package jcmp; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashSet; import jiff.JsonDiff; import jiff.AbstractFieldFilter; /** * Compares two documents json documents, and builds an list of all changes * * Containers (objects and arrays) are compared recursively. The comparison * algorithm works like this: * * Objects: A field-by-field comparison is done. If a field exists in the first * document but not in the second, that field is removed. If a field exists in * the second document but not the first, that field is added. If a field exists * in both documents with different values, that field is modified. * * Arrays: There are two possible algorithms to compare arrays. If array * elements contain a unique identifier (which is defined by the caller), then * array elements of the first and the second document are matched using the * unique identifiers of array elements. Then each matching array element is * compared to generate the detailed difference. If array elements don't have * unique identifiers, then each element of the first array is compared to each * element of the second array, and the elements with minimal number of changes * are associated. Elements that are too different from each other are not * associated. * * Differences: * * An Addition denotes a new field or array element. Addition.field1 is null, * meaning the field does not exist in document1, and Addition.field2 denotes * the new field, or array element. * * A Removal denotes a removed field or array element. Removal.field1 denotes * the element in document1, and Removal.field2 is null. * * A Modification denotes a content modification of a field, or array element. * Both field1 and field2 are non-null, and set to the name of the modified * field. * * A Move denotes an array element move. field1 denotes the old index of the * array element, and field2 denotes the new index. * * If new elements are added to an array, or existing elements are removed, the * addition and removal appear as diff, and any node that shifted during the * operation appears within a Move. */ public abstract class DocCompare<BaseType, ValueType, ObjectType, ArrayType> { /** * Thrown if there is an array whose elements contain identities, but for at * least one element identity cannot be retrieved */ public static final class InvalidArrayIdentity extends Exception { public InvalidArrayIdentity(List<String> p) { this(JsonDiff.toString(p)); } public InvalidArrayIdentity(String p) { super(p); } } /** * Thrown if there is an array whose elements contain identities, but they * are not unique */ public static final class DuplicateArrayIdentity extends Exception { public DuplicateArrayIdentity(List<String> p) { this(JsonDiff.toString(p)); } public DuplicateArrayIdentity(String p) { super(p); } } /** * The array element identity extractor interface. */ public interface IdentityExtractor<T> { /** * It should return an identity object from the given array element. The * returned object should implement equals and hashCode methods. */ Object getIdentity(T element); } /** * Contains the edit script, and number of changed and unchanged fields. The * number of changed fields does not include array element moves, it only * includes additions, removals, and modifications. */ public static class Difference<T> { private final List<Delta<T>> delta; private int numUnchangedFields; private int numChangedFields; /** * Default ctor, sets numUnchangedFields to zero, initializes an empty * list */ public Difference() { delta = new ArrayList<>(); numUnchangedFields = 0; } public Difference(List<Delta<T>> delta) { = delta; for (Delta d : { if (d instanceof Addition || d instanceof Removal || d instanceof Modification) { numChangedFields++; } } } /** * Constructs a difference with one modification, no unchanged fields */ public Difference(Delta<T> d) { this(new ArrayList<Delta<T>>(1)); add(d); } /** * Constructs a Difference denoting no difference */ public Difference(int numFields) { delta = new ArrayList<>(); numUnchangedFields = numFields; } /** * Returns the number of unmodified fields */ public int getNumUnchangedFields() { return numUnchangedFields; } /** * Returns the number of modified fields, excluding array element moves */ public int getNumChangedFields() { return numChangedFields; } /** * Returns the list of changes */ public List<Delta<T>> getDelta() { return delta; } public void add(Difference<T> diff) { delta.addAll(; numUnchangedFields += diff.numUnchangedFields; numChangedFields += diff.numChangedFields; } public void add(Delta<T> d) { delta.add(d); if (d instanceof Addition || d instanceof Removal || d instanceof Modification) { numChangedFields++; } } /** * A numeric value between 0 and 1 denoting how much an object is * changed. 