoder detected a mismatch between the original * audio signal and the decoded audio signal. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_CALLBACK = 3; /** * < The encoder was initialized before setting all the required callbacks. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS = 4; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for number of channels. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 5; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for bits-per-sample. * FLAC supports 4-32 bps but the reference encoder currently supports * only up to 24 bps. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE = 6; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for the input sample rate. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BLOCK_SIZE = 7; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for the block size. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_MAX_LPC_ORDER = 8; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for the maximum LPC order. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION = 9; /** * < The encoder has an invalid setting for the precision of the quantized linear predictor coefficients. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_MID_SIDE_CHANNELS_MISMATCH = 10; /** * < Mid/side coding was specified but the number of channels is not equal to 2. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_MID_SIDE_SAMPLE_SIZE_MISMATCH = 11; /** * < Deprecated. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_ILLEGAL_MID_SIDE_FORCE = 12; /** * < Loose mid/side coding was specified but mid/side coding was not. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_BLOCK_SIZE_TOO_SMALL_FOR_LPC_ORDER = 13; /** * < The specified block size is less than the maximum LPC order. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE = 14; /** * < The encoder is bound to the "streamable subset" but other settings violate it. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR = 15; /** * < An error occurred while writing the stream; usually, the write_callback returned an error. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA = 16; /** * < The metadata input to the encoder is invalid, in one of the following ways: * - stream_encoder_set_metadata() was called with a null pointer but a block count > 0 * - One of the metadata blocks contains an undefined type * - It contains an illegal CUESHEET as checked by format_cuesheet_is_legal() * - It contains an illegal SEEKTABLE as checked by format_seektable_is_legal() * - It contains more than one SEEKTABLE block or more than one VORBIS_COMMENT block */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING = 17; /** * < An error occurred while writing the stream; usually, the write_callback returned an error. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_WRITING = 18; /** * < The write_callback returned an error. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR = 19; /** * < Memory allocation failed. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 20; /** * < stream_encoder_init() was called when the encoder was * already initialized, usually because * stream_encoder_finish() was not called. */ private static final int STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED = 21; /**< The encoder is in the uninitialized state. */ /** * ******************************************************************** * <p/> * Private class data * <p/> * ********************************************************************* */ int input_capacity; /* current size (in samples) of the signal and residual buffers */ int[][] integer_signal = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][Constants.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* the integer version of the input signal */ int[][] integer_signal_mid_side = new int[2][Constants.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* the integer version of the mid-side input signal (stereo only) */ double[][] real_signal = new double[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][Constants.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* the floating-point version of the input signal */ double[][] real_signal_mid_side = new double[2][Constants.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* the floating-point version of the mid-side input signal (stereo only) */ int[] subframe_bps = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS]; /* the effective bits per sample of the input signal (stream bps - wasted bits) */ int[] subframe_bps_mid_side = new int[2]; /* the effective bits per sample of the mid-side input signal (stream bps - wasted bits + 0/1) */ int[][] residual_workspace = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; /* each channel has a candidate and best workspace where the subframe residual signals will be stored */ int[][] residual_workspace_mid_side = new int[2][2]; //Subframe subframe_workspace[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; //Subframe subframe_workspace_mid_side[2][2]; //Subframe *subframe_workspace_ptr[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; //Subframe *subframe_workspace_ptr_mid_side[2][2]; EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[][] partitioned_rice_contents_workspace = new EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[][] partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side = new EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[][] partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr = new EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[][] partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr_mid_side = new EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; int[] best_subframe = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS]; /* index into the above workspaces */ int[] best_subframe_mid_side = new int[2]; int[] best_subframe_bits = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS]; /* size in bits of the best subframe for each channel */ int[] best_subframe_bits_mid_side = new int[2]; //uint32 *abs_residual; /* workspace where abs(candidate residual) is stored */ //uint64 *abs_residual_partition_sums; /* workspace where the sum of abs(candidate residual) for each partition is stored */ //unsigned *raw_bits_per_partition; /* workspace where the sum of silog2(candidate residual) for each partition is stored */ BitOutputStream frame = new BitOutputStream(); /* the current frame being worked on */ double loose_mid_side_stereo_frames_exact; /* exact number of frames the encoder will use before trying both independent and mid/side frames again */ int loose_mid_side_stereo_frames; /* rounded number of frames the encoder will use before trying both independent and mid/side frames again */ int loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count; /* number of frames using the current channel assignment */ int last_channel_assignment; //StreamMetadata metadata; int current_sample_number; int current_frame_number; //struct MD5Context md5context; //CPUInfo cpuinfo; //unsigned (*local_fixed_compute_best_predictor)(int data[], unsigned data_len, double residual_bits_per_sample[MAX_FIXED_ORDER+1]); //void (*local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation)(double data[], unsigned data_len, unsigned lag, double autoc[]); //void (*local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients)(int data[], unsigned data_len, int qlp_coeff[], unsigned order, int lp_quantization, int residual[]); //void (*local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_64bit)(int data[], unsigned data_len, int qlp_coeff[], unsigned order, int lp_quantization, int residual[]); //void (*local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_16bit)(int data[], unsigned data_len, int qlp_coeff[], unsigned order, int lp_quantization, int residual[]); boolean use_wide_by_block; /* use slow 64-bit versions of some functions because of the block size */ boolean use_wide_by_partition; /* use slow 64-bit versions of some functions because of the min partition order and blocksize */ boolean use_wide_by_order; /* use slow 64-bit versions of some functions because of the lpc order */ boolean precompute_partition_sums; /* our initial guess as to whether precomputing the partitions sums will be a speed improvement */ boolean disable_constant_subframes; boolean disable_fixed_subframes; boolean disable_verbatim_subframes; //StreamEncoderWriteCallback write_callback; //StreamEncoderMetadataCallback metadata_callback; //void *client_data; /* unaligned (original) pointers to allocated data */ int[] integer_signal_unaligned = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS]; int[] integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned = new int[2]; double[] real_signal_unaligned = new double[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS]; double[] real_signal_mid_side_unaligned = new double[2]; int[][] residual_workspace_unaligned = new int[Constants.MAX_CHANNELS][2]; int[][] residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned = new int[2][2]; //uint32 *abs_residual_unaligned; //uint64 *abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned; //unsigned *raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned; /* * These fields have been moved here from private function local * declarations merely to save stack space during encoding. */ //double[] lp_coeff = new double[Constants.MAX_LPC_ORDER][Constants.MAX_LPC_ORDER]; /* from process_subframe_() */ EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[] partitioned_rice_contents_extra = new EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[2]; /* from find_best_partition_order_() */ /* * The data for the verify section */ private class VerifyData { FLACDecoder decoder; int state_hint; boolean needs_magic_hack; verify_input_fifo input_fifo; verify_output output; private class error_stats { long absolute_sample; int frame_number; int channel; int sample; int expected; int got; } } private VerifyData verifyData = new VerifyData(); boolean is_being_deleted; /* if true, call to ..._finish() from ..._delete() will not call the callbacks */ // protected int state; boolean verify; boolean streamable_subset; boolean do_mid_side_stereo; boolean loose_mid_side_stereo; int channels; int bits_per_sample; int sample_rate; int blocksize; int max_lpc_order; int qlp_coeff_precision; boolean do_qlp_coeff_prec_search; boolean do_exhaustive_model_search; boolean do_escape_coding; int min_residual_partition_order; int max_residual_partition_order; int rice_parameter_search_dist; long total_samples_estimate; //StreamMetadata **metadata; int num_metadata_blocks; // private /** * ******************************************************************** * <p/> * Public static class data * <p/> * ********************************************************************* */ private static final String StreamEncoderStateString[] = new String[]{ "STREAM_ENCODER_OK", "STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR", "STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_MISMATCH_IN_AUDIO_DATA", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_CALLBACK", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BLOCK_SIZE", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_MAX_LPC_ORDER", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION", "STREAM_ENCODER_MID_SIDE_CHANNELS_MISMATCH", "STREAM_ENCODER_MID_SIDE_SAMPLE_SIZE_MISMATCH", "STREAM_ENCODER_ILLEGAL_MID_SIDE_FORCE", "STREAM_ENCODER_BLOCK_SIZE_TOO_SMALL_FOR_LPC_ORDER", "STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE", "STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR", "STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA", "STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING", "STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_WRITING", "STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR", "STREAM_ENCODER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED", "STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED" }; private static final String StreamEncoderWriteStatusString[] = new String[]{ "STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_OK", "STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR" }; /** * ******************************************************************** * <p/> * Class constructor/destructor */ public FLACEncoder() { setDefaults(); is_being_deleted = false; /* for (int i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_ptr[i][0] = &encoder->private_->subframe_workspace[i][0]; encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_ptr[i][1] = &encoder->private_->subframe_workspace[i][1]; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_ptr_mid_side[i][0] = &encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_mid_side[i][0]; encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_ptr_mid_side[i][1] = &encoder->private_->subframe_workspace_mid_side[i][1]; } for(i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr[i][0] = &encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][0]; encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr[i][1] = &encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][1]; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr_mid_side[i][0] = &encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][0]; encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr_mid_side[i][1] = &encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][1]; } for(i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_init(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][0]); format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_init(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][1]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_init(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][0]); format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_init(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][1]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_init(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_extra[i]); */ state = STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED; } /* void stream_encoder_delete(StreamEncoder *encoder) { unsigned i; ASSERT(0 != encoder); ASSERT(0 != encoder->protected_); ASSERT(0 != encoder->private_); ASSERT(0 != encoder->private_->frame); encoder->private_->is_being_deleted = true; stream_encoder_finish(encoder); if(0 != encoder->private_->verify.decoder) stream_decoder_delete(encoder->private_->verify.decoder); for(i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_clear(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][0]); format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_clear(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace[i][1]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_clear(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][0]); format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_clear(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_mid_side[i][1]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_clear(&encoder->private_->partitioned_rice_contents_extra[i]); bitbuffer_delete(encoder->private_->frame); free(encoder->private_); free(encoder->protected_); free(encoder); } */ /** * ******************************************************************** * <p/> * Public class methods * <p/> * ********************************************************************* */ /* StreamEncoderState stream_encoder_init(StreamEncoder *encoder) { unsigned i; boolean metadata_has_seektable, metadata_has_vorbis_comment; ASSERT(0 != encoder); if(encoder->protected_->state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_OK; if(0 == encoder->private_->write_callback || 0 == encoder->private_->metadata_callback) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_CALLBACK; if(encoder->protected_->channels == 0 || encoder->protected_->channels > Constants.MAX_CHANNELS) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; if(encoder->protected_->do_mid_side_stereo && encoder->protected_->channels != 2) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MID_SIDE_CHANNELS_MISMATCH; if(encoder->protected_->loose_mid_side_stereo && !encoder->protected_->do_mid_side_stereo) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_ILLEGAL_MID_SIDE_FORCE; if(encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample >= 32) encoder->protected_->do_mid_side_stereo = false; // since we do 32-bit math, the side channel would have 33 bps and overflow if(encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample < MIN_BITS_PER_SAMPLE || encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample > REFERENCE_CODEC_MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE; if(!format_sample_rate_is_valid(encoder->protected_->sample_rate)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE; if(encoder->protected_->blocksize < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || encoder->protected_->blocksize > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_BLOCK_SIZE; if(encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order > MAX_LPC_ORDER) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_MAX_LPC_ORDER; if(encoder->protected_->blocksize < encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_BLOCK_SIZE_TOO_SMALL_FOR_LPC_ORDER; if(encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision == 0) { if(encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample < 16) { // @@@ need some data about how to set this here w.r.t. blocksize and sample rate // @@@ until then we'll make a guess encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = max(MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION, 2 + encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample / 2); } else if(encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample == 16) { if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 192) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 7; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 384) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 8; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 576) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 9; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 1152) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 10; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 2304) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 11; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 4608) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 12; else encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = 13; } else { if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 384) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION-2; else if(encoder->protected_->blocksize <= 1152) encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION-1; else encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision = MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION; } ASSERT(encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision <= MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION); } else if(encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision < MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION || encoder->protected_->qlp_coeff_precision > MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION; if(encoder->protected_->streamable_subset) { if( encoder->protected_->blocksize != 192 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 576 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 1152 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 2304 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 4608 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 256 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 512 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 1024 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 2048 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 4096 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 8192 && encoder->protected_->blocksize != 16384 ) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE; if( encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 8000 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 16000 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 22050 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 24000 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 32000 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 44100 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 48000 && encoder->protected_->sample_rate != 96000 ) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE; if( encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample != 8 && encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample != 12 && encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample != 16 && encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample != 20 && encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample != 24 ) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE; if(encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order > SUBSET_MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_NOT_STREAMABLE; } if(encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order >= (1u << ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ORDER_LEN)) encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order = (1u << ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ORDER_LEN) - 1; if(encoder->protected_->min_residual_partition_order >= encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order) encoder->protected_->min_residual_partition_order = encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order; // validate metadata if(0 == encoder->protected_->metadata && encoder->protected_->num_metadata_blocks > 0) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; metadata_has_seektable = false; metadata_has_vorbis_comment = false; for(i = 0; i < encoder->protected_->num_metadata_blocks; i++) { if(encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->type == METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; else if(encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->type == METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE) { if(metadata_has_seektable) // only one is allowed return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; metadata_has_seektable = true; if(!format_seektable_is_legal(&encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->data.seek_table)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; } else