/* MariaDB Client for Java Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Monty Program Ab. Copyright (c) 2015 Avaya Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to Monty Program Ab info@montyprogram.com. This particular MariaDB Client for Java file is work derived from a Drizzle-JDBC. Drizzle-JDBC file which is covered by subject to the following copyright and notice provisions: Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Marcus Eriksson Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the driver nor the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util; import org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.constant.HaMode; import java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException; import java.util.Properties; public enum DefaultOptions { /** * Database user name. */ USER("user", "1.0.0"), /** * Password of database user. */ PASSWORD("password", "1.0.0"), CONNECT_TIMEOUT("connectTimeout", (Integer) null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.1.8"), /** * On Windows, specify named pipe name to connect to mysqld.exe. */ PIPE("pipe", "1.1.3"), /** * Allows to connect to database via Unix domain socket, if server allows it. The value is the path of Unix domain socket, i.e "socket" * database parameter. */ LOCAL_SOCKET("localSocket", "1.1.4"), /** * Allowed to connect database via shared memory, if server allows it. The value is base name of the shared memory. */ SHARED_MEMORY("sharedMemory", "1.1.4"), /** * Sets corresponding option on the connection socket. */ TCP_NO_DELAY("tcpNoDelay", Boolean.TRUE, "1.0.0"), /** * Sets corresponding option on the connection socket. */ TCP_ABORTIVE_CLOSE("tcpAbortiveClose", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.1"), /** * Hostname or IP address to bind the connection socket to a local (UNIX domain) socket. */ LOCAL_SOCKET_ADDRESS("localSocketAddress", "1.1.8"), /** * Defined the network socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds. * 0 (default) disable this timeout */ SOCKET_TIMEOUT("socketTimeout", new Integer[]{10000, null, null, null, null, null}, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.1.8"), /** * Session timeout is defined by the wait_timeout server variable. * Setting interactiveClient to true will tell server to use the interactive_timeout server variable */ INTERACTIVE_CLIENT("interactiveClient", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.8"), /** * If set to 'true', exception thrown during query execution contain query string. */ DUMP_QUERY_ON_EXCEPTION("dumpQueriesOnException", Boolean.TRUE, "1.1.0"), /** * Metadata ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() return the physical table name. * "useOldAliasMetadataBehavior" permit to activate the legacy code that send the table alias if set. */ USE_OLD_ALIAS_METADATA_BEHAVIOR("useOldAliasMetadataBehavior", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.9"), /** * If set to 'false', exception thrown during LOCAL INFILE if no InputStream has already been set. */ ALLOW_LOCAL_INFILE("allowLocalInfile", Boolean.TRUE, "1.2.1"), /** * var=value pairs separated by comma, mysql session variables, set upon establishing successful connection. */ SESSION_VARIABLES("sessionVariables", "1.1.0"), /** * The database precised in url will be created if doesn't exist. * (legacy alias "createDB") */ CREATE_DATABASE_IF_NOT_EXISTS("createDatabaseIfNotExist", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.8"), /** * Defined the server time zone. * to use only if jre server as a different time implementation of the server. * (best to have the same server time zone when possible) */ SERVER_TIMEZONE("serverTimezone", "1.1.8"), /** * DatabaseMetaData use current catalog if null. */ NULL_CATALOG_MEANS_CURRENT("nullCatalogMeansCurrent", Boolean.TRUE, "1.1.8"), /** * Datatype mapping flag, handle MySQL Tiny as BIT(boolean). */ TINY_INT_IS_BIT("tinyInt1isBit", Boolean.TRUE, "1.0.0"), /** * Year is date type, rather than numerical. */ YEAR_IS_DATE_TYPE("yearIsDateType", Boolean.TRUE, "1.0.0"), /** * Force SSL on connection. * (legacy alias "useSSL") */ USE_SSL("useSsl", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.0"), /** * allow compression in MySQL Protocol. */ USER_COMPRESSION("useCompression", Boolean.FALSE, "1.0.0"), /** * Allows multiple statements in single executeQuery. */ ALLOW_MULTI_QUERIES("allowMultiQueries", Boolean.FALSE, "1.0.0"), /** * rewrite batchedStatement to have only one server call. */ REWRITE_BATCHED_STATEMENTS("rewriteBatchedStatements", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.8"), /** * Sets corresponding option on the connection socket. * Defaults to true since 1.6.0 (false before) */ TCP_KEEP_ALIVE("tcpKeepAlive", Boolean.TRUE, "1.0.0"), /** * set buffer size for TCP buffer (SO_RCVBUF). */ TCP_RCV_BUF("tcpRcvBuf", (Integer) null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.0.0"), /** * set buffer size for TCP buffer (SO_SNDBUF). */ TCP_SND_BUF("tcpSndBuf", (Integer) null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.0.0"), /** * to use custom socket factory, set it to full name of the class that implements javax.net.SocketFactory. */ SOCKET_FACTORY("socketFactory", "1.0.0"), PIN_GLOBAL_TX_TO_PHYSICAL_CONNECTION("pinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.8"), /** * When using