package com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.v2.thrift; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-nifi-hadoop-service * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sql.DataSource; /** * a refreshable data source provides additional functionality over a basic data source that allows the connection to be maintained */ public class RefreshableDataSource extends BasicDataSource { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RefreshableDataSource.class); private AtomicReference<DataSource> target = new AtomicReference<>(); private AtomicBoolean isRefreshing = new AtomicBoolean(false); private String driverClassName; private String url; private String username; private String password; private ClassLoader driverClassLoader; private String validationQuery; private Long validationQueryTimeout; // single thread executor service that will kill threads on application shutdown private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()); private ExecutorService executorForCleanup = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()); /** * default constructor takes the parameters needed to keep connections refreshed * * @param driverClassName the driver class name * @param url the JDBC url * @param username the user name * @param password the user password * @param driverClassLoader the driver class loader * @param validationQuery the query used to test connections */ public RefreshableDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String username, String password, ClassLoader driverClassLoader, String validationQuery, Long validationQueryTimeout) { this.driverClassName = driverClassName; this.url = url; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.driverClassLoader = driverClassLoader; this.validationQuery = validationQuery; this.validationQueryTimeout = validationQueryTimeout; refresh(); } /** * called to refresh the connection if needed */ public void refresh() { if (isRefreshing.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"REFRESHING DATASOURCE for {} ", this.url); target.set(create()); isRefreshing.set(false); } else { //unable to refresh. Refresh already in progress } } /** * test the connection to see if it can be used to communicate with the JDBC source * * @return true if the connection is alive * @throws SQLException if the connection is not alive */ public boolean testConnection() throws SQLException { return testConnection(null, null); } /** * test the connection to see if it can be used to communicate with the JDBC source * * @param username a username to connect with if needed * @param password a password to connect with if needed * @return true if the connection is alive */ public synchronized boolean testConnection(String username, String password) { boolean timedOut = false; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { connection = getConnectionForValidation(username, password); } else { connection = getConnectionForValidation(); }"connection obtained by RefreshableDatasource"); try { // can throw "java.sql.SQLException: Method not supported"; ignore and try other methods if so if (!connection.isValid(validationQueryTimeout.intValue())) {"connection obtained by RefreshableDatasource was not valid"); return false; } } catch (SQLException se) { // swallow exception to try other methods log.warn("The current driver '{}' does not support isValid() method as a means of testing connection.", connection.getMetaData().getDriverName()); } statement = connection.createStatement(); try { statement.setQueryTimeout(validationQueryTimeout.intValue()); // throws method not supported if Hive driver statement.execute(validationQuery); // executes if no exception from setQueryTimeout return true; } catch (SQLException se) { // swallow exception to try other methods log.warn("The current driver '{}' does not support statement.setQueryTimeout() method.", connection.getMetaData().getDriverName()); timedOut = validateQueryWithTimeout(statement, validationQuery, validationQueryTimeout.intValue()); return timedOut == false; } } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Unknown SQLException in RefreshableDataSource.testConnection().", e); return false; } finally { // if timedOut then cleanup with a background thread. connectionCleanup(connection, statement, timedOut); } } /** * If this method is called we should be able to assume we've cleaned up the resources. */ private synchronized void connectionCleanup(final Connection connection, final Statement statement, boolean useBackgroundThread) { if (useBackgroundThread) { Callable<Boolean> callable = new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { if (statement != null) { log.debug("Cleanup Executor about to call statement.close()"); statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { log.debug("Cleanup Executor about to call connection.close()"); connection.close(); } log.debug("Cleanup Executor completed."); return true; } }; // throw it into a background thread that will wait a long time for statement.close and connection.close to complete // this will allow the current thread to overwrite statement and connection without making the current thread wait // on garbage collecting the objects"Cleaning up the current connection using a background thread."); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // since we submit and forget, it could be possible that some other connections are waiting clean up going // in. Seems highly unlikely in observed scenarios. log.debug("Cleanup Executor at '{}' active threads prior to initiating clean up", ((ThreadPoolExecutor) executorForCleanup).getActiveCount() ); } executorForCleanup.submit(callable); } else { try { // clean up if query not interrupted within system defined default timeout (15 minutes observed) if (statement != null) { log.debug("RefreshableDataSource about to call statement.close() in current thread"); statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { log.debug("RefreshableDataSource about to call connection.close() in current thread"); connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { // log and swallow log.error("Ignoring SQLException since it should just be an indicator that the current connection is not usable and we should refresh.", se); } } } /** * @param statement statement handle to use for execution * @param validationQuery query to use to check the connection * @param timeout time, in seconds, to wait for the query to complete * @return true if query had to be timed out, false otherwise. */ private synchronized boolean validateQueryWithTimeout(final Statement statement, final String validationQuery, int timeout) throws SQLException { boolean cancelled = false;"perform validation query in RefreshableDatasource.executeWithTimeout()"); Callable<Boolean> vQueryCallable = new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { return statement.execute(validationQuery); } }; Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try { List<Future<Boolean>> futures = executor.invokeAll(Arrays.asList(vQueryCallable), timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); cancelled = futures.get(0).isCancelled(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.warn("Unlikely scenario that query thread was interrupted. Application going down?", ie); throw new SQLException(ie); }"validation query returned from RefreshableDatasource.executeWithTimeout() in {}", timer.stop()); return cancelled; } private Connection getConnectionForValidation() throws SQLException { return getDataSource().getConnection(); } private Connection getConnectionForValidation(String username, String password) throws SQLException { return getDataSource().getConnection(); } private synchronized Connection testAndRefreshIfInvalid() throws SQLException { if (!testConnection()) { refresh(); } return getConnectionForValidation(); } private synchronized Connection testAndRefreshIfInvalid(String username, String password) throws SQLException { if (!testConnection(username, password)) { refresh(); } return getConnectionForValidation(); } @Override public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return testAndRefreshIfInvalid(); } @Override public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException { return testAndRefreshIfInvalid(username, password); } private DataSource getDataSource() { return target.get(); } //Rest of DataSource methods @Override public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException { return getDataSource().getLogWriter(); } @Override public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) throws SQLException { getDataSource().setLogWriter(out); } @Override public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException { return getDataSource().getLoginTimeout(); } @Override public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { getDataSource().setLoginTimeout(seconds); } @Override public Logger getParentLogger() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException { return getDataSource().getParentLogger(); } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException { return getDataSource().unwrap(iface); } @Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException { return getDataSource().isWrapperFor(iface); } private DataSource create() { BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName(driverClassName); dataSource.setDriverClassLoader(driverClassLoader); dataSource.setUrl(url); dataSource.setUsername(username); dataSource.setPassword(password); return dataSource; } /** * A builder class for collecting required parameters to create/maintain a connection **/ public static class Builder { private String driverClassName; private String url; private String username; private String password; private ClassLoader driverClassLoader; private String validationQuery; private Long validationQueryTimeout; public Builder driverClassName(String driverClassName) { this.driverClassName = driverClassName; return this; } public Builder url(String url) { this.url = url; return this; } public Builder username(String username) { this.username = username; return this; } public Builder password(String password) { this.password = password; return this; } public Builder driverClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.driverClassLoader = classLoader; return this; } public Builder validationQuery(String validationQuery) { this.validationQuery = validationQuery; return this; } public Builder validationQueryTimeout(Long validationQueryTimeout) { this.validationQueryTimeout = validationQueryTimeout; return this; } public RefreshableDataSource build() { return new RefreshableDataSource(driverClassName, url, username, password, driverClassLoader, validationQuery, validationQueryTimeout); } } }