if(encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->type == METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT) { if(metadata_has_vorbis_comment) // only one is allowed return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; metadata_has_vorbis_comment = true; } else if(encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->type == METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET) { if(!format_cuesheet_is_legal(&encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->data.cue_sheet, encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->data.cue_sheet.is_cd, 0)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_INVALID_METADATA; } } encoder->private_->input_capacity = 0; for(i = 0; i < encoder->protected_->channels; i++) { encoder->private_->integer_signal_unaligned[i] = encoder->private_->integer_signal[i] = 0; encoder->private_->real_signal_unaligned[i] = encoder->private_->real_signal[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { encoder->private_->integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i] = encoder->private_->integer_signal_mid_side[i] = 0; encoder->private_->real_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i] = encoder->private_->real_signal_mid_side[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < encoder->protected_->channels; i++) { encoder->private_->residual_workspace_unaligned[i][0] = encoder->private_->residual_workspace[i][0] = 0; encoder->private_->residual_workspace_unaligned[i][1] = encoder->private_->residual_workspace[i][1] = 0; encoder->private_->best_subframe[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { encoder->private_->residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[i][0] = encoder->private_->residual_workspace_mid_side[i][0] = 0; encoder->private_->residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[i][1] = encoder->private_->residual_workspace_mid_side[i][1] = 0; encoder->private_->best_subframe_mid_side[i] = 0; } encoder->private_->abs_residual_unaligned = encoder->private_->abs_residual = 0; encoder->private_->abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned = encoder->private_->abs_residual_partition_sums = 0; encoder->private_->raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned = encoder->private_->raw_bits_per_partition = 0; encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frames_exact = (double)encoder->protected_->sample_rate * 0.4 / (double)encoder->protected_->blocksize; encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frames = (unsigned)(encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frames_exact + 0.5); if(encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frames == 0) encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frames = 1; encoder->private_->loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count = 0; encoder->private_->current_sample_number = 0; encoder->private_->current_frame_number = 0; encoder->private_->use_wide_by_block = (encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample + bitmath_ilog2(encoder->protected_->blocksize)+1 > 30); encoder->private_->use_wide_by_order = (encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample + bitmath_ilog2(max(encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order, MAX_FIXED_ORDER))+1 > 30); //@@@ need to use this? encoder->private_->use_wide_by_partition = (false); //@@@ need to set this // get the CPU info and set the function pointers cpu_info(&encoder->private_->cpuinfo); // first default to the non-asm routines encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation; encoder->private_->local_fixed_compute_best_predictor = fixed_compute_best_predictor; encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients; encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_64bit = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_wide; encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_16bit = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients; // now override with asm where appropriate #ifndef NO_ASM if(encoder->private_->cpuinfo.use_asm) { #ifdef CPU_IA32 ASSERT(encoder->private_->cpuinfo.type == CPUINFO_TYPE_IA32); #ifdef HAS_NASM #ifdef SSE_OS if(encoder->private_-> { if(encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order < 4) encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32_sse_lag_4; else if(encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order < 8) encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32_sse_lag_8; else if(encoder->protected_->max_lpc_order < 12) encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32_sse_lag_12; else encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32; } else #endif if(encoder->private_-> encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32_3dnow; else encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation = lpc_compute_autocorrelation_asm_ia32; if(encoder->private_-> && encoder->private_-> encoder->private_->local_fixed_compute_best_predictor = fixed_compute_best_predictor_asm_ia32_mmx_cmov; if(encoder->private_-> { encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_asm_ia32; encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_16bit = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_asm_ia32_mmx; } else { encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_asm_ia32; encoder->private_->local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_16bit = lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_asm_ia32; } #endif #endif } #endif // finally override based on wide-ness if necessary if(encoder->private_->use_wide_by_block) { encoder->private_->local_fixed_compute_best_predictor = fixed_compute_best_predictor_wide; } // we require precompute_partition_sums if do_escape_coding because of their intertwined nature encoder->private_->precompute_partition_sums = (encoder->protected_->max_residual_partition_order > encoder->protected_->min_residual_partition_order) || encoder->protected_->do_escape_coding; if(!resize_buffers_(encoder->protected_->blocksize)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return encoder->protected_->state; } if(!bitbuffer_init(encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; // Set up the verify stuff if necessary if(encoder->protected_->verify) { // First, set up the fifo which will hold the original signal to compare against encoder->private_->verify.input_fifo.size = encoder->protected_->blocksize; for(i = 0; i < encoder->protected_->channels; i++) { if(0 == (encoder->private_->[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * encoder->private_->verify.input_fifo.size))) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } encoder->private_->verify.input_fifo.tail = 0; // Now set up a stream decoder for verification encoder->private_->verify.decoder = stream_decoder_new(); if(0 == encoder->private_->verify.decoder) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR; stream_decoder_set_read_callback(encoder->private_->verify.decoder, verify_read_callback_); stream_decoder_set_write_callback(encoder->private_->verify.decoder, verify_write_callback_); stream_decoder_set_metadata_callback(encoder->private_->verify.decoder, verify_metadata_callback_); stream_decoder_set_error_callback(encoder->private_->verify.decoder, verify_error_callback_); stream_decoder_set_client_data(encoder->private_->verify.decoder, encoder); if(stream_decoder_init(encoder->private_->verify.decoder) != STREAM_DECODER_SEARCH_FOR_METADATA) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR; } encoder->private_->verify.error_stats.absolute_sample = 0; encoder->private_->verify.error_stats.frame_number = 0; encoder->private_-> = 0; encoder->private_->verify.error_stats.sample = 0; encoder->private_->verify.error_stats.expected = 0; encoder->private_-> = 0; // write the stream header if(encoder->protected_->verify) encoder->private_->verify.state_hint = ENCODER_IN_MAGIC; if(!bitbuffer_write_raw_uint32(encoder->private_->frame, STREAM_SYNC, STREAM_SYNC_LEN)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; if(!write_bitbuffer_(0)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return encoder->protected_->state; } //write the STREAMINFO metadata block if(encoder->protected_->verify) encoder->private_->verify.state_hint = ENCODER_IN_METADATA; encoder->private_->metadata.type = METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO; encoder->private_->metadata.is_last = false; // we will have at a minimum a VORBIS_COMMENT afterwards encoder->private_->metadata.length = STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_LENGTH; encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->blocksize; // this encoder uses the same blocksize for the whole stream encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->blocksize; encoder->private_-> = 0; // we don't know this yet; have to fill it in later encoder->private_-> = 0; // we don't know this yet; have to fill it in later encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->sample_rate; encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->channels; encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->bits_per_sample; encoder->private_-> = encoder->protected_->total_samples_estimate; // we will replace this later with the real total memset(encoder->private_->, 0, 16); // we don't know this yet; have to fill it in later MD5Init(&encoder->private_->md5context); if(!bitbuffer_clear(encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; if(!add_metadata_block(&encoder->private_->metadata, encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; if(!write_bitbuffer_(0)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return encoder->protected_->state; } // Now that the STREAMINFO block is written, we can init this to an absurdly-high value... encoder->private_-> = (1u << STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN) - 1; // ... and clear this to 0 encoder->private_-> = 0; // Check to see if the supplied metadata contains a VORBIS_COMMENT; // if not, we will write an empty one (add_metadata_block() // automatically supplies the vendor string). if(!metadata_has_vorbis_comment) { StreamMetadata vorbis_comment; vorbis_comment.type = METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT; vorbis_comment.is_last = (encoder->protected_->num_metadata_blocks == 0); vorbis_comment.length = 4 + 4; // MAGIC NUMBER = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; if(!bitbuffer_clear(encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; if(!add_metadata_block(&vorbis_comment, encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; if(!write_bitbuffer_(0)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return encoder->protected_->state; } } // write the user's metadata blocks for(i = 0; i < encoder->protected_->num_metadata_blocks; i++) { encoder->protected_->metadata[i]->is_last = (i == encoder->protected_->num_metadata_blocks - 1); if(!bitbuffer_clear(encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; if(!add_metadata_block(encoder->protected_->metadata[i], encoder->private_->frame)) return encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; if(!write_bitbuffer_(0)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return encoder->protected_->state; } } if(encoder->protected_->verify) encoder->private_->verify.state_hint = ENCODER_IN_AUDIO; return encoder->protected_->state; } */ /* void stream_encoder_finish(StreamEncoder *encoder) { ASSERT(0 != encoder); if(encoder->protected_->state == STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; if(encoder->protected_->state == STREAM_ENCODER_OK && !encoder->private_->is_being_deleted) { if(encoder->private_->current_sample_number != 0) { encoder->protected_->blocksize = encoder->private_->current_sample_number; process_frame_(true); // true => is last frame } } MD5Final(encoder->private_->, &encoder->private_->md5context); if(encoder->protected_->state == STREAM_ENCODER_OK && !encoder->private_->is_being_deleted) { encoder->private_->metadata_callback(&encoder->private_->metadata, encoder->private_->client_data); } if(encoder->protected_->verify && 0 != encoder->private_->verify.decoder) stream_decoder_finish(encoder->private_->verify.decoder); free_(encoder); set_defaults_(encoder); encoder->protected_->state = STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED; } */ public void setVerify(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; verify = value; } public void setStreamableSubset(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; streamable_subset = value; } public void setDoMidSideStereo(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; do_mid_side_stereo = value; } public void setLooseMidSideStereo(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; loose_mid_side_stereo = value; } public void setChannels(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; channels = value; } public void setBitsPerSample(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; bits_per_sample = value; } public void setSampleRate(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; sample_rate = value; } public void setBlocksize(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; blocksize = value; } public void setMaxLPCOrder(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; max_lpc_order = value; } public void setQLPCoeffPrecision(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; qlp_coeff_precision = value; } public void setDoQLPCoeffPrecSearch(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; do_qlp_coeff_prec_search = value; } public void setDoExhaustiveModelSearch(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; do_exhaustive_model_search = value; } public void setMinResidualPartitionOrder(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; min_residual_partition_order = value; } public void setMaxResidualPartitionOrder(int value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; max_residual_partition_order = value; } public void setTotalSamplesEstimate(long value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; total_samples_estimate = value; } /* public void set_metadata(StreamMetadata **metadata, int num_blocks) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; metadata = metadata; num_metadata_blocks = num_blocks; } */ /* boolean set_write_callback(StreamEncoderWriteCallback value) { ASSERT(0 != encoder); ASSERT(0 != value); if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return false; encoder->private_->write_callback = value; return true; } */ /* boolean set_metadata_callback(StreamEncoderMetadataCallback value) { ASSERT(0 != encoder); ASSERT(0 != value); if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return false; encoder->private_->metadata_callback = value; return true; } */ /* boolean set_client_data(void *value) { ASSERT(0 != encoder); if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return false; encoder->private_->client_data = value; return true; } */ /* * These three functions are not static, but not publically exposed in * include/FLAC/ either. They are used by the test suite. */ public void disableConstantSubframes(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; disable_constant_subframes = value; } public void disableFixedSubframes(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; disable_fixed_subframes = value; } public void disableVerbatimSubframes(boolean value) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_UNINITIALIZED) return; disable_verbatim_subframes = value; } public int getState() { return state; } /* public int getVerifyDecoderState() { if (verify) return stream_decoder_get_state(verify.decoder); else return STREAM_DECODER_UNINITIALIZED; } */ /* char *get_resolved_state_string(StreamEncoder *encoder) { if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR) return StreamEncoderStateString[state]; else return StreamDecoderStateString[stream_decoder_get_state(verify.decoder)]; } */ /* void get_verify_decoder_error_stats(StreamEncoder *encoder, uint64 *absolute_sample, unsigned *frame_number, unsigned *channel, unsigned *sample, int *expected, int *got) { ASSERT(0 != encoder); if (0 != absolute_sample) *absolute_sample = verify.error_stats.absolute_sample; if (0 != frame_number) *frame_number = verify.error_stats.frame_number; if (0 != channel) *channel =; if (0 != sample) *sample = verify.error_stats.sample; if (0 != expected) *expected = verify.error_stats.expected; if (0 != got) *got =; } */ public boolean getVerify() { return verify; } public boolean getStreamableSubset() { return streamable_subset; } public boolean getDoMidSideStereo() { return do_mid_side_stereo; } public boolean getLooseMidSideStereo() { return loose_mid_side_stereo; } public int getChannels() { return channels; } public int getBitsPerSample() { return bits_per_sample; } public int getSampleRate() { return sample_rate; } public int getBlocksize() { return blocksize; } public int getMaxLPCOrder() { return max_lpc_order; } public int getQLPCoeffPrecision() { return qlp_coeff_precision; } public boolean getDoQLPCoeffPrecSearch() { return do_qlp_coeff_prec_search; } public boolean getDoEscapeCoding() { return do_escape_coding; } public boolean getDoExhaustiveModelSearch() { return do_exhaustive_model_search; } public int getMinResidualPartitionOrder() { return min_residual_partition_order; } public int getMaxResidualPartitionOrder() { return max_residual_partition_order; } public int getRiceParameterSearchDist() { return rice_parameter_search_dist; } public long getTotalSamplesEstimate() { return total_samples_estimate; } /* public boolean process(int * buffer[], unsigned samples) { unsigned i, j, channel; int x, mid, side; int channels = channels, blocksize = blocksize; ASSERT(0 != encoder); ASSERT(state == STREAM_ENCODER_OK); j = 0; if (do_mid_side_stereo && channels == 2) { do { if (verify) append_to_verify_fifo_(&verify.input_fifo, buffer, j, channels, min(blocksize-current_sample_number, samples-j)); for(i = current_sample_number; i < blocksize && j < samples; i++, j++) { x = mid = side = buffer[0][j]; integer_signal[0][i] = x; real_signal[0][i] = (double)x; x = buffer[1][j]; integer_signal[1][i] = x; real_signal[1][i] = (double)x; mid += x; side -= x; mid >>= 1; // NOTE: not the same as 'mid = (buffer[0][j] + buffer[1][j]) / 2' ! integer_signal_mid_side[1][i] = side; integer_signal_mid_side[0][i] = mid; real_signal_mid_side[1][i] = (double)side; real_signal_mid_side[0][i] = (double)mid; current_sample_number++; } if (i == blocksize) { if (!process_frame_(false)) // false => not last frame return false; } } while(j < samples); } else { do { if (verify) append_to_verify_fifo_(&verify.input_fifo, buffer, j, channels, min(blocksize-current_sample_number, samples-j)); for(i = current_sample_number; i < blocksize && j < samples; i++, j++) { for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { x = buffer[channel][j]; integer_signal[channel][i] = x; real_signal[channel][i] = (double)x; } current_sample_number++; } if (i == blocksize) { if (!process_frame_(false)) // false => not last frame return false; } } while(j < samples); } return true; } */ /* public boolean process_interleaved(int[] buffer, int samples) { int i, j, k, channel; int x, mid, side; int channels = channels, blocksize = blocksize; j = k = 0; if (do_mid_side_stereo && channels == 2) { do { if (verify) appendToVerifyFifoInterleaved(verifyData.input_fifo, buffer, j, channels, Math.min(blocksize-current_sample_number, samples-j)); for(i = current_sample_number; i < blocksize && j < samples; i++, j++) { x = mid = side = buffer[k++]; integer_signal[0][i] = x; real_signal[0][i] = (double)x; x = buffer[k++]; integer_signal[1][i] = x; real_signal[1][i] = (double)x; mid += x; side -= x; mid >>= 1; // NOTE: not the same as 'mid = (left + right) / 2' ! integer_signal_mid_side[1][i] = side; integer_signal_mid_side[0][i] = mid; real_signal_mid_side[1][i] = (double)side; real_signal_mid_side[0][i] = (double)mid; current_sample_number++; } if (i == blocksize) { if (!processFrame(false)) // false => not last frame return false; } } while(j < samples); } else { do { if (verify) appendToVerifyFifoInterleaved(verifyData.input_fifo, buffer, j, channels, Math.min(blocksize-current_sample_number, samples-j)); for(i = current_sample_number; i < blocksize && j < samples; i++, j++) { for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { x = buffer[k++]; integer_signal[channel][i] = x; real_signal[channel][i] = (double)x; } current_sample_number++; } if (i == blocksize) { if (!processFrame(false)) // false => not last frame return false; } } while(j < samples); } return true; } */ /** * ******************************************************************** * <p/> * Private class methods * <p/> * ********************************************************************* */ public void setDefaults() { verify = false; streamable_subset = true; do_mid_side_stereo = false; loose_mid_side_stereo = false; channels = 2; bits_per_sample = 16; sample_rate = 44100; blocksize = 1152; max_lpc_order = 0; qlp_coeff_precision = 0; do_qlp_coeff_prec_search = false; do_exhaustive_model_search = false; do_escape_coding = false; min_residual_partition_order = 0; max_residual_partition_order = 0; rice_parameter_search_dist = 0; total_samples_estimate = 0; //metadata = null; num_metadata_blocks = 0; disable_constant_subframes = false; disable_fixed_subframes = false; disable_verbatim_subframes = false; //write_callback = 0; //metadata_callback = 0; //client_data = 0; } /* void free_() { unsigned i, channel; ASSERT(0 != encoder); for(i = 0; i < channels; i++) { if (0 != integer_signal_unaligned[i]) { free(integer_signal_unaligned[i]); integer_signal_unaligned[i] = 0; } if (0 != real_signal_unaligned[i]) { free(real_signal_unaligned[i]); real_signal_unaligned[i] = 0; } } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (0 != integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i]) { free(integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i]); integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i] = 0; } if (0 != real_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i]) { free(real_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i]); real_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i] = 0; } } for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (0 != residual_workspace_unaligned[channel][i]) { free(residual_workspace_unaligned[channel][i]); residual_workspace_unaligned[channel][i] = 0; } } } for(channel = 0; channel < 2; channel++) { for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (0 != residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[channel][i]) { free(residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[channel][i]); residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[channel][i] = 0; } } } if (0 != abs_residual_unaligned) { free(abs_residual_unaligned); abs_residual_unaligned = 0; } if (0 != abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned) { free(abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned); abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned = 0; } if (0 != raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned) { free(raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned); raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned = 0; } if (verify) { for(i = 0; i < channels; i++) { if (0 !