0 means no change, 1 means everything is changed. */ public double getChangeAmount() { double d = numChangedFields + numUnchangedFields; return d == 0 ? 0 : numChangedFields / d; } /** * Returns true if there are not changes */ public boolean same() { return delta.isEmpty(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); for (Delta x : delta) { bld.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } return bld.toString(); } } /** * Base class for a delta */ public static abstract class Delta<T> { protected final String field1; protected final String field2; public Delta(String field1, String field2) { this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2; } public Delta(List<String> field1, List<String> field2) { this(field1 == null ? null : JsonDiff.toString(field1), field2 == null ? null : JsonDiff.toString(field2)); } public String getField1() { return field1; } public String getField2() { return field2; } /** * Return the non-null field, or field1 if both are non-null */ public String getField() { return field1 == null ? field2 : field1; } } /** * Denotes an addition of a field or array element that isn't present in * doc1 */ public static class Addition<T> extends Delta<T> { private final T addedNode; public Addition(String field2, T addedNode) { super(null, field2); this.addedNode = addedNode; } public Addition(List<String> field2, T addedNode) { super(null, field2); this.addedNode = addedNode; } public T getAddedNode() { return addedNode; } @Override public String toString() { return "+ " + field2 + ":" + addedNode; } } /** * Denotes a removal of a field or array element that is present in doc1 but * not in doc2 */ public static class Removal<T> extends Delta<T> { private final T removedNode; public Removal(String field1, T removedNode) { super(field1, null); this.removedNode = removedNode; } public Removal(List<String> field1, T removedNode) { super(field1, null); this.removedNode = removedNode; } public T getRemovedNode() { return removedNode; } @Override public String toString() { return "- " + field1 + ":" + removedNode; } } /** * Denotes an array element move from one element index to another */ public static class Move<T> extends Delta<T> { private final T movedNode; public Move(String field1, String field2, T movedNode) { super(field1, field2); this.movedNode = movedNode; } public Move(List<String> field1, List<String> field2, T movedNode) { super(field1, field2); this.movedNode = movedNode; } public T getMovedNode() { return movedNode; } @Override public String toString() { return "* " + field1 + "->" + field2 + ":" + movedNode; } } /** * Denotes a field modification */ public static class Modification<T> extends Delta<T> { private final T node1; private final T node2; public Modification(String field1, T node1, String field2, T node2) { super(field1, field2); this.node1 = node1; this.node2 = node2; } public Modification(List<String> field1, T node1, List<String> field2, T node2) { super(field1, field2); this.node1 = node1; this.node2 = node2; } public T getUnmodifiedNode() { return node1; } public T getModifiedNode() { return node2; } @Override public String toString() { return "* " + field1 + "->" + field2 + ":" + node1 + " -> " + node2; } } /** * Contains a list of fields contained in array elements that uniquely * identify array elements */ public static class ArrayIdentityFields { private String[] fields; public ArrayIdentityFields(String... fields) { this.fields = fields; } public String[] getFields() { return fields; } } /** * Default array identity object. Contains the identity values, computes * hashcode from them */ public static class DefaultIdentity<T> { private final T[] nodes; private Integer hcode; public DefaultIdentity(T[] nodes) { this.nodes = nodes; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (hcode == null) { int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i] != null) { code += nodes[i].hashCode(); } } hcode = code; } return hcode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object x) { try { DefaultIdentity d = (DefaultIdentity) x; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (!d.nodes[i].equals(nodes[i])) { return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } } private final Map<String, ArrayIdentityFields> arrayIdentities = new