/* * Copyright (c) 2007 innoSysTec (R) GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved. * Original author: Edmund Wagner * Creation date: 31.05.2007 * * Source: $HeadURL$ * Last changed: $LastChangedDate$ * * the unrar licence applies to all junrar source and binary distributions * you are not allowed to use this source to re-create the RAR compression algorithm * * Here some html entities which can be used for escaping javadoc tags: * "&": "&" or "&" * "<": "<" or "<" * ">": ">" or ">" * "@": "@" */ package de.innosystec.unrar.unpack.ppm; import java.io.IOException; import de.innosystec.unrar.exception.RarException; import de.innosystec.unrar.unpack.Unpack; /** * DOCUMENT ME * * @author $LastChangedBy$ * @version $LastChangedRevision$ */ public class RangeCoder { public static final int TOP = 1 << 24; public static final int BOT = 1 << 15; private static final long uintMask = 0xFFFFffffL; // uint low, code, range; private long low, code, range; private final SubRange subRange = new SubRange(); private Unpack unpackRead; public SubRange getSubRange() { return subRange; } public void initDecoder(Unpack unpackRead) throws IOException, RarException { this.unpackRead = unpackRead; low = code = 0L; range = 0xFFFFffffL; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { code = ((code << 8) | getChar())&uintMask; } } public int getCurrentCount() { range = (range / subRange.getScale())&uintMask; return (int)((code - low) / (range)); } public long getCurrentShiftCount(int SHIFT) { range = range >>>SHIFT; return ((code - low) / (range))&uintMask; } public void decode() { low = (low + (range * subRange.getLowCount()))&uintMask; range = (range * (subRange.getHighCount() - subRange.getLowCount()))&uintMask; } private int getChar() throws IOException, RarException { return (unpackRead.getChar()); } public void ariDecNormalize() throws IOException, RarException { // while ((low ^ (low + range)) < TOP || range < BOT && ((range = -low & (BOT - 1)) != 0 ? true : true)) // { // code = ((code << 8) | unpackRead.getChar()&0xff)&uintMask; // range = (range << 8)&uintMask; // low = (low << 8)&uintMask; // } // Rewrote for clarity boolean c2 = false; while ((low ^ (low + range)) < TOP || (c2 = range < BOT)) { if (c2) { range = (-low & (BOT - 1))&uintMask; c2 = false; } code = ((code << 8) | getChar())&uintMask; range = (range << 8)&uintMask; low = (low << 8)&uintMask; } } // Debug public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("RangeCoder["); buffer.append("\n low="); buffer.append(low); buffer.append("\n code="); buffer.append(code); buffer.append("\n range="); buffer.append(range); buffer.append("\n subrange="); buffer.append(subRange); buffer.append("]"); return buffer.toString(); } public static class SubRange { // uint LowCount, HighCount, scale; private long lowCount, highCount, scale; public long getHighCount() { return highCount; } public void setHighCount(long highCount) { this.highCount = highCount&uintMask; } public long getLowCount() { return lowCount&uintMask; } public void setLowCount(long lowCount) { this.lowCount = lowCount&uintMask; } public long getScale() { return scale; } public void setScale(long scale) { this.scale = scale&uintMask; } public void incScale(int dScale) { setScale(getScale() + dScale); } // Debug public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("SubRange["); buffer.append("\n lowCount="); buffer.append(lowCount); buffer.append("\n highCount="); buffer.append(highCount); buffer.append("\n scale="); buffer.append(scale); buffer.append("]"); return buffer.toString(); } } }