package com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi.cache; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-feed-manager-controller * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerServiceDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ReportingTaskDTO; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.DateTimeUtil; import com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi.NifiConnectionListener; import com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi.NifiConnectionService; import com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi.PropertyExpressionResolver; import; import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.service.MetadataService; import com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.api.MetadataAccess; import com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.api.PostMetadataConfigAction; import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.api.feed.FeedProvider; import; import; import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.provenance.NiFiProvenanceConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Cache processor definitions in a flow for use by the KyloProvenanceReportingTask * * Each Processor has an internal {@code flowId} generated why Kylo walks the flow This internal id is used to associate the Feed flow as a template with the Feed flow created when the feed is * saved/updated * * @see */ public class NifiFlowCache implements NifiConnectionListener, PostMetadataConfigAction, NiFiProvenanceConstants { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NifiFlowCache.class); public static final String ITEM_LAST_MODIFIED_KEY = "NIFI_FLOW_CACHE"; @Inject LegacyNifiRestClient nifiRestClient; @Inject MetadataService metadataService; @Inject FeedProvider feedProvider; @Inject MetadataAccess metadataAccess; @Inject PropertyExpressionResolver propertyExpressionResolver; @Inject private NifiConnectionService nifiConnectionService; @Inject private KyloVersionProvider kyloVersionProvider; @Inject private NifiFlowCacheClusterManager nifiFlowCacheClusterManager; private Map<String, String> feedNameToTemplateNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, Map<String, List<NifiFlowProcessor>>> feedFlowIdProcessorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, Map<String, List<NifiFlowProcessor>>> feedProcessorIdProcessorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, NifiFlowProcessor> processorIdMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Flag to mark if the cache is loaded or not This is used to determine if the cache is ready to be used */ private boolean loaded = false; /** * Flag to indicate we are connected to NiFi */ private boolean nifiConnected = false; /** * Flag to indicate Modeshape is available */ private boolean modeShapeAvailable = false; private Map<String, String> processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, String> processorIdToFeedNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessorName = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheConnectionData> connectionIdToConnectionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, String> connectionIdCacheNameMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Set of the category.feed names for those that are just streaming feeds */ private Set<String> streamingFeeds = new HashSet(); /** * Set of the category.feed names */ private Set<String> allFeeds = new HashSet<>(); private Map<String, Long> feedLastUpated = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Map of the sync id to cache * This is the cache of the items out there that others have built and will check/update themseleves based upon the base maps in the object */ private Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheSync> syncMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Map with the sync Id and the last time that item was sync'd with the system * This is used to expire the stale non used caches */ private Map<String, DateTime> lastSyncTimeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private DateTime lastUpdated = null; @PostConstruct private void