/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals; import org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse; import org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.NoOffsetForPartitionException; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndTimestamp; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetOutOfRangeException; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetResetStrategy; import org.apache.kafka.common.Cluster; import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException; import org.apache.kafka.common.Node; import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo; import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidMetadataException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException; import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException; import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers; import org.apache.kafka.common.header.internals.RecordHeaders; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Count; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Rate; import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Value; import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors; import org.apache.kafka.common.record.ControlRecordType; import org.apache.kafka.common.record.InvalidRecordException; import org.apache.kafka.common.record.Record; import org.apache.kafka.common.record.RecordBatch; import org.apache.kafka.common.record.TimestampType; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FetchRequest; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FetchResponse; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.IsolationLevel; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetRequest; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetResponse; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.MetadataRequest; import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.MetadataResponse; import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer; import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ExtendedDeserializer; import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.CloseableIterator; import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time; import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.Closeable; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; /** * This class manage the fetching process with the brokers. */ public class Fetcher<K, V> implements SubscriptionState.Listener, Closeable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Fetcher.class); private final ConsumerNetworkClient client; private final Time time; private final int minBytes; private final int maxBytes; private final int maxWaitMs; private final int fetchSize; private final long retryBackoffMs; private final int maxPollRecords; private final boolean checkCrcs; private final Metadata metadata; private final FetchManagerMetrics sensors; private final SubscriptionState subscriptions; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<CompletedFetch> completedFetches; private final ExtendedDeserializer<K> keyDeserializer; private final ExtendedDeserializer<V> valueDeserializer; private final IsolationLevel isolationLevel; private PartitionRecords nextInLineRecords = null; private ExceptionMetadata nextInLineExceptionMetadata = null; public Fetcher(ConsumerNetworkClient client, int minBytes, int maxBytes, int maxWaitMs, int fetchSize, int maxPollRecords, boolean checkCrcs, Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer, Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer, Metadata metadata, SubscriptionState subscriptions, Metrics metrics, String metricGrpPrefix, Time time, long retryBackoffMs, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { this.time = time; this.client = client; this.metadata = metadata; this.subscriptions = subscriptions; this.minBytes = minBytes; this.maxBytes = maxBytes; this.maxWaitMs = maxWaitMs; this.fetchSize = fetchSize; this.maxPollRecords = maxPollRecords; this.checkCrcs = checkCrcs; this.keyDeserializer = ensureExtended(keyDeserializer); this.valueDeserializer = ensureExtended(valueDeserializer); this.completedFetches = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.sensors = new FetchManagerMetrics(metrics, metricGrpPrefix); this.retryBackoffMs = retryBackoffMs; this.isolationLevel = isolationLevel; subscriptions.addListener(this); } private <T> ExtendedDeserializer<T> ensureExtended(Deserializer<T> deserializer) { return deserializer instanceof ExtendedDeserializer ? (ExtendedDeserializer<T>) deserializer : new ExtendedDeserializer.Wrapper<>(deserializer); } /** * Represents data about an offset returned by a broker. */ private static class OffsetData { /** * The offset */ final long offset; /** * The timestamp. * * Will be null if the broker does not support returning timestamps. */ final Long timestamp; OffsetData(long offset, Long timestamp) { this.offset = offset; this.timestamp = timestamp; } } /** * Return whether we have any completed fetches pending return to the user. This method is thread-safe. * @return true if there are completed fetches, false otherwise */ public boolean hasCompletedFetches() { return !completedFetches.isEmpty(); } private boolean matchesRequestedPartitions(FetchRequest.Builder request, FetchResponse response) { Set<TopicPartition> requestedPartitions = request.fetchData().keySet(); Set<TopicPartition> fetchedPartitions = response.responseData().keySet(); return fetchedPartitions.equals(requestedPartitions); } /** * Set-up a fetch request for any node that we have assigned partitions for which doesn't already have * an in-flight fetch or pending fetch data. * @return number of fetches sent */ public int sendFetches() { Map<Node, FetchRequest.Builder> fetchRequestMap = createFetchRequests(); for (Map.Entry<Node, FetchRequest.Builder> fetchEntry : fetchRequestMap.entrySet()) { final FetchRequest.Builder request = fetchEntry.getValue(); final Node fetchTarget = fetchEntry.getKey(); log.debug("Sending fetch for partitions {} to broker {}", request.fetchData().keySet(), fetchTarget); client.send(fetchTarget, request) .addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ClientResponse>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ClientResponse resp) { FetchResponse response = (FetchResponse) resp.responseBody(); if (!matchesRequestedPartitions(request, response)) { // obviously we