SSL, do not check server's certificate. */ TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE("trustServerCertificate", Boolean.FALSE, "1.1.1"), /** * Server's certificate in DER form, or server's CA certificate. Can be used in one of 3 forms, sslServerCert=/path/to/cert.pem * (full path to certificate), sslServerCert=classpath:relative/cert.pem (relative to current classpath), or as verbatim DER-encoded certificate * string "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----". */ SERVER_SSL_CERT("serverSslCert", "1.1.3"), /** * Correctly handle subsecond precision in timestamps (feature available with MariaDB 5.3 and later). * May confuse 3rd party components (Hibernated). */ USE_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS("useFractionalSeconds", Boolean.TRUE, "1.0.0"), /** * Driver must recreateConnection after a failover. */ AUTO_RECONNECT("autoReconnect", Boolean.FALSE, "1.2.0"), /** * After a master failover and no other master found, back on a read-only host ( throw exception if not). */ FAIL_ON_READ_ONLY("failOnReadOnly", Boolean.FALSE, "1.2.0"), /** * When using loadbalancing, the number of times the driver should cycle through available hosts, attempting to connect. * Between cycles, the driver will pause for 250ms if no servers are available. */ RETRY_ALL_DOWN("retriesAllDown", 120, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.2.0"), /** * When using failover, the number of times the driver should cycle silently through available hosts, attempting to connect. * Between cycles, the driver will pause for 250ms if no servers are available. * if set to 0, there will be no silent reconnection */ FAILOVER_LOOP_RETRIES("failoverLoopRetries", 120, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.2.0"), /** * When in multiple hosts, after this time in second without used, verification that the connections haven't been lost. * When 0, no verification will be done. Defaults to 0 (120 before 1.5.8 version) */ VALID_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT("validConnectionTimeout", 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.2.0"), /** * time in second a server is blacklisted after a connection failure. default to 50s */ LOAD_BALANCE_BLACKLIST_TIMEOUT("loadBalanceBlacklistTimeout", 50, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.2.0"), /** * enable/disable prepare Statement cache, default true. */ CACHEPREPSTMTS("cachePrepStmts", Boolean.TRUE, "1.3.0"), /** * This sets the number of prepared statements that the driver will cache per VM if "cachePrepStmts" is enabled. * default to 250. */ PREPSTMTCACHESIZE("prepStmtCacheSize", 250, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.3.0"), /** * This is the maximum length of a prepared SQL statement that the driver will cache if "cachePrepStmts" is enabled. * default to 2048. */ PREPSTMTCACHESQLLIMIT("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", 2048, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.3.0"), /** * when in high availability, and switching to a read-only host, assure that this host is in read-only mode by * setting session read-only. * default to false */ ASSUREREADONLY("assureReadOnly", Boolean.FALSE, "1.3.0"), /** * if true (default) store date/timestamps according to client time zone. * if false, store all date/timestamps in DB according to server time zone, and time information (that is a time difference), doesn't take * timezone in account. */ USELEGACYDATETIMECODE("useLegacyDatetimeCode", Boolean.TRUE, "1.3.0"), /** * maximize Mysql compatibility. * when using jdbc setDate(), will store date in client timezone, not in server timezone when useLegacyDatetimeCode = false. * default to false. */ MAXIMIZEMYSQLCOMPATIBILITY("maximizeMysqlCompatibility", Boolean.FALSE, "1.3.0"), /** * useServerPrepStmts must prepared statements be prepared on server side, or just faked on client side. * if rewriteBatchedStatements is set to true, this options will be set to false. * default to false. */ USESERVERPREPSTMTS("useServerPrepStmts", Boolean.FALSE, "1.3.0"), /** * File path of the trustStore file (similar to java System property "javax.net.ssl.trustStore"). * Use the specified keystore for trusted root certificates. * When set, overrides serverSslCert. * <p> * (legacy alias trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl) */ TRUST_CERTIFICATE_KEYSTORE_URL("trustStore", "1.3.0"), /** * Password for the trusted root certificate file (similar to java System property "javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword"). * <p> * (legacy alias trustCertificateKeyStorePassword) */ TRUST_CERTIFICATE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD("trustStorePassword", "1.3.0"), /** * File path of the keyStore file that contain client private key store and associate certificates * (similar to java System property "javax.net.ssl.keyStore", but ensure that only the private key's entries are used). * (legacy alias clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl) */ CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEYSTORE_URL("keyStore", "1.3.0"), /** * Password for the client certificate keystore (similar to java System property "javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword"). * (legacy alias clientCertificateKeyStorePassword) */ CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD("keyStorePassword", "1.3.0"), /** * Password