package com.redhat.lightblue.migrator; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.LightblueClient; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.LightblueException; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Projection; import com.redhat.lightblue.client.Query; import; /** * This is the main thread. It runs until it is interrupted. Periodically it * reads migration configurations, and creates MigratorController and * ConsistencyChecker threads. All those threads are derived from * AbstractController, and have their own thread groups. */ public class Controller extends Thread { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Controller.class); private final MainConfiguration cfg; private final LightblueClient lightblueClient; private final Map<String, MigrationProcess> migrationMap = new HashMap<>(); private final ThreadMonitor threadMonitor; private boolean stopped=false; public static class MigrationProcess { public MigrationConfiguration cfg; public MigratorController mig; public AbstractController ccc; public MigrationProcess(MigrationConfiguration cfg, MigratorController mig, AbstractController ccc) { this.cfg = cfg; this.mig = mig; this.ccc = ccc; } } public Controller(MainConfiguration cfg) { this.cfg = cfg; lightblueClient = getLightblueClient(); Long tt = cfg.getThreadTimeout(); if (tt == null) { threadMonitor = new ThreadMonitor(); } else { threadMonitor = new ThreadMonitor(tt); } threadMonitor.start(); } public void setStopped() { this.stopped=true; interrupt(); } public Map<String,MigrationProcess> getMigrationProcesses() { return migrationMap; } public MainConfiguration getMainConfiguration() { return cfg; } public ThreadMonitor getThreadMonitor() { return threadMonitor; } /** * Read configurations from the database whose name matches this instance * name */ public MigrationConfiguration[] getMigrationConfigurations() throws IOException, LightblueException { DataFindRequest findRequest = new DataFindRequest("migrationConfiguration", null); findRequest.where(Query.withValue("consistencyCheckerName", Query.eq, cfg.getName()));"*")); LOGGER.debug("Loading configuration:{}", findRequest.getBody()); return, MigrationConfiguration[].class); } /** * Read a configuration from the database whose name matches the the given * configuration name */ public MigrationConfiguration getMigrationConfiguration(String configurationName) throws IOException, LightblueException { DataFindRequest findRequest = new DataFindRequest("migrationConfiguration", null); findRequest.where(Query.and( Query.withValue("configurationName", Query.eq, configurationName), Query.withValue("consistencyCheckerName", Query.eq, cfg.getName())) );"*")); LOGGER.debug("Loading configuration:{}", findRequest.getBody()); return, MigrationConfiguration.class); } /** * Load migration configuration based on its id */ public MigrationConfiguration loadMigrationConfiguration(String migrationConfigurationId) throws IOException, LightblueException { DataFindRequest findRequest = new DataFindRequest("migrationConfiguration", null); findRequest.where(Query.withValue("_id", Query.eq, migrationConfigurationId));"*")); LOGGER.debug("Loading configuration"); return, MigrationConfiguration.class); } public LightblueClient getLightblueClient() { LOGGER.debug("Getting client, config={}", cfg.getClientConfig()); return cfg.getLightblueClient(); } private boolean shouldHaveConsistencyChecker(MigrationConfiguration cfg) { return cfg.getPeriod() != null && cfg.getPeriod().trim().length() > 0; } private AbstractController getConsistencyCheckerController(MigrationConfiguration cfg) { AbstractController ccc = null; try { if (shouldHaveConsistencyChecker(cfg)) { if (cfg.getConsistencyCheckerControllerClass() != null && cfg.getConsistencyCheckerControllerClass().length() > 0) { ccc = (AbstractController) Class.forName(cfg.getConsistencyCheckerControllerClass()). getConstructor(Controller.class, MigrationConfiguration.class).newInstance(this, cfg); } else { ccc = new ConsistencyCheckerController(this, cfg); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot create consistency checker controller for {}:{}", cfg.getConfigurationName(), e); } return ccc; } /** * Creates controller threads for migrators and consistency checkers based * on the configuration loaded from the db. * * For each configuration item, a migrator controller thread is created and * started. * * Once created, each thread manages its own lifecycle. If the corresponding * configuration is removed, thread terminates, or it is modified, thread * behaves accordingly. */ public void createControllers(MigrationConfiguration[] configurations) throws Exception { for (MigrationConfiguration cfg : configurations) { MigrationProcess process = migrationMap.get(cfg.get_id()); if (process == null) { LOGGER.debug("Creating a controller thread for configuration {}: {}", cfg.get_id(), cfg.getConfigurationName()); MigratorController c = new MigratorController(this, cfg); if (c instanceof MonitoredThread) { ((MonitoredThread) c).registerThreadMonitor(threadMonitor); } AbstractController ccc = getConsistencyCheckerController(cfg);; if (ccc instanceof MonitoredThread) { ((MonitoredThread) ccc).registerThreadMonitor(threadMonitor); } migrationMap.put(cfg.get_id(), new MigrationProcess(cfg, c, ccc)); c.start(); if (ccc != null) { ccc.start(); } } else { healthcheck(cfg); } } } public void healthcheck(MigrationConfiguration cfg) { // Healthcheck MigrationProcess process = migrationMap.get(cfg.get_id()); if (process != null) { process.cfg = cfg; if (!process.mig.isAlive()) { LOGGER.error("Migrator thread for {} is not alive, recreating", cfg.getConfigurationName()); process.mig = new MigratorController(this, cfg); if (process.mig instanceof MonitoredThread) { ((MonitoredThread) process.mig).registerThreadMonitor(threadMonitor); } process.mig.start(); } if (shouldHaveConsistencyChecker(cfg)) { if (process.ccc == null || (process.ccc != null && !process.ccc.isAlive())) { LOGGER.error("Consistency checker for {} is not alive, recreating", cfg.getConfigurationName()); process.ccc = getConsistencyCheckerController(cfg); if (process.ccc != null) { if (process.ccc instanceof MonitoredThread) { ((MonitoredThread) process.ccc).registerThreadMonitor(threadMonitor); } process.ccc.start(); } } } } } @Override public void run() { LOGGER.debug("Starting controller"); Breakpoint.checkpoint("Controller:start"); CleanupThread cleanup = new CleanupThread(this); if (cfg.getThreadTimeout() != null) { cleanup.setPeriod(cfg.getThreadTimeout() * 4); } cleanup.start(); while(!stopped) { try { Breakpoint.checkpoint("Controller:loadconfig"); MigrationConfiguration[] cfg=getMigrationConfigurations(); createControllers(cfg); Breakpoint.checkpoint("Controller:createconfig"); Thread.sleep(30000); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error("Error during configuration load:"+e); } } for(MigrationProcess p:migrationMap.values()) { p.mig.setStopped(); if(p.ccc!=null) { p.ccc.setStopped(); } } Breakpoint.checkpoint("Controller:end"); cleanup.interrupt(); } }