package com.redhat.lightblue.migrator.facade; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompare; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.redhat.lightblue.migrator.facade.methodcallstringifier.LazyMethodCallStringifier; import com.redhat.lightblue.migrator.facade.methodcallstringifier.MethodCallStringifier; import jiff.JsonDelta; import jiff.JsonDiff; /** * This class checks for data inconsistencies and handles logging. * * @author ykoer * */ public class ConsistencyChecker { // using non-static slf4j loggers for easy unit testing Logger inconsistencyLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); Logger hugeInconsistencyLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName() + "Huge"); private final String implementationName; protected int maxInconsistencyLogLength = 65536; // 64KB protected int maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare = 65536; // 64kB protected boolean logResponseDataEnabled = true; private Map<Class<?>, ModelMixIn> modelMixIns; private ObjectMapper objectMapper = null; private JsonDiff jiff = new JsonDiff(); public ConsistencyChecker(String implementationName, Integer maxInconsistencyLogLength, Integer maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare) { this.implementationName = implementationName; if (maxInconsistencyLogLength != null) { this.maxInconsistencyLogLength = maxInconsistencyLogLength; } if (maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare != null) { this.maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare = maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare; } jiff.setOption(JsonDiff.Option.ARRAY_ORDER_INSIGNIFICANT); this.objectMapper = createObjectMapper();"Initializing "+this.toString()); } public ConsistencyChecker(String implementationName) { this(implementationName, null, null); } private Map<Class<?>, ModelMixIn> findModelMixInMappings() { if (modelMixIns == null) { Reflections reflections = new Reflections(""); Set<Class<?>> classes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(ModelMixIn.class); modelMixIns = new HashMap<>(); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { modelMixIns.put(clazz, clazz.getAnnotation(ModelMixIn.class)); } } return modelMixIns; } private ObjectMapper createObjectMapper() { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, ModelMixIn> entry : findModelMixInMappings().entrySet()) { mapper.addMixIn(entry.getValue().clazz(), entry.getKey()); } return mapper; } /* Log inconsistencies based on following rules: * * If logResponseDataEnabled=true: * - Log message < MAX_INCONSISTENCY_LOG_LENGTH to server.log. * - Log message > MAX_INCONSISTENCY_LOG_LENGTH and diff <= MAX_INCONSISTENCY_LOG_LENGTH, log diff to server.log. * - Otherwise log method name and parameters to server.log and full message to inconsistency.log. * If logResponseDataEnabled=false: * - diff <= MAX_INCONSISTENCY_LOG_LENGTH, log diff to server.log. * - Otherwise log method name and parameters to server.log * - Always log full message to inconsistency.log * * Logging inconsistencies at debug level since everything >= info would also appear in server.log */ private void logInconsistency(String parentThreadName, String callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, String legacyJson, String lightblueJson, String diff) { String logMessage = String.format("[%s] Inconsistency found in %s.%s - diff: %s - legacyJson: %s, lightblueJson: %s", parentThreadName, implementationName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, diff, legacyJson, lightblueJson); if (logResponseDataEnabled) { if (logMessage.length() <= maxInconsistencyLogLength) { inconsistencyLog.warn(logMessage); } else if (diff != null && diff.length() <= maxInconsistencyLogLength) { inconsistencyLog.warn(String.format("[%s] Inconsistency found in %s.%s - diff: %s", parentThreadName, implementationName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, diff)); hugeInconsistencyLog.debug(logMessage); } else { inconsistencyLog.warn(String.format("[%s] Inconsistency found in %s.%s - payload and diff is greater than %d bytes!", parentThreadName, implementationName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, maxInconsistencyLogLength)); hugeInconsistencyLog.debug(logMessage); } } else { if (diff != null && diff.length() <= maxInconsistencyLogLength) { inconsistencyLog.warn(String.format("[%s] Inconsistency found in %s.%s - diff: %s", parentThreadName, implementationName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, diff)); } else { inconsistencyLog.warn(String.format("[%s] Inconsistency found in %s.%s - diff is greater than %d bytes!", parentThreadName, implementationName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, maxInconsistencyLogLength)); } // logData is turned off, log in inconsistency.log for debugging hugeInconsistencyLog.debug(logMessage); } } private void logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare(final String parentThreadName, final String legacyJson, final String lightblueJson, final MethodCallStringifier callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency) { try { Timer t = new Timer("ConsistencyCheck (JSONCompare)"); JSONCompareResult result = JSONCompare.compareJSON(legacyJson, lightblueJson, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); long jiffConsistencyCheckTook = t.complete(); if (inconsistencyLog.isDebugEnabled()) { inconsistencyLog.debug(String.format("[%s] JSONCompare consistency check took: %dms", parentThreadName, jiffConsistencyCheckTook)); inconsistencyLog.debug(String.format("[%s] JSONCompare consistency check passed: true", parentThreadName)); } if (result.passed()) { inconsistencyLog.error(String.format("[%s] Jiff consistency check found an inconsistency but JSONCompare didn't! Happened in %s", parentThreadName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency.toString())); return; } // log nice diff logInconsistency(parentThreadName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency.toString(), legacyJson, lightblueJson, result.getMessage().replaceAll("\n", ",")); } catch (Exception e) { inconsistencyLog.error("JSONCompare consistency check failed for " + callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, e); } } private void logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare(final String parentThreadName, final String legacyJson, final String lightblueJson, final MethodCallStringifier callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, boolean blocking) { if (blocking) { inconsistencyLog.debug("Running logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare in a blocking manner"); logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare(parentThreadName, legacyJson, lightblueJson, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency); } else { inconsistencyLog.debug("Running logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare in a NON blocking manner"); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare(parentThreadName, legacyJson, lightblueJson, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency); } }).start(); } } private void logInconsistencyUsingJiff(final String parentThreadName, final String legacyJson, final String lightblueJson, List<JsonDelta> jiffDeltas, final MethodCallStringifier callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < jiffDeltas.size(); i++) { String suffix = i< jiffDeltas.size() - 1 ? ", ": ""; sb.append(jiffDeltas.get(i).toString()+suffix); } logInconsistency(parentThreadName, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency.toString(), legacyJson, lightblueJson, sb.toString()); } private void logInconsistencyUsingJiff(final String parentThreadName, final String legacyJson, final String lightblueJson, final List<JsonDelta> jiffDeltas, final MethodCallStringifier callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, boolean blocking) { if (blocking) { inconsistencyLog.debug("Running logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare in a blocking manner"); logInconsistencyUsingJiff(parentThreadName, legacyJson, lightblueJson, jiffDeltas, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency); } else { inconsistencyLog.debug("Running logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare in a NON blocking manner"); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logInconsistencyUsingJiff(parentThreadName, legacyJson, lightblueJson, jiffDeltas, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency); } }).start(); } } // convenience method for unit testing protected boolean checkConsistency(Object o1, Object o2) { return checkConsistency(o1, o2, null, null); } /** * Check that objects are equal using org.skyscreamer.jsonassert library. * * @param legacyEntity object returned from legacy call * @param lightblueEntity object returned from lightblue call * @param methodName the method name * @param callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency the call including parameters * @return */ public boolean checkConsistency(final Object legacyEntity, final Object lightblueEntity, final String methodName, MethodCallStringifier callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency) { if (legacyEntity == null && lightblueEntity == null) { return true; } if (callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency == null) { callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency = new LazyMethodCallStringifier(); } try { Timer p2j = new Timer("ConsistencyChecker's pojo2json conversion"); final JsonNode legacyJson = objectMapper.valueToTree(legacyEntity); final JsonNode lightblueJson = objectMapper.valueToTree(lightblueEntity); p2j.complete(); try { Timer t = new Timer("checkConsistency (jiff)"); List<JsonDelta> deltas = jiff.computeDiff(legacyJson, lightblueJson); boolean consistent = deltas.isEmpty(); long jiffConsistencyCheckTook = t.complete(); if (inconsistencyLog.isDebugEnabled()) { inconsistencyLog.debug("Jiff consistency check took: " + jiffConsistencyCheckTook + " ms"); inconsistencyLog.debug("Jiff consistency check passed: true"); } if (consistent) { return true; } // TODO: this can be memory intensive too, but how else to check the size of responses? String legacyJsonStr = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(legacyEntity); String lightblueJsonStr = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(lightblueEntity); // JSONCompare fails when comparing booleans, convert them to strings if ("true".equals(legacyJsonStr) || "false".equals(legacyJsonStr)) { legacyJsonStr = "\"" + legacyJsonStr + "\""; } if ("true".equals(lightblueJsonStr) || "false".equals(lightblueJsonStr)) { lightblueJsonStr = "\"" + lightblueJsonStr + "\""; } if ("null".equals(legacyJsonStr) || "null".equals(lightblueJsonStr)) { logInconsistency(Thread.currentThread().getName(), callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency.toString(), legacyJsonStr, lightblueJsonStr, "One object is null and the other isn't"); } else { if (legacyJsonStr.length() >= maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare || lightblueJsonStr.length() >= maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare) { inconsistencyLog.debug("Using jiff to produce inconsistency warning"); // it is not very detailed (will show only first inconsistency; will tell you which array element is inconsistent, but not how), but it's easy on resources logInconsistencyUsingJiff(Thread.currentThread().getName(), legacyJsonStr, lightblueJsonStr, deltas, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("lightblue.facade.consistencyChecker.blocking", "false"))); } else { inconsistencyLog.debug("Using org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompare to produce inconsistency warning"); // it's slow and can consume lots of memory, but produces nice diffs logInconsistencyUsingJSONCompare(Thread.currentThread().getName(), legacyJsonStr, lightblueJsonStr, callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency, Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("lightblue.facade.consistencyChecker.blocking", "false"))); } } // inconsistent return false; } catch (IOException e) { inconsistencyLog.error("Consistency check failed in " + implementationName + "." + callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency + "! Invalid JSON: legacyJson=" + legacyJson + ", lightblueJson=" + lightblueJson, e); } } catch (Exception e) { inconsistencyLog.error("Consistency check failed in " + implementationName + "." + callToLogInCaseOfInconsistency + "! legacyEntity=" + legacyEntity + ", lightblueEntity=" + lightblueEntity, e); } return false; } public void setMaxInconsistencyLogLength(int length) { this.maxInconsistencyLogLength = length; } public void setLogResponseDataEnabled(boolean logResponseDataEnabled) { this.logResponseDataEnabled = logResponseDataEnabled; } void setInconsistencyLog(Logger inconsistencyLog) { this.inconsistencyLog = inconsistencyLog; } public int getMaxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare() { return maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare; } public void setMaxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare(int maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare) { this.maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare = maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare; } @Override public String toString() { return "ConsistencyChecker [implementationName=" + implementationName + ", maxInconsistencyLogLength=" + maxInconsistencyLogLength + ", maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare=" + maxJsonStrLengthForJsonCompare + ", logResponseDataEnabled=" + logResponseDataEnabled + "]"; } }