for the private key contain in client certificate keystore. * needed only in case private key password differ from keyStore password. */ PRIVATE_KEYS_PASSWORD("keyPassword", "1.5.3"), /** * Force TLS/SSL protocol to a specific set of TLS versions (comma separated list) * example : "TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2" */ ENABLED_SSL_PROTOCOL_SUITES("enabledSslProtocolSuites", "1.5.0"), /** * Force TLS/SSL cipher. (comma separated list) * example : "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" */ ENABLED_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES("enabledSslCipherSuites", "1.5.0"), /** * When executing batch queries, must batch continue on error. * default to true. */ CONTINUE_BATCH_ON_ERROR("continueBatchOnError", Boolean.TRUE, "1.4.0"), /** * Truncation error ("Data truncated for column '%' at row %", "Out of range value for column '%' at row %") will be thrown as error, * and not as warning. */ JDBCOMPLIANTRUNCATION("jdbcCompliantTruncation", Boolean.TRUE, "1.4.0"), /** * enable/disable callable Statement cache, default true. */ CACHE_CALLABLE_STMTS("cacheCallableStmts", Boolean.TRUE, "1.4.0"), /** * This sets the number of callable statements that the driver will cache per VM if "cacheCallableStmts" is enabled. * default to 150. */ CALLABLE_STMT_CACHE_SIZE("callableStmtCacheSize", 150, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.4.0"), /** * Indicate to server some client information in a key;value pair. * for example connectionAttributes=key1:value1,key2,value2. * Those information can be retrieved on server within tables mysql.session_connect_attrs and mysql.session_account_connect_attrs. * This can permit from server an identification of client. */ CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES("connectionAttributes", "1.4.0"), /** * PreparedStatement.executeBatch() will send many QUERY before reading result packets. * default to true. */ USE_BATCH_MULTI_SEND("useBatchMultiSend", Boolean.TRUE, "1.5.0"), /** * When using useBatchMultiSend, indicate maximum query that can be send at a time. * default to 100 */ USE_BATCH_MULTI_SEND_NUMBER("useBatchMultiSendNumber", 100, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.5.0"), /** * Enable log information. require Slf4j version > 1.4 dependency. * log informations : * - info : query log * default to false. */ LOGGING("log", Boolean.FALSE, "1.5.0"), /** * log query execution time. * (legacy alias alias profileSQL) */ PROFILESQL("profileSql", Boolean.FALSE, "1.5.0"), /** * Max query log size. * default to 1024. */ MAX_QUERY_LOG_SIZE("maxQuerySizeToLog", 1024, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "1.5.0"), /** * Will log query with execution time superior to this value (if defined ) * default to null. */ SLOW_QUERY_TIME("slowQueryThresholdNanos", (Long) null, 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE, "1.5.0"), /** * Indicate password encoding charset. If not set, driver use platform's default charset. * default to null. */ PASSWORD_CHARACTER_ENCODING("passwordCharacterEncoding", "1.5.9"), /** * Fast connection creation (recommended if not using authentication plugins) * default to true. */ PIPELINE_AUTH("usePipelineAuth", Boolean.TRUE, "1.6.0"), /** * When closing a statement that is fetching result-set (using setFetchSize), * kill query to avoid having to read remaining rows. */ KILL_FETCH_STMT("killFetchStmtOnClose", Boolean.TRUE, "1.6.0"), /** * Driver will save the last 16 MySQL packet exchanges (limited to first 1000 bytes). * Hexadecimal value of those packet will be added to stacktrace when an IOException occur. * This options has no performance incidence (< 1 microseconds per query) but driver will then take 16kb more memory. */ ENABLE_PACKET_DEBUG("enablePacketDebug", Boolean.FALSE, "1.6.0"); protected final String name; protected final Object objType; protected final Object defaultValue; protected final Object minValue; protected final Object maxValue; protected final String implementationVersion; protected Object value = null; DefaultOptions(String name, String implementationVersion) { this.name = name; this.implementationVersion = implementationVersion; objType = String.class; defaultValue = null; minValue = null; maxValue = null; } DefaultOptions(String name, Boolean defaultValue, String implementationVersion) { this.name = name; this.objType = Boolean.class; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.implementationVersion = implementationVersion; minValue = null; maxValue = null; } DefaultOptions(String name, Integer defaultValue, Integer minValue, Integer maxValue, String implementationVersion) { this.name = name; this.objType = Integer.class; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; this.implementationVersion = implementationVersion; } DefaultOptions(String name, Long defaultValue, Long minValue, Long maxValue, String implementationVersion) { this.name = name; this.objType = Long.class; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; this.implementationVersion = implementationVersion; } DefaultOptions(String name, Integer[] defaultValue, Integer minValue, Integer maxValue, String implementationVersion) { this.name = name; this.objType = Integer.class; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; this.implementationVersion = implementationVersion; } public static Options defaultValues(HaMode haMode) { return parse(haMode, "", new Properties()); } public static Options parse(HaMode haMode, String urlParameters, Options options) { Properties prop = new Properties(); return parse(haMode, urlParameters, prop, options); } public static Options parse(HaMode haMode, String urlParameters, Properties properties) { return parse(haMode, urlParameters, properties, null); } /** * Parse additional properties . * * @param haMode current haMode. * @param urlParameters options defined in url * @param properties options defined by properties * @param options initial options * @return options */ public static Options parse(HaMode haMode, String urlParameters, Properties properties, Options options) { if (!"".equals(urlParameters)) { String[] parameters = urlParameters.split("&"); for (String parameter : parameters) { int pos = parameter.indexOf('='); if (pos == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid connection URL, expected key=value pairs, found " + parameter); } if (!properties.containsKey(parameter.substring(0, pos))) { properties.setProperty(parameter.substring(0, pos), parameter.substring(pos + 1)); } } } return parse(haMode, properties, options); } private static Options parse(HaMode haMode, Properties properties, Options options) { boolean initial = false; if (options == null) { options = new Options(); initial = true; } try { for (DefaultOptions o : DefaultOptions.values()) { String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(o.name); //Handle alias if (propertyValue == null) { switch (o.name) { case "createDatabaseIfNotExist": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("createDB"); break; case "useSsl": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("useSSL"); break; case "profileSql": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("profileSQL"); break; case "enabledSslCipherSuites": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("enabledSSLCipherSuites"); break; case "trustStorePassword": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("trustCertificateKeyStorePassword"); break; case "trustStore": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl"); break; case "keyStorePassword": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("clientCertificateKeyStorePassword"); break; case "keyStore": propertyValue = properties.getProperty("clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl"); break; default: //no alias } } if (propertyValue != null) { if (o.objType.equals(String.class)) { Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, propertyValue); } else if (o.objType.equals(Boolean.class)) { switch (propertyValue.toLowerCase()) { case "1": case "true": Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, Boolean.TRUE); break; case "0": case "false": Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, Boolean.FALSE); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optional parameter " + o.name + " must be boolean (true/false or 0/1) was \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } } else if (o.objType.equals(Integer.class)) { try { Integer value = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue); if (value.compareTo((Integer) o.minValue) < 0 || value.compareTo((Integer) o.maxValue) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optional parameter " + o.name + " must be greater or equal to " + o.minValue + ((((Integer) o.maxValue).intValue() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? " and smaller than " + o.maxValue : " ") + ", was \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, value); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optional parameter " + o.name + " must be Integer, was \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } } else if (o.objType.equals(Long.class)) { try { Long value = Long.parseLong(propertyValue); if (value.compareTo((Long) o.minValue) < 0 || value.compareTo((Long) o.maxValue) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optional parameter " + o.name + " must be greater or equal to " + o.minValue + ((((Long) o.maxValue).intValue() != Long.MAX_VALUE) ? " and smaller than " + o.maxValue : " ") + ", was \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, value); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optional parameter " + o.name + " must be Long, was \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } } } else { if (initial) { if (o.defaultValue instanceof Integer[]) { Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, ((Integer[]) o.defaultValue)[haMode.ordinal()]); } else { Options.class.getField(o.name).set(options, o.defaultValue); } } } } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException n) { n.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException s) { //only for jws, so never thrown throw new IllegalArgumentException("Security too restrictive : " + s.getMessage()); } //not compatible options //disable use server prepare id using client rewrite if (options.rewriteBatchedStatements) { options.useServerPrepStmts = false; options.cachePrepStmts = false; } //pipe cannot use read and write socket simultaneously //CONJ-386 : Aurora isn't compatible with option useBatchMultiSend. if (options.pipe != null || haMode == HaMode.AURORA) options.useBatchMultiSend = false; return options; } }