init() { nifiConnectionService.subscribeConnectionListener(this); initExpireTimerThread(); } /** * Metadata is available */ @Override public void run() { boolean isLatest = kyloVersionProvider.isUpToDate(); if(isLatest) { this.modeShapeAvailable = true; checkAndInitializeCache(); } } /** * NiFi has made a connection */ @Override public void onNiFiConnected() { this.nifiConnected = true; checkAndInitializeCache(); } @Override public void onNiFiDisconnected() { this.nifiConnected = false; //reset the flag to force cache initialization on nifi availability this.loaded = false; } /** * When modeshape and nifi are connected and ready attempt to initialize the cache */ private void checkAndInitializeCache() { if (modeShapeAvailable && nifiConnected && !loaded) { rebuildCacheWithRetry(); } } /** * rebuild a given cache resetting the cache with the given sync id to the latest data in the cache * * @param syncId a cache id * @return the latest cache */ public NiFiFlowCacheSync refreshAll(String syncId) { NiFiFlowCacheSync sync = getSync(syncId); if (!sync.isUnavailable()) { sync.reset(); return syncAndReturnUpdates(sync, false); } else { return NiFiFlowCacheSync.UNAVAILABLE; } } /** * Check to see if the cache is loaded * * @return {@code true} if the cache is populated, {@code false} if the cache is not populated */ public boolean isAvailable() { return loaded; } /** * If kylo is clustered it needs to do an additional check to ensure the flow cache is synchronized across all kylo instances * @return true if kylo is clustered, false if not. * */ public boolean isKyloClustered() { return nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.isClustered(); } /** * Return only the records that were updated since the last sync * * @param syncId a cache id * @return updates that have been applied to the cache. */ public NiFiFlowCacheSync syncAndReturnUpdates(String syncId) { NiFiFlowCacheSync sync = getSync(syncId); if (!sync.isUnavailable()) { return syncAndReturnUpdates(sync); } return sync; } /** * Return the data in the cache for a given cache id * * @param syncId a cache id * @return the data in the cache for a given cache id */ public NiFiFlowCacheSync getCache(String syncId) { NiFiFlowCacheSync sync = getSync(syncId); return sync; } /** * Preview any new updates that will be applied to a given cache * * @param syncId a cache id * @return any new updates that will be applied to a given cache */ public NiFiFlowCacheSync previewUpdates(String syncId) { NiFiFlowCacheSync sync = getSync(syncId, true); if (!sync.isUnavailable()) { return previewUpdates(sync); } return sync; } /** * Rebuild the base cache that others will update from. */ public synchronized void rebuildAll() { loaded = false; try { ensureNiFiKyloReportingTask(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while trying to ensure KyloReportingTask {}", e.getMessage(), e); } List<NifiFlowProcessGroup> allFlows = nifiRestClient.getFeedFlows(); List<RegisteredTemplate> templates = null; clearAll(); templates = -> metadataService.getRegisteredTemplates(), MetadataAccess.SERVICE); Map<String, RegisteredTemplate> feedTemplatesMap = new HashMap<>(); //populate the template mappings and feeds to determine if the feed uses a streaming or batch template -> populateTemplateMappingCache(template, feedTemplatesMap)); -> { RegisteredTemplate template = feedTemplatesMap.get(nifiFlowProcessGroup.getFeedName()); if (template != null) { updateFlow(nifiFlowProcessGroup.getFeedName(), template.isStream(), nifiFlowProcessGroup); } else { //this is possibly a reusable template. //update the processorid and connection name maps updateProcessorIdMaps(nifiFlowProcessGroup.getFeedName(), nifiFlowProcessGroup.getProcessorMap().values()); this.connectionIdToConnectionMap.putAll(toConnectionIdMap(nifiFlowProcessGroup.getConnectionIdMap().values())); } }); lastUpdated =; loaded = true; } /** * Rebuilds the cache. * If an exception occurs during the rebuild it will attempt to retry to build it up to 10 times before aborting */ public void rebuildCacheWithRetry() { Exception lastError = null; int retries = 10; int waitTime = 5; for (int count = 1; count <= retries; ++count) { try {"Attempting to build the NiFiFlowCache"); rebuildAll(); if (loaded) {"Successfully built the NiFiFlowCache"); break; } } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Error attempting to build cache. The system will attempt to retry {} more times. Next attempt to rebuild in {} seconds. The error was: {}. ", (retries - count), waitTime, e.getMessage()); lastError = e; Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(waitTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } if (!loaded) { log.error( "Unable to build the NiFi Flow Cache! You will need to manually rebuild the cache using the following url: http://KYLO_HOST:PORT/proxy/v1/metadata/nifi-provenance/nifi-flow-cache/reset-cache ", lastError); } } private NiFiFlowCacheSync previewUpdates(NiFiFlowCacheSync sync) { return syncAndReturnUpdates(sync, true); } private NiFiFlowCacheSync syncAndReturnUpdates(NiFiFlowCacheSync sync) { return syncAndReturnUpdates(sync, false); } private NiFiFlowCacheSync getSync(String syncId) { return getSync(syncId, false); } private NiFiFlowCacheSync getSync(String syncId, boolean forPreview) { if (isAvailable()) { NiFiFlowCacheSync sync = null; if (syncId == null || !syncMap.containsKey(syncId)) { sync = new NiFiFlowCacheSync(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(syncId)) { sync.setSyncId(syncId); } if (!forPreview) { syncMap.put(sync.getSyncId(), sync); } } else { sync = syncMap.get(syncId); } return sync; } else { return NiFiFlowCacheSync.UNAVAILABLE; } } /** * if Kylo is clustered it needs to sync any updates from the other Kylo instances before proceeding */ private void applyClusterUpdates(){ List<NifiFlowCacheClusterUpdateMessage> updates = nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.findUpdates(); Set<String> templateUpdates = new HashSet<>(); boolean needsUpdates = !updates.isEmpty(); if(needsUpdates){"Kylo Cluster Update: Detected changes. About to apply {} updates ",updates.size()); } -> { switch(update.getType()) { case FEED: NifiFlowCacheFeedUpdate feedUpdate= nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.getFeedUpdate(update.getMessage());"Kylo Cluster Update: Applying Feed Change update for {}",feedUpdate.getFeedName()); updateFlow(feedUpdate); break; case CONNECTION: Collection<ConnectionDTO> connectionDTOS = nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.getConnectionsUpdate(update.getMessage());"Kylo Cluster Update: Applying Connection list update"); updateConnectionMap(connectionDTOS, false); break; case PROCESSOR: Collection<ProcessorDTO> processorDTOS = nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.getProcessorsUpdate(update.getMessage());"Kylo Cluster Update: Applying Processor list update"); updateProcessorIdNames(processorDTOS, false); break; case TEMPLATE: if(!templateUpdates.contains(update.getMessage())) { RegisteredTemplate template = nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.getTemplate(update.getMessage());"Kylo Cluster Update: Applying Template update for {} ",template.getTemplateName()); updateRegisteredTemplate(template,false); templateUpdates.add(update.getMessage()); } break; default: break; } }); if(needsUpdates){ nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.appliedUpdates(updates); lastUpdated =;"Kylo Cluster Update: NiFi Flow File Cache is in sync. All {} updates have been applied to the cache. ",updates.size()); } } private NiFiFlowCacheSync syncAndReturnUpdates(NiFiFlowCacheSync sync, boolean preview) { if (!preview) { lastSyncTimeMap.put(sync.getSyncId(),; } if(isKyloClustered()){ applyClusterUpdates(); } if (sync.needsUpdate(lastUpdated)) { Map<String, String> processorIdToFeedNameMapCopy = ImmutableMap.copyOf(processorIdToFeedNameMap); Map<String, String> processorIdToFeedProcessGroupIdCopy = ImmutableMap.copyOf(processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId); Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessorNameCopy = ImmutableMap.copyOf(processorIdToProcessorName); Set<String> streamingFeedsCopy = ImmutableSet.copyOf(streamingFeeds); Set<String> allFeedsCopy = ImmutableSet.copyOf(allFeeds); Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheConnectionData> connectionDataMapCopy = ImmutableMap.copyOf(connectionIdToConnectionMap); //get feeds updated since