package com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-feed-manager-controller * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.nifi.cache.NifiFlowCache; import; import com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.feedmgr.FeedCreationException; import com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.feedmgr.FeedRollbackException; import com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.feedmgr.InputOutputPort; import com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.feedmgr.TemplateCreationHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.TemplateDTO; import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.status.ProcessGroupStatusDTO; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; /** * Builds/updates a NiFi feed flow based on a NiFi template and a Feed Manager Feed. */ public class CreateFeedBuilder { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateFeedBuilder.class); LegacyNifiRestClient restClient; TemplateCreationHelper templateCreationHelper; private NifiFlowCache nifiFlowCache; private String templateId; private String category; private String feedName; private boolean enabled = true; private FeedMetadata feedMetadata; private PropertyExpressionResolver propertyExpressionResolver; private String inputProcessorType; private String reusableTemplateCategoryName = TemplateCreationHelper.REUSABLE_TEMPLATES_PROCESS_GROUP_NAME; private boolean isReusableTemplate; /** * if true it will remove the versioned process group with the <feed> - timestamp * if false it will keep thhe versioned process group * These can be cleaned up later through the {@code CleanupStaleFeedRevisions} class */ private boolean removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup; /** * List of Input / Output Port connections */ @Nonnull private List<InputOutputPort> inputOutputPorts = Lists.newArrayList(); private NifiProcessGroup newProcessGroup = null; private ProcessGroupDTO previousFeedProcessGroup = null; private String version; private List<NifiProperty> properties; private NifiProcessorSchedule feedSchedule; private NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform; private List<NifiProperty> modifiedProperties; private List<NifiError> errors = new ArrayList<>(); /** * the category group in NiFi where this feed resides **/ private ProcessGroupDTO categoryGroup; protected CreateFeedBuilder(LegacyNifiRestClient restClient, NifiFlowCache nifiFlowCache, FeedMetadata feedMetadata, String templateId, PropertyExpressionResolver propertyExpressionResolver, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { this.restClient = restClient; this.nifiFlowCache = nifiFlowCache; this.feedMetadata = feedMetadata; this.category = feedMetadata.getCategory().getSystemName(); this.feedName = feedMetadata.getSystemFeedName(); this.templateId = templateId; this.templateCreationHelper = new TemplateCreationHelper(this.restClient); this.propertyExpressionResolver = propertyExpressionResolver; this.propertyDescriptorTransform = propertyDescriptorTransform; } public static CreateFeedBuilder newFeed(LegacyNifiRestClient restClient, NifiFlowCache nifiFlowCache, FeedMetadata feedMetadata, String templateId, PropertyExpressionResolver propertyExpressionResolver, NiFiPropertyDescriptorTransform propertyDescriptorTransform) { return new CreateFeedBuilder(restClient, nifiFlowCache, feedMetadata, templateId, propertyExpressionResolver, propertyDescriptorTransform); } public CreateFeedBuilder feedSchedule(NifiProcessorSchedule feedSchedule) { this.feedSchedule = feedSchedule; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder reusableTemplateCategoryName(String reusableTemplateCategoryName) { this.reusableTemplateCategoryName = reusableTemplateCategoryName; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder enabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup(boolean removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup) { this.removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup = removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup; return this; } /** * Adds the specified Input Port and Output Port connection to this feed. * * @param inputOutputPort the port connection * @return this feed builder */ public CreateFeedBuilder addInputOutputPort(@Nonnull final InputOutputPort inputOutputPort) { inputOutputPorts.add(inputOutputPort); return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder inputProcessorType(String inputProcessorType) { this.inputProcessorType = inputProcessorType; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder