package; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import fr.mch.mdo.logs.ILogger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DataMigrationDinnerTableWork extends DataMigrationWork { public DataMigrationDinnerTableWork(ILogger logger, File output, Restaurant restaurant, UserAuthentication user) { super(logger, output, restaurant, user); } @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { PrintWriter out = null; String restaurantReference =; String userLogin = super.user.getLogin(); /** rateFormat is used formatting Bigdecimal rate */ DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(); dfs.setDecimalSeparator('.'); DecimalFormat vatRateFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.00", dfs); Map<String, String> productSpecialCodeV1ToV2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); { productSpecialCodeV1ToV2.put("#", "PRODUCT_SPECIAL_CODE.OFFERED_PRODUCT.1"); productSpecialCodeV1ToV2.put("-", "PRODUCT_SPECIAL_CODE.DISCOUNT_ORDER.2"); productSpecialCodeV1ToV2.put("/", "PRODUCT_SPECIAL_CODE.USER_ORDER.3"); } List<DinnerTable> tables = new ArrayList<DinnerTable>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(output)); // Key = true or false in V1 // Value = Enum enm_language_key_label in V2 Map<String, String> typeV1ToV2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); typeV1ToV2.put("false", "TABLE_TYPE.EAT_IN.0"); typeV1ToV2.put("true", "TABLE_TYPE.TAKE_AWAY.1"); // Fill t_dinner_table ps = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT dtb_id, dtb_number, dtb_customers_number, dtb_quantities_sum, dtb_amounts_sum, dtb_reduction_ratio," + " dtb_amount_pay, dtb_registration_date, dtb_print_date, dtb_cashing_date, dtb_reduction_ratio_changed, dtb_takeaway" + " FROM t_dinner_table"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); int maxColumn = rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); logger.debug("Max Columns " + maxColumn); while ( { logger.debug("START Row " + rs.getRow()); DinnerTable table = new DinnerTable(); TableType type = new TableType(); MdoTableAsEnum code = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setCode(code); table.setType(type); for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumn; i++) { String columnLabel = rsMetaData.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(); Object value = rs.getObject(i); logger.debug("t_dinner_table Result " + columnLabel + " with Value " + value); DinnerTableResultSetRow.valueOf(columnLabel).fillValue(table, value); } tables.add(table); logger.debug("END Row " + rs.getRow()); } for (Iterator<DinnerTable> iterator = tables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DinnerTable table =; // Fill t_order_line table.setOrders(new HashSet<OrderLine>()); ps = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT orl_quantity, t_order_line.pdt_id PDT_ID, t_value_added_tax.vat_value VAT_VALUE, orl_special_code_value, orl_label, orl_unit_price, orl_amount" + " FROM t_order_line " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN t_product ON t_product.pdt_id = t_order_line.pdt_id" + " JOIN t_value_added_tax ON t_value_added_tax.vat_id = t_product.vat_id " + " WHERE dtb_id=" + table.getId()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); maxColumn = rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); logger.debug("t_order_line Max Columns " + maxColumn); while ( { logger.debug("START t_order_line Row " + rs.getRow()); OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine(); Product product = new Product(); orderLine.setProduct(product); ProductSpecialCode productSpecialCode = new ProductSpecialCode(); MdoTableAsEnum code = new MdoTableAsEnum(); productSpecialCode.setCode(code); orderLine.setProductSpecialCode(productSpecialCode); for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumn; i++) { String columnLabel = rsMetaData.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(); Object value = rs.getObject(i); logger.debug("t_order_line Result " + columnLabel + " with Value " + value); OrderLineResultSetRow.valueOf(columnLabel).fillValue(orderLine, value); } table.getOrders().add(orderLine); logger.debug("END t_order_line Row " + rs.getRow()); } // Fill t_table_vat table.setVats(new HashSet<TableVat>()); ps = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT t_value_added_tax.vat_value, t_vat_table.vtt_amount, t_vat_table.vtt_value " + " FROM t_vat_table " + " JOIN t_dinner_table ON t_dinner_table.dtb_id=t_vat_table.dtb_id " + " JOIN t_value_added_tax ON t_value_added_tax.vat_id=t_vat_table.vat_id " + " WHERE t_dinner_table.dtb_id=" + table.getId()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); maxColumn = rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); logger.debug("t_table_vat Max Columns " + maxColumn); while ( { logger.debug("START t_table_vat Row " + rs.getRow()); TableVat tableVat = new TableVat(); for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumn; i++) { String columnLabel = rsMetaData.