last sync NifiFlowCacheSnapshot latest = new NifiFlowCacheSnapshot.Builder() .withProcessorIdToFeedNameMap(processorIdToFeedNameMapCopy) .withProcessorIdToFeedProcessGroupId(processorIdToFeedProcessGroupIdCopy) .withProcessorIdToProcessorName(processorIdToProcessorNameCopy) .withStreamingFeeds(streamingFeedsCopy) .withFeeds(allFeedsCopy) .withConnections(connectionDataMapCopy) .withSnapshotDate(lastUpdated).build(); return syncAndReturnUpdates(sync, latest, preview); } else { return NiFiFlowCacheSync.EMPTY(sync.getSyncId()); } } private NiFiFlowCacheSync syncAndReturnUpdates(NiFiFlowCacheSync sync, NifiFlowCacheSnapshot latest, boolean preview) { if (latest != null && sync.needsUpdate(latest.getSnapshotDate())) { NifiFlowCacheSnapshot updated = new NifiFlowCacheSnapshot.Builder() .withProcessorIdToFeedNameMap(sync.getProcessorIdToFeedNameMapUpdatedSinceLastSync(latest.getProcessorIdToFeedNameMap())) .withProcessorIdToFeedProcessGroupId(sync.getProcessorIdToProcessGroupIdUpdatedSinceLastSync(latest.getProcessorIdToFeedProcessGroupId())) .withProcessorIdToProcessorName(sync.getProcessorIdToProcessorNameUpdatedSinceLastSync(latest.getProcessorIdToProcessorName())) .withStreamingFeeds(latest.getAllStreamingFeeds()) .withConnections(sync.getConnectionIdToConnectionUpdatedSinceLastSync(latest.getConnectionIdToConnectionName(), latest.getConnectionIdToConnection())) .withFeeds(sync.getFeedsUpdatedSinceLastSync(latest.getAllFeeds())) .build(); //reset the pointers on this sync to be the latest if (!preview) { sync.setSnapshot(latest); sync.setLastSync(latest.getSnapshotDate()); } NiFiFlowCacheSync updatedSync = new NiFiFlowCacheSync(sync.getSyncId(), updated); updatedSync.setUpdated(true); if (!preview) { updatedSync.setLastSync(latest.getSnapshotDate()); } return updatedSync; } return NiFiFlowCacheSync.EMPTY(sync.getSyncId()); } /** * clears the current cache ***/ private void clearAll() { processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId.clear(); processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId.clear(); processorIdToProcessorName.clear(); connectionIdToConnectionMap.clear(); connectionIdCacheNameMap.clear(); streamingFeeds.clear(); allFeeds.clear(); feedNameToTemplateNameMap.clear(); } private void populateTemplateMappingCache(RegisteredTemplate template, Map<String, RegisteredTemplate> feedTemplatesMap) { template.getFeedNames().stream().forEach(feedName -> { if (feedTemplatesMap != null) { feedTemplatesMap.put(feedName, template); } feedNameToTemplateNameMap.put(feedName, template.getTemplateName()); if (template.isStream()) { streamingFeeds.add(feedName); } else { streamingFeeds.remove(feedName); } }); } /** * Ensure that there is a configured reporting task */ private void ensureNiFiKyloReportingTask() { String reportingTaskName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(NiFiKyloProvenanceEventReportingTaskType, "."); if (!nifiRestClient.getNiFiRestClient().reportingTasks().findFirstByType(NiFiKyloProvenanceEventReportingTaskType).isPresent()) {"Attempting to create the {} in NiFi ", reportingTaskName); //create it //1 ensure the controller service exists and is wired correctly Optional<ControllerServiceDTO> controllerService = nifiRestClient.getNiFiRestClient().reportingTasks().findFirstControllerServiceByType(NiFiMetadataControllerServiceType); ControllerServiceDTO metadataService = null; if (controllerService.isPresent()) { metadataService = controllerService.get(); } else {"Attempting to create the Controller Service: {} with the name {} in NiFi ", NiFiMetadataControllerServiceType, NiFiMetadataServiceName); //create it and enable it //first create it ControllerServiceDTO controllerServiceDTO = new ControllerServiceDTO(); controllerServiceDTO.setType(NiFiMetadataControllerServiceType); controllerServiceDTO.setName(NiFiMetadataServiceName); metadataService = nifiRestClient.getNiFiRestClient().reportingTasks().createReportingTaskControllerService(controllerServiceDTO); //find the properties to inject Map<String, Object> configProperties = propertyExpressionResolver.getStaticConfigProperties(); Map<String, String> stringConfigProperties = new HashMap<>(); if (configProperties != null) { //transform the object map to the String map stringConfigProperties = configProperties.