/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kafka.common.config; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.Importance; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.Range; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.Type; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.ValidString; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.Validator; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.Width; import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; public class ConfigDefTest { @Test public void testBasicTypes() { ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.INT, 5, Range.between(0, 14), Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("b", Type.LONG, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("c", Type.STRING, "hello", Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("d", Type.LIST, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("e", Type.DOUBLE, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("f", Type.CLASS, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("g", Type.BOOLEAN, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("h", Type.BOOLEAN, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("i", Type.BOOLEAN, Importance.HIGH, "docs") .define("j", Type.PASSWORD, Importance.HIGH, "docs"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("a", "1 "); props.put("b", 2); props.put("d", " a , b, c"); props.put("e", 42.5d); props.put("f", String.class.getName()); props.put("g", "true"); props.put("h", "FalSE"); props.put("i", "TRUE"); props.put("j", "password"); Map<String, Object> vals = def.parse(props); assertEquals(1, vals.get("a")); assertEquals(2L, vals.get("b")); assertEquals("hello", vals.get("c")); assertEquals(asList("a", "b", "c"), vals.get("d")); assertEquals(42.5d, vals.get("e")); assertEquals(String.class, vals.get("f")); assertEquals(true, vals.get("g")); assertEquals(false, vals.get("h")); assertEquals(true, vals.get("i")); assertEquals(new Password("password"), vals.get("j")); assertEquals(Password.HIDDEN, vals.get("j").toString()); } @Test(expected = ConfigException.class) public void testInvalidDefault() { new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.INT, "hello", Importance.HIGH, "docs"); } @Test public void testNullDefault() { ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.INT, null, null, null, "docs"); Map<String, Object> vals = def.parse(new Properties()); assertEquals(null, vals.get("a")); } @Test(expected = ConfigException.class) public void testMissingRequired() { new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs").parse(new HashMap<String, Object>()); } @Test public void testParsingEmptyDefaultValueForStringFieldShouldSucceed() { new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.STRING, "", ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH, "docs") .parse(new HashMap<String, Object>()); } @Test(expected = ConfigException.class) public void testDefinedTwice() { new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.STRING, Importance.HIGH, "docs").define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs"); } @Test public void testBadInputs() { testBadInputs(Type.INT, "hello", "42.5", 42.5, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE), new Object()); testBadInputs(Type.LONG, "hello", "42.5", Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE) + "00", new Object()); testBadInputs(Type.DOUBLE, "hello", new Object()); testBadInputs(Type.STRING, new Object()); testBadInputs(Type.LIST, 53, new Object()); testBadInputs(Type.BOOLEAN, "hello", "truee", "fals"); testBadInputs(Type.CLASS, "ClassDoesNotExist"); } private void testBadInputs(Type type, Object... values) { for (Object value : values) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("name", value); ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef().define("name", type, Importance.HIGH, "docs"); try { def.parse(m); fail("Expected a config exception on bad input for value " + value); } catch (ConfigException e) { // this is good } } } @Test(expected = ConfigException.class) public void testInvalidDefaultRange() { new ConfigDef().define("name", Type.INT, -1, Range.between(0, 10), Importance.HIGH, "docs"); } @Test(expected = ConfigException.class) public void testInvalidDefaultString() { new ConfigDef().define("name", Type.STRING, "bad", ValidString.in("valid", "values"), Importance.HIGH, "docs"); } @Test public void testNestedClass() { // getName(), not getSimpleName() or getCanonicalName(), is the version that should be able to locate the class Map<String, Object> props = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("name", NestedClass.class.getName()); new ConfigDef().define("name", Type.CLASS, Importance.HIGH, "docs").parse(props); } @Test public void testValidators() { testValidators(Type.INT, Range.between(0, 10), 5, new Object[]{1, 5, 9}, new Object[]{-1, 11, null}); testValidators(Type.STRING, ValidString.in("good", "values", "default"), "default", new Object[]{"good", "values", "default"}, new Object[]{"bad", "inputs", null}); testValidators(Type.LIST, ConfigDef.ValidList.in("1", "2", "3"), "1", new Object[]{"1", "2", "3"}, new Object[]{"4", "5", "6"}); } @Test public void testSslPasswords() { ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef(); SslConfigs.addClientSslSupport(def); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG, "key_password"); props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, "keystore_password"); props.