package com.redhat.lightblue.migrator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormat; import org.joda.time.Period; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Query; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Update; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.LightblueException; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Literal; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Projection; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.util.ClientConstants; import; import; import; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.response.LightblueDataResponse; /** * There is one consistency checker controller for each entity. Consistency * checker controller is created and initialized from a MigrationConfiguration. * The migration configuration gives the period with which the consistency * checker runs. The consistency checker operates using a timestamp field. Every * time it wakes up, it attempts to process documents that were created/modified * after the last run time, and before (now-period). When the consistency * checker wakes up, it creates a migration job for every (period) length time * slice. * * The consistency checker always leaves the last period unprocessed. This is to * allow for any time discrepancies between nodes updating the database. If a * node updates a record with a timestamp that is smaller than the current * latest record, the consistency checker will miss that in the next run if the * current maximum was used as the starting value of the next run. */ public class ConsistencyCheckerController extends AbstractController { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsistencyCheckerController.class); private ThreadMonitor monitor; public ConsistencyCheckerController(Controller controller, MigrationConfiguration migrationConfiguration) { super(controller, migrationConfiguration, "ConsistencyChecker:" + migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); setName("ConsistencyCheckerController-" + migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } /** * Returns the period in msecs */ public static long parsePeriod(String periodStr) { PeriodFormatter fmt = PeriodFormat.getDefault(); Period p = fmt.parsePeriod(periodStr); return p.toStandardDuration().getMillis(); } /** * Returns the end date given the start date end the period. The end date is * startDate+period, but only if endDate is at least one period ago. That * is, we always leave the last incomplete period unprocessed. * * Override this to control the job generation algorithm */ public Date getEndDate(Date startDate, long period) { long now = getNow().getTime(); long endDate = startDate.getTime() + period; if (now - period > endDate) { return new Date(endDate); } else { return null; } } /** * This is simply here so that we can override it in the tests, and change * the current time */ protected Date getNow() { return new Date(); } /** * Create a migration job or jobs to process records created between the * given dates. startDate is inclusive, end date is exclusive */ protected List<MigrationJob> createJobs(Date startDate, Date endDate, ActiveExecution ae) throws Exception { List<MigrationJob> ret = new ArrayList<MigrationJob>(); LOGGER.debug("Creating the migrator to setup new jobs"); // We setup a new migration job MigrationJob mj = new MigrationJob(); mj.setConfigurationName(getMigrationConfiguration().getConfigurationName()); mj.setScheduledDate(getNow()); mj.setGenerated(true); mj.setStatus(MigrationJob.STATE_AVAILABLE); mj.setConsistencyChecker(new MigrationJob.ConsistencyChecker()); mj.getConsistencyChecker().setJobRangeBegin(ClientConstants.getDateFormat().format(startDate)); mj.getConsistencyChecker().setJobRangeEnd(ClientConstants.getDateFormat().format(endDate)); mj.getConsistencyChecker().setConfigurationName(mj.getConfigurationName()); Migrator migrator = createMigrator(mj, ae); mj.setQuery(migrator.createRangeQuery(startDate, endDate)); // At this point, mj.query contains the range query LOGGER.debug("Migration job query:{}", mj.getQuery()); ret.add(mj); return ret; } private void filterDups(List<MigrationJob> list) { LOGGER.debug("filter dups, {} jobs", list.size()); if (!list.isEmpty()) { List<Query> qlist = new ArrayList<>(); for (MigrationJob j : list) { MigrationJob.ConsistencyChecker c = j.getConsistencyChecker(); if (c != null) { qlist.add(Query.and(Query.withValue("consistencyChecker.jobRangeBegin", Query.eq, c.getJobRangeBegin()), Query.withValue("consistencyChecker.jobRangeEnd", Query.eq, c.getJobRangeEnd()), Query.withValue("consistencyChecker.configurationName", Query.eq, c.getConfigurationName()))); } } if (!qlist.isEmpty()) { DataFindRequest req = new DataFindRequest("migrationJob", null); req.where(Query.and(Query.withValue("status", Query.eq, MigrationJob.STATE_AVAILABLE), Query.or(qlist)));"*")); MigrationJob[] dups = null; try { dups =, MigrationJob[].class); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot de-dup", e); } if (dups != null) { LOGGER.debug("There are {} dups", dups.length); for (MigrationJob d : dups) { for (MigrationJob trc : list) { if (trc.getConsistencyChecker().getJobRangeBegin().equals(d.getConsistencyChecker().getJobRangeBegin()) && trc.getConsistencyChecker().getJobRangeEnd().equals(d.getConsistencyChecker().getJobRangeEnd())) { list.remove(trc); break; } } } } } } } private void batchCreate(List<MigrationJob> mjList) throws LightblueException { final int batchSize = 100; List<MigrationJob> batch = new ArrayList<>(batchSize); for (MigrationJob mj : mjList) { batch.add(mj); if (batch.size() >= batchSize) { filterDups(batch); if (!batch.isEmpty()) { DataInsertRequest req = new DataInsertRequest("migrationJob", null); req.create(batch);; } batch.clear(); } } if (batch.size() > 0) { filterDups(batch); if (!batch.isEmpty()) { DataInsertRequest req = new DataInsertRequest("migrationJob", null); req.create(batch);; } } } private void update(List<MigrationJob> mjList) throws Exception { batchCreate(mjList); DataUpdateRequest upd = new DataUpdateRequest("migrationConfiguration", null); upd.where(Query.withValue("_id", Query.eq, migrationConfiguration.get_id())); upd.updates(Update.set("timestampInitialValue", Literal.value(migrationConfiguration.getTimestampInitialValue())));; } private boolean migrationJobsExist() { LOGGER.debug("Checking if there are migration jobs for {}", migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); DataFindRequest req = new DataFindRequest("migrationJob", null); req.where(Query.and(Query.withValue("configurationName", Query.eq, migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()), Query.withValue("generated", Query.eq, false), Query.withValue("status", Query.eq, MigrationJob.STATE_AVAILABLE)));"_id")); req.range(1, 1); try { LightblueDataResponse resp =; return resp.parseMatchCount() > 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot query migration jobs:{}", e, e); return true; } } @Override public void run() { LOGGER.debug("Starting consistency checker controller for {} with period {}",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName(), migrationConfiguration.getPeriod()); long period=parsePeriod(migrationConfiguration.getPeriod()); while(!stopped) { Breakpoint.checkpoint("CCC:start"); LOGGER.debug("Consistency checker {} woke up",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); // Lets update our configuration first MigrationConfiguration newCfg=migrationConfiguration; try { newCfg=reloadMigrationConfiguration(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot load configuration",e); } if(newCfg==null) { stopped=true; LOGGER.debug("Consistency checker {} configuration is no longer available",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } else if(!stopped) { migrationConfiguration=newCfg; // Lets recalculate period, just in case it changed period=parsePeriod(migrationConfiguration.getPeriod()); // We abuse the migration job locking mechanism // here to make sure only one consistency checker // controller is up at any given time This process // only creates migration jobs for the new // periods, so this is not a high-load process, // and we don't need many instances of it // running. But since the migrator can run on // multiple hosts, there is no way to prevent // it. At least, we make sure only one of the // consistencyy checker controllers wakes up at // any given time. // We create a lock using a custom id: String lockId=migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()+":ConsistencyCheckerController"; ActiveExecution ae; try { ae=lock(lockId); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception during lock attempt {}:{}",lockId,e); ae=null; } if(ae!=null) { Breakpoint.checkpoint("CCC:locked"); LOGGER.debug("This is the only running consistency checker instance for {}",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); try { Date endDate=null; Date startDate= migrationConfiguration.getTimestampInitialValue(); if(startDate!=null) { endDate=getEndDate(startDate,period); if(endDate==null) { LOGGER.debug("{} will wait for next period",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } else { Breakpoint.checkpoint("CCC:beforeCreateJobs"); List<MigrationJob> mjList=new ArrayList<>(); do { LOGGER.debug("{} will create a job for period {}-{}",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName(),startDate,endDate); mjList.addAll(createJobs(startDate,endDate,ae)); migrationConfiguration.setTimestampInitialValue(endDate); startDate=endDate; endDate=getEndDate(startDate,period); } while(endDate!=null&&!stopped); if(!mjList.isEmpty()&&!stopped) { try { update(mjList); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot create jobs:{}",e,e); } } LOGGER.debug("Created all the jobs"); Breakpoint.checkpoint("CCC:afterCreateJobs"); } } else LOGGER.error("Invalid timestamp initial value for {}, skipping this run",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error during job creation:{}",e,e); } finally { LOGGER.debug("Unlocking consistency checker {}",migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); unlock(lockId); } } } if(!stopped) { try { LOGGER.debug("Consistency checker {} is going to sleep for {} msecs", migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName(), period); Thread.sleep(period); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } Breakpoint.checkpoint("CCC:end"); LOGGER.warn("Ending controller thread for {}", migrationConfiguration.getConfigurationName()); } }