/* PKITS.java Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Distributed under the GPL. See the file `COPYING' */ package gnu.testlet.gnu.crypto.pki.pkits; public class PKITS { static { String clazz = System.getProperty ("pkits.provider.class", "gnu.crypto.pki.provider.GnuPki"); String provider = System.getProperty ("pkits.provider", "GNU-PKI"); try { if (java.security.Security.getProvider (provider) == null) java.security.Security.addProvider ((java.security.Provider) Class.forName (clazz).newInstance()); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println ("WARNING: couldn't load PKITS test provider " + provider + " with class " + clazz); System.err.println (t); t.printStackTrace(); } } // Constants. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final String ANY_POLICY = ""; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_1 = "2.16.840."; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_2 = "2.16.840."; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_3 = "2.16.840."; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_4 = "2.16.840."; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_5 = "2.16.840."; public static final String NIST_TEST_POLICY_6 = "2.16.840."; }