HashMap<>(); protected abstract boolean isValue(BaseType value); protected abstract boolean isArray(BaseType value); protected abstract boolean isObject(BaseType value); protected abstract boolean isNull(BaseType value); protected abstract ValueType asValue(BaseType value); protected abstract ArrayType asArray(BaseType value); protected abstract ObjectType asObject(BaseType value); protected abstract boolean equals(ValueType v1, ValueType v2); protected abstract Iterator<Map.Entry<String, BaseType>> getFields(ObjectType o); protected abstract boolean hasField(ObjectType value, String field); protected abstract BaseType getField(ObjectType value, String field); protected abstract IdentityExtractor getArrayIdentityExtractorImpl(ArrayIdentityFields fields); protected abstract BaseType getElement(ArrayType value, int index); protected abstract int size(ArrayType value); /** * Adds a group of fields that can uniquely identify array elements for * object arrays * * @param array The name of the array field * @param identities The fields of the array element that can identiy an * element * * In the following document: <pre> * { * ... * "aField": [ * { "_id":1,"field":...}, * { "_id":2,"field":...} * ] * } * <pre> * the call looks like * <pre> * jsonCompare.addArrayIdentity(new Path("aField"),new Path("_id")); * </pre> If there are more than one fields that uniquely identify an * eleent, list those in the argument list. */ public void addArrayIdentity(String array, String... identities) { arrayIdentities.put(array, new ArrayIdentityFields(identities)); } /** * Compares two documents and returns the difference */ public Difference<BaseType> compareNodes(BaseType node1, BaseType node2) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { return compareNodes(new ArrayList<String>(), node1, new ArrayList<String>(), node2); } public Difference<BaseType> compareNodes(List<String> field1, BaseType node1, List<String> field2, BaseType node2) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { if (isValue(node1) && isValue(node2)) { if (!equals(asValue(node1), asValue(node2))) { return new Difference(new Modification(field1, node1, field2, node2)); } } else if (isArray(node1) && isArray(node2)) { return compareArrays(field1, asArray(node1), field2, asArray(node2)); } else if (isObject(node1) && isObject(node2)) { return compareObjects(field1, asObject(node1), field2, asObject(node2)); } else if (!(isNull(node1) && isNull(node2))) { return new Difference<>(new Modification(field1, node1, field2, node2)); } return new Difference<>(1); } /** * Compares two object nodes recursively and returns the differences */ public Difference<BaseType> compareObjects(List<String> field1, ObjectType node1, List<String> field2, ObjectType node2) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { Difference<BaseType> ret = new Difference<>(); // Field by field comparison of obj1 to obj2. for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, BaseType>> fields = getFields(node1); fields.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, BaseType> field =; String fieldName = field.getKey(); field1.add(fieldName); BaseType value1 = field.getValue(); if (hasField(node2, fieldName)) { // If both obj1 and obj2 have the same field, compare recursively field2.add(fieldName); BaseType value2 = getField(node2, fieldName); ret.add(compareNodes(field1, value1, field2, value2)); pop(field2); } else { // obj1.field1 exists, obj2.field1 does not, so it is removed ret.add(new Removal(field1, value1)); } pop(field1); } // Now compare any new nodes added to obj2 for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, BaseType>> fields = getFields(node2); fields.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, BaseType> field =; String fieldName = field.getKey(); if (!hasField(node1, fieldName)) { field2.add(fieldName); ret.add(new Addition(field2, field.getValue())); pop(field2); } } return ret; } public IdentityExtractor getArrayIdentityExtractor(String arrayField) { return getArrayIdentityExtractor(AbstractFieldFilter.parse(arrayField)); } public IdentityExtractor getArrayIdentityExtractor(List<String> arrayField) { List<String> p = new ArrayList<>(); int n = arrayField.