package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.mch.mdo.test.MdoTestCase; public class DefaultUserAuthenticationsManagerTest extends DefaultAdministrationManagerTest { /** * Create the test case * * @param testName * name of the test case */ public DefaultUserAuthenticationsManagerTest(String testName) { super(testName); } /** * @return the suite of tests being tested */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(DefaultUserAuthenticationsManagerTest.class); } @Override protected IAdministrationManager getInstance() { return DefaultUserAuthenticationsManager.getInstance(); } @Override protected IMdoDtoBean createNewBean() { // Use the existing data in database LocaleDto printingLocale = new LocaleDto(); printingLocale.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database UserDto user = new UserDto(); user.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database RestaurantDto restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database UserRoleDto userRole = new UserRoleDto(); try { userRole = (UserRoleDto) DefaultUserRolesManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user role."); } String login = "mma"; String password = "mma"; String levelPass1 = "mma1"; String levelPass2 = "mma2"; String levelPass3 = "mma3"; Set<UserLocaleDto> locales = new HashSet<UserLocaleDto>(); UserAuthenticationDto newBean = (UserAuthenticationDto) createNewBean(printingLocale, user, restaurant, userRole, login, password, levelPass1, levelPass2, levelPass3, locales); UserLocaleDto userLocale = new UserLocaleDto(); LocaleDto locale = new LocaleDto(); locale.setId(1L); userLocale.setLocale(locale); locales.add(userLocale); return newBean; } @Override protected List<IMdoBean> createListBeans() { List<IMdoBean> list = new ArrayList<IMdoBean>(); // Use the existing data in database LocaleDto printingLocale = null; try { printingLocale = (LocaleDto) DefaultLocalesManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the printing locale."); } // Use the existing data in database UserDto user = null; try { user = (UserDto) DefaultUsersManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user."); } // Use the existing data in database RestaurantDto restaurant = null; try { restaurant = (RestaurantDto) DefaultRestaurantsManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the restaurant."); } // Use the existing data in database UserRoleDto userRole = new UserRoleDto(); try { userRole = (UserRoleDto) DefaultUserRolesManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the user role."); } String login = ""; String password = ""; String levelPass1 = "mathieu.ma1"; String levelPass2 = "mathieu.ma2"; String levelPass3 = "mathieu.ma3"; Set<UserLocaleDto> locales = null; list.add(createNewBean(printingLocale, user, restaurant, userRole, login, password, levelPass1, levelPass2, levelPass3, locales)); return list; } @Override public void doUpdate() { IMdoDtoBean newBean = null; // Use the existing data in database LocaleDto printingLocale = new LocaleDto(); printingLocale.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database UserDto user = new UserDto(); user.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database RestaurantDto restaurant = new RestaurantDto(); restaurant.setId(1L); // Use the existing data in database UserRoleDto userRole = new UserRoleDto(); userRole.setId(1L); String login = "lchristophe"; String password = "lchristophe"; String levelPass1 = "lchristophe1"; String levelPass2 = "lchristophe2"; String levelPass3 = "lchristophe3"; Set<UserLocaleDto> locales = new HashSet<UserLocaleDto>(); newBean = createNewBean(printingLocale, user, restaurant, userRole, login, password, levelPass1, levelPass2, levelPass3, locales); UserLocaleDto userLocale = new UserLocaleDto(); LocaleDto locale = new LocaleDto(); try { locale = (LocaleDto) DefaultLocalesManager.