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue() != null ? e.getValue().toString() : null)); } metadataService = nifiRestClient.enableControllerServiceAndSetProperties(metadataService.getId(), stringConfigProperties); } if (metadataService != null) { try { if ( {"Reporting Task Controller Service {} exists, ensuring it is enabled.", NiFiMetadataServiceName); //enable it.... metadataService = nifiRestClient.enableControllerServiceAndSetProperties(metadataService.getId(), null); } } catch (NifiClientRuntimeException e) { //swallow the exception and attempt to move on to create the task }"Creating the Reporting Task {} ", reportingTaskName); ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO = new ReportingTaskDTO(); reportingTaskDTO.setType(NiFiKyloProvenanceEventReportingTaskType); reportingTaskDTO = nifiRestClient.getNiFiRestClient().reportingTasks().createReportingTask(reportingTaskDTO); //now set the properties ReportingTaskDTO updatedReportingTask = new ReportingTaskDTO(); updatedReportingTask.setType(NiFiKyloProvenanceEventReportingTaskType); updatedReportingTask.setId(reportingTaskDTO.getId()); updatedReportingTask.setName(reportingTaskName); updatedReportingTask.setProperties(new HashMap<>(1)); updatedReportingTask.getProperties().put("Metadata Service", metadataService.getId()); updatedReportingTask.setSchedulingStrategy("TIMER_DRIVEN"); updatedReportingTask.setSchedulingPeriod("5 secs"); updatedReportingTask.setComments("Reporting task that will query the provenance repository and send the events and summary statistics over to Kylo via a JMS queue"); updatedReportingTask.setState(; //update it reportingTaskDTO = nifiRestClient.getNiFiRestClient().reportingTasks().update(updatedReportingTask); if (reportingTaskDTO != null) {"Successfully created the Reporting Task {} ", reportingTaskName); } else {"Error creating the Reporting Task {}. You will need to go into NiFi to resolve. ", reportingTaskName); } } } ; } /** * Called after someone updates/Registers a template in the UI using the template stepper * This is used to update the feed marker for streaming/batch feeds */ public synchronized void updateRegisteredTemplate(RegisteredTemplate template, boolean notifyClusterMembers) { populateTemplateMappingCache(template, null); //update the processortype cachefeedNameToTemplateNameMap List<String> feedNames = feedNameToTemplateNameMap.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(template.getTemplateName())).map(entry -> entry.getKey()).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (template.isStream()) { streamingFeeds.addAll(feedNames); } else { streamingFeeds.removeAll(feedNames); } if(notifyClusterMembers) { //mark the persistent table that this was updated if(nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.isClustered()) { nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.updateTemplate(template.getTemplateName()); } lastUpdated =; } } /** * Update the cache of processorIds and connections when a reusable template is updated * @param templateName the name of the template * @param processGroupDTO the process group that stores the flow of the reusable template */ public void updateCacheForReusableTemplate(String templateName, ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO){ Collection<ProcessorDTO> processors = NifiProcessUtil.getProcessors(processGroupDTO); updateProcessorIdNames(templateName, processors); Set<ConnectionDTO> connections = NifiConnectionUtil.getAllConnections(processGroupDTO); updateConnectionMap(templateName, connections); lastUpdated =; } /** * add processors to the cache * * @param templateName a template name * @param processors processors to add to the cache */ public void updateProcessorIdNames(String templateName, Collection<ProcessorDTO> processors) { updateProcessorIdNames(processors, true); } private void updateProcessorIdNames(Collection<ProcessorDTO> processors, boolean notifyClusterMembers) { Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessorName = new