/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics; import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Bytes; import org.apache.kafka.streams.KeyValue; import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.MockStreamsMetrics; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; public class NamedCacheTest { private NamedCache cache; private MockStreamsMetrics streamMetrics; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { streamMetrics = new MockStreamsMetrics(new Metrics()); cache = new NamedCache("name", streamMetrics); } @Test public void shouldKeepTrackOfMostRecentlyAndLeastRecentlyUsed() throws IOException { List<KeyValue<String, String>> toInsert = Arrays.asList( new KeyValue<>("K1", "V1"), new KeyValue<>("K2", "V2"), new KeyValue<>("K3", "V3"), new KeyValue<>("K4", "V4"), new KeyValue<>("K5", "V5")); for (int i = 0; i < toInsert.size(); i++) { byte[] key = toInsert.get(i).key.getBytes(); byte[] value = toInsert.get(i).value.getBytes(); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(key), new LRUCacheEntry(value, true, 1, 1, 1, "")); LRUCacheEntry head = cache.first(); LRUCacheEntry tail = cache.last(); assertEquals(new String(head.value), toInsert.get(i).value); assertEquals(new String(tail.value), toInsert.get(0).value); assertEquals(cache.flushes(), 0); assertEquals(cache.hits(), 0); assertEquals(cache.misses(), 0); assertEquals(cache.overwrites(), 0); } } @Test public void testMetrics() throws Exception { final String scope = "record-cache"; final String entityName = cache.name(); final String opName = "hitRatio"; final String tagKey = "record-cache-id"; final String tagValue = cache.name(); final String groupName = "stream-" + scope + "-metrics"; final Map<String, String> metricTags = new LinkedHashMap<>(); metricTags.put(tagKey, tagValue); assertNotNull(streamMetrics.registry().getSensor(entityName + "-" + opName)); assertNotNull(streamMetrics.registry().metrics().get(streamMetrics.registry().metricName(entityName + "-" + opName + "-avg", groupName, "The current count of " + entityName + " " + opName + " operation.", metricTags))); assertNotNull(streamMetrics.registry().metrics().get(streamMetrics.registry().metricName(entityName + "-" + opName + "-min", groupName, "The current count of " + entityName + " " + opName + " operation.", metricTags))); assertNotNull(streamMetrics.registry().metrics().get(streamMetrics.registry().metricName(entityName + "-" + opName + "-max", groupName, "The current count of " + entityName + " " + opName + " operation.", metricTags))); } @Test public void shouldKeepTrackOfSize() throws Exception { final LRUCacheEntry value = new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{0}); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), value); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), value); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), value); final long size = cache.sizeInBytes(); // 1 byte key + 24 bytes overhead assertEquals((value.size() + 25) * 3, size); } @Test public void shouldPutGet() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{11})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{12})); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {10}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {0})).value); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {11}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {1})).value); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {12}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {2})).value); assertEquals(cache.hits(), 3); } @Test public void shouldPutIfAbsent() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10})); cache.putIfAbsent(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20})); cache.putIfAbsent(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{30})); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {10}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {0})).value); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {30}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {1})).value); } @Test public void shouldDeleteAndUpdateSize() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10})); final LRUCacheEntry deleted = cache.delete(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0})); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {10}, deleted.value); assertEquals(0, cache.sizeInBytes()); } @Test public void shouldPutAll() throws Exception { cache.putAll(Arrays.asList(KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {0}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{0})), KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {1}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{1})), KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {2}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{2})))); assertArrayEquals(new byte[]{0}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0})).value); assertArrayEquals(new byte[]{1}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1})).value); assertArrayEquals(new byte[]{2}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2})).value); } @Test public void shouldOverwriteAll() throws Exception { cache.putAll(Arrays.asList(KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {0}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{0})), KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {0}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{1})), KeyValue.pair(new