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, "truststore_password"); Map<String, Object> vals = def.parse(props); assertEquals(new Password("key_password"), vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG)); assertEquals(Password.HIDDEN, vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG).toString()); assertEquals(new Password("keystore_password"), vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG)); assertEquals(Password.HIDDEN, vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG).toString()); assertEquals(new Password("truststore_password"), vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG)); assertEquals(Password.HIDDEN, vals.get(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG).toString()); } @Test public void testNullDefaultWithValidator() { final String key = "enum_test"; ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef(); def.define(key, Type.STRING, ConfigDef.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, ValidString.in("ONE", "TWO", "THREE"), Importance.HIGH, "docs"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(key, "ONE"); Map<String, Object> vals = def.parse(props); assertEquals("ONE", vals.get(key)); } @Test public void testGroupInference() { List<String> expected1 = Arrays.asList("group1", "group2"); ConfigDef def1 = new ConfigDef() .define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group1", 1, Width.SHORT, "a") .define("b", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group2", 1, Width.SHORT, "b") .define("c", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group1", 2, Width.SHORT, "c"); assertEquals(expected1, def1.groups()); List<String> expected2 = Arrays.asList("group2", "group1"); ConfigDef def2 = new ConfigDef() .define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group2", 1, Width.SHORT, "a") .define("b", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group2", 2, Width.SHORT, "b") .define("c", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group1", 2, Width.SHORT, "c"); assertEquals(expected2, def2.groups()); } @Test public void testParseForValidate() { Map<String, Object> expectedParsed = new HashMap<>(); expectedParsed.put("a", 1); expectedParsed.put("b", null); expectedParsed.put("c", null); expectedParsed.put("d", 10); Map<String, ConfigValue> expected = new HashMap<>(); String errorMessageB = "Missing required configuration \"b\" which has no default value."; String errorMessageC = "Missing required configuration \"c\" which has no default value."; ConfigValue configA = new ConfigValue("a", 1, Collections.<Object>emptyList(), Collections.<String>emptyList()); ConfigValue configB = new ConfigValue("b", null, Collections.<Object>emptyList(), Arrays.asList(errorMessageB, errorMessageB)); ConfigValue configC = new ConfigValue("c", null, Collections.<Object>emptyList(), Arrays.asList(errorMessageC)); ConfigValue configD = new ConfigValue("d", 10, Collections.<Object>emptyList(), Collections.<String>emptyList()); expected.put("a", configA); expected.put("b", configB); expected.put("c", configC); expected.put("d", configD); ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef() .define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 1, Width.SHORT, "a", Arrays.asList("b", "c"), new IntegerRecommender(false)) .define("b", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 2, Width.SHORT, "b", new IntegerRecommender(true)) .define("c", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 3, Width.SHORT, "c", new IntegerRecommender(true)) .define("d", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 4, Width.SHORT, "d", Arrays.asList("b"), new IntegerRecommender(false)); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("a", "1"); props.put("d", "10"); Map<String, ConfigValue> configValues = new HashMap<>(); for (String name : def.configKeys().keySet()) { configValues.put(name, new ConfigValue(name)); } Map<String, Object> parsed = def.parseForValidate(props, configValues); assertEquals(expectedParsed, parsed); assertEquals(expected, configValues); } @Test public void testValidate() { Map<String, ConfigValue> expected = new HashMap<>(); String errorMessageB = "Missing required configuration \"b\" which has no default value."; String errorMessageC = "Missing required configuration \"c\" which has no default value."; ConfigValue configA = new ConfigValue("a", 1, Arrays.<Object>asList(1, 2, 3), Collections.<String>emptyList()); ConfigValue configB = new ConfigValue("b", null, Arrays.<Object>asList(4, 5), Arrays.asList(errorMessageB, errorMessageB)); ConfigValue configC = new ConfigValue("c", null, Arrays.