/* MariaDB Client for Java Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Monty Program Ab. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to Monty Program Ab info@montyprogram.com. This particular MariaDB Client for Java file is work derived from a Drizzle-JDBC. Drizzle-JDBC file which is covered by subject to the following copyright and notice provisions: Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Marcus Eriksson Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the driver nor the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions; import org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbConnection; import org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement; import org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.logging.Logger; import org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.SqlStates; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException; import java.sql.SQLTimeoutException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; public class ExceptionMapper { /** * Helper to throw exception. Exception is logged. * * @param exception exception * @param connection current connection * @param statement current statement * @param logger logger * @param timeout was timeout on query * @throws SQLException exception */ public static void throwAndLogException(SQLException exception, MariaDbConnection connection, MariaDbStatement statement, Logger logger, boolean timeout) throws SQLException { SQLException sqlException = getException(exception, connection, statement, timeout); logger.error("error executing query", sqlException); throw sqlException; } /** * Helper to throw exception. * * @param exception exception * @param connection current connection * @param statement current statement * @throws SQLException exception */ public static void throwException(SQLException exception, MariaDbConnection connection, MariaDbStatement statement) throws SQLException { throw getException(exception, connection, statement, false); } /** * Helper to decorate exception with associate subclass of {@link SQLException} exception. * * @param exception exception * @param connection current connection * @param statement current statement * @param timeout was timeout on query * @return SQLException exception */ public static SQLException getException(SQLException exception, MariaDbConnection connection, MariaDbStatement statement, boolean timeout) { String message = exception.getMessage(); if (connection != null) { message = "(conn:" + connection.getServerThreadId() + ") " + message; } else if (statement != null) { message = "(conn:" + statement.getServerThreadId() + ") " + message; } SQLException sqlException; SqlStates state = null; if (exception.getSQLState() != null) { if (message.contains("\n")) message = message.substring(0, message.indexOf("\n")); sqlException = get(message, exception, timeout); String sqlState = exception.getSQLState(); state = SqlStates.fromString(sqlState); SQLException nextException = exception.getNextException(); if (nextException != null) { sqlException.setNextException(nextException); } } else { sqlException = exception; } if (connection != null) { if (SqlStates.CONNECTION_EXCEPTION.equals(state)) { connection.setHostFailed(); if (connection.pooledConnection != null) { connection.pooledConnection.fireConnectionErrorOccured(sqlException); } } else if (connection.pooledConnection != null && statement != null) { connection.pooledConnection.fireStatementErrorOccured(statement, sqlException); } } return sqlException; } private static SQLException get(final String message, final SQLException exception, boolean timeout) { final String sqlState = exception.getSQLState(); final SqlStates state = SqlStates.fromString(sqlState); switch (state) { case DATA_EXCEPTION: return new java.sql.SQLDataException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return new java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: return new java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case INVALID_AUTHORIZATION: return new java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case CONNECTION_EXCEPTION: return new java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case SYNTAX_ERROR_ACCESS_RULE: return new java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK: return new java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case WARNING: return new SQLWarning(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION: if (timeout && "70100".equals(sqlState)) { return new SQLTimeoutException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); } if (exception instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException) { return new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(message, exception.getSQLState(), exception.getErrorCode(), exception); } return new java.sql.SQLTransientException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION: return new SQLTimeoutException(message, sqlState, exception.getErrorCode(), exception); case UNDEFINED_SQLSTATE: if (exception instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException) { return new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(message, exception.getSQLState(), exception.getErrorCode(), exception); } default: // DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTION_ERROR, return new SQLException(message, exception.getSQLState(), exception.getErrorCode(), exception); } } public static SQLException getSqlException(String message, Exception exception) { return new SQLException(message, exception); } public static SQLException getSqlException(String message, String sqlState, Exception exception) { return new SQLException(message, sqlState, 0, exception); } public static SQLException getSqlException(String message) { return new SQLException(message); } public static SQLException getFeatureNotSupportedException(String message) { return new java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(message); } /** * Mapp code to State. * * @param code code * @return String */ public static String mapCodeToSqlState(int code) { switch (code) { case 1022: //ER_DUP_KEY return "23000"; case 1037: //ER_OUTOFMEMORY return "HY001"; case 1038: //ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY return "HY001"; case 1040: //ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR return "08004"; case 1042: //ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1043: //ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1044: //ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR return "42000"; case 1045: //ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR return "28000"; case 1047: //ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR return "HY000"; case 1050: //ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR return "42S01"; case 1051: //ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR return "42S02"; case 1052: //ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR return "23000"; case 1053: //ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN return "08S01"; case 1054: //ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR return "42S22"; case 1055: //ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP return "42000"; case 1056: //ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD return "42000"; case 1057: //ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT return "42000"; case 1058: //ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT return "21S01"; case 1059: //ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT return "42000"; case 1060: //ER_DUP_FIELDNAME return "42S21"; case 1061: //ER_DUP_KEYNAME return "42000"; case 1062: //ER_DUP_ENTRY return "23000"; case 1063: //ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC return "42000"; case 1064: //ER_PARSE_ERROR return "42000"; case 1065: //ER_EMPTY_QUERY return "42000"; case 1066: //ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE return "42000"; case 1067: //ER_INVALID_DEFAULT return "42000"; case 1068: //ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY return "42000"; case 1069: //ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS return "42000"; case 1070: //ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS return "42000"; case 1071: //ER_TOO_LONG_KEY return "42000"; case 1072: //ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS return "42000"; case 1073: //ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY return "42000"; case 1074: //ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH return "42000"; case 1075: //ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY return "42000"; case 1080: //ER_FORCING_CLOSE return "08S01"; case 1081: //ER_IPSOCK_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1082: //ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX return "42S12"; case 1083: //ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS return "42000"; case 1084: //ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED return "42000"; case 1090: //ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS return "42000"; case 1091: //ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY return "42000"; case 1101: //ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT return "42000"; case 1102: //ER_WRONG_DB_NAME return "42000"; case 1103: //ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME return "42000"; case 1104: //ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT return "42000"; case 1106: //ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE return "42000"; case 1107: //ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE return "42000"; case 1109: //ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE return "42S02"; case 1110: //ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE return "42000"; case 1112: //ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION return "42000"; case 1113: //ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS return "42000"; case 1115: //ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET return "42000"; case 1118: //ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE return "42000"; case 1120: //ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN return "42000"; case 1121: //ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX return "42000"; case 1129: //ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED return "HY000"; case 1130: //ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED return "HY000"; case 1131: //ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER return "42000"; case 1132: //ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED return "42000"; case 1133: //ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH return "42000"; case 1136: //ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW return "21S01"; case 1138: //ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL return "42000"; case 1139: //ER_REGEXP_ERROR return "42000"; case 1140: //ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS return "42000"; case 1141: //ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT return "42000"; case 1142: //ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR return "42000"; case 1143: //ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR return "42000"; case 1144: //ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE return "42000"; case 1145: //ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER return "42000"; case 1146: //ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE return "42S02"; case 1147: //ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT return "42000"; case 1148: //ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND return "42000"; case 1149: //ER_SYNTAX_ERROR return "42000"; case 1152: //ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION return "08S01"; case 1153: //ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE return "08S01"; case 1154: //ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE return "08S01"; case 1155: //ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1156: //ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER return "08S01"; case 1157: //ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1158: //ER_NET_READ_ERROR return "08S01"; case 1159: //ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED return "08S01"; case 1160: //ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE return "08S01"; case 1161: //ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED return "08S01"; case 1162: //ER_TOO_LONG_STRING return "42000"; case 1163: //ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB return "42000"; case 1164: //ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT return "42000"; case 1166: //ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME return "42000"; case 1167: //ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN return "42000"; case 1169: //ER_DUP_UNIQUE return "23000"; case 1170: //ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH return "42000"; case 1171: //ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL return "42000"; case 1172: //ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS return "42000"; case 1173: //ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY return "42000"; case 1177: //ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE return "42000"; case 1178: //ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED return "42000"; case 1179: //ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION return "25000"; case 1184: //ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION return "08S01"; case 1189: //ER_MASTER_NET_READ return "08S01"; case 1190: //ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE return "08S01"; case 1203: //ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS return "42000"; case 1205: //ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT return "41000"; case 1207: //ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION return "25000"; case 1211: //ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER return "42000"; case 1213: //ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK return "40001"; case 1216: //ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW return "23000"; case 1217: //ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED return "23000"; case 1218: //ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER return "08S01"; case 1222: //ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT return "21000"; case 1226: //ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED return "42000"; case 1230: //ER_NO_DEFAULT return "42000"; case 1231: //ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR return "42000"; case 1232: //ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR return "42000"; case 1234: //ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE return "42000"; case 1235: //ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET return "42000"; case 1239: //ER_WRONG_FK_DEF return "42000"; case 1241: //ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS return "21000"; case 1242: //ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW return "21000"; case 1247: //ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE return "42S22"; case 1248: //ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS return "42000"; case 1249: //ER_SELECT_REDUCED return "01000"; case 1250: //ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE return "42000"; case 1251: //ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE return "08004"; case 1252: //ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL return "42000"; case 1253: //ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH return "42000"; case 1261: //ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS return "01000"; case 1262: //ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS return "01000"; case 1263: //ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL return "01000"; case 1264: //ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE return "01000"; case 1265: //ER_WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED return "01000"; case 1280: //ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX return "42000"; case 1281: //ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG return "42000"; case 1286: //ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE return "42000"; default: return null; } } }