package; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-nifi-rest-model * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerServiceDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PropertyDescriptorDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.TemplateDTO; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Uitlity to extract properties and property info from NiFi */ public class NifiPropertyUtil { /** * map the incoming list of properties to a key,value map * * @param propertyList a list of properties * @return a map with the {@link NifiProperty#getKey()} as the key and the {@link NifiProperty} as the value */ public static Map<String, NifiProperty> propertiesAsMap(List<NifiProperty> propertyList) { Map<String, NifiProperty> map = new HashMap<String, NifiProperty>(); for (NifiProperty property : propertyList) { map.put(property.getKey(), property); } return map; } /** * For a given template object return the list of properties * * @param parentProcessGroup the parent group associated with the template * @param dto the template * @param propertyDescriptorTransform transformation utility * @return the list of properties */ public static List<NifiProperty> getPropertiesForTemplate(ProcessGroupDTO parentProcessGroup, TemplateDTO dto, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { return getPropertiesForTemplate(parentProcessGroup, dto, propertyDescriptorTransform, false); } /** * For a given template object return the list of properties. optionally choose to exclude any input processors from the property list * * @param parentProcessGroup the parent process group associated wiht the template * @param dto the template * @param propertyDescriptorTransform transformation utility * @param excludeInputProcessors {@code true} removes the properties part of the input processors, {@code false} will include all properties in all processors of the template */ public static List<NifiProperty> getPropertiesForTemplate(ProcessGroupDTO parentProcessGroup, TemplateDTO dto, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform, boolean excludeInputProcessors) { List<NifiProperty> properties = new ArrayList<NifiProperty>(); if (dto != null) { List<ProcessorDTO> inputs = NifiTemplateUtil.getInputProcessorsForTemplate(dto); Set<ProcessorDTO> processorDTOSet = NifiProcessUtil.getProcessors(dto, excludeInputProcessors); Map<String, ProcessGroupDTO> groupMap = NifiProcessUtil.getProcessGroupsMap(dto); for (ProcessorDTO processor : processorDTOSet) { ProcessGroupDTO group = groupMap.get(processor.getParentGroupId()); if (group == null) { group = parentProcessGroup; } List<NifiProperty> propertyList = getPropertiesForProcessor(group, processor, propertyDescriptorTransform); //assign the property as an input property if it is one if (NifiProcessUtil.findFirstProcessorsById(inputs, processor.getId()) != null) { for (NifiProperty property : propertyList) { property.setInputProperty(true); } } properties.addAll(propertyList); } } return properties; } /** * Return a property matching a given processor name and property name * * @param processorName the processor name to match * @param propertyName the name of hte {@link NifiProperty#getKey()} * @param properties a list of properties to inspect * @return the first property matching the processorName nad propertyName */ public static NifiProperty getProperty(final String processorName, final String propertyName, List<NifiProperty> properties) { NifiProperty property = Iterables.tryFind(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getProcessorName().equalsIgnoreCase(processorName) && property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(propertyName); } }).orNull(); return property; } /** * Create a deep copy of properties to a new List * * @param properties a list of properties * @return a new list containing the newly copied properties. */ public static List<NifiProperty> copyProperties(List<NifiProperty> properties) { List<NifiProperty> copyList = new ArrayList<>(); for (NifiProperty property : properties) { copyList.add(new NifiProperty(property)); } return copyList; } /** * Return all properties assocated with a given controller service * * @param service the service to inspect * @param propertyDescriptorTransform the transform utility * @return a list of properties on the service */ public static List<NifiProperty> getPropertiesForService(ControllerServiceDTO service, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { return service.getProperties().entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> { final NiFiPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptorTransform.toNiFiPropertyDescriptor(service.getDescriptors().get(entry.getKey())); return new NifiProperty(service.getParentGroupId(), service.getId(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), propertyDescriptor); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Return a list of properties on a gi en processor * * @param processGroup the processors group * @param processor the processor * @param propertyDescriptorTransform the transform utility * @return the list of properties on the processor */ public static List<NifiProperty> getPropertiesForProcessor(ProcessGroupDTO processGroup, ProcessorDTO processor, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { List<NifiProperty> properties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : processor.getConfig().getProperties().entrySet()) { PropertyDescriptorDTO descriptorDTO = processor.getConfig().getDescriptors().get(entry.getKey()); if (descriptorDTO != null) { final NiFiPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptorTransform.toNiFiPropertyDescriptor(processor.getConfig().getDescriptors().get(entry.getKey())); final NifiProperty property = new NifiProperty(processor.getParentGroupId(), processor.getId(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), propertyDescriptor); property.setProcessGroupName(processGroup.getName()); property.setProcessorName(processor.getName()); property.setProcessorType(processor.getType()); properties.add(property); } } return properties; } /** * Return all properties for a given process group * * @param processGroupDTO the process group to inspect * @param propertyDescriptorTransform the transform utility * @return the list of properties */ public static List<NifiProperty> getProperties(ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { List<NifiProperty> properties = new ArrayList<NifiProperty>(); if (processGroupDTO != null) { if (processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessors() != null && !processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessors().isEmpty()) { for (ProcessorDTO processorDTO : processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessors()) { properties.addAll(NifiPropertyUtil.getPropertiesForProcessor(processGroupDTO, processorDTO, propertyDescriptorTransform)); } } if (processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessGroups() != null && !processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessGroups().isEmpty()) { for (ProcessGroupDTO groupDTO : processGroupDTO.getContents().getProcessGroups()) { properties.addAll(NifiPropertyUtil.getProperties(groupDTO, propertyDescriptorTransform)); } } } return properties; } /** * Return a map of processGroupId to a map of that groups processors and its respective propeties * * @param properties the properties to inspect * @return a map with the key being the processGroupId and the value being a map of properties with its key being the processorId */ public static Map<String, Map<String, List<NifiProperty>>> groupPropertiesByProcessGroupAndProcessor(List<NifiProperty> properties) { Map<String, Map<String, List<NifiProperty>>> processGroupProperties = new HashMap(); for (NifiProperty property : properties) { String processGroup = property.getProcessGroupId(); String processorId = property.getProcessorId(); if (!processGroupProperties.containsKey(processGroup)) { processGroupProperties.put(processGroup, new HashMap<String, List<NifiProperty>>()); } if (!processGroupProperties.get(processGroup).containsKey(processorId)) { processGroupProperties.get(processGroup).put(processorId, new ArrayList<NifiProperty>()); } processGroupProperties.get(processGroup).get(processorId).add(property); } return processGroupProperties; } /** * Groups the properties by their {@see NifiProperty#getIdKey} * @param properties the properties to inspect * @return a map with the property idKey (the processgroup+processorId+propertyKey, property) */ public static Map<String,NifiProperty> groupPropertiesByIdKey(List<NifiProperty> properties) { Map<String, NifiProperty> map = new HashMap(); if(properties != null){ map = -> p.getIdKey(), p-> p)); } return map; } /** * Return all properties for a given processor * * @param properties the properties to inspect * @param processorId the processor id to match * @return the list of properties for the processorId */ public static List<NifiProperty> getPropertiesForProcessor(List<NifiProperty> properties, final String processorId) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getProcessorId().equalsIgnoreCase(processorId); } })); } /** * Updates the values of the destination properties that match the specified source properties. * * <p>Matches are made using the processor ID or name and the property key.</p> * * @param sourceGroupName name of the source process group * @param destinationGroupName name of the destination process group * @param destinationProperties properties of processors in the destination group * @param sourceProperties properties of processors in the source group * @return modified properties from the destination group */ @Nonnull public static List<NifiProperty> matchAndSetPropertyValues(@Nonnull final String sourceGroupName, @Nonnull final String destinationGroupName, @Nonnull final List<NifiProperty> destinationProperties, @Nullable final List<NifiProperty> sourceProperties) { // Shortcut if there are no properties if (destinationProperties.isEmpty() || sourceProperties == null || sourceProperties.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // Create mappings for destination properties final Map<String, NifiProperty> propertyById = new HashMap<>(destinationProperties.size()); final Map<String, NifiProperty> propertyByName = new HashMap<>(destinationProperties.size()); final Map<String, String> groupIdByName = new HashMap<>(destinationProperties.size()); final Map<String, String> processorIdByName = new HashMap<>(destinationProperties.size()); for (final NifiProperty property : destinationProperties) { propertyById.put(property.getIdKey(), property); propertyByName.put(property.getNameKey(), property); groupIdByName.put(property.getProcessGroupName(), property.getProcessGroupId()); processorIdByName.put(property.getProcessorName(), property.getProcessorId()); } // Match and update destination properties final List<NifiProperty> modifiedProperties = new ArrayList<>(destinationProperties.size()); for (final NifiProperty sourceProperty : sourceProperties) { // Update source property to match destination sourceProperty.setTemplateProperty(new NifiProperty(sourceProperty)); if (sourceProperty.getProcessGroupName().equalsIgnoreCase(sourceGroupName)) { sourceProperty.setProcessGroupName(destinationGroupName); } // Find destination property NifiProperty destinationProperty = propertyById.get(sourceProperty.getIdKey()); if (destinationProperty == null) { destinationProperty = propertyByName.get(sourceProperty.getNameKey()); } if (destinationProperty != null) { sourceProperty.setProcessGroupId(groupIdByName.get(destinationProperty.getProcessGroupName())); sourceProperty.setProcessorId(processorIdByName.get(destinationProperty.getProcessorName())); final String sourceValue = sourceProperty.getValue(); if (isValidPropertyValue(destinationProperty, sourceValue)) { destinationProperty.setValue(sourceValue); modifiedProperties.add(destinationProperty); } } } return modifiedProperties; } /** * Validates that the specified value is valid for the property. * * @param property the property * @param value the value to validate * @return {@code true} if the value is valid for the property, or {@code false} otherwise */ private static boolean isValidPropertyValue(@Nonnull final NifiProperty property, final String value) { // Check for list of allowable values final Optional<List<NiFiAllowableValue>> allowableValues = Optional.of(property) .map(NifiProperty::getPropertyDescriptor) .map(NiFiPropertyDescriptor::getAllowableValues); if (allowableValues.isPresent()) { return allowableValues.get().stream() .filter(allowableValue -> allowableValue.getValue().equals(value)) .findAny() .isPresent(); } return true; } /** * find all properties whoes internal {@link NifiProperty#getIdKey()} matches that of the template properties * * @param templateProperties the properties that are part of the template * @param nifiProperties the properties to inspect and match * @param updateMode a mode indicating what should be inspected and updated * @return a list of properties matching the templateProperties and the nifiProperties based upon their {@link NifiProperty#getIdKey()} */ public static List<NifiProperty> matchAndSetPropertyByIdKey(Collection<NifiProperty> templateProperties, List<NifiProperty> nifiProperties, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { List<NifiProperty> matchedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); if (nifiProperties != null && !nifiProperties.isEmpty()) { for (NifiProperty nifiProperty : nifiProperties) { NifiProperty matched = matchPropertyByIdKey(templateProperties, nifiProperty, updateMode); if (matched != null) { matchedProperties.add(matched); } } } return matchedProperties; } /** * Find all properties that have the same name and property key * * @param templateProperties the properties that are part of the template. These properties will get updated from the {@code nifiProperties} passed in if they match * @param nifiProperties the properties to inspect and match * @param updateMode a mode indicating what should be inspected and updated * @return a list of matched properties */ public static List<NifiProperty> matchAndSetPropertyByProcessorName(Collection<NifiProperty> templateProperties, List<NifiProperty> nifiProperties, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { List<NifiProperty> matchedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); if (nifiProperties != null && !nifiProperties.isEmpty()) { for (NifiProperty nifiProperty : nifiProperties) { NifiProperty matched = matchPropertyByProcessorName(templateProperties, nifiProperty, updateMode); if (matched != null) { matchedProperties.add(matched); } } } return matchedProperties; } /** * Return the first property matching a given property key that is part of a processor with the supplied processorType * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @param processorType the type of processor to match * @param propertyKey the name of the property to find * @return the first property matching a given property key that is part of a processor with the supplied processorType */ public static NifiProperty findPropertyByProcessorType(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final String processorType, final String propertyKey) { List<NifiProperty> matchingProperties = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(propertyKey) && property.getProcessorType().equalsIgnoreCase(processorType); } })); if (matchingProperties != null && !matchingProperties.isEmpty()) { return matchingProperties.get(0); } return null; } /** * Return the first property matching a given property key that is part of a processor with the supplied name * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @param processorName the name of processor to match * @param propertyKey the name of the property to find * @return the first property matching a given property key that is part of a processor with the supplied name */ public static NifiProperty findPropertyByProcessorName(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final String processorName, final String propertyKey) { List<NifiProperty> matchingProperties = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(propertyKey) && property.getProcessorName().equalsIgnoreCase(processorName); } })); if (matchingProperties != null && !matchingProperties.isEmpty()) { return matchingProperties.get(0); } return null; } /** * update a given property with the values from the nifiProperty * * @param propertyToUpdate a property to update * @param nifiProperty a property with values that will be set to the 'propertyToUpdate' */ private static void updateProperty(NifiProperty propertyToUpdate, NifiProperty nifiProperty, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { propertyToUpdate.setValue(nifiProperty.getValue()); if(!PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE.FEED_DETAILS_MATCH_TEMPLATE.equals(updateMode)){ //if its Not updating for editing a Feed then attempt to set the render type properties. //otherwise the 'propertyToUpdate' will be the registeredTemplate property and should not be updated from the feed values as the template should drive how the feed is rendered. propertyToUpdate.setInputProperty(nifiProperty.isInputProperty()); propertyToUpdate.setUserEditable(nifiProperty.isUserEditable()); propertyToUpdate.setSelected(nifiProperty.isSelected()); propertyToUpdate.setRenderType(nifiProperty.getRenderType()); propertyToUpdate.setSensitive(nifiProperty.isSensitive()); propertyToUpdate.setRequired(nifiProperty.isRequired()); if(nifiProperty.getPropertyDescriptor() != null) { propertyToUpdate.setPropertyDescriptor(nifiProperty.getPropertyDescriptor()); } if (nifiProperty.getRenderOptions() != null) { propertyToUpdate.setRenderOptions(nifiProperty.getRenderOptions()); } } } /** * Return the first property matching the supplied nifiProperty {@link NifiProperty#getIdKey()} * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @param nifiProperty a property to check against * @return the first property to match the supplied nifiProperty {@link NifiProperty#getIdKey()} */ public static NifiProperty findPropertyByIdKey(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final NifiProperty nifiProperty) { List<NifiProperty> matchingProperties = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.matchesIdKey(nifiProperty); } })); if (matchingProperties != null && !matchingProperties.isEmpty()) { return matchingProperties.get(0); } return null; } /** * Return a list of all the input properties ( properties that are part of processors that dont have an incoming connections) * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @return a list of all the input properties ( properties that are part of processors that dont have an incoming connections) */ public static List<NifiProperty> findInputProperties(Collection<NifiProperty> properties) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.isInputProperty(); } })); } /** * Return a list of all the input properties ( properties that are part of processors that dont have an incoming connections) that match the supplied processorType * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @param processorType the type of processor to match * @return a list of all the input properties ( properties that are part of processors that dont have an incoming connections) that match the supplied processorType */ public static List<NifiProperty> findInputPropertyMatchingType(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final String processorType) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.isInputProperty() && property.getProcessorType().equalsIgnoreCase(processorType); } })); } /** * Return the first property in the collection that matches the {@link NifiProperty#getKey()} * * @param properties a collection of properties to inspect * @param propertyKey the key to match * @return the first property in the collection that matches the {@link NifiProperty#getKey()} */ public static NifiProperty findFirstPropertyMatchingKey(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final String propertyKey) { if (properties != null) { return Iterables.tryFind(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(propertyKey); } }).orNull(); } else { return null; } } /** * find properties in the supplied list, using the supplied predicate * * @param list1 a collection of properties * @param predicate a predicate to filter * @return the resulting filtered list */ public static List<NifiProperty> findProperties(Collection<NifiProperty> list1, Predicate<NifiProperty> predicate) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(list1, predicate)); } /** * Find the first property in the collection that has a given processor name * * @param properties a collection of properties * @param nifiProperty a property to check against looking at the {@link NifiProperty#processorName} * @return a matching property */ public static NifiProperty findPropertyByProcessorName(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final NifiProperty nifiProperty) { List<NifiProperty> matchingProperties = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(nifiProperty.getKey()) && property.getProcessorName().equalsIgnoreCase(nifiProperty.getProcessorName()); } })); if (matchingProperties != null && !matchingProperties.isEmpty()) { return matchingProperties.get(0); } return null; } /** * update the templateProperties with those that match the nifiProperty using the {@link NifiProperty#getIdKey()} to make the match * * @param templateProperties the properties to update * @param nifiProperty the property to check * @param updateMode a mode to update * @return the property, or updated property if matched */ private static NifiProperty matchPropertyByIdKey(Collection<NifiProperty> templateProperties, final NifiProperty nifiProperty, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { NifiProperty matchingProperty = findPropertyByIdKey(templateProperties, nifiProperty); if (matchingProperty != null) { updateMatchingProperty(matchingProperty, nifiProperty, updateMode); } return matchingProperty; } /** * update the templateProperties with those that match the nifiProperty using the {@link NifiProperty#getProcessorName()} to make the match * * @param templateProperties the properties to update * @param nifiProperty the property to check * @param updateMode a mode to update * @return the property, or updated property if matched */ private static NifiProperty matchPropertyByProcessorName(Collection<NifiProperty> templateProperties, final NifiProperty nifiProperty, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { NifiProperty matchingProperty = findPropertyByProcessorName(templateProperties, nifiProperty); if (matchingProperty != null) { updateMatchingProperty(matchingProperty, nifiProperty, updateMode); } return matchingProperty; } /** * Perform the update of the matching property, setting the property values to that of the supplied 'nifiProperty' * * @param matchingProperty a property to updated * @param nifiProperty the property to use to update the matchingProperty * @param updateMode a mode to update */ private static void updateMatchingProperty(NifiProperty matchingProperty, NifiProperty nifiProperty, PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE updateMode) { if (updateMode.performUpdate()) { if (matchingProperty.getValue() == null || (matchingProperty.getValue() != null && (PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE.UPDATE_ALL_PROPERTIES.equals(updateMode) || PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE.FEED_DETAILS_MATCH_TEMPLATE.equals(updateMode) || ( PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE.UPDATE_NON_EXPRESSION_PROPERTIES.equals(updateMode) && ( (!matchingProperty.getValue().contains("${metadata.")) || (matchingProperty.getValue() .contains("${metadata.") && nifiProperty.getValue() != null && nifiProperty.getValue() .contains("${metadata."))))))) { updateProperty(matchingProperty, nifiProperty, updateMode); } } } /** * Check to see if a collection of properties contains properties of a supplied processorType * * @param properties a collection of properties * @param processorType a processor type to match * @return {@code true} if the collection of properties contains the supplied processorType, {@code false} if the properties do not contain the processorType */ public static boolean containsPropertiesForProcessorMatchingType(Collection<NifiProperty> properties, final String processorType) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(processorType)) { return false; } return Iterables.tryFind(properties, new Predicate<NifiProperty>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiProperty property) { return processorType.equalsIgnoreCase(property.getProcessorType()); } }).orNull() != null; } /** * various modes used for updating properties */ public static enum PROPERTY_MATCH_AND_UPDATE_MODE { /** * this mode will not update any properties */ DONT_UPDATE, /** * this mode will update all the properties */ UPDATE_ALL_PROPERTIES, /** * this mode will skip over any properties with the ${metadata. prefix in the value string of the property */ UPDATE_NON_EXPRESSION_PROPERTIES, /** * update the template properties with the Feed properties */ FEED_DETAILS_MATCH_TEMPLATE; /** * @return true if the update should happen, false if not */ public boolean performUpdate() { return !DONT_UPDATE.equals(this); } } }