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s = arrayField.get(i); if ("*".equals(s) || isIndex(s)) { p.add("*"); } else { p.add(s); } } ArrayIdentityFields fields = arrayIdentities.get(JsonDiff.toString(p)); if (fields != null) { return getArrayIdentityExtractorImpl(fields); } else { return null; } } private boolean isIndex(String s) { try { Integer.valueOf(s); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public Difference<BaseType> compareArrays(List<String> field1, ArrayType node1, List<String> field2, ArrayType node2) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { IdentityExtractor ext = getArrayIdentityExtractor(field1); if (ext == null) { return compareArraysNoId(field1, node1, field2, node2); } else { return compareArraysWithId(field1, node1, field2, node2, ext); } } /** * Computes difference between arrays whose elements can be identitied by a * unique identifier */ public Difference<BaseType> compareArraysWithId(List<String> field1, ArrayType node1, List<String> field2, ArrayType node2, IdentityExtractor idex) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { Difference<BaseType> ret = new Difference<>(); // Build a map of identity -> index for both arrays final Map<Object, Integer> identities1 = getIdentityMap(field1, node1, idex); final Map<Object, Integer> identities2 = getIdentityMap(field2, node2, idex); // Iterate all elements of array 1 for (Map.Entry<Object, Integer> entry1 : identities1.entrySet()) { // Append index to the field name field1.add(Integer.toString(entry1.getValue())); // If array2 doesn't have an element with the same ID, this is a deletion Integer index2 = identities2.get(entry1.getKey()); if (index2 == null) { ret.add(new Removal(field1, getElement(node1, entry1.getValue()))); } else { field2.add(Integer.toString(index2)); // array2 has the same element // If it is at a different index, this is a move if (index2 != entry1.getValue()) { ret.add(new Move(field1, field2, getElement(node1, entry1.getValue()))); } // Recursively compare contents to get detailed diff ret.add(compareNodes(field1, getElement(node1, entry1.getValue()), field2, getElement(node2, index2))); pop(field2); } pop(field1); } // Now check elements of array 2 that are not in array 1 for (Map.Entry<Object, Integer> entry2 : identities2.entrySet()) { if (!identities1.containsKey(entry2.getKey())) { // entry2 is not in array 1: addition field2.add(Integer.toString(entry2.getValue())); ret.add(new Addition(field2, getElement(node2, entry2.getValue()))); pop(field2); } } return ret; } private static class Pair { private final int i1, i2; public int hashCode() { return i1 * 1001 + i2; } public boolean equals(Object o) { try { return ((Pair) o).i1 == i1 && ((Pair) o).i2 == i2; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public Pair(int i1, int i2) { this.i1 = i1; this.i2 = i2; } } /** * Computes difference between arrays by comparing every element recursively * and trying to find the closest match */ public Difference<BaseType> compareArraysNoId(List<String> field1, ArrayType node1, List<String> field2, ArrayType node2) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { Difference<BaseType> ret = new Difference<>(); IndexAssoc assoc = new IndexAssoc(size(node1), size(node2)); HashSet<Pair> comparedPairs = new HashSet<>(); // First associate exact matches // We loop through the unassociated elements of node1, and node2 // If the nodes are equal, we associate them // if they are not, we note the distance between the two, so later // we don't need to re-compare them for (assoc.start1(); assoc.hasNext1();) { int index1 = assoc.next1(); BaseType element1 = getElement(node1, index1); field1.add(Integer.toString(index1)); for (assoc.start2(); assoc.hasNext2();) { int index2 = assoc.next2(); BaseType element2 = getElement(node2, index2); field2.add(Integer.toString(index2)); comparedPairs.add(new Pair(index1, index2)); Difference diff = compareNodes(field1, element1, field2, element2); if (diff.same()) { assoc.associate(index1, index2); pop(field2); break; } else { assoc.recordDistance(index1, index2, diff); } pop(field2); } pop(field1); } // Here, we associated all exact matching nodes // All remaining nodes need to be compared to each other // First compare all node1 elements to node2 elements for (assoc.start1(); assoc.hasNext1();) { int index1 = assoc.next1(); BaseType element1 = getElement(node1, index1); field1.add(Integer.toString(index1)); for (assoc.start2(); assoc.hasNext2();) { int index2 = assoc.next2(); BaseType element2 = getElement(node2, index2); field2.add(Integer.toString(index2)); Pair p = new Pair(index1, index2); // Do we have a distance recorded for these nodes? if (comparedPairs.contains(p)) { // No distance: compare the nodes Difference diff = compareNodes(field1, element1, field2, element2); assoc.recordDistance(index1, index2, diff); comparedPairs.add(p); } pop(field2); } IxDiff