package org.mariadb.jdbc.failover; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.mariadb.jdbc.HostAddress; import org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.Protocol; import org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.constant.HaMode; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class AuroraAutoDiscoveryTest extends BaseMultiHostTest { /** * Initialisation. * * @throws SQLException exception */ @BeforeClass() public static void beforeClass2() throws SQLException { proxyUrl = proxyAuroraUrl; System.out.println("environment variable \"AURORA\" value : " + System.getenv("AURORA")); Assume.assumeTrue(initialAuroraUrl != null && System.getenv("AURORA") != null && amazonRDSClient != null); } /** * Initialisation. * * @throws SQLException exception */ @Before public void init() throws SQLException { defaultUrl = initialAuroraUrl; currentType = HaMode.AURORA; } /** * Creates a mock replica_host_status table to imitate the database used to retrieve information about the endpoints. * * @param insertEntryQuery - Query to insert a new entry into the table before running the tests * @throws SQLException if unexpected error occur */ private Connection tableSetup(String insertEntryQuery) throws Throwable { Connection connection = getNewConnection(true); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replica_host_status"); statement.executeQuery("CREATE TABLE replica_host_status (SERVER_ID VARCHAR(255), SESSION_ID VARCHAR(255), " + "LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW())"); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT SERVER_ID, SESSION_ID, LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP " + "FROM information_schema.replica_host_status " + "WHERE LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP = (" + "SELECT MAX(LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP) " + "FROM information_schema.replica_host_status)"); while ( { String values = ""; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { values += (i == 1) ? "'localhost'" : ",'" + resultSet.getString(i) + "'"; } statement.executeQuery("INSERT INTO replica_host_status (SERVER_ID, SESSION_ID, LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP) " + "VALUES (" + values + ")"); } if (insertEntryQuery != null) { statement.executeQuery(insertEntryQuery); } try { setDbName(connection, "testj"); } catch (Throwable t) { fail("Unable to set database for testing"); } int serverId = getServerId(connection); stopProxy(serverId, 1); try (Statement statement2 = connection.createStatement()) { statement2.executeQuery("select 1"); } } catch (SQLException se) { fail("Unable to execute queries to set up table: " + se); } return connection; } /** * Takes down the table created solely for these tests. * * @throws SQLException if unexpected error occur */ @After public void after() throws SQLException { try (Connection connection = getNewConnection(true)) { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replica_host_status"); } } } /** * Test verifies that the driver discovers new instances as soon as they are available. * * @throws Throwable if unexpected error occur */ @Test public void testDiscoverCreatedInstanceOnFailover() throws Throwable { try (Connection connection = tableSetup(null)) { int masterServerId = getServerId(connection); final int initialSize = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getUrlParser().getHostAddresses().size(); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeQuery("INSERT INTO replica_host_status (SERVER_ID, SESSION_ID) " + "VALUES ('test-discovery-on-creation', 'mock-new-endpoint')"); stopProxy(masterServerId, 1); statement.executeQuery("select 1"); List<HostAddress> finalEndpoints = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getUrlParser().getHostAddresses(); boolean newEndpointFound = foundHostInList(finalEndpoints, "test-discovery-on-creation"); assertTrue("Discovered new endpoint on failover", newEndpointFound); assertEquals(initialSize + 1, finalEndpoints.size()); } } } /** * Test verifies that deleted instances are removed from the possible connections. * * @throws Throwable if unexpected error occur */ @Test public void testRemoveDeletedInstanceOnFailover() throws Throwable { try (Connection connection = tableSetup("INSERT INTO replica_host_status (SERVER_ID, SESSION_ID) " + "VALUES ('test-instance-deleted-detection', 'mock-delete-endpoint')")) { Protocol protocol = getProtocolFromConnection(connection); final int initialSize = protocol.getUrlParser().getHostAddresses().size(); int serverId = getServerId(connection); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeQuery("UPDATE replica_host_status " + "SET LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP = DATE_SUB(LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 4 MINUTE) " + "WHERE SERVER_ID = 'test-instance-deleted-detection'"); stopProxy(serverId, 1); statement.executeQuery("select 1"); } List<HostAddress> finalEndpoints = protocol.getUrlParser().getHostAddresses(); boolean deletedInstanceGone = !foundHostInList(finalEndpoints, "test-instance-deleted-detection"); assertTrue("Removed deleted endpoint from urlParser", deletedInstanceGone); assertEquals(initialSize - 1, finalEndpoints.size()); } } /** * Must set newlyCreatedInstance system property in which the instance is not the current writer. * The best way to test is to create a new instance as the test is started. * All other instances should have a promotion tier greater than zero. * Test checks if a newly created instance that is promoted as the writer is found and connected to right away. * * @throws Throwable if error occur */ @Test public void testNewInstanceAsWriterDetection() throws Throwable { Assume.assumeTrue("System property newlyCreatedInstance is set", System.getProperty("newlyCreatedInstance") != null); try (Connection connection = getNewConnection(false)) { final String initialHost = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getHost(); ModifyDBInstanceRequest request1 = new ModifyDBInstanceRequest(); request1.setDBInstanceIdentifier(System.getProperty("newlyCreatedInstance")); request1.setPromotionTier(0); boolean promotionTierChanged; do { try { amazonRDSClient.modifyDBInstance(request1); promotionTierChanged = true; } catch (InvalidDBInstanceStateException | DBInstanceNotFoundException e) { promotionTierChanged = false; } } while (!promotionTierChanged); try { Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); // Should have completed modification } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Thread sleep was interrupted"); } launchAuroraFailover(); try { Thread.sleep(30 * 1000); // Should have failed over } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Thread sleep was interrupted"); } try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeQuery("select 1"); } String newHost = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getHost(); assertTrue("Connected to new writer", !initialHost.equals(newHost)); assertEquals(System.getProperty("newlyCreatedInstance"), newHost.substring(0, newHost.indexOf("."))); } } @Test public void testExceptionHandlingWhenDataFromTable() throws Throwable { try (Connection connection = getNewConnection(false)) { final String initialHost = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getHost(); final Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); Thread queryThread = new Thread() { public void run() { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long stopTime = System.nanoTime(); try { while (Math.abs(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(stopTime - startTime)) < 1000) { stopTime = System.nanoTime(); statement.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); startTime = System.nanoTime(); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } }; Thread failoverThread = new Thread() { public void run() { do { try { launchAuroraFailover(); } catch (InvalidDBClusterStateException e) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Expected because may occur due to queryThread } } } while (!isInterrupted()); } }; queryThread.start(); failoverThread.start(); queryThread.join(); if (!queryThread.isAlive()) { failoverThread.interrupt(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } Set<HostAddress> hostAddresses = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getProxy().getListener().getBlacklistKeys(); boolean connectionBlacklisted = foundHostInList(hostAddresses, initialHost); assertTrue("Connection has been blacklisted", connectionBlacklisted); } } private boolean foundHostInList(Collection<HostAddress> hostAddresses, String hostIdentifier) { for (HostAddress hostAddress : hostAddresses) { if ( > -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * CONJ-392 : aurora must discover active nodes without timezone issue. * * @throws Throwable if error occur */ @Test public void testTimeZoneDiscovery() throws Throwable { try (Connection connection = getNewConnection("&sessionVariables=@@time_zone='US/Central'",false)) { List<HostAddress> hostAddresses = getProtocolFromConnection(connection).getProxy().getListener().getUrlParser().getHostAddresses(); for (HostAddress hostAddress : hostAddresses) { System.out.println("hostAddress:" + hostAddress); } assertTrue(hostAddresses.size() > 1); } } }