expect the broker to always send us valid responses, so this check // is mainly for test cases where mock fetch responses must be manually crafted. log.warn("Ignoring fetch response containing partitions {} since it does not match " + "the requested partitions {}", response.responseData().keySet(), request.fetchData().keySet()); return; } Set<TopicPartition> partitions = new HashSet<>(response.responseData().keySet()); FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator = new FetchResponseMetricAggregator(sensors, partitions); for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, FetchResponse.PartitionData> entry : response.responseData().entrySet()) { TopicPartition partition = entry.getKey(); long fetchOffset = request.fetchData().get(partition).fetchOffset; FetchResponse.PartitionData fetchData = entry.getValue(); completedFetches.add(new CompletedFetch(partition, fetchOffset, fetchData, metricAggregator, resp.requestHeader().apiVersion())); } sensors.fetchLatency.record(resp.requestLatencyMs()); sensors.fetchThrottleTimeSensor.record(response.throttleTimeMs()); } @Override public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) { log.debug("Fetch request to {} for partitions {} failed", fetchTarget, request.fetchData().keySet(), e); } }); } return fetchRequestMap.size(); } /** * Lookup and set offsets for any partitions which are awaiting an explicit reset. * @param partitions the partitions to reset */ public void resetOffsetsIfNeeded(Set<TopicPartition> partitions) { final Set<TopicPartition> needsOffsetReset = new HashSet<>(); for (TopicPartition tp : partitions) { if (subscriptions.isAssigned(tp) && subscriptions.isOffsetResetNeeded(tp)) needsOffsetReset.add(tp); } if (!needsOffsetReset.isEmpty()) { resetOffsets(needsOffsetReset); } } /** * Update the fetch positions for the provided partitions. * @param partitions the partitions to update positions for * @throws NoOffsetForPartitionException If no offset is stored for a given partition and no reset policy is available */ public void updateFetchPositions(Set<TopicPartition> partitions) { final Set<TopicPartition> needsOffsetReset = new HashSet<>(); // reset the fetch position to the committed position for (TopicPartition tp : partitions) { if (!subscriptions.isAssigned(tp) || subscriptions.hasValidPosition(tp)) continue; if (subscriptions.isOffsetResetNeeded(tp)) { needsOffsetReset.add(tp); } else if (subscriptions.committed(tp) == null) { // there's no committed position, so we need to reset with the default strategy subscriptions.needOffsetReset(tp); needsOffsetReset.add(tp); } else { long committed = subscriptions.committed(tp).offset(); log.debug("Resetting offset for partition {} to the committed offset {}", tp, committed); subscriptions.seek(tp, committed); } } if (!needsOffsetReset.isEmpty()) { resetOffsets(needsOffsetReset); } } /** * Get topic metadata for all topics in the cluster * @param timeout time for which getting topic metadata is attempted * @return The map of topics with their partition information */ public Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> getAllTopicMetadata(long timeout) { return getTopicMetadata(MetadataRequest.Builder.allTopics(), timeout); } /** * Get metadata for all topics present in Kafka cluster * * @param request The MetadataRequest to send * @param timeout time for which getting topic metadata is attempted * @return The map of topics with their partition information */ public Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> getTopicMetadata(MetadataRequest.Builder request, long timeout) { // Save the round trip if no topics are requested. if (!request.isAllTopics() && request.topics().isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap(); long start = time.milliseconds(); long remaining = timeout; do { RequestFuture<ClientResponse> future = sendMetadataRequest(request); client.poll(future, remaining); if (future.failed() && !future.isRetriable()) throw future.exception(); if (future.succeeded()) { MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse) future.value().responseBody(); Cluster cluster = response.cluster(); Set<String> unauthorizedTopics = cluster.unauthorizedTopics(); if (!unauthorizedTopics.isEmpty()) throw new TopicAuthorizationException(unauthorizedTopics); boolean shouldRetry = false; Map<String, Errors> errors = response.errors(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // if there were errors, we need to check whether they were fatal or whether // we should just retry log.debug("Topic metadata fetch included errors: {}", errors); for (Map.Entry<String, Errors> errorEntry : errors.entrySet()) { String topic = errorEntry.getKey(); Errors error = errorEntry.getValue(); if (error == Errors.INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION) throw new InvalidTopicException("Topic '" + topic + "' is invalid"); else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) // if a requested topic is unknown, we just continue and let it be absent // in the returned map continue; else if (error.exception() instanceof RetriableException) shouldRetry = true; else throw new KafkaException("Unexpected error fetching metadata for topic " + topic, error.exception()); } } if (!shouldRetry) { HashMap<String, List<PartitionInfo>> topicsPartitionInfos = new HashMap<>(); for (String topic : cluster.topics()) topicsPartitionInfos.put(topic, cluster.availablePartitionsForTopic(topic)); return topicsPartitionInfos; } } long elapsed = time.milliseconds() - start; remaining = timeout - elapsed; if (remaining > 0) { long backoff = Math.min(remaining, retryBackoffMs); time.sleep(backoff); remaining -= backoff; } } while (remaining > 0); throw new TimeoutException("Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata"); } /** * Send Metadata Request to least loaded node in Kafka cluster asynchronously * @return A future that indicates result of sent metadata request */ private RequestFuture<ClientResponse> sendMetadataRequest(MetadataRequest.Builder request) { final Node node = client.leastLoadedNode(); if (node == null) return RequestFuture.noBrokersAvailable(); else return client.send(node, request); } private void offsetResetStrategyTimestamp( final TopicPartition partition, final Map<TopicPartition, Long> output, final Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithNoOffsets) { OffsetResetStrategy strategy = subscriptions.resetStrategy(partition); if (strategy == OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST) output.put(partition, ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP); else if (strategy == OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST) output.put(partition, endTimestamp()); else partitionsWithNoOffsets.add(partition); } /** * Reset offsets for the given partition using the offset reset strategy. * * @param partitions The partitions that need offsets reset * @throws org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.NoOffsetForPartitionException If no offset reset strategy is defined */ private void resetOffsets(final Set<TopicPartition> partitions) { final Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsetResets = new HashMap<>(); final Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithNoOffsets = new HashSet<>(); for (final TopicPartition partition : partitions) { offsetResetStrategyTimestamp(partition, offsetResets, partitionsWithNoOffsets); } final Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> offsetsByTimes = retrieveOffsetsByTimes(offsetResets, Long.MAX_VALUE, false); for (final TopicPartition partition : partitions) { final OffsetData offsetData = offsetsByTimes.get(partition); if (offsetData == null) { partitionsWithNoOffsets.add(partition); continue; } // we might lose the assignment while fetching the offset, so check it is still active if (subscriptions.isAssigned(partition)) { log.debug("Resetting offset for partition {} to {} offset.", partition, offsetData.offset); this.subscriptions.seek(partition, offsetData.offset); } } if (!partitionsWithNoOffsets.isEmpty()) { throw new NoOffsetForPartitionException(partitionsWithNoOffsets); } } public Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> getOffsetsByTimes(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, long timeout) { Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> offsetData = retrieveOffsetsByTimes(timestampsToSearch, timeout, true); HashMap<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetsByTimes = new HashMap<>(offsetData.size()); for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, OffsetData> entry : offsetData.entrySet()) { OffsetData data = entry.getValue(); if (data == null) offsetsByTimes.put(entry.getKey(), null); else offsetsByTimes.put(entry.getKey(), new OffsetAndTimestamp(data.offset, data.timestamp)); } return offsetsByTimes; } private Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> retrieveOffsetsByTimes( Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, long timeout, boolean requireTimestamps) { if (timestampsToSearch.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap(); long startMs = time.milliseconds(); long remaining = timeout; do { RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> future = sendListOffsetRequests(requireTimestamps, timestampsToSearch); client.poll(future, remaining); if (!future.isDone()) break; if (future.succeeded()) return future.value(); if (!future.isRetriable()) throw future.exception(); long elapsed = time.milliseconds() - startMs; remaining = timeout - elapsed; if (remaining <= 0) break; if (future.exception() instanceof InvalidMetadataException) client.awaitMetadataUpdate(remaining); else time.sleep(Math.min(remaining, retryBackoffMs)); elapsed = time.milliseconds() - startMs; remaining = timeout - elapsed; } while (remaining > 0); throw new TimeoutException("Failed to get offsets by times in " + timeout + " ms"); } public Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, long timeout) { return beginningOrEndOffset(partitions, ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP, timeout); } public Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, long timeout) { return beginningOrEndOffset(partitions, endTimestamp(), timeout); } private long endTimestamp() { return ListOffsetRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; } private Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOrEndOffset(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, long timestamp, long timeout) { Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch = new HashMap<>(); for (TopicPartition tp : partitions) timestampsToSearch.put(tp, timestamp); Map<TopicPartition, Long> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, OffsetData> entry : retrieveOffsetsByTimes(timestampsToSearch, timeout, false).entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().offset); } return result; } /** * Return the fetched records, empty the record buffer and update the consumed position. * * NOTE: returning empty records guarantees the consumed position are NOT updated. * * @return The fetched records per partition * @throws OffsetOutOfRangeException If there is OffsetOutOfRange error in fetchResponse and * the defaultResetPolicy is NONE */ public Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> fetchedRecords() { if (nextInLineExceptionMetadata != null) { ExceptionMetadata exceptionMetadata = nextInLineExceptionMetadata; nextInLineExceptionMetadata = null; TopicPartition tp = exceptionMetadata.partition; if (subscriptions.isFetchable(tp) && subscriptions.position(tp) == exceptionMetadata.fetchedOffset) throw exceptionMetadata.exception; } Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> fetched = new HashMap<>(); int recordsRemaining = maxPollRecords; // Needed to construct ExceptionMetadata if any exception is found when processing completedFetch TopicPartition fetchedPartition = null; long fetchedOffset = -1; try { while (recordsRemaining > 0) { if (nextInLineRecords == null || nextInLineRecords.isFetched) { CompletedFetch completedFetch = completedFetches.poll(); if (completedFetch == null) break; fetchedPartition = completedFetch.partition; fetchedOffset = completedFetch.fetchedOffset; nextInLineRecords = parseCompletedFetch(completedFetch); } else { fetchedPartition = nextInLineRecords.partition; fetchedOffset = nextInLineRecords.nextFetchOffset; List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> records = fetchRecords(nextInLineRecords, recordsRemaining); TopicPartition partition = nextInLineRecords.partition; if (!records.isEmpty()) { List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> currentRecords = fetched.get(partition); if (currentRecords == null) { fetched.put(partition, records); } else { // this case shouldn't usually happen because we only send one fetch at a time per partition, // but it might conceivably happen in some rare cases (such as partition