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(); Object value = rs.getObject(i); logger.debug("t_table_vat Result " + columnLabel + " with Value " + value); TableVatResultSetRow.valueOf(columnLabel).fillValue(tableVat, value); } // Dummy Id in order to have unique element when adding into vats Set tableVat.getVat().setId(new Long(rs.getRow())); table.getVats().add(tableVat); logger.debug("END t_table_vat Row " + rs.getRow()); } // Fill t_cashing TableCashing tableCashing = table.getCashing(); if (tableCashing != null) { ps = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT t_cashing.csh_cash, t_cashing.csh_ticket, t_cashing.csh_cheque, t_cashing.csh_card, t_cashing.csh_unpaid " + " FROM t_cashing " + " WHERE t_cashing.dtb_id=" + table.getId()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); maxColumn = rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); logger.debug("t_cashing Max Columns " + maxColumn); while ( { logger.debug("START t_cashing Row " + rs.getRow()); for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumn; i++) { CashingType cashingType = new CashingType(); String columnLabel = rsMetaData.getColumnLabel(i).toUpperCase(); Object value = rs.getObject(i); logger.debug("t_cashing Result " + columnLabel + " with Value " + value); CashingTypeResultSetRow.valueOf(columnLabel).fillValue(cashingType, value); if (cashingType.getAmount().doubleValue() != 0) { // Dummy Id in order to have unique element when adding into cashings Set cashingType.getType().setId(new Long(i)); tableCashing.getCashingTypes().add(cashingType); } } logger.debug("END t_cashing Row " + rs.getRow()); } } } // t_dinner_table for (Iterator<DinnerTable> iterator = tables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DinnerTable table =; String insertProduct = "INSERT INTO t_dinner_table (res_id, dtb_code, aut_id, roo_id, dtb_customers_number, dtb_quantities_sum, dtb_amounts_sum, dtb_reduction_ratio, dtb_amount_pay, dtb_registration_date, dtb_printing_date, dtb_reduction_ratio_changed, tbt_id, dtb_deleted) SELECT t_restaurant.res_id, '" + table.getNumber() + "', " + " t_user_authentication.aut_id, null, " + table.getCustomersNumber() + ", " + table.getQuantitiesSum() + ", " + table.getAmountsSum() + ", " + table.getReductionRatio() + ", " + table.getAmountPay() + ", " + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getRegistrationDate()) + ", " + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getPrintingDate()) + ", " + table.getReductionRatioChanged() + ", t_table_type.tbt_id, false" + " FROM t_table_type JOIN t_enum ON t_table_type.tbt_code_enm_id = t_enum.enm_id, t_user_authentication, t_restaurant" + " WHERE t_enum.enm_language_key_label='" + typeV1ToV2.get(table.getType().getCode().getLanguageKeyLabel()) + "' AND "+ " t_user_authentication.aut_login='" + userLogin + "'" + " AND t_restaurant.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "';"; out.println(insertProduct); } out.flush(); // t_order_line for (Iterator<DinnerTable> iterator = tables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DinnerTable table =; Set<OrderLine> orders = table.getOrders(); for (Iterator<OrderLine> iterator2 = orders.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { OrderLine orderLine =; String insertProduct = "INSERT INTO t_order_line (dtb_id, psc_id, pdt_id, cre_id, prp_id, vat_id, orl_quantity, orl_label, orl_unit_price, orl_amount, orl_deleted) SELECT t_dinner_table.dtb_id," + " t_product_special_code.psc_id, t_product.pdt_id, null, t_product_part.prp_id, t_value_added_tax.vat_id, " + orderLine.getQuantity() + ", " + this.getLabel(orderLine.getLabel()) + ", " + orderLine.getUnitPrice() + ", " + orderLine.getAmount() + ", false" + " FROM t_dinner_table JOIN t_restaurant restaurant_dinner_table ON restaurant_dinner_table.res_id=t_dinner_table.res_id," + " t_product_special_code JOIN t_enum product_special_code_enum ON product_special_code_enum.enm_id=t_product_special_code.psc_code_enm_id JOIN t_restaurant restaurant_psc ON restaurant_psc.res_id=t_product_special_code.res_id, " + " t_product," + " t_product_part JOIN t_enum product_part_enum ON product_part_enum.enm_id=t_product_part.prp_code_enm_id, " + " t_value_added_tax " + " WHERE 1=1 " + " AND product_part_enum.enm_language_key_label='PRODUCT_PART.MISCELLANEOUS.0' " + " AND t_product.pdt_code= " + super.getProductV1ToV2(productSpecialCodeV1ToV2, orderLine.getProduct().getCode(), orderLine.getProductSpecialCode().getCode().getLanguageKeyLabel()) + "" + " AND product_special_code_enum.enm_language_key_label='" + super.getProductSpecialCodeV1ToV2(productSpecialCodeV1ToV2, orderLine.getProduct().getCode()) + "'" + " AND restaurant_psc.