byte[] {0}, new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{2})))); assertArrayEquals(new byte[]{2}, cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0})).value); assertEquals(cache.overwrites(), 2); } @Test public void shouldEvictEldestEntry() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{30})); cache.evict(); assertNull(cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}))); assertEquals(2, cache.size()); } @Test public void shouldFlushDirtEntriesOnEviction() throws Exception { final List<ThreadCache.DirtyEntry> flushed = new ArrayList<>(); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{30}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.setListener(new ThreadCache.DirtyEntryFlushListener() { @Override public void apply(final List<ThreadCache.DirtyEntry> dirty) { flushed.addAll(dirty); } }); cache.evict(); assertEquals(2, flushed.size()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {0}), flushed.get(0).key()); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {10}, flushed.get(0).newValue()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {2}), flushed.get(1).key()); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {30}, flushed.get(1).newValue()); assertEquals(cache.flushes(), 1); } @Test public void shouldGetRangeIteratorOverKeys() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{30}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); final Iterator<Bytes> iterator = cache.keyRange(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2})); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), iterator.next()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), iterator.next()); assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } @Test public void shouldGetIteratorOverAllKeys() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20})); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{30}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); final Iterator<Bytes> iterator = cache.allKeys(); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), iterator.next()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), iterator.next()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), iterator.next()); assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } @Test public void shouldNotThrowNullPointerWhenCacheIsEmptyAndEvictionCalled() throws Exception { cache.evict(); } @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) public void shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenTryingToOverwriteDirtyEntryWithCleanEntry() throws Exception { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{10}, false, 0, 0, 0, "")); } @Test public void shouldRemoveDeletedValuesOnFlush() throws Exception { cache.setListener(new ThreadCache.DirtyEntryFlushListener() { @Override public void apply(final List<ThreadCache.DirtyEntry> dirty) { // no-op } }); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), new LRUCacheEntry(null, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{20}, true, 0, 0, 0, "")); cache.flush(); assertEquals(1, cache.size()); assertNotNull(cache.get(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}))); } @Test public void shouldBeReentrantAndNotBreakLRU() throws Exception { final LRUCacheEntry dirty = new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{3}, true, 0, 0, 0, ""); final LRUCacheEntry clean = new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{3}); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{0}), dirty); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{1}), clean); cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{2}), clean); assertEquals(3 * cache.head().size(), cache.sizeInBytes()); cache.setListener(new ThreadCache.DirtyEntryFlushListener() { @Override public void apply(final List<ThreadCache.DirtyEntry> dirty) { cache.put(Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{3}), clean); // evict key 1 cache.evict(); // evict key 2 cache.evict(); } }); assertEquals(3 * cache.head().size(), cache.sizeInBytes()); // Evict key 0 cache.evict(); final Bytes entryFour = Bytes.wrap(new byte[]{4}); cache.put(entryFour, dirty); // check that the LRU is still correct final NamedCache.LRUNode head = cache.head(); final NamedCache.LRUNode tail = cache.tail(); assertEquals(2, cache.size()); assertEquals(2 * head.size(), cache.sizeInBytes()); // dirty should be the newest assertEquals(entryFour, head.key()); assertEquals(Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {3}), tail.key()); assertSame(tail, head.next()); assertNull(head.previous()); assertSame(head, tail.previous()); assertNull(tail.next()); // evict key 3 cache.evict(); assertSame(cache.head(), cache.tail()); assertEquals(entryFour, cache.head().key()); assertNull(cache.head().next()); assertNull(cache.head().previous()); } @Test public void shouldNotThrowIllegalArgumentAfterEvictingDirtyRecordAndThenPuttingNewRecordWithSameKey() throws Exception { final LRUCacheEntry dirty = new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{3}, true, 0, 0, 0, ""); final LRUCacheEntry clean = new LRUCacheEntry(new byte[]{3}); final Bytes key = Bytes.wrap(new byte[] {3}); cache.setListener(new ThreadCache.DirtyEntryFlushListener() { @Override public void apply(final List<ThreadCache.DirtyEntry> dirty) { cache.put(key, clean); } }); cache.put(key, dirty); cache.evict(); } @Test public void shouldReturnNullIfKeyIsNull() throws Exception { assertNull(cache.get(null)); } }