package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.mch.mdo.test.MdoTestCase; public class DefaultUsersManagerTest extends DefaultAdministrationManagerTest { /** * Create the test case * * @param testName * name of the test case */ public DefaultUsersManagerTest(String testName) { super(testName); } /** * @return the suite of tests being tested */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(DefaultUsersManagerTest.class); } @Override protected IAdministrationManager getInstance() { return DefaultUsersManager.getInstance(); } @Override protected IMdoDtoBean createNewBean() { String name = "MA"; String forename1 = "Chhui Huy"; String forename2 = "Mathieu"; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(1970, 7, 15); Date birthdate = calendar.getTime(); boolean sex = true; // Use the existing data in database MdoTableAsEnumDto title = new MdoTableAsEnumDto(); try { title = (MdoTableAsEnumDto) DefaultMdoTableAsEnumsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L, userContext); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user title code."); } byte[] picture = { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x02 }; Set<UserRestaurantDto> restaurants = new HashSet<UserRestaurantDto>(); return createNewBean(name, forename1, forename2, birthdate, sex, title, picture, restaurants); } @Override protected List<IMdoBean> createListBeans() { List<IMdoBean> list = new ArrayList<IMdoBean>(); // First element in the list IMdoBean newBean = null; String name = "MA"; String forename1 = "Ngim Mui"; String forename2 = "Julie"; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(1968, 7, 15); Date birthdate = calendar.getTime(); boolean sex = false; MdoTableAsEnumDto title = new MdoTableAsEnumDto(); try { title = (MdoTableAsEnumDto) DefaultMdoTableAsEnumsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L, userContext); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user title code."); } byte[] picture = { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x03 }; Set<UserRestaurantDto> restaurants = new HashSet<UserRestaurantDto>(); newBean = createNewBean(name, forename1, forename2, birthdate, sex, title, picture, restaurants); // Use the existing data in database UserRestaurantDto userRestaurant = new UserRestaurantDto(); RestaurantDto restaurant = null; try { restaurant = (RestaurantDto) DefaultRestaurantsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(2L, userContext); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the restaurant."); } userRestaurant.setRestaurant(restaurant); restaurants.add(userRestaurant); list.add(newBean); // Second element in the list name = "MA"; forename1 = "Sui Bor"; forename2 = "Brice"; calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(1969, 7, 15); birthdate = calendar.getTime(); sex = true; picture = null; restaurants = null; newBean = createNewBean(name, forename1, forename2, birthdate, sex, title, picture, restaurants); list.add(newBean); return list; } @Override public void doUpdate() { IMdoDtoBean newBean = null; String name = "MA"; String forename1 = "Sui Tao"; String forename2 = "Edouard"; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(1967, 7, 15); Date birthdate = calendar.getTime(); boolean sex = true; MdoTableAsEnumDto title = new MdoTableAsEnumDto(); try { title = (MdoTableAsEnumDto) DefaultMdoTableAsEnumsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L, userContext); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user title code."); } byte[] picture = null; Set<UserRestaurantDto> restaurants = new HashSet<UserRestaurantDto>(); newBean = createNewBean(name, forename1, forename2, birthdate, sex, title, picture, restaurants); // Use the existing data in database UserRestaurantDto userRestaurant = new UserRestaurantDto(); RestaurantDto restaurant = null; try { restaurant = (RestaurantDto) DefaultRestaurantsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(2L, userContext); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the restaurant."); } userRestaurant.setRestaurant(restaurant); restaurants.add(userRestaurant); try { // Create new bean to be updated IMdoBean beanToBeUpdated = this.getInstance().insert(newBean, userContext); assertTrue("IMdoBean must be instance of " + UserDto.class, beanToBeUpdated instanceof UserDto); UserDto castedBean = (UserDto) beanToBeUpdated; assertNotNull("User ID must not be null", castedBean.getId()); assertNotNull("User restaurants must not be null", castedBean.getRestaurants()); assertEquals("User restaurants size must be 1", restaurants.size(), castedBean.getRestaurants().size()); // Update the created bean castedBean.setPicture(picture); // Use the existing data in database restaurants.clear(); userRestaurant = new UserRestaurantDto(); restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(1L); userRestaurant.setRestaurant(restaurant); restaurants.add(userRestaurant); userRestaurant = new UserRestaurantDto(); restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(2L); userRestaurant.setRestaurant(restaurant); restaurants.add(userRestaurant); castedBean.setRestaurants(restaurants); this.getInstance().update(castedBean, userContext); // Reload the modified bean UserDto updatedBean = new UserDto(); updatedBean.setId(castedBean.getId()); updatedBean = (UserDto) this.getInstance().load(updatedBean, userContext); assertNotNull("User restaurants must not be null", updatedBean.getRestaurants()); assertEquals("User restaurants size must be 2", restaurants.size(), updatedBean.getRestaurants().size()); this.getInstance().delete(updatedBean, userContext); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void doProcessList() { UsersManagerViewBean viewBean = new UsersManagerViewBean(); try { this.getInstance().processList(viewBean, DefaultAdministrationManagerTest.userContext); assertNotNull("Main list not be null", viewBean.getList()); assertFalse("Main list not be empty", viewBean.getList().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Restaurants list not be null", viewBean.getRestaurants()); assertFalse("Restaurants list not be empty", viewBean.getRestaurants().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Titles list not be null", viewBean.getTitles()); assertFalse("Titles list not be empty", viewBean.getTitles().isEmpty()); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public void testGetInstance() { assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof IUsersManager); assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof DefaultUsersManager); } private IMdoDtoBean createNewBean(String name, String forename1, String forename2, Date birthdate, boolean sex, MdoTableAsEnumDto title, byte[] picture, Set<UserRestaurantDto> restaurants) { UserDto newBean = new UserDto(); newBean.setName(name); newBean.setForename1(forename1); newBean.setForename2(forename2); newBean.setBirthdate(birthdate); newBean.setSex(sex); newBean.setTitle(title); newBean.setPicture(picture); newBean.setRestaurants(restaurants); return newBean; } }