/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Preston Lacey http://javaflacencoder.sourceforge.net/ * All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package javaFlacEncoder; /** * MetadataBlockStreamInfo is used to declare the initial stream parameters, * such as Sample Rate, bits per sample, and number of channels, as well as * information on the encoded stream such as total number of samples, minimum * and maximum block and frame sizes, and md5sum of raw audio samples. A * StreamInfo block must be the first meta-data block in a FLAC stream, and only * one StreamInfo block may exist. * * @author Preston Lacey */ public class MetadataBlockStreamInfo { /** For Debugging: Higher level equals more debug statements */ static int DEBUG_LEV = 0; /* int minimumBlockSize = 4096;//32768;//16 bits used; 16 minimum valid int maximumBlockSize = 4096;//32768;//16 bits used; 65535 maximum valid int minimumFrameSize = 0;//24 bits used; zero implies unknown int maximumFrameSize = 0;//24 bits used; zero implies unknown int sampleRate = 8000;//4096;//20 bits used, but 655350Hz max. 0 is invalid. byte numberOfChannels = 1;//3 bits used byte bitsPerSample = 16;//5 bits used. values 4-32 valid long totalSamplesInStream = 0;//36 bits used. 0 implies unknown. byte[] md5Hash; */ /** * Constructor. This class defines only static methods and fields. */ public MetadataBlockStreamInfo() { } /** * Create a FLAC StreamInfo metadata block with the given parameters. Because * of the data stored in a StreamInfo block, this should generally be created * only after all encoding is done. * * @param sc StreamConfiguration used in this FLAC stream. * @param minFrameSize Size of smallest frame in FLAC stream. * @param maxFrameSize Size of largest frame in FLAC stream. * @param samplesInStream Total number of inter-channel audio samples in * FLAC stream. * @param md5Hash MD5 hash of the raw audio samples. * @return EncodedElement containing created StreamInfo block. */ public static EncodedElement getStreamInfo(StreamConfiguration sc, int minFrameSize, int maxFrameSize, long samplesInStream, byte[] md5Hash) { EncodedElement ele = new EncodedElement(); int bytes = getByteSize(); byte data[] = new byte[bytes]; ele.setData(data); ele.setUsableBits(bytes*8); int encodedBitsPerSample = sc.getBitsPerSample()-1; //System.out.println("BitsPerSample : " + encodedBitsPerSample); int index = 0; EncodedElement.addInt(sc.getMinBlockSize(), 16, index, data); index += 16; EncodedElement.addInt(sc.getMaxBlockSize(), 16, index, data); index += 16; EncodedElement.addInt(minFrameSize, 24, index, data); index += 24; EncodedElement.addInt(maxFrameSize, 24, index, data); index += 24; EncodedElement.addInt(sc.getSampleRate(), 20, index, data); index += 20; EncodedElement.addInt(sc.getChannelCount()-1, 3, index, data); index += 3; EncodedElement.addInt(encodedBitsPerSample, 5, index, data); index +=5; EncodedElement.addLong(samplesInStream, 36, index, data); index +=36; //obs.addLong(md5Begin, 64, obs.getUsedLength()); //obs.addLong(md5End, 64, obs.getUsedLength()); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { EncodedElement.addInt(md5Hash[i], 8, index, data); index += 8; } ele.setUsableBits(index); return ele; } /** * Get the expected size of a properly formed STREAMINFO metadata block. * * @return size of properly formed FLAC STREAMINFO metadata block. */ static public int getByteSize() { int size = 0; size += 16; size += 16; size += 24; size += 24; size += 20; size += 3; size += 5; size += 36; size += 64; size += 64; size = size/8; return size; } }