ixdiff = assoc.getMin(index1); // If an object has changed more that 0.5 (more than half // of its fields are changed), then it is not a match if (ixdiff == null || ixdiff.change > 0.5) { // No matching node for node1 ret.add(new Removal(field1, element1)); assoc.remove1(index1); } else { // Matching node assoc.associate(index1, ixdiff.index2); ret.add(ixdiff.diff); } pop(field1); } // Anything remaining on node2 are nodes that are added for (assoc.start2(); assoc.hasNext2();) { int index = assoc.next2(); BaseType element2 = getElement(node2, index); field2.add(Integer.toString(index)); ret.add(new Addition(field2, element2)); pop(field2); } // Look at associations for moved nodes for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : assoc.assoc.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() != entry.getValue()) { field1.add(Integer.toString(entry.getKey())); field2.add(Integer.toString(entry.getValue())); BaseType node = getElement(node1, entry.getKey()); ret.add(new Move(field1, field2, node)); pop(field2); pop(field1); } } return ret; } /** * Keeps the distance between two array indexes. */ private static class IxDiff<T> { private Difference<T> diff; private double change; private int index1, index2; public IxDiff(Difference<T> diff, double change, int index1, int index2) { this.diff = diff; this.change = change; this.index1 = index1; this.index2 = index2; } } /** * Keeps associations between array indexes */ private static class IndexAssoc { private final ArrayList<Integer> ix1 = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<Integer> ix2 = new ArrayList<>(); private int itr1; private int itr2; private int last1, last2; private final Map<Integer, Integer> assoc = new HashMap<>(); /** * Keeps the IxDiff with the minimum change between index1 and index2, * keyed on index1 */ private final Map<Integer, IxDiff> minimums1 = new HashMap<>(); /** * Construct with two arrays of size1 and size2 */ public IndexAssoc(int size1, int size2) { for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) { ix1.add(i); } for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++) { ix2.add(i); } } /** * Start iterating the unassociated indexes of the first array */ public void start1() { itr1 = -1; } /** * Returns true if the first array has more unassociated indexes */ public boolean hasNext1() { return (itr1 + 1) < ix1.size(); } /** * Returns the current unassociated index of the first array, moves to * the next unassociated index */ public int next1() { itr1++; return last1 = ix1.get(itr1); } public void remove1(int index) { int l1 = ix1.indexOf(index); if (l1 >= 0) { ix1.remove(l1); if (itr1 >= l1) { itr1--; } } } /** * Start iterating the unassociated indexes of the second array */ public void start2() { itr2 = -1; } /** * Returns true if the second array has more unassociated indexes */ public boolean hasNext2() { return (itr2 + 1) < ix2.size(); } /** * Returns the current unassociated index of the second array, moves to * the next unassociated index */ public int next2() { itr2++; return last2 = ix2.get(itr2); } public void remove2(int index) { int l2 = ix2.indexOf(index); if (l2 >= 0) { ix2.remove(l2); if (itr2 >= l2) { itr2--; } } } public void associate(int index1, int index2) { remove1(index1); remove2(index2); assoc.put(index1, index2); } /** * Records the amount of difference between the nodes last returned by * next(). Also stores the minumum amount of difference for node1 */ public void recordDistance(int index1, int index2, Difference diff) { double change = diff.getChangeAmount(); IxDiff m = minimums1.get(index1); if (m == null || m.change > change) { minimums1.put(index1, m = new IxDiff(diff, change, index1, index2)); } } public IxDiff getMin(int index1) { return minimums1.get(index1); } } private Map<Object, Integer> getIdentityMap(List<String> field, ArrayType array, IdentityExtractor idex) throws InvalidArrayIdentity, DuplicateArrayIdentity { final int size = size(array); final Map<Object, Integer> identities = new HashMap<>(size); // Fill up identities into identity maps for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object id = idex.getIdentity(getElement(array, i)); if (id == null) { throw new InvalidArrayIdentity(JsonDiff.toString(field) + "." + i); } if (identities.put(id, i) != null) { throw new DuplicateArrayIdentity(JsonDiff.toString(field) + "." + i); } } return identities; } private static void pop(List<String> l) { l.remove(l.size() - 1); } }