package com.redhat.lightblue.migrator; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.LightblueException; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Projection; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Query; import; public class MigratorController extends AbstractController { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MigratorController.class); private final Random rnd = new Random(); public static final int JOB_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 64; private static final class LockRecord { final MigrationJob mj; final ActiveExecution ae; public LockRecord(MigrationJob mj, ActiveExecution ae) { this.mj = mj; = ae; } } public MigratorController(Controller controller, MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration) { super(controller, migrationConfiguration, "Migrators:" + migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); setName("MigratorController-" + migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } private LockRecord lock(MigrationJob mj) throws Exception { ActiveExecution ae = lock(mj.get_id()); if (ae != null) { return new LockRecord(mj, ae); } else { return null; } } /** * Retrieves jobs that are available, and their scheduled time has passed. * Returns at most batchSize jobs starting at startIndex */ public MigrationJob[] retrieveJobs(int batchSize, int startIndex, JobType jobType) throws IOException, LightblueException { LOGGER.debug("Retrieving jobs: batchSize={}, startIndex={}", batchSize, startIndex); DataFindRequest findRequest = new DataFindRequest("migrationJob", null); List<Query> conditions = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Query[] { // get jobs for this configuration Query.withValue("configurationName", Query.eq, migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()), // get jobs whose state ara available Query.withValue("status", Query.eq, "available"), // only get jobs that are Query.withValue("scheduledDate", Query.lte, new Date()) })); if (jobType == JobType.GENERATED) { LOGGER.debug("Looking for generated job"); conditions.add(Query.withValue("generated", Query.eq, true)); } else if (jobType == JobType.NONGENERATED) { LOGGER.debug("Looking for non generated job"); conditions.add(Query.withValue("generated", Query.eq, false)); } findRequest.where(Query.and(conditions));"*")); findRequest.range(startIndex, startIndex + batchSize - 1); LOGGER.debug("Finding Jobs to execute: {}", findRequest.getBody()); return, MigrationJob[].class); } private LockRecord findAndLockMigrationJob() throws Exception { // We retrieve a batch of migration jobs, and try to lock // one of them randomly. This works, because all the jobs // we retrieve are already passed their scheduled times, // so it doesn't matter in what order they execute. If we // can't lock any of the jobs in a given batch, we // retrieve the next batch, and try there. Randomness is // to prevent flooding: multiple threads starting at the // same time should not try to lock resources in the same // order, because one will succeed, and all others will // fail, and they all will try the next entity in line. int startIndex = 0; boolean more; try { do { more = true; MigrationJob[] jobs = retrieveJobs(JOB_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE, startIndex, getJobTypeToProcess()); if (jobs == null || jobs.length == 0) { // didn't find the job kind we were looking for, so fetch any jobs = retrieveJobs(JOB_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE, startIndex, JobType.ANY); } if (jobs != null && jobs.length > 0) { if (jobs.length < JOB_FETCH_BATCH_SIZE) { more = false; } List<MigrationJob> jobList = new LinkedList<>(); for (MigrationJob x : jobs) { jobList.add(x); } do { // Pick a job at random int jobIndex = rnd.nextInt(jobList.size()); MigrationJob job = jobList.get(jobIndex); // Try to lock it LockRecord lck; if ((lck = lock(job)) != null) { // Locked. Return it return lck; } else { // Can't lock it. Remove from job list jobList.remove(jobIndex); } } while (!jobList.isEmpty() && !isInterrupted()); } else { more = false; } } while (more && !isInterrupted()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception in findAndLockMigrationJob:" + e, e); throw e; } // No jobs to process return null; } @Override public void run() { LOGGER.debug("Starting controller thread"); // This thread never stops Breakpoint.checkpoint("MigratorController:start"); ThreadMonitor monitor=controller.getThreadMonitor(); while(!stopped) { LOGGER.debug("Controller thread for {} is alive",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); if(!stopped) { // All active threads will notify on migratorThreads when they finish synchronized (migratorThreads) { int k = 0; // Are we already running all the threads we can? // Don't include abandoned threads in this count int nThreads=monitor.getThreadCount(migratorThreads, ThreadMonitor.Status.alive, ThreadMonitor.Status.killed); LOGGER.debug("There are {} active threads for {}",nThreads,migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); while(!stopped&&nThreads>=migrationConfiguration.getThreadCount()) { // Wait until someone terminates (1 sec) try { migratorThreads.wait(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (k++ % 10 == 0) { // refresh configuration every 10 iteration try { MigrationConfiguration x = reloadMigrationConfiguration(); if (x == null) { // Terminate LOGGER.debug("Controller {} terminating",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); stopped=true; } else { migrationConfiguration = x; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot refresh configuration", e); } } nThreads = monitor.getThreadCount(migratorThreads, ThreadMonitor.Status.alive, ThreadMonitor.Status.killed); LOGGER.debug("There are {} active threads for {}", nThreads, migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } } } if(!stopped) { LOGGER.debug("Find a migration job to process for {}",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); try { Breakpoint.checkpoint("MigratorController:findandlock"); LockRecord lockedJob = findAndLockMigrationJob(); if (lockedJob != null) { LOGGER.debug("Found migration job {} for {}", lockedJob.mj.get_id(), migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); Breakpoint.checkpoint("MigratorController:process"); Migrator m = createMigrator(lockedJob.mj,; m.registerThreadMonitor(monitor); m.start(); } else { if (migrationConfiguration.isSleepIfNoJobs()) { // No jobs are available, wait a bit (10sec-30sec), and retry LOGGER.debug("Waiting for {}", migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); Thread.sleep(rnd.nextInt(20000) + 10000); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot lock migration job:" + e, e); } } } migratorThreads.interrupt(); Breakpoint.checkpoint("MigratorController:end"); LOGGER.debug("Ending controller thread for {}", migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } /** * Draws JobType basing on weights defined in configuration. This is to ensure that generated (consistency checker) and * non generated (migrator) jobs run in requested proportions. * * @param cfg * @return */ private JobType getJobTypeToProcess() { double denominator = migrationConfiguration.getConsistencyCheckerWeight() + migrationConfiguration.getMigratorWeight(); if (random.nextDouble() <= migrationConfiguration.getConsistencyCheckerWeight() / denominator) { return JobType.GENERATED; } else { return JobType.NONGENERATED; } } }