HashMap<>(); -> { processorIdToProcessorName.put(flowProcessor.getId(), flowProcessor.getName()); }); this.processorIdToProcessorName.putAll(processorIdToProcessorName); if(notifyClusterMembers) { if(nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.isClustered()) { nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.updateProcessors(processors); } lastUpdated =; } } /** * Add connections to the cache * * @param templateName a template name * @param connections connections to add to the cache */ public void updateConnectionMap(String templateName, Collection<ConnectionDTO> connections) { updateConnectionMap(connections, true); } private void updateConnectionMap(Collection<ConnectionDTO> connections, boolean notifyClusterMembers) { Map<String, NifiFlowConnection> connectionIdToConnectionMap = new HashMap<>(); if (connections != null) { -> { NifiFlowConnection nifiFlowConnection = NiFiFlowConnectionConverter.toNiFiFlowConnection(connectionDTO); if (nifiFlowConnection != null) { connectionIdToConnectionMap.put(nifiFlowConnection.getConnectionIdentifier(), nifiFlowConnection); } }); } this.connectionIdToConnectionMap.putAll(toConnectionIdMap(connectionIdToConnectionMap.values())); if(notifyClusterMembers) { if(nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.isClustered()) { nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.updateConnections(connections); } lastUpdated =; } } /** * Update cache for a feeds flow * Used by CreateFeed builder * * @param feed a feed * @param feedProcessGroup the process group created with this feed */ public void updateFlow(FeedMetadata feed, NifiFlowProcessGroup feedProcessGroup) { String feedName = feed.getCategoryAndFeedName(); this.updateFlow(feedName, feed.getRegisteredTemplate().isStream(), feedProcessGroup.getId(), feedProcessGroup.getProcessorMap().values(), feedProcessGroup.getConnectionIdMap().values(), true); } /** * Update cache for a feed * * @param feedName the name of the feed * @param isStream {@code true} if its a streaming feed, {@code false} if its a batch feed * @param feedProcessGroup the process group created with this feed */ public void updateFlow(String feedName, boolean isStream, NifiFlowProcessGroup feedProcessGroup) { // feedProcessGroup.calculateCriticalPathProcessors(); this.updateFlow(feedName, isStream, feedProcessGroup.getId(), feedProcessGroup.getProcessorMap().values(), feedProcessGroup.getConnectionIdMap().values(), true); } /** * update for clustered kylo * @param flowCacheFeedUpdate */ public void updateFlow(NifiFlowCacheFeedUpdate flowCacheFeedUpdate){ updateFlow(flowCacheFeedUpdate.getFeedName(),flowCacheFeedUpdate.isStream(),flowCacheFeedUpdate.getFeedProcessGroupId(),flowCacheFeedUpdate.getProcessors(),flowCacheFeedUpdate.getConnections(),false); } private void updateFlow(String feedName, boolean isStream, String feedProcessGroupId, Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors, Collection<NifiFlowConnection> connections, boolean notifyClusterMembers) { feedFlowIdProcessorMap.put(feedName, toFlowIdProcessorMap(processors)); feedProcessorIdProcessorMap.put(feedName, toProcessorIdProcessorMap(processors)); updateProcessorIdMaps(feedProcessGroupId, processors); Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessGroupId = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessorName = new HashMap<>(); -> { processorIdToProcessGroupId.put(flowProcessor.getId(), feedProcessGroupId); processorIdToProcessorName.put(flowProcessor.getId(), flowProcessor.getName()); }); this.processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId.putAll(processorIdToProcessGroupId); this.processorIdToProcessorName.putAll(processorIdToProcessorName); connectionIdToConnectionMap.putAll(toConnectionIdMap(connections)); if (connections != null) { Map<String, String> connectionIdToNameMap = -> conn.getConnectionIdentifier(), conn -> conn.getName())); connectionIdCacheNameMap.putAll(connectionIdToNameMap); } processorIdMap.putAll(toProcessorIdMap(processors)); processorIdToFeedNameMap.putAll(toProcessorIdFeedNameMap(processors, feedName)); if (isStream) { streamingFeeds.add(feedName); } allFeeds.add(feedName); Long lastUpdatedTime = DateTimeUtil.getNowUTCTime().getMillis(); //notify others of the cache update only if we are not doing a full refresh