properties(List<NifiProperty> properties) { = properties; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder version(String version) { this.version = version; return this; } public CreateFeedBuilder setReusableTemplate(boolean isReusableTemplate) { this.isReusableTemplate = isReusableTemplate; return this; } /** * Build the NiFi flow instance * * @return an object indicating if the feed flow was successfully built or not */ public NifiProcessGroup build() throws FeedCreationException { try { newProcessGroup = null; TemplateDTO template = restClient.getTemplateById(templateId); if (template != null) { //create the encompassing process group String processGroupId = createProcessGroupForFeed(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(processGroupId)) { //snapshot the existing controller services templateCreationHelper.snapshotControllerServiceReferences(); //create the flow from the template templateCreationHelper.instantiateFlowFromTemplate(processGroupId, templateId); updatePortConnectionsForProcessGroup(processGroupId); //mark the new services that were created as a result of creating the new flow from the template templateCreationHelper.identifyNewlyCreatedControllerServiceReferences(); //match the properties incoming to the defined properties updateProcessGroupProperties(processGroupId); //Fetch the Feed Group now that it has the flow in it ProcessGroupDTO entity = restClient.getProcessGroup(processGroupId, true, true); ProcessorDTO input = fetchInputProcessorForProcessGroup(entity); ProcessorDTO cleanupProcessor = NifiProcessUtil.findFirstProcessorsByType(NifiProcessUtil.getInputProcessors(entity), "com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.v2.metadata.TriggerCleanup"); List<ProcessorDTO> nonInputProcessors = NifiProcessUtil.getNonInputProcessors(entity); List<NifiProperty> updatedControllerServiceProperties = new ArrayList<>(); //update any references to the controller services and try to assign the value to an enabled service if it is not already if (input != null) { updatedControllerServiceProperties.addAll(templateCreationHelper.updateControllerServiceReferences(Lists.newArrayList(input))); } if (cleanupProcessor != null) { updatedControllerServiceProperties.addAll(templateCreationHelper.updateControllerServiceReferences(Collections.singletonList(cleanupProcessor))); } updatedControllerServiceProperties.addAll(templateCreationHelper.updateControllerServiceReferences(nonInputProcessors)); //refetch processors for updated errors entity = restClient.getProcessGroup(processGroupId, true, true); input = fetchInputProcessorForProcessGroup(entity); nonInputProcessors = NifiProcessUtil.getNonInputProcessors(entity); newProcessGroup = new NifiProcessGroup(entity, input, nonInputProcessors); //Validate and if invalid Delete the process group if (newProcessGroup.hasFatalErrors()) { removeProcessGroup(entity); // cleanupControllerServices(); newProcessGroup.setSuccess(false); } else { //update the input schedule updateFeedSchedule(newProcessGroup, input); //Cache the processorIds to the respective flowIds for availability in the ProvenanceReportingTask NifiVisitableProcessGroup group = restClient.getFlowOrder(newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity(), null); NifiFlowProcessGroup flow = new NifiFlowBuilder().build( group); nifiFlowCache.updateFlow(feedMetadata, flow); //disable all inputs restClient.disableInputProcessors(newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity().getId()); //mark everything else as running templateCreationHelper.markProcessorsAsRunning(newProcessGroup); //if desired start the input processor if (input != null) { if (enabled) { markInputAsRunning(newProcessGroup, input); ///make the input/output ports in the category group as running if (hasConnectionPorts()) { templateCreationHelper.markConnectionPortsAsRunning(entity); } } else { ///make the input/output ports in the category group as running if (hasConnectionPorts()) { templateCreationHelper.markConnectionPortsAsRunning(entity); } markInputAsStopped(newProcessGroup, input); } } if (newProcessGroup.hasFatalErrors()) { rollback(); newProcessGroup.setRolledBack(true); // cleanupControllerServices(); newProcessGroup.setSuccess(false); } List<NifiError> templateCreationErrors = templateCreationHelper.getErrors(); if (templateCreationErrors != null) { errors.addAll(templateCreationErrors); } //add any global errors to the object if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) { for (NifiError error : errors) { newProcessGroup.addError(error); if (error.isFatal()) { newProcessGroup.setSuccess(false); if (!newProcessGroup.isRolledBack()) { rollback(); newProcessGroup.setRolledBack(true); } } } } } templateCreationHelper.cleanupControllerServices(); //fix the feed metadata controller service references updateFeedMetadataControllerServiceReferences(updatedControllerServiceProperties); //align items"Aligning Feed flows in NiFi "); AlignProcessGroupComponents alignProcessGroupComponents = new AlignProcessGroupComponents(restClient.getNiFiRestClient(), entity.getParentGroupId()); alignProcessGroupComponents.autoLayout(); //if this is a new feedProcessGroup (i.e. new category), align the root level items also //fetch the parent to get that id to align if (previousFeedProcessGroup == null) {"This is the first feed created in the category {}. Aligning the categories. ", feedMetadata.getCategory().getSystemName()); new AlignProcessGroupComponents(restClient.getNiFiRestClient(), this.categoryGroup.getParentGroupId()).autoLayout(); } } } return newProcessGroup; } catch (NifiClientRuntimeException e) { throw new FeedCreationException("Unable to create the feed [" + feedName + "]. " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * update feed metadata to point to the valid controller services * @param updatedControllerServiceProperties */ private void updateFeedMetadataControllerServiceReferences(List<NifiProperty>updatedControllerServiceProperties){ //map of the previous to new service values Map<String,String> controllerServiceChangeMap> p.getProcessorNameTypeKey(), p->p.getValue(), (service1, service2) -> service1)); if(!updatedControllerServiceProperties.isEmpty()){ feedMetadata.getProperties().stream().filter(property -> controllerServiceChangeMap.containsKey(property.getProcessorNameTypeKey())).forEach( (NifiProperty p) -> p.setValue(controllerServiceChangeMap.get(p.getProcessorNameTypeKey()))); } } public ProcessGroupDTO rollback() throws FeedRollbackException { if (newProcessGroup != null) { try { removeProcessGroup(newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity()); } catch (NifiClientRuntimeException e) { log.error("Unable to delete the ProcessGroup on rollback {} ", e.getMessage()); } } String parentGroupId = newProcessGroup != null ? newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity().getParentGroupId() : (previousFeedProcessGroup != null ? previousFeedProcessGroup.getParentGroupId() : null); try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(parentGroupId)) { ProcessGroupDTO feedGroup = restClient.getProcessGroupByName(parentGroupId, feedName); //rename this group to be something else if for some reason we were not able to delete it if (feedGroup != null) { feedGroup.setName(feedGroup.getName() + ".rollback - " + new Date().getTime()); restClient.updateProcessGroup(feedGroup); feedGroup = restClient.getProcessGroupByName(parentGroupId, feedName); } //attempt to reset the last version back to this feed process group... do so only if there is no feed group with this name //there shouldn't be as we should have deleted it above if (feedGroup == null) { if (previousFeedProcessGroup != null) { ProcessGroupDTO entity = restClient.getProcessGroup(previousFeedProcessGroup.getId(), false, false); if (entity != null) { entity.setName(feedName); entity = restClient.updateProcessGroup(entity); updatePortConnectionsForProcessGroup(entity.getId()); //disable all inputs restClient.disableInputProcessors(entity.getId()); //mark everything else as running restClient.markProcessorGroupAsRunning(entity); if (hasConnectionPorts()) { templateCreationHelper.markConnectionPortsAsRunning(entity); } //Set the state correctly for the inputs if (enabled) { restClient.setInputProcessorState(entity.getId(), inputProcessorType, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE.RUNNING); } else { restClient.setInputProcessorState(entity.getId(), inputProcessorType, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE.STOPPED); } return entity; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FeedRollbackException("Unable to rollback feed [" + feedName + "] with Parent Group Id of [" + parentGroupId + "] " + e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } private void connectFeedToReusableTemplate(String feedGroupId) throws NifiComponentNotFoundException { ProcessGroupDTO reusableTemplateCategory = restClient.getProcessGroupByName("root", reusableTemplateCategoryName); ProcessGroupDTO feedProcessGroup = restClient.getProcessGroup(feedGroupId, false, false); String feedCategoryId = feedProcessGroup.getParentGroupId(); if (reusableTemplateCategory == null) { throw new NifiClientRuntimeException("Unable to find the Reusable Template Group. Please ensure NiFi has the 'reusable_templates' processgroup and appropriate reusable flow for this feed." + " You may need to import the base reusable template for this feed."); } String reusableTemplateCategoryGroupId = reusableTemplateCategory.getId(); for (InputOutputPort port : inputOutputPorts) { restClient.connectFeedToGlobalTemplate(feedGroupId, port.getOutputPortName(), feedCategoryId, reusableTemplateCategoryGroupId, port.getInputPortName()); } } private void ensureInputPortsForReuseableTemplate(String feedGroupId) throws NifiComponentNotFoundException { ProcessGroupDTO template = restClient.getProcessGroup(feedGroupId, false, false); String categoryId = template.getParentGroupId(); restClient.createReusableTemplateInputPort(categoryId, feedGroupId); } private boolean hasConnectionPorts() { return !inputOutputPorts.isEmpty() || isReusableTemplate; } private ProcessorDTO fetchInputProcessorForProcessGroup(ProcessGroupDTO entity) { // Find first processor by type final List<ProcessorDTO> inputProcessors = NifiProcessUtil.getInputProcessors(entity); final ProcessorDTO input = Optional.ofNullable(NifiProcessUtil.findFirstProcessorsByType(inputProcessors, inputProcessorType)) .orElseGet(() -> .filter(processor -> !processor.getType().equals(NifiProcessUtil.CLEANUP_TYPE)) .findFirst() .orElse(null) ); // Update cached type if (input != null) { inputProcessorType = input.getType(); } return input; } private void updatePortConnectionsForProcessGroup(String processGroupId) throws NifiComponentNotFoundException { //if the feed has an outputPort that should go to a reusable Flow then make those connections if (!inputOutputPorts.isEmpty()) { connectFeedToReusableTemplate(processGroupId); } if (isReusableTemplate) { ensureInputPortsForReuseableTemplate(processGroupId); } } private String createProcessGroupForFeed() throws FeedCreationException { //create Category Process group String processGroupId = null; this.categoryGroup = restClient.getProcessGroupByName("root", category); if (categoryGroup == null) { try { ProcessGroupDTO group = restClient.createProcessGroup(category); this.categoryGroup = group; } catch (Exception e) { //Swallow exception... it will be handled later } } if (this.categoryGroup == null) { throw new FeedCreationException("Unable to get or create the Process group for the Category " + category + ". Error occurred while creating instance of template " + templateId + " for Feed " + feedName); } //1 create the processGroup //check to see if the feed exists... if so version off the old group and create a new group with this feed ProcessGroupDTO feedGroup = restClient.getProcessGroupByName(this.categoryGroup.getId(), feedName); if (feedGroup != null) { try { previousFeedProcessGroup = feedGroup; templateCreationHelper.versionProcessGroup(feedGroup); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FeedCreationException("Previous version of the feed " + feedName + " was found. Error in attempting to version the previous feed. Please go into Nifi and address any issues with the Feeds Process Group", e); } } ProcessGroupDTO group = restClient.createProcessGroup(this.categoryGroup.getId(), feedName); if (group != null) { processGroupId = group.getId(); } return processGroupId; } /** * removes the {@code previousFeedProcessGroup} from nifi */ public void checkAndRemoveVersionedProcessGroup() { if (this.removeInactiveVersionedProcessGroup && previousFeedProcessGroup != null) { removeProcessGroup(previousFeedProcessGroup); } } /** * Removes a given processGroup from NiFi if nothing is in its queue */ private void removeProcessGroup(ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO) { if (processGroupDTO != null) { try { //validate if nothing is in the queue then remove it Optional<ProcessGroupStatusDTO> statusDTO = restClient.getNiFiRestClient().processGroups().getStatus(processGroupDTO.getId()); if (statusDTO.isPresent() && propertyDescriptorTransform.getQueuedCount(statusDTO.get()).equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //get connections linking to this group, delete them Set<ConnectionDTO> connectionDTOs = restClient.getProcessGroupConnections(processGroupDTO.getParentGroupId()); if (connectionDTOs == null) { connectionDTOs = new HashSet<>(); } Set<ConnectionDTO> versionedConnections = -> connectionDTO.getDestination().getGroupId().equalsIgnoreCase(processGroupDTO.getId()) || connectionDTO.getSource().getGroupId() .equalsIgnoreCase(processGroupDTO.getId())) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); restClient.deleteProcessGroupAndConnections(processGroupDTO, versionedConnections);"removed the versioned processgroup {} ", processGroupDTO.getName()); } else {"Unable to remove the versioned processgroup {} ", processGroupDTO.