=[i]) { free([i]);[i] = 0; } } } bitbuffer_free(frame); } */ /* private boolean resize_buffers_(int new_size) { boolean ok; int i, channel; // To avoid excessive malloc'ing, we only grow the buffer; no shrinking. if (new_size <= input_capacity) return true; ok = true; // WATCHOUT: lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_asm_ia32_mmx() // requires that the input arrays (in our case the integer signals) // have a buffer of up to 3 zeroes in front (at negative indices) for // alignment purposes; we use 4 to keep the data well-aligned. for(i = 0; ok && i < channels; i++) { ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_int32_array(new_size+4, integer_signal_unaligned[i], integer_signal[i]); ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_real_array(new_size, real_signal_unaligned[i], real_signal[i]); memset(integer_signal[i], 0, sizeof(int)*4); integer_signal[i] += 4; } for(i = 0; ok && i < 2; i++) { ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_int32_array(new_size+4, &integer_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i], &integer_signal_mid_side[i]); ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_real_array(new_size, &real_signal_mid_side_unaligned[i], &real_signal_mid_side[i]); memset(integer_signal_mid_side[i], 0, sizeof(int)*4); integer_signal_mid_side[i] += 4; } for(channel = 0; ok && channel < channels; channel++) { for(i = 0; ok && i < 2; i++) { ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_int32_array(new_size, &residual_workspace_unaligned[channel][i], &residual_workspace[channel][i]); } } for(channel = 0; ok && channel < 2; channel++) { for(i = 0; ok && i < 2; i++) { ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_int32_array(new_size, &residual_workspace_mid_side_unaligned[channel][i], &residual_workspace_mid_side[channel][i]); } } ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_uint32_array(new_size, &abs_residual_unaligned, &abs_residual); if (precompute_partition_sums || do_escape_coding) // we require precompute_partition_sums if do_escape_coding because of their intertwined nature ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_uint64_array(new_size * 2, &abs_residual_partition_sums_unaligned, &abs_residual_partition_sums); if (do_escape_coding) ok = ok && memory_alloc_aligned_unsigned_array(new_size * 2, &raw_bits_per_partition_unaligned, &raw_bits_per_partition); if (ok) input_capacity = new_size; else state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return ok; } */ /* private boolean writeBitBuffer(int samples) { byte[] buffer; unsigned bytes; bitbuffer_get_buffer(frame, &buffer, &bytes); if (verify) { = buffer; verifyData.output.bytes = bytes; if (verifyData.state_hint == ENCODER_IN_MAGIC) { verifyData.needs_magic_hack = true; } else { if (!stream_decoder_process_single(verifyData.decoder)) { bitbuffer_release_buffer(frame); if (state != STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_MISMATCH_IN_AUDIO_DATA) state = STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR; return false; } } } if (write_callback(buffer, bytes, samples, current_frame_number, client_data) != STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_OK) { bitbuffer_release_buffer(frame); state = STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_WRITING; return false; } bitbuffer_release_buffer(frame); if (samples > 0) { = min(bytes,; = max(bytes,; } return true; } */ /* private boolean processFrame(boolean is_last_frame) { // Accumulate raw signal to the MD5 signature if (!MD5Accumulate(&md5context, (int * *)integer_signal, channels, blocksize, (bits_per_sample+7) / 8)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return false; } // Process the frame header and subframes into the frame bitbuffer if (!process_subframes_(is_last_frame)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return false; } // Zero-pad the frame to a byte_boundary if (!bitbuffer_zero_pad_to_byte_boundary(frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return false; } // CRC-16 the whole thing ASSERT(bitbuffer_is_byte_aligned(frame)); bitbuffer_write_raw_uint32(frame, bitbuffer_get_write_crc16(frame), FRAME_FOOTER_CRC_LEN); // Write it if (!write_bitbuffer_(blocksize)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return false; } // Get ready for the next frame current_sample_number = 0; current_frame_number++; += (uint64)blocksize; return true; } */ /* private boolean processSubframes(boolean is_last_frame) { Header frame_header; int channel, min_partition_order = min_residual_partition_order, max_partition_order; boolean do_independent, do_mid_side, precompute_partition_sums; // Calculate the min,max Rice partition orders if (is_last_frame) { max_partition_order = 0; } else { max_partition_order = Frame.get_max_rice_partition_order_from_blocksize(blocksize); max_partition_order = Math.min(max_partition_order, max_residual_partition_order); } min_partition_order = Math.min(min_partition_order, max_partition_order); precompute_partition_sums = precompute_partition_sums && ((max_partition_order > min_partition_order) || do_escape_coding); // Setup the frame frame.clear(); frame_header.blockSize = blocksize; frame_header.sampleRate = sample_rate; frame_header.channels = channels; frame_header.channelAssignment = Constants.CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT; // the default unless the encoder determines otherwise frame_header.bitsPerSample = bits_per_sample; frame_header.frameNumber = current_frame_number; // Figure out what channel assignments to try if (do_mid_side_stereo) { if (loose_mid_side_stereo) { if (loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count == 0) { do_independent = true; do_mid_side = true; } else { do_independent = (last_channel_assignment == Constants.CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT); do_mid_side = !do_independent; } } else { do_independent = true; do_mid_side = true; } } else { do_independent = true; do_mid_side = false; } // Check for wasted bits; set effective bps for each subframe if (do_independent) { for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { int w = get_wasted_bits_(integer_signal[channel], blocksize); subframe_workspace[channel][0].wasted_bits = subframe_workspace[channel][1].wasted_bits = w; subframe_bps[channel] = bits_per_sample - w; } } if (do_mid_side) { ASSERT(channels == 2); for(channel = 0; channel < 2; channel++) { unsigned w = get_wasted_bits_(integer_signal_mid_side[channel], blocksize); subframe_workspace_mid_side[channel][0].wasted_bits = subframe_workspace_mid_side[channel][1].wasted_bits = w; subframe_bps_mid_side[channel] = bits_per_sample - w + (channel==0? 0:1); } } // First do a normal encoding pass of each independent channel if (do_independent) { for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { if (! process_subframe_( encoder, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, frame_header, subframe_bps[channel], integer_signal[channel], real_signal[channel], subframe_workspace_ptr[channel], partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr[channel], residual_workspace[channel], best_subframe+channel, best_subframe_bits+channel ) ) return false; } } // Now do mid and side channels if requested if (do_mid_side) { for(channel = 0; channel < 2; channel++) { if (! process_subframe_( encoder, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, frame_header, subframe_bps_mid_side[channel], integer_signal_mid_side[channel], real_signal_mid_side[channel], subframe_workspace_ptr_mid_side[channel], partitioned_rice_contents_workspace_ptr_mid_side[channel], residual_workspace_mid_side[channel], best_subframe_mid_side+channel, best_subframe_bits_mid_side+channel ) ) return false; } } // Compose the frame bitbuffer if (do_mid_side) { unsigned left_bps = 0, right_bps = 0; // initialized only to prevent superfluous compiler warning ChannelBase left_subframe, right_subframe; // initialized only to prevent superfluous compiler warning ChannelAssignment channel_assignment; if (loose_mid_side_stereo && loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count > 0) { channel_assignment = (last_channel_assignment == CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT? CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT : CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_MID_SIDE); } else { int[] bits = new int[4]; // WATCHOUT - indexed by ChannelAssignment int min_bits; int ca; // We have to figure out which channel assignent results in the smallest frame bits[CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT] = best_subframe_bits [0] + best_subframe_bits [1]; bits[CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_LEFT_SIDE ] = best_subframe_bits [0] + best_subframe_bits_mid_side[1]; bits[CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_RIGHT_SIDE ] = best_subframe_bits [1] + best_subframe_bits_mid_side[1]; bits[CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_MID_SIDE ] = best_subframe_bits_mid_side[0] + best_subframe_bits_mid_side[1]; for(channel_assignment = (ChannelAssignment)0, min_bits = bits[0], ca = (ChannelAssignment)1; (int)ca <= 3; ca = (ChannelAssignment)((int)ca + 1)) { if (bits[ca] < min_bits) { min_bits = bits[ca]; channel_assignment = ca; } } } frame_header.channel_assignment = channel_assignment; if (!frame_add_header(frame_header, streamable_subset, is_last_frame, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; return false; } switch(channel_assignment) { case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT: left_subframe = subframe_workspace [0][best_subframe [0]]; right_subframe = subframe_workspace [1][best_subframe [1]]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_LEFT_SIDE: left_subframe = subframe_workspace [0][best_subframe [0]]; right_subframe = subframe_workspace_mid_side[1][best_subframe_mid_side[1]]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_RIGHT_SIDE: left_subframe = subframe_workspace_mid_side[1][best_subframe_mid_side[1]]; right_subframe = subframe_workspace [1][best_subframe [1]]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_MID_SIDE: left_subframe = subframe_workspace_mid_side[0][best_subframe_mid_side[0]]; right_subframe = subframe_workspace_mid_side[1][best_subframe_mid_side[1]]; break; default: ASSERT(0); } switch(channel_assignment) { case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_INDEPENDENT: left_bps = subframe_bps [0]; right_bps = subframe_bps [1]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_LEFT_SIDE: left_bps = subframe_bps [0]; right_bps = subframe_bps_mid_side[1]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_RIGHT_SIDE: left_bps = subframe_bps_mid_side[1]; right_bps = subframe_bps [1]; break; case CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_MID_SIDE: left_bps = subframe_bps_mid_side[0]; right_bps = subframe_bps_mid_side[1]; break; default: ASSERT(0); } // note that encoder_add_subframe_ sets the state for us in case of an error if (!add_subframe_(frame_header, left_bps , left_subframe , frame)) return false; if (!add_subframe_(frame_header, right_bps, right_subframe, frame)) return false; } else { if (!frame_add_header(frame_header, streamable_subset, is_last_frame, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FRAMING_ERROR; return false; } for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { if (!add_subframe_(frame_header, subframe_bps[channel], subframe_workspace[channel][best_subframe[channel]], frame)) { // the above function sets the state for us in case of an error return false; } } } if (loose_mid_side_stereo) { loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count++; if (loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count >= loose_mid_side_stereo_frames) loose_mid_side_stereo_frame_count = 0; } last_channel_assignment = frame_header.channel_assignment; return true; } */ /* private boolean processSubframe(int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order, boolean precompute_partition_sums, Header frame_header, int subframe_bps, int[] integer_signal, double[] real_signal, Subframe[] subframe], EntropyPartitionedRiceContents[] partitioned_rice_contents, int[] residual, int *best_subframe, int *best_bits ) { double[] fixed_residual_bits_per_sample = new double[MAX_FIXED_ORDER+1]; double lpc_residual_bits_per_sample; double[] autoc = new double[MAX_LPC_ORDER+1]; // WATCHOUT: the size is important even though max_lpc_order might be less; some asm routines need all the space double[] lpc_error = new double[MAX_LPC_ORDER]; int min_lpc_order, max_lpc_order, lpc_order; int min_fixed_order, max_fixed_order, guess_fixed_order, fixed_order; int min_qlp_coeff_precision, max_qlp_coeff_precision, qlp_coeff_precision; int rice_parameter; int _candidate_bits, _best_bits; int _best_subframe; // verbatim subframe is the baseline against which we measure other compressed subframes _best_subframe = 0; if (disable_verbatim_subframes && frame_header.blocksize >= MAX_FIXED_ORDER) _best_bits = UINT_MAX; else _best_bits = evaluateVerbatimSubframe(integer_signal, frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps, subframe[_best_subframe]); if (frame_header.blocksize >= MAX_FIXED_ORDER) { unsigned signal_is_constant = false; guess_fixed_order = local_fixed_compute_best_predictor(integer_signal+MAX_FIXED_ORDER, frame_header.blocksize-MAX_FIXED_ORDER, fixed_residual_bits_per_sample); // check for constant subframe if (!disable_constant_subframes && fixed_residual_bits_per_sample[1] == 0.0) { // the above means integer_signal+MAX_FIXED_ORDER is constant, now we just have to check the warmup samples unsigned i; signal_is_constant = true; for(i = 1; i <= MAX_FIXED_ORDER; i++) { if (integer_signal[0] != integer_signal[i]) { signal_is_constant = false; break; } } } if (signal_is_constant) { _candidate_bits = evaluate_constant_subframe_(integer_signal[0], subframe_bps, subframe[!_best_subframe]); if (_candidate_bits < _best_bits) { _best_subframe = !_best_subframe; _best_bits = _candidate_bits; } } else { if (!disable_fixed_subframes || (max_lpc_order == 0 && _best_bits == UINT_MAX)) { // encode fixed if (do_exhaustive_model_search) { min_fixed_order = 0; max_fixed_order = MAX_FIXED_ORDER; } else { min_fixed_order = max_fixed_order = guess_fixed_order; } for(fixed_order = min_fixed_order; fixed_order <= max_fixed_order; fixed_order++) { if (fixed_residual_bits_per_sample[fixed_order] >= (double)subframe_bps) continue; // don't even try rice_parameter = (fixed_residual_bits_per_sample[fixed_order] > 0.0)? (unsigned)(fixed_residual_bits_per_sample[fixed_order]+0.5) : 0; // 0.5 is for rounding rice_parameter++; // to account for the signed->unsigned conversion during rice coding if (rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @0\n", rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } _candidate_bits = evaluate_fixed_subframe_( encoder, integer_signal, residual[!_best_subframe], abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums, raw_bits_per_partition, frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps, fixed_order, rice_parameter, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, do_escape_coding, rice_parameter_search_dist, subframe[!_best_subframe], partitioned_rice_contents[!_best_subframe] ); if (_candidate_bits < _best_bits) { _best_subframe = !_best_subframe; _best_bits = _candidate_bits; } } } // encode lpc if (max_lpc_order > 0) { if (max_lpc_order >= frame_header.blocksize) max_lpc_order = frame_header.blocksize-1; else max_lpc_order = max_lpc_order; if (max_lpc_order > 0) { local_lpc_compute_autocorrelation(real_signal, frame_header.blocksize, max_lpc_order+1, autoc); // if autoc[0] == 0.0, the signal is constant and we usually won't get here, but it can happen if (autoc[0] != 0.0) { lpc_compute_lp_coefficients(autoc, max_lpc_order, lp_coeff, lpc_error); if (do_exhaustive_model_search) { min_lpc_order = 1; } else { unsigned guess_lpc_order = lpc_compute_best_order(lpc_error, max_lpc_order, frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps); min_lpc_order = max_lpc_order = guess_lpc_order; } for(lpc_order = min_lpc_order; lpc_order <= max_lpc_order; lpc_order++) { lpc_residual_bits_per_sample = lpc_compute_expected_bits_per_residual_sample(lpc_error[lpc_order-1], frame_header.blocksize-lpc_order); if (lpc_residual_bits_per_sample >= (double)subframe_bps) continue; // don't even try rice_parameter = (lpc_residual_bits_per_sample > 0.0)? (unsigned)(lpc_residual_bits_per_sample+0.5) : 0; // 0.5 is for rounding rice_parameter++; // to account for the signed->unsigned conversion during rice coding if (rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @1\n", rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } if (do_qlp_coeff_prec_search) { min_qlp_coeff_precision = MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION; // ensure a 32-bit datapath throughout for 16bps or less if (subframe_bps <= 16) max_qlp_coeff_precision = min(32 - subframe_bps - lpc_order, MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION); else max_qlp_coeff_precision = MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION; } else { min_qlp_coeff_precision = max_qlp_coeff_precision = qlp_coeff_precision; } for(qlp_coeff_precision = min_qlp_coeff_precision; qlp_coeff_precision <= max_qlp_coeff_precision; qlp_coeff_precision++) { _candidate_bits = evaluate_lpc_subframe_( encoder, integer_signal, residual[!_best_subframe], abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums, raw_bits_per_partition, lp_coeff[lpc_order-1], frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps, lpc_order, qlp_coeff_precision, rice_parameter, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, do_escape_coding, rice_parameter_search_dist, subframe[!_best_subframe], partitioned_rice_contents[!_best_subframe] ); if (_candidate_bits > 0) { // if == 0, there was a problem quantizing the lpcoeffs if (_candidate_bits < _best_bits) { _best_subframe = !_best_subframe; _best_bits = _candidate_bits; } } } } } } } } } // under rare circumstances this can happen when all but lpc subframe types are disabled: if (_best_bits == UINT_MAX) { ASSERT(_best_subframe == 0); _best_bits = evaluateVerbatimSubframe(integer_signal, frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps, subframe[_best_subframe]); } *best_subframe = _best_subframe; *best_bits = _best_bits; return true; } */ /* private boolean addSubframe(Header frame_header, int subframe_bps, ChannelBase subframe, BitBuffer frame) { switch(subframe->type) { case SUBFRAME_TYPE_CONSTANT: if (!subframe_add_constant(&(subframe->data.constant), subframe_bps, subframe->wasted_bits, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING; return false; } break; case SUBFRAME_TYPE_FIXED: if (!subframe_add_fixed(&(subframe->data.fixed), frame_header.blocksize - subframe->data.fixed.order, subframe_bps, subframe->wasted_bits, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING; return false; } break; case SUBFRAME_TYPE_LPC: if (!subframe_add_lpc(&(subframe->data.lpc), frame_header.blocksize - subframe->data.lpc.order, subframe_bps, subframe->wasted_bits, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING; return false; } break; case SUBFRAME_TYPE_VERBATIM: if (!subframe_add_verbatim(&(subframe->data.verbatim), frame_header.blocksize, subframe_bps, subframe->wasted_bits, frame)) { state = STREAM_ENCODER_FATAL_ERROR_WHILE_ENCODING; return false; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return true; } */ /* private int evaluateConstantSubframe(int signal, int subframe_bps, ChannelBase subframe) { subframe->type = SUBFRAME_TYPE_CONSTANT; subframe->data.constant.value = signal; return SUBFRAME_ZERO_PAD_LEN + SUBFRAME_TYPE_LEN + SUBFRAME_WASTED_BITS_FLAG_LEN + subframe_bps; } */ /* private int evaluateFixedSubframe(int[] signal, int[] residual, int[] abs_residual, long[] abs_residual_partition_sums, int[] raw_bits_per_partition, int blocksize, int subframe_bps, int order, int rice_parameter, int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order, boolean precompute_partition_sums, boolean do_escape_coding, int rice_parameter_search_dist, ChannelBase subframe, EntropyPartitionedRiceContents partitioned_rice_contents) { unsigned i, residual_bits; unsigned residual_samples = blocksize - order; fixed_compute_residual(signal+order, residual_samples, order, residual); subframe->type = SUBFRAME_TYPE_FIXED; subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.type = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE; subframe-> = partitioned_rice_contents; subframe->data.fixed.residual = residual; residual_bits = find_best_partition_order_( encoder->private_, residual, abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums, raw_bits_per_partition, residual_samples, order, rice_parameter, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, do_escape_coding, rice_parameter_search_dist, &subframe-> ); subframe->data.fixed.order = order; for(i = 0; i < order; i++) subframe->data.fixed.warmup[i] = signal[i]; return SUBFRAME_ZERO_PAD_LEN + SUBFRAME_TYPE_LEN + SUBFRAME_WASTED_BITS_FLAG_LEN + (order * subframe_bps) + residual_bits; } */ /* private int evaluateLPCSubframe(int[] signal, int[] residual, int[] abs_residual, long[] abs_residual_partition_sums, int[] raw_bits_per_partition, double[] lp_coeff, int blocksize, int subframe_bps, int order, int qlp_coeff_precision, int rice_parameter, int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order, boolean precompute_partition_sums, boolean do_escape_coding, int rice_parameter_search_dist, ChannelBase subframe, EntropyPartitionedRiceContents partitioned_rice_contents) { int[] qlp_coeff = new int[MAX_LPC_ORDER]; int i, residual_bits; int quantization, ret; int residual_samples = blocksize - order; // try to keep qlp coeff precision such