if(loaded && notifyClusterMembers){ if(nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.isClustered()) { nifiFlowCacheClusterManager.updateFeed(feedName, isStream, feedProcessGroupId, processors, connections); } lastUpdated =; } } private void updateProcessorIdMaps(String processGroupId, Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors) { Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessGroupId = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> processorIdToProcessorName = new HashMap<>(); -> { processorIdToProcessGroupId.put(flowProcessor.getId(), processGroupId); processorIdToProcessorName.put(flowProcessor.getId(), flowProcessor.getName()); }); this.processorIdToFeedProcessGroupId.putAll(processorIdToProcessGroupId); this.processorIdToProcessorName.putAll(processorIdToProcessorName); } private Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheConnectionData> toConnectionIdMap(Collection<NifiFlowConnection> connections) { Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheConnectionData> connectionMap = new HashMap<>(); -> { connectionMap .put(conn.getConnectionIdentifier(), new NiFiFlowCacheConnectionData(conn.getConnectionIdentifier(), conn.getName(), conn.getSourceIdentifier(), conn.getDestinationIdentifier())); }); return connectionMap; } private Map<String, NifiFlowProcessor> toProcessorIdMap(Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors) { return, Function.identity())); } private Map<String, String> toProcessorIdFeedNameMap(Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors, String feedName) { return, name -> feedName)); } private Map<String, List<NifiFlowProcessor>> toFlowIdProcessorMap(Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors) { if (processors != null && !processors.isEmpty()) { return -> nifiFlowProcessor.getFlowId() != null).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(NifiFlowProcessor::getFlowId)); } return Collections.emptyMap(); } private Map<String, List<NifiFlowProcessor>> toProcessorIdProcessorMap(Collection<NifiFlowProcessor> processors) { if (processors != null && !processors.isEmpty()) { return; } return new HashMap<>(); } public CacheSummary cacheSummary() { return; } private void initExpireTimerThread() { long timer = 30; // run ever 30 sec to check and expire ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { checkAndExpireUnusedCache(); }, timer, timer, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Expire any cache entries that havent been touched in 60 minutes */ public void checkAndExpireUnusedCache() { int minutes = 60; try { long expireAfter = minutes * 1000 * 60; //60 min Set<String> itemsRemoved = new HashSet<>(); //find cache items that havent been synced in allotted time lastSyncTimeMap.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> (( - entry.getValue().getMillis()) > expireAfter)).forEach(entry -> { syncMap.remove(entry.getKey()); itemsRemoved.add(entry.getKey());"Expiring Cache {}. This cache has not been used in over {} minutes", entry.getKey(), minutes); }); -> lastSyncTimeMap.remove(item)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error attempting to invalidate flow cache for items not touched in {} or more minutes", minutes, e); } } public static class CacheSummary { private Map<String, Integer> summary = new HashMap<>(); private Integer cachedSyncIds; public CacheSummary() { } private CacheSummary(Map<String, Integer> cacheIds) { this.summary = cacheIds; this.cachedSyncIds = cacheIds.keySet().size(); } public static CacheSummary build(Map<String, NiFiFlowCacheSync> syncMap) { Map<String, Integer> cacheIds = syncMap.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(stringNiFiFlowCacheSyncEntry -> stringNiFiFlowCacheSyncEntry.getKey(), stringNiFiFlowCacheSyncEntry1 -> stringNiFiFlowCacheSyncEntry1.getValue().getSnapshot().getProcessorIdToFeedNameMap().size())); return new CacheSummary(cacheIds); } public Map<String, Integer> getSummary() { return summary; } public void setSummary(Map<String, Integer> summary) { this.summary = summary; } public Integer getCachedSyncIds() { return cachedSyncIds; } public void setCachedSyncIds(Integer cachedSyncIds) { this.cachedSyncIds = cachedSyncIds; } } }