package; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import fr.mch.mdo.i18n.IMessageQuery; import fr.mch.mdo.i18n.MessageQueryResourceBundleImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.mch.mdo.test.MdoTestCase; import fr.mch.mdo.test.resources.ITestResources; public class DefaultProductsManagerTest extends DefaultAdministrationManagerTest { /** * Create the test case * * @param testName name of the test case */ public DefaultProductsManagerTest(String testName) { super(testName); } /** * @return the suite of tests being tested */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(DefaultProductsManagerTest.class); } @Override protected IAdministrationManager getInstance() { return DefaultProductsManager.getInstance(); } @Override protected IMdoDtoBean createNewBean() { // Use the existing data in database String code = "A"; RestaurantDto restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(1L); // Used for Restaurant.equals restaurant.setReference(DefaultAdministrationManagerTest.RESTAURANT_FIRST_REFERENCE); ValueAddedTaxDto vat = new ValueAddedTaxDto(); vat.setId(1L); BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(12); Set<ProductCategoryDto> categories = new HashSet<ProductCategoryDto>(); Map<Long, String> labels = null; IMdoDtoBean result = createNewBean(restaurant, vat, code, price, categories, labels); ProductCategoryDto productCategory = new ProductCategoryDto(); CategoryDto category = new CategoryDto(); category.setId(1L); productCategory.setCategory(category); BigDecimal quantity = new BigDecimal(1.7); productCategory.setQuantity(quantity); categories.add(productCategory); return result; } @Override protected List<IMdoBean> createListBeans() { List<IMdoBean> list = new ArrayList<IMdoBean>(); // Use the existing data in database String code = "B"; RestaurantDto restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(1L); // Used for Restaurant.equals restaurant.setReference(DefaultAdministrationManagerTest.RESTAURANT_FIRST_REFERENCE); ValueAddedTaxDto vat = new ValueAddedTaxDto(); vat.setId(1L); BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(12); Set<ProductCategoryDto> categories = null; Map<Long, String> labels = new HashMap<Long, String>(); Long localeId = 1L; String label = "Boulette de porc à la vapeur"; labels.put(localeId, label); list.add(createNewBean(restaurant, vat, code, price, categories, labels)); return list; } @Override public void doUpdate() { IMdoDtoBean newBean = null; String code = "C"; // Use the existing data in database RestaurantDto restaurant = null; try { restaurant = (RestaurantDto) DefaultRestaurantsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the restaurant."); } assertNotNull("Restaurant must not be null", restaurant); ValueAddedTaxDto vat = new ValueAddedTaxDto(); try { vat = (ValueAddedTaxDto) DefaultValueAddedTaxesManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the vat."); } assertNotNull("VAT must not be null", vat); BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(12); Set<ProductCategoryDto> categories = new HashSet<ProductCategoryDto>(); Map<Long, String> labels = new HashMap<Long, String>(); Long localeId = 1L; String label = "Soupe Phnom Penh"; labels.put(localeId, label); localeId = 2L; label = "Soupe Phnom Penh ES"; labels.put(localeId, label); newBean = createNewBean(restaurant, vat, code, price, categories, labels); ProductCategoryDto productCategory = new ProductCategoryDto(); CategoryDto category = new CategoryDto(); category.setId(1L); productCategory.setCategory(category); BigDecimal quantity = new BigDecimal(1.7); productCategory.setQuantity(quantity); categories.add(productCategory); try { // Create new bean to be updated IMdoBean beanToBeUpdated = this.getInstance().insert(newBean); assertTrue("IMdoBean must be instance of " + ProductDto.class, beanToBeUpdated instanceof ProductDto); ProductDto castedBean = (ProductDto) beanToBeUpdated; assertNotNull("Product code must not be null", castedBean.getCode()); assertEquals("Product name must be equals to the inserted value", code.toString(), castedBean.getCode().toString()); assertNotNull("Product labels must not be null", castedBean.getLabels()); assertEquals("Check Product labels size", labels.size(), castedBean.getLabels().size()); assertNotNull("Product categories must not be null", castedBean.getCategories()); assertEquals("Check Product categories size", categories.size(), castedBean.getCategories().size()); // Update the created bean castedBean.getCategories().clear(); productCategory = new ProductCategoryDto(); category = new CategoryDto(); category.setId(1L); productCategory.setCategory(category); quantity = new BigDecimal(3.14); productCategory.setQuantity(quantity); castedBean.getCategories().add(productCategory); productCategory = new ProductCategoryDto(); category = new CategoryDto(); category.setId(2L); productCategory.setCategory(category); quantity = new BigDecimal(3.57); productCategory.setQuantity(quantity); castedBean.getCategories().add(productCategory); labels.clear(); localeId = 1L; label = "O2"; labels.put(localeId, label); castedBean.setLabels(labels); castedBean = (ProductDto) this.getInstance().update(castedBean); // Reload the modified bean ProductDto updatedBean = new ProductDto(); updatedBean.setId(castedBean.getId()); updatedBean = (ProductDto) this.getInstance().load(updatedBean); assertNotNull("Product code must not be null", updatedBean.getCode()); assertEquals("Product name must be equals to the updated value", code.toString(), updatedBean.getCode().toString()); assertNotNull("Product labels must not be null", updatedBean.getLabels()); assertEquals("Check Product labels size", labels.size(), updatedBean.getLabels().size()); assertNotNull("Product categories must not be null", castedBean.getCategories()); // Because of ProductDto is a bean that is not attach to Hibernate session so the collection Categories is not too. // Then Categories collection is never removed(but still updated) and the size must be the same as before updating the ProductDto assertEquals("Check Product categories size", 2, castedBean.getCategories().size()); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @Override public void doProcessList() { ProductsManagerViewBean viewBean = new ProductsManagerViewBean(); try { ((IManagerLabelable) this.getInstance()).processList(viewBean, DefaultAdministrationManagerTest.userContext.getCurrentLocale()); // Do not have to call find all products because we want list of products by restaurants assertNull("Main list not null", viewBean.getList()); assertNotNull("Languages list not be null", viewBean.getLanguages()); assertFalse("Languages list not be empty", viewBean.getLanguages().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Restaurants list not be null", viewBean.getRestaurants()); assertFalse("Restaurants list not be empty", viewBean.getRestaurants().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Categories list not be null", viewBean.getCategories()); assertFalse("Categories list not be empty", viewBean.getCategories().isEmpty()); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public void testGetInstance() { assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof IProductsManager); assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof DefaultProductsManager); } private IMdoDtoBean createNewBean(RestaurantDto restaurant, ValueAddedTaxDto vat, String code, BigDecimal price, Set<ProductCategoryDto> categories, Map<Long, String> labels) { ProductDto newBean = new ProductDto(); newBean.setCode(code); newBean.setPrice(price); newBean.setRestaurant(restaurant); newBean.setVat(vat); newBean.setCategories(categories); newBean.setLabels(labels); return newBean; } /** * Test the getList method. */ public void testGetList() { Long restaurantId = 1L; try { List<IMdoDtoBean> list= ((IProductsManager) DefaultProductsManager.getInstance()).getList(restaurantId); assertNotNull("List must not be null", list); assertFalse("List must not be empty", list.isEmpty()); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public void testImportData() { File file = null; try { // Don't use URL.getFile or URL.getPath instead convert to URI first // Because when using URL and the path contains space then the URL.getFile or URL.getPath will convert space to "%20" file = new File(ITestResources.class.getResource("inport-data-10203040506070-fr.ods").toURI().getPath()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } try { ((IProductsManager) DefaultProductsManager.getInstance()).importData(file.getName(), file); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public void testExportData() { FileOutputStream fos = null; final File file = new File("target/export-data.ods"); try { fos = new FileOutputStream(file); assertEquals("File must be empty", 0,file.length()); String restaurantReference = "10203040506070"; IMessageQuery messages = new MessageQueryResourceBundleImpl(""); String[] headers = new String[] { messages.getMessage("products.manager.code"), messages.getMessage("products.manager.label"), messages.getMessage("products.manager.price"), messages.getMessage("products.manager.vat"), messages.getMessage("products.manager.color") }; ((IProductsManager) DefaultProductsManager.getInstance()) .exportData(fos, restaurantReference, headers, DefaultProductsManagerTest.userContext.getCurrentLocale()); fos.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { fos.close(); // Open with ooo: Do not use the following instruction in Ubuntu Jenkins if the user who laucnh the test has no rights to open ooo //; } catch (IOException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } assertTrue("File must be not empty", file.length() != 0); } public void testLookupProductsCodesByPrefixCode() { // Used for finding restaurant Long userId = 1L; try { UserAuthenticationDto user = (UserAuthenticationDto) DefaultUserAuthenticationsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(userId, null); DefaultProductsManagerTest.userContext.setUserAuthentication(user); } catch(Exception e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } String prefixProductCode = "1"; try { Map<Long, String> codes = ((IProductsManager) DefaultProductsManager.getInstance()).lookupProductsCodesByPrefixCode(DefaultProductsManagerTest.userContext.getUserAuthentication().getRestaurant().getId(), prefixProductCode); assertNotNull("Map of codes must not be null", codes); assertFalse("Map of codes must not be empty", codes.isEmpty()); } catch (Exception e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } }