package com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-feed-manager-controller * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PortDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.status.ProcessGroupStatusDTO; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * This code will find all Process groups matching the Version name of <Name> - {13 digit timestamp} and if the group doesn't have anything in its Queue, it will delete it from NiFi */ public class CleanupStaleFeedRevisions { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CleanupStaleFeedRevisions.class); LegacyNifiRestClient restClient; /** * the name of the parent group to look at or the word 'all' to access everything **/ private String processGroupId; private Set<PortDTO> stoppedPorts = new HashSet<>(); private Set<ProcessGroupDTO> deletedProcessGroups = new HashSet<>(); private NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform; /** * Cleanup versioned process groups that are no longer active * * @param restClient the nifi rest client * @param processGroupId a parent process group (i.e. a category) to look at, or the word 'all' to clean up everything * @param propertyDescriptorTransform the transformation bean */ public CleanupStaleFeedRevisions(LegacyNifiRestClient restClient, String processGroupId, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { this.processGroupId = processGroupId; this.restClient = restClient; this.propertyDescriptorTransform = propertyDescriptorTransform; } /** * Cleanup all versioned feed process groups * if the {@link this#processGroupId} == 'all' then it will clean up everything, otherwise it will cleanup just the children under the {@link this#processGroupId} */ public void cleanup() { deletedProcessGroups.clear(); Set<String> categoriesToCleanup = new HashSet<>(); if ("all".equalsIgnoreCase(processGroupId)) { ProcessGroupDTO root = restClient.getNiFiRestClient().processGroups().findRoot(); root.getContents().getProcessGroups().stream().forEach(categoryGroup -> { categoriesToCleanup.add(categoryGroup.getId()); }); } else { categoriesToCleanup.add(processGroupId); } -> doCleanup(categoryProcessGroupId));"Successfully Cleaned up versioned ProcessGroups, deleting {} groups ", deletedProcessGroups.size()); } /** * Return the list of groups that were deleted as part of the {@link this#cleanup()} activity * * @return the list of groups that were deleted as part of the {@link this#cleanup()} activity */ public Set<ProcessGroupDTO> getDeletedProcessGroups() { return deletedProcessGroups; } private void doCleanup(String processGroupId) { stoppedPorts.clear(); AlignProcessGroupComponents alignProcessGroupComponents = new AlignProcessGroupComponents(restClient.getNiFiRestClient(), processGroupId); alignProcessGroupComponents.groupItems(); final Map<String, ProcessGroupAndConnections> groups = alignProcessGroupComponents.getProcessGroupWithConnectionsMap(); Set<ProcessGroupAndConnections> deletedItems = new HashSet<>(); groups.values().stream() .filter(groupAndConnections -> NifiTemplateNameUtil.isVersionedProcessGroup(groupAndConnections.getProcessGroup().getName())) .filter(groupAndConnections -> canDelete(groupAndConnections.getProcessGroup())) .forEach(groupAndConnections -> { cleanup(groupAndConnections); deletedItems.add(groupAndConnections); }); startPorts(); //relayout the group if (!deletedItems.isEmpty()) { new AlignProcessGroupComponents(restClient.getNiFiRestClient(), processGroupId).autoLayout(); } } private void cleanup(ProcessGroupAndConnections groupAndConnections) { //stop the ports stopPorts(groupAndConnections.getPorts()); groupAndConnections.getConnections().stream().forEach(connectionDTO -> restClient.deleteConnection(connectionDTO, false));"About to delete {}", groupAndConnections.getProcessGroup().getName()); restClient.deleteProcessGroup(groupAndConnections.getProcessGroup()); deletedProcessGroups.add(groupAndConnections.getProcessGroup()); } private void stopPorts(Set<PortDTO> ports) { if (!ports.isEmpty()) { .filter(portDTO -> !stoppedPorts.contains(portDTO)) .forEach(portDTO1 -> { if (isInputPort(portDTO1)) { restClient.stopInputPort(portDTO1.getParentGroupId(), portDTO1.getId()); stoppedPorts.add(portDTO1); } else { restClient.stopOutputPort(portDTO1.getParentGroupId(), portDTO1.getId()); stoppedPorts.add(portDTO1); } }); } } private void startPorts() { Set<PortDTO> startedPorts = new HashSet<>(); if (!stoppedPorts.isEmpty()) { .forEach(portDTO1 -> { if (isInputPort(portDTO1)) { restClient.startInputPort(portDTO1.getParentGroupId(), portDTO1.getId()); startedPorts.add(portDTO1); } else { restClient.startOutputPort(portDTO1.getParentGroupId(), portDTO1.getId()); startedPorts.add(portDTO1); } }); } stoppedPorts.removeAll(startedPorts); } private boolean isInputPort(PortDTO portDTO) { return; } private boolean isOutputPort(PortDTO portDTO) { return; } private boolean canDelete(ProcessGroupDTO groupDTO) { Optional<ProcessGroupStatusDTO> statusDTO = restClient.getNiFiRestClient().processGroups().getStatus(groupDTO.getId()); if (statusDTO.isPresent()) { return !hasItemsInQueue(statusDTO.get()); } else { return false; } } private boolean hasItemsInQueue(ProcessGroupStatusDTO statusDTO) { String queuedCount = propertyDescriptorTransform.getQueuedCount(statusDTO); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(queuedCount) && !queuedCount.equalsIgnoreCase("0"); } }