<Object>asList(4, 5), Arrays.asList(errorMessageC)); ConfigValue configD = new ConfigValue("d", 10, Arrays.<Object>asList(1, 2, 3), Collections.<String>emptyList()); expected.put("a", configA); expected.put("b", configB); expected.put("c", configC); expected.put("d", configD); ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef() .define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 1, Width.SHORT, "a", Arrays.asList("b", "c"), new IntegerRecommender(false)) .define("b", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 2, Width.SHORT, "b", new IntegerRecommender(true)) .define("c", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 3, Width.SHORT, "c", new IntegerRecommender(true)) .define("d", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 4, Width.SHORT, "d", Arrays.asList("b"), new IntegerRecommender(false)); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("a", "1"); props.put("d", "10"); List<ConfigValue> configs = def.validate(props); for (ConfigValue config : configs) { String name = config.name(); ConfigValue expectedConfig = expected.get(name); assertEquals(expectedConfig, config); } } @Test public void testValidateMissingConfigKey() { Map<String, ConfigValue> expected = new HashMap<>(); String errorMessageB = "Missing required configuration \"b\" which has no default value."; String errorMessageC = "Missing required configuration \"c\" which has no default value."; String errorMessageD = "d is referred in the dependents, but not defined."; ConfigValue configA = new ConfigValue("a", 1, Arrays.<Object>asList(1, 2, 3), Collections.<String>emptyList()); ConfigValue configB = new ConfigValue("b", null, Arrays.<Object>asList(4, 5), Arrays.asList(errorMessageB)); ConfigValue configC = new ConfigValue("c", null, Arrays.<Object>asList(4, 5), Arrays.asList(errorMessageC)); ConfigValue configD = new ConfigValue("d", null, Collections.emptyList(), Arrays.asList(errorMessageD)); configD.visible(false); expected.put("a", configA); expected.put("b", configB); expected.put("c", configC); expected.put("d", configD); ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef() .define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 1, Width.SHORT, "a", Arrays.asList("b", "c", "d"), new IntegerRecommender(false)) .define("b", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 2, Width.SHORT, "b", new IntegerRecommender(true)) .define("c", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs", "group", 3, Width.SHORT, "c", new IntegerRecommender(true)); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("a", "1"); List<ConfigValue> configs = def.validate(props); for (ConfigValue config: configs) { String name = config.name(); ConfigValue expectedConfig = expected.get(name); assertEquals(expectedConfig, config); } } @Test public void testValidateCannotParse() { Map<String, ConfigValue> expected = new HashMap<>(); String errorMessageB = "Invalid value non_integer for configuration a: Not a number of type INT"; ConfigValue configA = new ConfigValue("a", null, Collections.emptyList(), Arrays.asList(errorMessageB)); expected.put("a", configA); ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef().define("a", Type.INT, Importance.HIGH, "docs"); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("a", "non_integer"); List<ConfigValue> configs = def.validate(props); for (ConfigValue config: configs) { String name = config.name(); ConfigValue expectedConfig = expected.get(name); assertEquals(expectedConfig, config); } } @Test public void testCanAddInternalConfig() throws Exception { final String configName = "internal.config"; final ConfigDef configDef = new ConfigDef().defineInternal(configName, Type.STRING, "", Importance.LOW); final HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(); properties.put(configName, "value"); final List<ConfigValue> results = configDef.validate(properties); final ConfigValue configValue = results.get(0); assertEquals("value", configValue.value()); assertEquals(configName, configValue.name()); } @Test public void testInternalConfigDoesntShowUpInDocs() throws Exception { final String name = "my.config"; final ConfigDef configDef = new ConfigDef().defineInternal(name, Type.STRING, "", Importance.LOW); assertFalse(configDef.toHtmlTable().contains("my.config")); assertFalse(configDef.toEnrichedRst().contains("my.config")); assertFalse(configDef.toRst().contains("my.config")); } private static class IntegerRecommender implements ConfigDef.Recommender { private boolean hasParent; public IntegerRecommender(boolean hasParent) { this.hasParent = hasParent; } @Override public List<Object> validValues(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig) { List<Object> values = new LinkedList<>(); if (!hasParent) { values.addAll(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); } else { values.addAll(Arrays.asList(4, 5)); } return values; } @Override public boolean visible(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig) { return true; } } private void testValidators(Type type, Validator validator, Object defaultVal, Object[] okValues, Object[] badValues) { ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef().define("name", type, defaultVal, validator, Importance.HIGH, "docs"); for (Object value : okValues) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("name", value); def.parse(m); } for (Object value : badValues) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("name", value); try { def.parse(m); fail("Expected a config exception due to invalid value " + value); } catch (ConfigException e) { // this is good } } } @Test public void toRst() { final ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef() .define("opt1", Type.STRING, "a", ValidString.in("a", "b", "c"), Importance.HIGH, "docs1") .define("opt2", Type.INT, Importance.MEDIUM, "docs2") .define("opt3", Type.LIST, Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Importance.LOW, "docs3"); final String expectedRst = "" + "``opt2``\n" + " docs2\n" + "\n" + " * Type: int\n" + " * Importance: medium\n" + "\n" + "``opt1``\n" + " docs1\n" + "\n" + " * Type: string\n" + " * Default: a\n" + " * Valid Values: [a, b, c]\n" + " * Importance: high\n" + "\n" + "``opt3``\n" + " docs3\n" + "\n" + " * Type: list\n" + " * Default: a,b\n" + " * Importance: low\n" + "\n"; assertEquals(expectedRst, def.toRst()); } @Test public void toEnrichedRst() { final ConfigDef def = new ConfigDef() .define("opt1.of.group1", Type.STRING, "a", ValidString.in("a", "b", "c"), Importance.HIGH, "Doc doc.", "Group One", 0, Width.NONE, "..", Collections.<String>emptyList()) .define("opt2.of.group1", Type.INT, ConfigDef.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, Importance.MEDIUM, "Doc doc doc.", "Group One", 1, Width.NONE, "..", Arrays.asList("some.option1", "some.option2")) .define("opt2.of.group2", Type.BOOLEAN, false, Importance.HIGH, "Doc doc doc doc.", "Group Two", 1, Width.NONE, "..", Collections.<String>emptyList()) .define("opt1.of.group2", Type.BOOLEAN, false, Importance.HIGH, "Doc doc doc doc doc.", "Group Two", 0, Width.NONE, "..", Collections.singletonList("some.option")) .define("poor.opt", Type.STRING, "foo", Importance.HIGH, "Doc doc doc doc."); final String expectedRst = "" + "``poor.opt``\n" + " Doc doc doc doc.\n" + "\n" + " * Type: string\n" + " * Default: foo\n" + " * Importance: high\n" + "\n" + "Group One\n" + "^^^^^^^^^\n" + "\n" + "``opt1.of.group1``\n" + " Doc doc.\n" + "\n" + " * Type: string\n" + " * Default: a\n" + " * Valid Values: [a, b, c]\n" + " * Importance: high\n" + "\n" + "``opt2.of.group1``\n" + " Doc doc doc.\n" + "\n" + " * Type: int\n" + " * Importance: medium\n" + " * Dependents: ``some.option1``, ``some.option2``\n" + "\n" + "Group Two\n" + "^^^^^^^^^\n" + "\n" + "``opt1.of.group2``\n" + " Doc doc doc doc doc.\n" + "\n" + " * Type: boolean\n" + " * Default: false\n" + " * Importance: high\n" + " * Dependents: ``some.option``\n" + "\n" + "``opt2.of.group2``\n" + " Doc doc doc doc.\n" + "\n" + " * Type: boolean\n" + " * Default: false\n" + " * Importance: high\n" + "\n"; assertEquals(expectedRst, def.toEnrichedRst()); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringBoolean() { assertEquals("true", ConfigDef.convertToString(true, Type.BOOLEAN)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringShort() { assertEquals("32767", ConfigDef.convertToString(Short.MAX_VALUE, Type.SHORT)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringInt() { assertEquals("2147483647", ConfigDef.convertToString(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Type.INT)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringLong() { assertEquals("9223372036854775807", ConfigDef.convertToString(Long.MAX_VALUE, Type.LONG)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringDouble() { assertEquals("3.125", ConfigDef.convertToString(3.125, Type.DOUBLE)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringString() { assertEquals("foobar", ConfigDef.convertToString("foobar", Type.STRING)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringPassword() { assertEquals(Password.HIDDEN, ConfigDef.convertToString(new Password("foobar"), Type.PASSWORD)); assertEquals("foobar", ConfigDef.convertToString("foobar", Type.PASSWORD)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringList() { assertEquals("a,bc,d", ConfigDef.convertToString(Arrays.asList("a", "bc", "d"), Type.LIST)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { String actual = ConfigDef.convertToString(ConfigDefTest.class, Type.CLASS); assertEquals("org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDefTest", actual); // Additionally validate that we can look up this class by this name assertEquals(ConfigDefTest.class, Class.forName(actual)); } @Test public void testConvertValueToStringNestedClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { String actual = ConfigDef.convertToString(NestedClass.class, Type.CLASS); assertEquals("org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDefTest$NestedClass", actual); // Additionally validate that we can look up this class by this name assertEquals(NestedClass.class, Class.forName(actual)); } private class NestedClass { } }