leader changes). // we have to copy to a new list because the old one may be immutable List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> newRecords = new ArrayList<>(records.size() + currentRecords.size()); newRecords.addAll(currentRecords); newRecords.addAll(records); fetched.put(partition, newRecords); } recordsRemaining -= records.size(); } } } } catch (KafkaException e) { if (fetched.isEmpty()) throw e; // To be thrown in the next call of this method nextInLineExceptionMetadata = new ExceptionMetadata(fetchedPartition, fetchedOffset, e); } return fetched; } private List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> fetchRecords(PartitionRecords partitionRecords, int maxRecords) { if (!subscriptions.isAssigned(partitionRecords.partition)) { // this can happen when a rebalance happened before fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call log.debug("Not returning fetched records for partition {} since it is no longer assigned", partitionRecords.partition); } else { // note that the consumed position should always be available as long as the partition is still assigned long position = subscriptions.position(partitionRecords.partition); if (!subscriptions.isFetchable(partitionRecords.partition)) { // this can happen when a partition is paused before fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call log.debug("Not returning fetched records for assigned partition {} since it is no longer fetchable", partitionRecords.partition); } else if (partitionRecords.nextFetchOffset == position) { List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> partRecords = partitionRecords.fetchRecords(maxRecords); long nextOffset = partitionRecords.nextFetchOffset; log.trace("Returning fetched records at offset {} for assigned partition {} and update " + "position to {}", position, partitionRecords.partition, nextOffset); subscriptions.position(partitionRecords.partition, nextOffset); Long partitionLag = subscriptions.partitionLag(partitionRecords.partition); if (partitionLag != null) this.sensors.recordPartitionLag(partitionRecords.partition, partitionLag); return partRecords; } else { // these records aren't next in line based on the last consumed position, ignore them // they must be from an obsolete request log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for {} at offset {} since the current position is {}", partitionRecords.partition, partitionRecords.nextFetchOffset, position); } } partitionRecords.drain(); return emptyList(); } /** * Search the offsets by target times for the specified partitions. * * @param requireTimestamps true if we should fail with an UnsupportedVersionException if the broker does * not support fetching precise timestamps for offsets * @param timestampsToSearch the mapping between partitions and target time * @return A response which can be polled to obtain the corresponding timestamps and offsets. */ private RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> sendListOffsetRequests( final boolean requireTimestamps, final Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch) { // Group the partitions by node. final Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, Long>> timestampsToSearchByNode = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry: timestampsToSearch.entrySet()) { TopicPartition tp = entry.getKey(); PartitionInfo info = metadata.fetch().partition(tp); if (info == null) { metadata.add(tp.topic()); log.debug("Partition {} is unknown for fetching offset, wait for metadata refresh", tp); return RequestFuture.staleMetadata(); } else if (info.leader() == null) { log.debug("Leader for partition {} unavailable for fetching offset, wait for metadata refresh", tp); return RequestFuture.leaderNotAvailable(); } else { Node node = info.leader(); Map<TopicPartition, Long> topicData = timestampsToSearchByNode.get(node); if (topicData == null) { topicData = new HashMap<>(); timestampsToSearchByNode.put(node, topicData); } topicData.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } final RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> listOffsetRequestsFuture = new RequestFuture<>(); final Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> fetchedTimestampOffsets = new HashMap<>(); final AtomicInteger remainingResponses = new AtomicInteger(timestampsToSearchByNode.size()); for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<TopicPartition, Long>> entry : timestampsToSearchByNode.entrySet()) { sendListOffsetRequest(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), requireTimestamps) .addListener(new RequestFutureListener<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> value) { synchronized (listOffsetRequestsFuture) { fetchedTimestampOffsets.putAll(value); if (remainingResponses.decrementAndGet() == 0 && !listOffsetRequestsFuture.isDone()) listOffsetRequestsFuture.complete(fetchedTimestampOffsets); } } @Override public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) { synchronized (listOffsetRequestsFuture) { // This may cause all the requests to be retried, but should be rare. if (!listOffsetRequestsFuture.isDone()) listOffsetRequestsFuture.raise(e); } } }); } return listOffsetRequestsFuture; } /** * Send the ListOffsetRequest to a specific broker for the partitions and target timestamps. * * @param node The node to send the ListOffsetRequest to. * @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions to the target timestamps. * @param requireTimestamp True if we require a timestamp in the response. * @return A response which can be polled to obtain the corresponding timestamps and offsets. */ private RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> sendListOffsetRequest(final Node node, final Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, boolean requireTimestamp) { ListOffsetRequest.Builder builder = ListOffsetRequest.Builder .forConsumer(requireTimestamp, isolationLevel) .setTargetTimes(timestampsToSearch); log.trace("Sending ListOffsetRequest {} to broker {}", builder, node); return client.send(node, builder) .compose(new RequestFutureAdapter<ClientResponse, Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ClientResponse response, RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> future) { ListOffsetResponse lor = (ListOffsetResponse) response.responseBody(); log.trace("Received ListOffsetResponse {} from broker {}", lor, node); handleListOffsetResponse(timestampsToSearch, lor, future); } }); } /** * Callback for the response of the list offset call above. * @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions to target timestamps * @param listOffsetResponse The response from the server. * @param future The future to be completed by the response. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void handleListOffsetResponse(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, ListOffsetResponse listOffsetResponse, RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> future) { Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> timestampOffsetMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry : timestampsToSearch.entrySet()) { TopicPartition topicPartition = entry.getKey(); ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData partitionData = listOffsetResponse.responseData().get(topicPartition); Errors error = partitionData.error; if (error == Errors.NONE) { if (partitionData.offsets != null) { // Handle v0 response long offset; if (partitionData.offsets.size() > 1) { future.raise(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partitionData response of length " + partitionData.offsets.size())); return; } else if (partitionData.offsets.isEmpty()) { offset = ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET; } else { offset = partitionData.offsets.get(0); } log.debug("Handling v0 ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}", topicPartition, offset); if (offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) { OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(offset, null); timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, offsetData); } } else { // Handle v1 and later response log.debug("Handling ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}, timestamp {}", topicPartition, partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp); if (partitionData.offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) { OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp); timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, offsetData); } } } else if (error == Errors.UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT) { // The message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0, we simply put null in the response. log.debug("Cannot search by timestamp for partition {} because the message format version " + "is before 0.10.0", topicPartition); timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, null); } else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION) { log.debug("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to obsolete leadership information, retrying.", topicPartition); future.raise(error); } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) { log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in ListOffset request for partition {}. The topic/partition " + "may not exist or the user may not have Describe access to it", topicPartition); future.raise(error); } else { log.warn("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to: {}", topicPartition, error.message()); future.raise(new StaleMetadataException()); } } if (!future.isDone()) future.complete(timestampOffsetMap); } private List<TopicPartition> fetchablePartitions() { Set<TopicPartition> exclude = new HashSet<>(); List<TopicPartition> fetchable = subscriptions.fetchablePartitions(); if (nextInLineRecords != null && !nextInLineRecords.isFetched) { exclude.add(nextInLineRecords.partition); } for (CompletedFetch completedFetch : completedFetches) { exclude.add(completedFetch.partition); } fetchable.removeAll(exclude); return fetchable; } /** * Create fetch requests for all nodes for which we have assigned partitions * that have no existing requests in flight. */ private Map<Node, FetchRequest.Builder> createFetchRequests() { // create the fetch info Cluster cluster = metadata.fetch(); Map<Node, LinkedHashMap<TopicPartition, FetchRequest.PartitionData>> fetchable = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (TopicPartition partition : fetchablePartitions()) { Node node = cluster.leaderFor(partition); if (node == null) { metadata.requestUpdate(); } else if (!this.client.hasPendingRequests(node)) { // if there is a leader and no in-flight requests, issue a new fetch LinkedHashMap<TopicPartition, FetchRequest.PartitionData> fetch = fetchable.get(node); if (fetch == null) { fetch = new LinkedHashMap<>(); fetchable.put(node, fetch); } long position = this.subscriptions.position(partition); fetch.put(partition, new FetchRequest.PartitionData(position, FetchRequest.INVALID_LOG_START_OFFSET, this.fetchSize)); log.debug("Added fetch request for partition {} at offset {} to node {}", partition, position, node); } else { log.trace("Skipping fetch for partition {} because there is an in-flight request to {}", partition, node); } } // create the fetches Map<Node, FetchRequest.Builder> requests = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Node, LinkedHashMap<TopicPartition, FetchRequest.PartitionData>> entry : fetchable.entrySet()) { Node node = entry.getKey(); FetchRequest.Builder fetch = FetchRequest.Builder.forConsumer(this.maxWaitMs, this.minBytes, entry.getValue(), isolationLevel). setMaxBytes(this.maxBytes); requests.put(node, fetch); } return requests; } /** * The callback for fetch completion */ private PartitionRecords parseCompletedFetch(CompletedFetch completedFetch) { TopicPartition tp = completedFetch.partition; FetchResponse.PartitionData partition = completedFetch.partitionData; long fetchOffset = completedFetch.fetchedOffset; PartitionRecords partitionRecords = null; Errors error = partition.error; try { if (!subscriptions.isFetchable(tp)) { // this can happen when a rebalance happened or a partition consumption paused // while fetch is still in-flight log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for partition {} since it is no longer fetchable", tp); } else if (error == Errors.NONE) { // we are interested in this fetch only if the beginning offset matches the // current consumed position Long position = subscriptions.position(tp); if (position == null || position != fetchOffset) { log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since its offset {} does not match " + "the expected offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, position); return null; } log.trace("Preparing to read {} bytes of data for partition {} with offset {}", partition.records.sizeInBytes(), tp, position); Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches = partition.records.batches().iterator(); partitionRecords = new PartitionRecords(tp, completedFetch, batches); if (!batches.hasNext() && partition.records.sizeInBytes() > 0) { if (completedFetch.responseVersion < 3) { // Implement the pre KIP-74 behavior of throwing a RecordTooLargeException. Map<TopicPartition, Long> recordTooLargePartitions = Collections.singletonMap(tp, fetchOffset); throw new RecordTooLargeException("There are some messages at [Partition=Offset]: " + recordTooLargePartitions + " whose size is larger than the fetch size " + this.fetchSize + " and hence cannot be returned. Please considering upgrading your broker to or " + "newer to avoid this issue. Alternately, increase the fetch size on the client (using " + ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG + ")", recordTooLargePartitions); } else { // This should not happen with brokers that support FetchRequest/Response V3 or higher (i.e. KIP-74) throw new KafkaException("Failed to make progress reading messages at " + tp + "=" + fetchOffset + ". Received a non-empty fetch response from the server, but no " + "complete records were found."); } } if (partition.highWatermark >= 0) { log.trace("Updating high watermark for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.highWatermark); subscriptions.updateHighWatermark(tp, partition.highWatermark); } } else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION) { log.debug("Error in fetch for partition {}: {}", tp, error.exceptionName()); this.metadata.requestUpdate(); } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) { log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in fetch for partition {}. The topic/partition " + "may not exist or the user may not have Describe access to it", tp); this.metadata.requestUpdate(); } else if (error == Errors.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE) { if (fetchOffset != subscriptions.position(tp)) { log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since the fetched offset {}" + "does not match the current offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, subscriptions.position(tp)); } else if (subscriptions.hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) { log.info("Fetch offset {} is out of range for partition {}, resetting offset", fetchOffset, tp); subscriptions.needOffsetReset(tp); } else { throw new OffsetOutOfRangeException(Collections.singletonMap(tp, fetchOffset)); } } else if (error == Errors.TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) { log.warn("Not authorized to read from topic {}.", tp.topic()); throw new TopicAuthorizationException(Collections.singleton(tp.topic())); } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN) { log.warn("Unknown error fetching data for topic-partition {}", tp); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected error code " + error.code() + " while fetching data"); } } finally { if (partitionRecords == null) completedFetch.metricAggregator.record(tp, 0, 0); if (error != Errors.NONE) // we move the partition to the end if there was an error. This way, it's more likely that partitions for // the same topic can remain together (allowing for more efficient serialization). subscriptions.movePartitionToEnd(tp); } return partitionRecords; } /** * Parse the record entry, deserializing the key / value fields if necessary */ private ConsumerRecord<K, V> parseRecord(TopicPartition partition, RecordBatch batch, Record record) { try { long offset = record.offset(); long timestamp = record.timestamp(); TimestampType timestampType = batch.timestampType(); Headers headers = new RecordHeaders(record.headers()); ByteBuffer keyBytes = record.key(); byte[] keyByteArray = keyBytes == null ? null : Utils.toArray(keyBytes); K key = keyBytes == null ? null : this.keyDeserializer.deserialize(partition.topic(), headers, keyByteArray); ByteBuffer valueBytes = record.value(); byte[] valueByteArray = valueBytes == null ? null : Utils.toArray(valueBytes); V value = valueBytes == null ? null : this.valueDeserializer.deserialize(partition.topic(), headers, valueByteArray); return new ConsumerRecord<>(partition.topic(), partition.partition(), offset, timestamp, timestampType, record.checksum(), keyByteArray == null ? ConsumerRecord.NULL_SIZE : keyByteArray.length, valueByteArray == null ? ConsumerRecord.NULL_SIZE : valueByteArray.length, key, value, headers); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new SerializationException("Error deserializing key/value for partition " + partition + " at offset " + record.offset(), e); } } @Override public void onAssignment(Set<TopicPartition> assignment) { sensors.updatePartitionLagSensors(assignment); } private class PartitionRecords { private final TopicPartition partition; private final CompletedFetch completedFetch; private final Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches; private final Set<Long> abortedProducerIds; private final PriorityQueue<FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions; private int recordsRead; private int bytesRead; private RecordBatch currentBatch; private CloseableIterator<Record> records; private long nextFetchOffset; private boolean isFetched = false; private KafkaException nextInlineException; private PartitionRecords(TopicPartition partition, CompletedFetch completedFetch, Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches) { this.partition = partition; this.completedFetch = completedFetch; this.batches = batches; this.nextFetchOffset = completedFetch.fetchedOffset; this.abortedProducerIds = new HashSet<>(); this.abortedTransactions = abortedTransactions(completedFetch.partitionData); this.nextInlineException = null; } private void drain() { if (!isFetched) { maybeCloseRecordStream(); nextInlineException = null; this.isFetched = true; this.completedFetch.metricAggregator.record(partition, bytesRead, recordsRead); // we move the partition to the end if we received some bytes. This way, it's more likely that partitions // for the same topic can remain together (allowing for more efficient serialization). if (bytesRead > 0) subscriptions.movePartitionToEnd(partition); } } private void maybeEnsureValid(RecordBatch batch) { if (checkCrcs && currentBatch.magic() >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) { try { batch.ensureValid(); } catch (InvalidRecordException e) { throw new KafkaException("Record batch for partition " + partition + " at offset " + batch.baseOffset() + " is invalid, cause: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void maybeEnsureValid(Record record) { if (checkCrcs) { try { record.ensureValid(); } catch (InvalidRecordException e) { throw new KafkaException("Record for partition " + partition + " at offset " + record.offset() + " is invalid, cause: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void maybeCloseRecordStream() { if (records != null) { records.close(); records = null; } } private Record nextFetchedRecord() { while (true) { if (records == null || !records.hasNext()) { maybeCloseRecordStream(); if (!batches.hasNext()) { drain(); return null; } currentBatch = batches.next(); maybeEnsureValid(currentBatch); if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED && currentBatch.hasProducerId()) { // remove from the aborted transaction queue all aborted transactions which have begun // before the current batch's last offset and add the associated producerIds to the // aborted producer set consumeAbortedTransactionsUpTo(currentBatch.lastOffset()); long producerId = currentBatch.producerId(); if (containsAbortMarker(currentBatch)) { abortedProducerIds.remove(producerId); } else if (isBatchAborted(currentBatch)) { log.trace("Skipping aborted record batch with producerId {} and base offset {}, partition: {}", producerId, currentBatch.baseOffset(), partition); nextFetchOffset = currentBatch.lastOffset() + 1; continue; } } records = currentBatch.streamingIterator(); } Record record = records.next(); maybeEnsureValid(record); // skip any records out of range if (record.offset() >= nextFetchOffset) { nextFetchOffset = record.offset() + 1; // control records are not returned to the user if (!currentBatch.isControlBatch()) return record; } } } private List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> fetchRecords(int maxRecords) { if (isFetched) return Collections.emptyList(); if (nextInlineException != null) { KafkaException e = nextInlineException; nextInlineException = null; throw e; } List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> records = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < maxRecords; i++) { Record record = nextFetchedRecord(); if (record == null) break; recordsRead++; bytesRead += record.sizeInBytes(); records.add(parseRecord(partition, currentBatch, record)); } } catch (KafkaException e) { if (records.isEmpty()) throw e; // To be thrown in the next call of this method nextInlineException = e; } return records; } private void consumeAbortedTransactionsUpTo(long offset) { if (abortedTransactions == null) return; while (!abortedTransactions.isEmpty() && abortedTransactions.peek().firstOffset <= offset) { FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction abortedTransaction = abortedTransactions.poll(); abortedProducerIds.add(abortedTransaction.producerId); } } private boolean isBatchAborted(RecordBatch batch) { return batch.isTransactional() && abortedProducerIds.contains(batch.producerId()); } private PriorityQueue<FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions(FetchResponse.PartitionData partition) { if (partition.abortedTransactions == null || partition.abortedTransactions.isEmpty()) return null; PriorityQueue<FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions = new PriorityQueue<>( partition.abortedTransactions.size(), new Comparator<FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction>() { @Override public int compare(FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction o1, FetchResponse.AbortedTransaction o2) { return Long.compare(o1.firstOffset, o2.firstOffset); } } ); abortedTransactions.addAll(partition.abortedTransactions); return abortedTransactions; } private boolean containsAbortMarker(RecordBatch batch) { if (!batch.isControlBatch()) return false; Iterator<Record> batchIterator = batch.iterator(); if (!batchIterator.hasNext()) throw new InvalidRecordException("Invalid batch for partition " + partition + " at offset " + batch.baseOffset() + " with control sequence set, but no records"); Record firstRecord = batchIterator.next(); return ControlRecordType.ABORT == ControlRecordType.parse(firstRecord.key()); } } private static class ExceptionMetadata { private final TopicPartition partition; private final long fetchedOffset; private final KafkaException exception; private ExceptionMetadata(TopicPartition partition, long fetchedOffset, KafkaException exception) { this.partition = partition; this.fetchedOffset = fetchedOffset; this.exception = exception; } } private static class CompletedFetch { private final TopicPartition partition; private final long fetchedOffset; private final FetchResponse.PartitionData partitionData; private final FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator; private final short responseVersion; private CompletedFetch(TopicPartition partition, long fetchedOffset, FetchResponse.PartitionData partitionData, FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator, short responseVersion) { this.partition = partition; this.fetchedOffset = fetchedOffset; this.partitionData = partitionData; this.metricAggregator = metricAggregator; this.responseVersion = responseVersion; } } /** * Since we parse the message data for each partition from each fetch response lazily, fetch-level * metrics need to be aggregated as the messages from each partition are parsed. This class is used * to facilitate this incremental aggregation. */ private static class FetchResponseMetricAggregator { private final FetchManagerMetrics sensors; private final Set<TopicPartition> unrecordedPartitions; private final FetchMetrics fetchMetrics = new FetchMetrics(); private final Map<String, FetchMetrics> topicFetchMetrics = new HashMap<>(); private FetchResponseMetricAggregator(FetchManagerMetrics sensors, Set<TopicPartition> partitions) { this.sensors = sensors; this.unrecordedPartitions = partitions; } /** * After each partition is parsed, we update the current metric totals with the total bytes * and number of records parsed. After all partitions have reported, we write the metric. */ public void record(TopicPartition partition, int bytes, int records) { this.unrecordedPartitions.remove(partition); this.fetchMetrics.increment(bytes, records); // collect and aggregate per-topic metrics String topic = partition.topic(); FetchMetrics topicFetchMetric = this.topicFetchMetrics.get(topic); if (topicFetchMetric == null) { topicFetchMetric = new FetchMetrics(); this.topicFetchMetrics.put(topic, topicFetchMetric); } topicFetchMetric.increment(bytes, records); if (this.unrecordedPartitions.isEmpty()) { // once all expected partitions from the fetch have reported in, record the metrics this.sensors.bytesFetched.record(topicFetchMetric.fetchBytes); this.sensors.recordsFetched.record(topicFetchMetric.fetchRecords); // also record per-topic metrics for (Map.Entry<String, FetchMetrics> entry: this.topicFetchMetrics.entrySet()) { FetchMetrics metric = entry.getValue(); this.sensors.recordTopicFetchMetrics(entry.getKey(), metric.fetchBytes, metric.fetchRecords); } } } private static class FetchMetrics { private int fetchBytes; private int fetchRecords; protected void increment(int bytes, int records) { this.fetchBytes += bytes; this.fetchRecords += records; } } } private static class FetchManagerMetrics { private final Metrics metrics; private final String metricGrpName; private final Sensor bytesFetched; private final Sensor recordsFetched; private final Sensor fetchLatency; private final Sensor recordsFetchLag; private final Sensor fetchThrottleTimeSensor; private Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions; private FetchManagerMetrics(Metrics metrics, String metricGrpPrefix) { this.metrics = metrics; this.metricGrpName = metricGrpPrefix + "-fetch-manager-metrics"; this.bytesFetched = metrics.sensor("bytes-fetched"); this.bytesFetched.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-size-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of bytes fetched per request"), new Avg()); this.bytesFetched.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-size-max", this.metricGrpName, "The maximum number of bytes fetched per request"), new Max()); this.bytesFetched.add(metrics.metricName("bytes-consumed-rate", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of bytes consumed per second"), new Rate()); this.recordsFetched = metrics.sensor("records-fetched"); this.recordsFetched.add(metrics.metricName("records-per-request-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of records in each request"), new Avg()); this.recordsFetched.add(metrics.metricName("records-consumed-rate", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of records consumed per second"), new Rate()); this.fetchLatency = metrics.sensor("fetch-latency"); this.fetchLatency.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-latency-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average time taken for a fetch request."), new Avg()); this.fetchLatency.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-latency-max", this.metricGrpName, "The max time taken for any fetch request."), new Max()); this.fetchLatency.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-rate", this.metricGrpName, "The number of fetch requests per second."), new Rate(new Count())); this.recordsFetchLag = metrics.sensor("records-lag"); this.recordsFetchLag.add(metrics.metricName("records-lag-max", this.metricGrpName, "The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window"), new Max()); this.fetchThrottleTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("fetch-throttle-time"); this.fetchThrottleTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-throttle-time-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average throttle time in ms"), new Avg()); this.fetchThrottleTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-throttle-time-max", this.metricGrpName, "The maximum throttle time in ms"), new Max()); } private void recordTopicFetchMetrics(String topic, int bytes, int records) { // record bytes fetched String name = "topic." + topic + ".bytes-fetched"; Sensor bytesFetched = this.metrics.getSensor(name); if (bytesFetched == null) { Map<String, String> metricTags = Collections.singletonMap("topic", topic.replace('.', '_')); bytesFetched = this.metrics.sensor(name); bytesFetched.add(this.metrics.metricName("fetch-size-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of bytes fetched per request for topic " + topic, metricTags), new Avg()); bytesFetched.add(this.metrics.metricName("fetch-size-max", this.metricGrpName, "The maximum number of bytes fetched per request for topic " + topic, metricTags), new Max()); bytesFetched.add(this.metrics.metricName("bytes-consumed-rate", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of bytes consumed per second for topic " + topic, metricTags), new Rate()); } bytesFetched.record(bytes); // record records fetched name = "topic." + topic + ".records-fetched"; Sensor recordsFetched = this.metrics.getSensor(name); if (recordsFetched == null) { Map<String, String> metricTags = new HashMap<>(1); metricTags.put("topic", topic.replace('.', '_')); recordsFetched = this.metrics.sensor(name); recordsFetched.add(this.metrics.metricName("records-per-request-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of records in each request for topic " + topic, metricTags), new Avg()); recordsFetched.add(this.metrics.metricName("records-consumed-rate", this.metricGrpName, "The average number of records consumed per second for topic " + topic, metricTags), new Rate()); } recordsFetched.record(records); } private void updatePartitionLagSensors(Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions) { if (this.assignedPartitions != null) { for (TopicPartition tp : this.assignedPartitions) { if (!assignedPartitions.contains(tp)) metrics.removeSensor(partitionLagMetricName(tp)); } } this.assignedPartitions = assignedPartitions; } private void recordPartitionLag(TopicPartition tp, long lag) { this.recordsFetchLag.record(lag); String name = partitionLagMetricName(tp); Sensor recordsLag = this.metrics.getSensor(name); if (recordsLag == null) { recordsLag = this.metrics.sensor(name); recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricName(name, this.metricGrpName, "The latest lag of the partition"), new Value()); recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricName(name + "-max", this.metricGrpName, "The max lag of the partition"), new Max()); recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricName(name + "-avg", this.metricGrpName, "The average lag of the partition"), new Avg()); } recordsLag.record(lag); } private static String partitionLagMetricName(TopicPartition tp) { return tp + ".records-lag"; } } @Override public void close() { if (nextInLineRecords != null) nextInLineRecords.drain(); nextInLineExceptionMetadata = null; } }