package org.mariadb.jdbc; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class GiganticLoadDataInfileTest extends BaseTest { /** * Initialisation. * * @throws SQLException exception */ @BeforeClass() public static void initClass() throws SQLException { createTable("gigantic_load_data_infile", "id int not null primary key auto_increment, name char(20)", "ENGINE=myisam"); } @Ignore @Test public void giganticLoadDataInfileTest() throws SQLException, IOException { try (VeryLongAutoGeneratedInputStream in = new VeryLongAutoGeneratedInputStream(300000000)) { Statement statement = sharedConnection.createStatement(); MariaDbStatement mariaDbStatement = statement.unwrap(MariaDbStatement.class); mariaDbStatement.setLocalInfileInputStream(in); String sql = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'dummyFileName'" + " INTO TABLE gigantic_load_data_infile " + " FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\t' ENCLOSED BY ''" + " ESCAPED BY '\\\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n'"; statement.execute(sql); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) from gigantic_load_data_infile"); assertTrue(; int numberOfRowsInTable = resultSet.getInt(1); assertEquals(in.numberOfRows, numberOfRowsInTable); } } /** * Custom memory conserving generator of a LOAD DATA INFILE that generates a stream. */ private static class VeryLongAutoGeneratedInputStream extends InputStream { private final int numberOfRows; private int currentPosInBuffer; private byte[] buffer; private int currentRow; private VeryLongAutoGeneratedInputStream(int numberOfRows) { this.numberOfRows = numberOfRows; currentRow = 0; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (currentRow > numberOfRows) { return -1; } if (buffer != null && currentPosInBuffer >= buffer.length) { buffer = null; } if (buffer == null) { currentRow++; currentPosInBuffer = 0; buffer = new String(currentRow + "\tname" + currentRow + "\n").getBytes(); } return buffer[currentPosInBuffer++]; } } }