that only 32-bit math is required for decode of <=16bps streams if (subframe_bps <= 16) { ASSERT(order > 0); ASSERT(order <= MAX_LPC_ORDER); qlp_coeff_precision = min(qlp_coeff_precision, 32 - subframe_bps - bitmath_ilog2(order)); } ret = lpc_quantize_coefficients(lp_coeff, order, qlp_coeff_precision, qlp_coeff, quantization); if (ret != 0) return 0; // this is a hack to indicate to the caller that we can't do lp at this order on this subframe if (subframe_bps + qlp_coeff_precision + bitmath_ilog2(order) <= 32) if (subframe_bps <= 16 && qlp_coeff_precision <= 16) local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_16bit(signal+order, residual_samples, qlp_coeff, order, quantization, residual); else local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients(signal+order, residual_samples, qlp_coeff, order, quantization, residual); else local_lpc_compute_residual_from_qlp_coefficients_64bit(signal+order, residual_samples, qlp_coeff, order, quantization, residual); subframe->type = SUBFRAME_TYPE_LPC; subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.type = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE; subframe-> = partitioned_rice_contents; subframe->data.lpc.residual = residual; residual_bits = find_best_partition_order_( encoder->private_, residual, abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums, raw_bits_per_partition, residual_samples, order, rice_parameter, min_partition_order, max_partition_order, precompute_partition_sums, do_escape_coding, rice_parameter_search_dist, &subframe-> ); subframe->data.lpc.order = order; subframe->data.lpc.qlp_coeff_precision = qlp_coeff_precision; subframe->data.lpc.quantization_level = quantization; memcpy(subframe->data.lpc.qlp_coeff, qlp_coeff, sizeof(int)*MAX_LPC_ORDER); for(i = 0; i < order; i++) subframe->data.lpc.warmup[i] = signal[i]; return SUBFRAME_ZERO_PAD_LEN + SUBFRAME_TYPE_LEN + SUBFRAME_WASTED_BITS_FLAG_LEN + SUBFRAME_LPC_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION_LEN + SUBFRAME_LPC_QLP_SHIFT_LEN + (order * (qlp_coeff_precision + subframe_bps)) + residual_bits; } */ /* private int evaluateVerbatimSubframe(int[] signal, int blocksize, int subframe_bps, ChannelVerbatim subframe) { = signal; return SUBFRAME_ZERO_PAD_LEN + SUBFRAME_TYPE_LEN + SUBFRAME_WASTED_BITS_FLAG_LEN + (blocksize * subframe_bps); } */ /* private int findBestPartitionOrder(int[] residual, int[] abs_residual, long[] abs_residual_partition_sums, int[] raw_bits_per_partition, int residual_samples, int predictor_order, int rice_parameter, int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order, boolean precompute_partition_sums, boolean do_escape_coding, int rice_parameter_search_dist, EntropyPartitionedRice best_partitioned_rice) { int r; unsigned residual_bits, best_residual_bits = 0; unsigned residual_sample; unsigned best_parameters_index = 0; unsigned blocksize = residual_samples + predictor_order; // compute abs(residual) for use later for(residual_sample = 0; residual_sample < residual_samples; residual_sample++) { r = residual[residual_sample]; abs_residual[residual_sample] = (uint32)(r<0? -r : r); } max_partition_order = format_get_max_rice_partition_order_from_blocksize_limited_max_and_predictor_order(max_partition_order, blocksize, predictor_order); min_partition_order = min(min_partition_order, max_partition_order); if (precompute_partition_sums) { int partition_order; unsigned sum; precompute_partition_info_sums_(abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums, residual_samples, predictor_order, min_partition_order, max_partition_order); if (do_escape_coding) precompute_partition_info_escapes_(residual, raw_bits_per_partition, residual_samples, predictor_order, min_partition_order, max_partition_order); for(partition_order = (int)max_partition_order, sum = 0; partition_order >= (int)min_partition_order; partition_order--) { if (! set_partitioned_rice_with_precompute_( abs_residual, abs_residual_partition_sums+sum, raw_bits_per_partition+sum, residual_samples, predictor_order, rice_parameter, rice_parameter_search_dist, (unsigned)partition_order, do_escape_coding, &partitioned_rice_contents_extra[!best_parameters_index], &residual_bits ) ) { ASSERT(best_residual_bits != 0); break; } sum += 1 << partition_order; if (best_residual_bits == 0 || residual_bits < best_residual_bits) { best_residual_bits = residual_bits; best_parameters_index = !best_parameters_index; best_partitioned_rice.order = partition_order; } } } else { unsigned partition_order; for(partition_order = min_partition_order; partition_order <= max_partition_order; partition_order++) { if (! set_partitioned_rice_( abs_residual, residual_samples, predictor_order, rice_parameter, rice_parameter_search_dist, partition_order, &partitioned_rice_contents_extra[!best_parameters_index], &residual_bits ) ) { break; } if (best_residual_bits == 0 || residual_bits < best_residual_bits) { best_residual_bits = residual_bits; best_parameters_index = !best_parameters_index; best_partitioned_rice.order = partition_order; } } } // We are allowed to de-the pointer based on our special knowledge; it is to the outside world. { EntropyPartitionedRiceContents best_partitioned_rice_contents = (EntropyPartitionedRiceContents)best_partitioned_rice->contents; format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_ensure_size(best_partitioned_rice_contents, max(6, best_partitioned_rice->order)); memcpy(best_partitioned_rice_contents->parameters, partitioned_rice_contents_extra[best_parameters_index].parameters, sizeof(unsigned)*(1<<(best_partitioned_rice->order))); memcpy(best_partitioned_rice_contents->raw_bits, partitioned_rice_contents_extra[best_parameters_index].raw_bits, sizeof(unsigned)*(1<<(best_partitioned_rice->order))); } return best_residual_bits; } */ /* private void precomputePartitionInfoSums( int[] abs_residual, long[] abs_residual_partition_sums, int residual_samples, int predictor_order, int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order ) { int partition_order; unsigned from_partition, to_partition = 0; unsigned blocksize = residual_samples + predictor_order; // first do max_partition_order for(partition_order = (int)max_partition_order; partition_order >= 0; partition_order--) { long abs_residual_partition_sum; int abs_r; int partition, partition_sample, partition_samples, residual_sample; int partitions = 1 << partition_order; int default_partition_samples = blocksize >> partition_order; for(partition = residual_sample = 0; partition < partitions; partition++) { partition_samples = default_partition_samples; if (partition == 0) partition_samples -= predictor_order; abs_residual_partition_sum = 0; for(partition_sample = 0; partition_sample < partition_samples; partition_sample++) { abs_r = abs_residual[residual_sample]; abs_residual_partition_sum += abs_r; residual_sample++; } abs_residual_partition_sums[partition] = abs_residual_partition_sum; } to_partition = partitions; break; } // now merge partitions for lower orders for(from_partition = 0, --partition_order; partition_order >= (int)min_partition_order; partition_order--) { long s; int i; int partitions = 1 << partition_order; for(i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { s = abs_residual_partition_sums[from_partition]; from_partition++; abs_residual_partition_sums[to_partition] = s + abs_residual_partition_sums[from_partition]; from_partition++; to_partition++; } } } */ /* private void precomputePartitionInfoEscapes( int[] residual, int[] raw_bits_per_partition, int residual_samples, int predictor_order, int min_partition_order, int max_partition_order ) { int partition_order; unsigned from_partition, to_partition = 0; unsigned blocksize = residual_samples + predictor_order; // first do max_partition_order for(partition_order = (int)max_partition_order; partition_order >= 0; partition_order--) { int r, residual_partition_min, residual_partition_max; int silog2_min, silog2_max; int partition, partition_sample, partition_samples, residual_sample; int partitions = 1 << partition_order; int default_partition_samples = blocksize >> partition_order; for(partition = residual_sample = 0; partition < partitions; partition++) { partition_samples = default_partition_samples; if (partition == 0) partition_samples -= predictor_order; residual_partition_min = residual_partition_max = 0; for(partition_sample = 0; partition_sample < partition_samples; partition_sample++) { r = residual[residual_sample]; if (r < residual_partition_min) residual_partition_min = r; else if (r > residual_partition_max) residual_partition_max = r; residual_sample++; } silog2_min = bitmath_silog2(residual_partition_min); silog2_max = bitmath_silog2(residual_partition_max); raw_bits_per_partition[partition] = max(silog2_min, silog2_max); } to_partition = partitions; break; } // now merge partitions for lower orders for(from_partition = 0, --partition_order; partition_order >= (int)min_partition_order; partition_order--) { int m; int i; int partitions = 1 << partition_order; for(i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { m = raw_bits_per_partition[from_partition]; from_partition++; raw_bits_per_partition[to_partition] = max(m, raw_bits_per_partition[from_partition]); from_partition++; to_partition++; } } } */ /* private VARIABLE_RICE_BITS(value, parameter) { return ((value) >> (parameter)); } boolean set_partitioned_rice_( int[] abs_residual, int residual_samples, int predictor_order, int suggested_rice_parameter, int rice_parameter_search_dist, int partition_order, EntropyPartitionedRiceContents partitioned_rice_contents, int *bits ) { int rice_parameter, partition_bits; int best_partition_bits; int min_rice_parameter, max_rice_parameter, best_rice_parameter = 0; int bits_ = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_TYPE_LEN + ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ORDER_LEN; int *parameters; format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_ensure_size(partitioned_rice_contents, max(6, partition_order)); parameters = partitioned_rice_contents.parameters; if (partition_order == 0) { unsigned i; if (rice_parameter_search_dist) { if (suggested_rice_parameter < rice_parameter_search_dist) min_rice_parameter = 0; else min_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter - rice_parameter_search_dist; max_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter + rice_parameter_search_dist; if (max_rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @2\n", max_rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); max_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } } else min_rice_parameter = max_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = 0xffffffff; for(rice_parameter = min_rice_parameter; rice_parameter <= max_rice_parameter; rice_parameter++) { unsigned rice_parameter_estimate = rice_parameter-1; partition_bits = (1+rice_parameter) * residual_samples; partition_bits += ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN; for(i = 0; i < residual_samples; i++) { partition_bits += VARIABLE_RICE_BITS(abs_residual[i], rice_parameter_estimate); } if (partition_bits < best_partition_bits) { best_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = partition_bits; } } parameters[0] = best_rice_parameter; bits_ += best_partition_bits; } else { unsigned