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to remove the versioned processgroup {} ", processGroupDTO.getName(), e); } } } /** * Updates a process groups properties */ private void updateProcessGroupProperties(String processGroupId) throws FeedCreationException { List<NifiProperty> propertiesToUpdate = restClient.getPropertiesForProcessGroup(processGroupId); //get the Root processGroup ProcessGroupDTO rootProcessGroup = restClient.getRootProcessGroup(); //get this process group ProcessGroupDTO activeProcessGroupName = restClient.getProcessGroup(processGroupId, false, false); modifiedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); //resolve the static properties //first fill in any properties with static references List<NifiProperty> modifiedStaticProperties = propertyExpressionResolver.resolveStaticProperties(propertiesToUpdate); // now apply any of the incoming metadata properties to this List<NifiProperty> modifiedFeedMetadataProperties = NifiPropertyUtil.matchAndSetPropertyValues(rootProcessGroup.getName(), activeProcessGroupName.getName(), propertiesToUpdate, properties); modifiedProperties.addAll(modifiedStaticProperties); modifiedProperties.addAll(modifiedFeedMetadataProperties); restClient.updateProcessGroupProperties(modifiedProperties); } private void markInputAsRunning(NifiProcessGroup newProcessGroup, ProcessorDTO input) { setInputProcessorState(newProcessGroup, input, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE.RUNNING); } private void markInputAsStopped(NifiProcessGroup newProcessGroup, ProcessorDTO input) { setInputProcessorState(newProcessGroup, input, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE.STOPPED); } private void setInputProcessorState(NifiProcessGroup newProcessGroup, ProcessorDTO input, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE state) { setInputProcessorState(newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity(), input, state); } /** * Sets the First processors in the {@code processGroup} matching the passed in {@code input} ProcessorType to the passed in {@code state} * If the input ins null it will use the default {@code inputType} supplied from the builder * * @param processGroup the group which should be inspected for the input processors * @param input the processor type to match when finding the correct input * @param state the state to set the matched input processor */ private void setInputProcessorState(ProcessGroupDTO processGroup, ProcessorDTO input, NifiProcessUtil.PROCESS_STATE state) { try { if (input != null && (StringUtils.isBlank(inputProcessorType) || !inputProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase(input.getType()))) { inputProcessorType = input.getType(); } restClient.setInputProcessorState(processGroup.getId(), inputProcessorType, state); } catch (Exception error) { String errorMsg = "Unable to mark group as " + state + " for " + input.getName() + "(" + inputProcessorType + ")."; newProcessGroup .addError(newProcessGroup.getProcessGroupEntity().getId(), input.getId(), NifiError.SEVERITY.WARN, errorMsg, "Process State"); newProcessGroup.setSuccess(false); } } private void updateFeedSchedule(NifiProcessGroup newProcessGroup, ProcessorDTO input) { if (feedSchedule != null && input != null) { String strategy = feedSchedule.getSchedulingStrategy(); String schedule = feedSchedule.getSchedulingPeriod(); //if the input is of type TriggerFeed then make the schedule for that processor Timer Driven in the flow if (inputProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase(NifiFeedConstants.TRIGGER_FEED_PROCESSOR_CLASS)) { strategy =; schedule = NifiFeedConstants.DEFAULT_TIGGER_FEED_PROCESSOR_SCHEDULE; } input.getConfig().setSchedulingPeriod(schedule); input.getConfig().setSchedulingStrategy(strategy); input.getConfig().setConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount(feedSchedule.getConcurrentTasks()); try { restClient.updateProcessor(input); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Unable set Scheduling Information for feed " + input.getName() + " on " + input.getType() + ". Please check to make sure you set the Timer or Cron Expression correctly"; newProcessGroup.addError(input.getParentGroupId(), input.getId(), NifiError.SEVERITY.WARN, errorMsg, "Schedule"); newProcessGroup.setSuccess(false); } } } }