package; import java.math.BigDecimal; public enum ManagedProductSpecialCode { OFFERED_PRODUCT("#") { @Override public boolean isOrderCodeManaged(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { boolean result = false; if (orderCode != null) { // The user entry code starts with product special code short code. result = orderCode.startsWith(productSpecialCodeShortCode); } return result; } @Override public boolean mustCheckProductCode() { return Boolean.TRUE; } @Override public String getProductCode(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { String result = null; if (orderCode != null) { int beginIndex = productSpecialCodeShortCode.length(); result = orderCode.substring(beginIndex); } return result; } @Override public BigDecimal getAmount(BigDecimal quantity, BigDecimal unitPrice) { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } }, DISCOUNT_ORDER("-"), USER_ORDER("/") { @Override public boolean isOrderCodeManaged(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { boolean result = false; if (orderCode != null) { // The user entry code equals product special code short code. // Note the productSpecialCodeShortCode is never null. result = orderCode.equals(productSpecialCodeShortCode); } return result; } @Override public boolean mustCheckProductCode() { return Boolean.FALSE; } @Override public String getProductCode(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { String result = null; return result; } }, CREDIT("@"); /** Currently not used, just here for reminder. */ private String code = ""; ManagedProductSpecialCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getCode() { return this.code; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NEW ////////////////////////////////////////////// public static ManagedProductSpecialCode getEnum(String name) { ManagedProductSpecialCode result = null; try { result = ManagedProductSpecialCode.valueOf(name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Do nothing. } return result; } /** * Check if the user code is managed by this enum. * * @param productSpecialCodeShortCode the database code to be checked. * @param orderCode the user entry code to be checked. * @return true if the user code is managed by this enum. */ public boolean isOrderCodeManaged(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { return false; } /** * Check if this enum has to check the product code. * * @return true if this enum has to check the product code. */ public boolean mustCheckProductCode() { return false; } /** * Get the product code by the user entry code and the database short code. * * @param productSpecialCodeShortCode the database short code. * @param orderCode the user entry code. * @return the product code. */ public String getProductCode(String productSpecialCodeShortCode, String orderCode) { return null; } /** * Build the label. * * @param productSpecialCodeLabel the product special code label. * @param productLabel the product label. * @return the built label. */ public String getLabel(String productSpecialCodeLabel, String productLabel) { String result = null; if (productSpecialCodeLabel != null) { result = productSpecialCodeLabel; } if (productLabel != null) { result += " " + productLabel; } return result; } /** * Get the amount by quantity and unit price. * The process is dependent on the product special code. * * @param quantity the quantity. * @param unitPrice the unit price. * @return the amount by quantity and unit price. */ public BigDecimal getAmount(BigDecimal quantity, BigDecimal unitPrice) { BigDecimal result = null; if (quantity != null && unitPrice != null) { result = quantity.multiply(unitPrice); } return result; } }