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(1L); } catch (MdoException e) { fail("Could not found the locale."); } userLocale.setLocale(locale); locales.add(userLocale); try { // Create new bean to be updated IMdoBean beanToBeUpdated = this.getInstance().insert(newBean); assertTrue("IMdoBean must be instance of " + UserAuthenticationDto.class, beanToBeUpdated instanceof UserAuthenticationDto); UserAuthenticationDto castedBean = (UserAuthenticationDto) beanToBeUpdated; assertEquals("UserAuthentication login must be equals to the inserted value", login, castedBean.getLogin()); assertNotNull("UserAuthentication locales must not be null", castedBean.getLocales()); assertEquals("Check UserAuthentication locales size 1", locales.size(), castedBean.getLocales().size()); // Update the created bean login = "kiki"; castedBean.setLogin(login); locales.clear(); userLocale = new UserLocaleDto(); locale = new LocaleDto(); locale.setId(1L); userLocale.setLocale(locale); // For updating, if not Hibernate will insert // userLocale.setId(backupId); locales.add(userLocale); userLocale = new UserLocaleDto(); locale = new LocaleDto(); locale.setId(2L); userLocale.setLocale(locale); locales.add(userLocale); castedBean.setLocales(locales); this.getInstance().update(castedBean); // Reload the modified bean UserAuthenticationDto updatedBean = new UserAuthenticationDto(); updatedBean.setId(castedBean.getId()); updatedBean = (UserAuthenticationDto) this.getInstance().load(updatedBean); assertEquals("UserAuthentication login must be equals to the updated value", login, updatedBean.getLogin()); assertNotNull("UserAuthentication locales must not be null", updatedBean.getLocales()); assertEquals("Check UserAuthentication locales size 2", locales.size(), updatedBean.getLocales().size()); this.getInstance().delete(updatedBean); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @Override public void doProcessList() { UserAuthenticationsManagerViewBean viewBean = new UserAuthenticationsManagerViewBean(); try { ((IUserAuthenticationsManager) this.getInstance()).processList(viewBean, DefaultAdministrationManagerTest.userContext.getCurrentLocale()); assertNotNull("Main list not be null", viewBean.getList()); assertFalse("Main list must not be empty", viewBean.getList().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Languages list not be null", viewBean.getLanguages()); assertFalse("setLanguages list must not be empty", viewBean.getLanguages().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Languages list not be null", viewBean.getLanguages()); assertFalse("Languages list must not be empty", viewBean.getLanguages().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("Users list not be null", viewBean.getUsers()); assertFalse("Users list must not be empty", viewBean.getUsers().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("UserRoles list not be null", viewBean.getUserRoles()); assertFalse("UserRoles list must not be empty", viewBean.getUserRoles().isEmpty()); assertNotNull("UserRestaurants list not be null", viewBean.getUserRestaurants()); assertFalse("UserRestaurants list must not be empty", viewBean.getUserRestaurants().isEmpty()); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public void testGetInstance() { assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof IUserAuthenticationsManager); assertTrue(this.getInstance() instanceof DefaultUserAuthenticationsManager); } public void testFindByLogin() { IUserAuthenticationsManager manager = (IUserAuthenticationsManager) this.getInstance(); String login = null; try { manager.findByLogin(login); } catch (MdoException e) { assertTrue("Login must not be null", true); } try { login = "toto"; assertNull("User Authentication must be null", manager.findByLogin(login)); login = "mch"; IMdoDtoBean dtoBean = manager.findByLogin(login); assertNotNull("User Authentication must NOT be null", dtoBean); assertTrue("User Authentication must be instance of UserAuthenticationDto", dtoBean instanceof UserAuthenticationDto); } catch (MdoException e) { fail(MdoTestCase.DEFAULT_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private IMdoDtoBean createNewBean(LocaleDto printingLocale, UserDto user, RestaurantDto restaurant, UserRoleDto userRole, String login, String password, String levelPass1, String levelPass2, String levelPass3, Set<UserLocaleDto> locales) { UserAuthenticationDto newBean = new UserAuthenticationDto(); newBean.setPrintingLocale(printingLocale); newBean.setUser(user); newBean.setRestaurant(restaurant); newBean.setUserRole(userRole); newBean.setLogin(login); newBean.setPassword(password); newBean.setLevelPass1(levelPass1); newBean.setLevelPass2(levelPass2); newBean.setLevelPass3(levelPass3); newBean.setLocales(locales); return newBean; } }