partition, residual_sample, save_residual_sample, partition_sample; unsigned partition_samples; uint64 mean, k; int partitions = 1 << partition_order; for(partition = residual_sample = 0; partition < partitions; partition++) { partition_samples = (residual_samples+predictor_order) >> partition_order; if (partition == 0) { if (partition_samples <= predictor_order) return false; else partition_samples -= predictor_order; } mean = 0; save_residual_sample = residual_sample; for(partition_sample = 0; partition_sample < partition_samples; residual_sample++, partition_sample++) mean += abs_residual[residual_sample]; residual_sample = save_residual_sample; // calc rice_parameter ala LOCO-I for(rice_parameter = 0, k = partition_samples; k < mean; rice_parameter++, k <<= 1) ; if (rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @3\n", rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } if (rice_parameter_search_dist) { if (rice_parameter < rice_parameter_search_dist) min_rice_parameter = 0; else min_rice_parameter = rice_parameter - rice_parameter_search_dist; max_rice_parameter = rice_parameter + rice_parameter_search_dist; if (max_rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @4\n", max_rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); max_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } } else min_rice_parameter = max_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = 0xffffffff; for(rice_parameter = min_rice_parameter; rice_parameter <= max_rice_parameter; rice_parameter++) { unsigned rice_parameter_estimate = rice_parameter-1; partition_bits = (1+rice_parameter) * partition_samples; partition_bits += ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN; save_residual_sample = residual_sample; for(partition_sample = 0; partition_sample < partition_samples; residual_sample++, partition_sample++) { partition_bits += VARIABLE_RICE_BITS(abs_residual[residual_sample], rice_parameter); } if (rice_parameter != max_rice_parameter) residual_sample = save_residual_sample; if (partition_bits < best_partition_bits) { best_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = partition_bits; } } parameters[partition] = best_rice_parameter; bits_ += best_partition_bits; } } *bits = bits_; return true; } */ /* boolean set_partitioned_rice_with_precompute_( int[] abs_residual, long[] abs_residual_partition_sums, int[] raw_bits_per_partition, int residual_samples, int predictor_order, int suggested_rice_parameter, int rice_parameter_search_dist, int partition_order, boolean search_for_escapes, EntropyPartitionedRiceContents partitioned_rice_contents, int *bits ) { int rice_parameter, partition_bits; int best_partition_bits; int min_rice_parameter, max_rice_parameter, best_rice_parameter = 0; int flat_bits; int bits_ = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_TYPE_LEN + ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ORDER_LEN; int *parameters, *raw_bits; format_entropy_coding_method_partitioned_rice_contents_ensure_size(partitioned_rice_contents, max(6, partition_order)); parameters = partitioned_rice_contents.parameters; raw_bits = partitioned_rice_contents.raw_bits; if (partition_order == 0) { unsigned i; if (rice_parameter_search_dist) { if (suggested_rice_parameter < rice_parameter_search_dist) min_rice_parameter = 0; else min_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter - rice_parameter_search_dist; max_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter + rice_parameter_search_dist; if (max_rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @5\n", max_rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); max_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } } else min_rice_parameter = max_rice_parameter = suggested_rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = 0xffffffff; for(rice_parameter = min_rice_parameter; rice_parameter <= max_rice_parameter; rice_parameter++) { unsigned rice_parameter_estimate = rice_parameter-1; partition_bits = (1+rice_parameter) * residual_samples; partition_bits += ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN; for(i = 0; i < residual_samples; i++) { partition_bits += VARIABLE_RICE_BITS(abs_residual[i], rice_parameter_estimate); } if (partition_bits < best_partition_bits) { best_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = partition_bits; } } if (search_for_escapes) { flat_bits = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN + ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_RAW_LEN + raw_bits_per_partition[0] * residual_samples; if (flat_bits <= best_partition_bits) { raw_bits[0] = raw_bits_per_partition[0]; best_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER; best_partition_bits = flat_bits; } } parameters[0] = best_rice_parameter; bits_ += best_partition_bits; } else { unsigned partition, residual_sample, save_residual_sample, partition_sample; unsigned partition_samples; uint64 mean, k; unsigned partitions = 1 << partition_order; for(partition = residual_sample = 0; partition < partitions; partition++) { partition_samples = (residual_samples+predictor_order) >> partition_order; if (partition == 0) { if (partition_samples <= predictor_order) return false; else partition_samples -= predictor_order; } mean = abs_residual_partition_sums[partition]; // calc rice_parameter ala LOCO-I for(rice_parameter = 0, k = partition_samples; k < mean; rice_parameter++, k <<= 1) ; if (rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @6\n", rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } if (rice_parameter_search_dist) { if (rice_parameter < rice_parameter_search_dist) min_rice_parameter = 0; else min_rice_parameter = rice_parameter - rice_parameter_search_dist; max_rice_parameter = rice_parameter + rice_parameter_search_dist; if (max_rice_parameter >= ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER) { fprintf(stderr, "clipping rice_parameter (%u -> %u) @7\n", max_rice_parameter, ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1); max_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER - 1; } } else min_rice_parameter = max_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = 0xffffffff; for(rice_parameter = min_rice_parameter; rice_parameter <= max_rice_parameter; rice_parameter++) { unsigned rice_parameter_estimate = rice_parameter-1; partition_bits = (1+rice_parameter) * partition_samples; partition_bits += ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN; save_residual_sample = residual_sample; for(partition_sample = 0; partition_sample < partition_samples; residual_sample++, partition_sample++) { partition_bits += VARIABLE_RICE_BITS(abs_residual[residual_sample], rice_parameter_estimate); } if (rice_parameter != max_rice_parameter) residual_sample = save_residual_sample; if (partition_bits < best_partition_bits) { best_rice_parameter = rice_parameter; best_partition_bits = partition_bits; } } if (search_for_escapes) { flat_bits = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN + ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_RAW_LEN + raw_bits_per_partition[partition] * partition_samples; if (flat_bits <= best_partition_bits) { raw_bits[partition] = raw_bits_per_partition[partition]; best_rice_parameter = ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER; best_partition_bits = flat_bits; } } parameters[partition] = best_rice_parameter; bits_ += best_partition_bits; } } *bits = bits_; return true; } */ /* private int getWastedBits(int[] signal, int samples) { int i, shift; int x = 0; for(i = 0; i < samples && !(x&1); i++) x |= signal[i]; if (x == 0) { shift = 0; } else { for(shift = 0; !(x&1); shift++) x >>= 1; } if (shift > 0) { for(i = 0; i < samples; i++) signal[i] >>= shift; } return shift; } */ /* private void appendToVerifyFifo(verify_input_fifo fifo, int[][] input, int input_offset, unsigned channels, unsigned wide_samples) { unsigned channel; for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) memcpy(&[channel][fifo->tail], &input[channel][input_offset], sizeof(int) * wide_samples); fifo.tail += wide_samples; } private void appendToVerifyFifoInterleaved(verify_input_fifo fifo, int input[], int input_offset, int channels, int wide_samples) { int tail = fifo.tail; int sample = input_offset * channels; for(int wide_sample = 0; wide_sample < wide_samples; wide_sample++) { for(int channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++)[channel][tail] = input[sample++]; tail++; } fifo.tail = tail; } */ /* StreamDecoderReadStatus verify_read_callback_(StreamDecoder decoder, byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes, void *client_data) { StreamEncoder *encoder = (StreamEncoder*)client_data; unsigned encoded_bytes = verifyData.output.bytes; (void)decoder; if (verifyData.needs_magic_hack) { ASSERT(*bytes >= STREAM_SYNC_LENGTH); *bytes = STREAM_SYNC_LENGTH; memcpy(buffer, STREAM_SYNC_STRING, *bytes); verifyData.needs_magic_hack = false; } else { if (encoded_bytes == 0) { // If we get here, a FIFO underflow has occurred, which means there is a bug somewhere. ASSERT(0); return STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ABORT; } else if (encoded_bytes < *bytes) *bytes = encoded_bytes; memcpy(buffer,, *bytes); += *bytes; verifyData.output.bytes -= *bytes; } return STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_CONTINUE; } */ /* StreamDecoderWriteStatus verify_write_callback_(StreamDecoder *decoder, Frame *frame, int * buffer[], void *client_data) { StreamEncoder *encoder = (StreamEncoder *)client_data; unsigned channel; unsigned channels = stream_decoder_get_channels(decoder); unsigned blocksize = frame->header.blocksize; unsigned bytes_per_block = sizeof(int) * blocksize; for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { if (0 != memcmp(buffer[channel],[channel], bytes_per_block)) { unsigned i, sample = 0; int expect = 0, got = 0; for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) { if (buffer[channel][i] !=[channel][i]) { sample = i; expect = (int)[channel][i]; got = (int)buffer[channel][i]; break; } } ASSERT(i < blocksize); ASSERT(frame->header.number_type == FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_SAMPLE_NUMBER); verifyData.error_stats.absolute_sample = frame->header.number.sample_number + sample; verifyData.error_stats.frame_number = (unsigned)(frame->header.number.sample_number / blocksize); = channel; verifyData.error_stats.sample = sample; verifyData.error_stats.expected = expect; = got; state = STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_MISMATCH_IN_AUDIO_DATA; return STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_ABORT; } } // dequeue the frame from the fifo for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { memmove(&[channel][0], &[channel][blocksize], verifyData.input_fifo.tail - blocksize); } verifyData.input_fifo.tail -= blocksize; return STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_CONTINUE; } */ /* void verify_metadata_callback_(StreamDecoder *decoder, StreamMetadata *metadata, void *client_data) { (void)decoder, (void)metadata, (void)client_data; } */ /* void verify_error_callback_(StreamDecoder *decoder, StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *client_data) { StreamEncoder *encoder = (StreamEncoder*)client_data; (void)decoder, (void)status; state = STREAM_ENCODER_VERIFY_DECODER_ERROR; } */ }