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "'" + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_code='" + table.getNumber() + "'" + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_registration_date=" + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getRegistrationDate()) + "" + " AND t_value_added_tax.vat_rate=" + vatRateFormat.format(orderLine.getVat().getRate().doubleValue()) + "" + " AND restaurant_dinner_table.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "';"; if ("/".equals(orderLine.getProduct().getCode())) { // Remove Product reference insertProduct = insertProduct.replace("t_product.pdt_id", "null").replace("t_product,", "").replace("AND t_product.pdt_code= '/'", ""); } out.println(insertProduct); } } out.flush(); // t_table_vat for (Iterator<DinnerTable> iterator = tables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DinnerTable table =; Set<TableVat> vats = table.getVats(); for (Iterator<TableVat> iterator2 = vats.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { TableVat tableVat =; String insertTableVat = "INSERT INTO t_table_vat (dtb_id, vat_id, tvt_amount, tvt_value, tvt_deleted) SELECT t_dinner_table.dtb_id, t_value_added_tax.vat_id, " + tableVat.getAmount() + ", " + tableVat.getValue() + ", false " + " FROM t_dinner_table JOIN t_restaurant restaurant_dinner_table ON restaurant_dinner_table.res_id=t_dinner_table.res_id," + " t_value_added_tax " + " WHERE 1=1 " + " AND t_value_added_tax.vat_rate=" + vatRateFormat.format(tableVat.getVat().getRate().doubleValue()) + " " + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_code='" + table.getNumber() + "'" + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_registration_date=" + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getRegistrationDate()) + "" + " AND restaurant_dinner_table.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "';"; out.println(insertTableVat); } } out.flush(); // t_table_cashing / t_cashing_type for (Iterator<DinnerTable> iterator = tables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DinnerTable table =; TableCashing tableCashing = table.getCashing(); if (tableCashing != null) { // t_table_cashing String insertTableCashing = "INSERT INTO t_table_cashing (dtb_id, tcs_cashing_date, tcs_deleted) SELECT t_dinner_table.dtb_id, " + this.formatDate(sdf, tableCashing.getCashingDate()) + ", false " + " FROM t_dinner_table JOIN t_restaurant restaurant_dinner_table ON restaurant_dinner_table.res_id=t_dinner_table.res_id " + " WHERE 1=1 " + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_code='" + table.getNumber() + "'" + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_registration_date=" + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getRegistrationDate()) + "" + " AND restaurant_dinner_table.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "';"; out.println(insertTableCashing); // t_cashing_type Set<CashingType> cashingTypes = tableCashing.getCashingTypes(); for (Iterator<CashingType> iterator2 = cashingTypes.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { CashingType cashingType =; String insertCashingType = "INSERT INTO t_cashing_type (tcs_id, cst_type_enum_id, cst_amount, cst_deleted) " + " SELECT t_table_cashing.tcs_id, t_enum.enm_id, " + cashingType.getAmount() + ", false " + " FROM t_table_cashing JOIN t_dinner_table ON t_table_cashing.dtb_id = t_dinner_table.dtb_id " + " JOIN t_restaurant restaurant_dinner_table ON restaurant_dinner_table.res_id=t_dinner_table.res_id," + " t_enum " + " WHERE 1=1 " + " AND t_enum.enm_language_key_label = '" + cashingType.getType().getLanguageKeyLabel() + "' " + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_code='" + table.getNumber() + "'" + " AND t_dinner_table.dtb_registration_date=" + this.formatDate(sdfTimes, table.getRegistrationDate()) + "" + " AND restaurant_dinner_table.res_reference = '" + restaurantReference + "';"; out.println(insertCashingType); } } } out.flush(); } catch (SQLException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (ps != null) { try { ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } private enum DinnerTableResultSetRow { DTB_ID() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setId(Long.valueOf(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_NUMBER() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setNumber(value.toString()); } } }, DTB_CUSTOMERS_NUMBER() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setCustomersNumber(Integer.valueOf(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_QUANTITIES_SUM() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setQuantitiesSum(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_AMOUNTS_SUM() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setAmountsSum(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_REDUCTION_RATIO() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setReductionRatio(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_AMOUNT_PAY() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setAmountPay(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_REGISTRATION_DATE() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setRegistrationDate((Date) value); } } }, DTB_PRINT_DATE() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setPrintingDate((Date) value); } } }, DTB_CASHING_DATE() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { Date date = (Date) value; TableCashing cashing = new TableCashing(); cashing.setDinnerTable(table); cashing.setCashingDate(date); cashing.setCashingTypes(new HashSet<CashingType>()); table.setCashing(cashing); } } }, DTB_REDUCTION_RATIO_CHANGED() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.setReductionRatioChanged(Boolean.valueOf(value.toString())); } } }, DTB_TAKEAWAY() { public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { if (value != null) { table.getType().getCode().setLanguageKeyLabel(value.toString()); } } }; public void fillValue(DinnerTable table, Object value) { } } private enum OrderLineResultSetRow { ORL_QUANTITY() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.setQuantity(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, PDT_ID() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.getProduct().setCode(value.toString()); } } }, ORL_SPECIAL_CODE_VALUE() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.getProductSpecialCode().getCode().setLanguageKeyLabel(value.toString()); } } }, ORL_LABEL() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.setLabel(value.toString()); } } }, ORL_UNIT_PRICE() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.setUnitPrice(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, ORL_AMOUNT() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { if (value != null) { orderLine.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, VAT_VALUE() { public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { ValueAddedTax vat = new ValueAddedTax(); if (value != null) { vat.setRate(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } else { vat.setRate(new BigDecimal(5.5)); } orderLine.setVat(vat); } }; public void fillValue(OrderLine orderLine, Object value) { } } private enum TableVatResultSetRow { VTT_AMOUNT() { public void fillValue(TableVat tableVat, Object value) { if (value != null) { tableVat.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, VTT_VALUE() { public void fillValue(TableVat tableVat, Object value) { if (value != null) { tableVat.setValue(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, VAT_VALUE() { public void fillValue(TableVat tableVat, Object value) { ValueAddedTax vat = new ValueAddedTax(); if (value != null) { vat.setRate(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } tableVat.setVat(vat); } }; public void fillValue(TableVat tableVat, Object value) { } } private enum CashingTypeResultSetRow { CSH_CASH() { public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { if (value != null) { MdoTableAsEnum type = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setLanguageKeyLabel("CASHING_TYPE.GENERIC_CASH.0"); cashingType.setType(type); cashingType.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, CSH_TICKET() { public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { if (value != null) { MdoTableAsEnum type = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setLanguageKeyLabel("CASHING_TYPE.GENERIC_TICKET.1"); cashingType.setType(type); cashingType.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, CSH_CHEQUE() { public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { if (value != null) { MdoTableAsEnum type = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setLanguageKeyLabel("CASHING_TYPE.GENERIC_CHECK.2"); cashingType.setType(type); cashingType.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, CSH_CARD() { public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { if (value != null) { MdoTableAsEnum type = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setLanguageKeyLabel("CASHING_TYPE.GENERIC_CARD.3"); cashingType.setType(type); cashingType.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }, CSH_UNPAID() { public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { if (value != null) { MdoTableAsEnum type = new MdoTableAsEnum(); type.setLanguageKeyLabel("CASHING_TYPE.UNPAID.4"); cashingType.setType(type); cashingType.setAmount(new BigDecimal(value.toString())); } } }; public void fillValue(CashingType cashingType, Object value) { } } }