package org.aksw.sparqlify.database; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.BinaryOperator; import org.aksw.commons.util.reflect.MultiMethod; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.Clause; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.NestedNormalForm; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction.RestrictionImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction.RestrictionManagerImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.OpViewInstanceJoin; import org.aksw.sparqlify.sparqlview.OpSparqlViewPattern; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Predicate; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpConditional; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDisjunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDistinct; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpExtend; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpGroup; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpJoin; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpLeftJoin; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpNull; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpOrder; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpProject; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpSequence; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpSlice; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpTopN; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Bound; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * A predicate that returns true if the given object is a subClass of a certain class. * Uses Class.isAssignableFrom. * * @author Claus Stadler <> * * @param <T> */ class PredicateInstanceOf<T> implements Predicate<T> { private Class<?> superClass; public PredicateInstanceOf(Class<?> superClass) { this.superClass = superClass; } @Override public boolean evaluate(T value) { return value == null ? false : superClass.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()); } } /** * * @author raven * * Uses RestrictionManager for the filter expressions (indexed set of dnfs) * * * TODO: Inconsistent filters disappear */ public class FilterPlacementOptimizer2 { private static FilterPlacementOptimizer2 instance; public static FilterPlacementOptimizer2 get() { if(instance == null) { instance = new FilterPlacementOptimizer2(); } return instance; } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FilterPlacementOptimizer2.class); // public static Factory2<Op> joinFactory = new Factory2<Op>() { // @Override // public Op create(Op a, Op b) { // Op result = OpJoin.create(a, b); // return result; // } // // }; public static Op optimizeStatic(Op op) { Op result = optimizeStatic(op, null); return result; // RestrictionManagerImpl cnf = new RestrictionManagerImpl(); // //Op result = MultiMethod.invokeStatic(FilterPlacementOptimizer2.class, "_optimize", op, cnf); // FilterPlacementOptimizer2 x = get(); // Op result = MultiMethod.invoke(x, "_optimize", op, cnf); // return result; } public static Op optimizeStatic(Op op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { FilterPlacementOptimizer2 inst = get(); Op result = inst.optimize(op, cnf); return result; } public Op optimize(Op op) { Op result = optimize(op, null); return result; } public Op optimize(Op op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { if(cnf == null) { cnf = new RestrictionManagerImpl(); } // Op result = MultiMethod.invokeStatic(FilterPlacementOptimizer2.class, "_optimize", op, cnf); //FilterPlacementOptimizer2 x = get(); Op result = MultiMethod.invoke(this, "_optimize", op, cnf); return result; } public RestrictionManagerImpl filterByVars(RestrictionManagerImpl cnf, Op op) { Set<Var> vars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(op); Set<Clause> clauses = cnf.getClausesForVars(vars); return new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(clauses)); } public Op _optimize(OpOrder op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return new OpOrder(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf), op.getConditions()); } public Op _optimize(OpTopN op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return new OpTopN(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf), op.getLimit(), op.getConditions()); } public Op _optimize(OpJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { Op result = handleLeftJoin(op.getLeft(), op.getRight(), cnf, OpJoin::create); return result; } public Op _optimizeBreaking(OpJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { RestrictionManagerImpl leftCnf = filterByVars(cnf, op.getLeft()); RestrictionManagerImpl rightCnf = filterByVars(cnf, op.getRight()); Set<Clause> union = Sets.union(leftCnf.getCnf(), rightCnf.getCnf()); Set<Clause> remaining = Sets.difference(cnf.getCnf(), union); Op result = OpJoin.create(optimize(op.getLeft(), leftCnf), optimize(op.getRight(), rightCnf)); if(!remaining.isEmpty()) { //result = OpFilter.filter(cnfToExprList(remaining), result); result = OpFilterIndexed.filter(new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(remaining)), result); } return result; } // public static Op _optimize(OpJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { // RestrictionManagerImpl leftCnf = filterByVars(cnf, op.getLeft()); // RestrictionManagerImpl rightCnf = filterByVars(cnf, op.getRight()); // // Set<Clause> union = Sets.union(leftCnf.getCnf(), rightCnf.getCnf()); // Set<Clause> remaining = Sets.difference(cnf.getCnf(), union); // // Op result = OpJoin.create(optimize(op.getLeft(), leftCnf), optimize(op.getRight(), rightCnf)); // // if(!remaining.isEmpty()) { // //result = OpFilter.filter(cnfToExprList(remaining), result); // result = OpFilterIndexed.filter(new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(remaining)), result); // } // // return result; // } public Op _optimize(OpSequence op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { List<Op> members = op.getElements(); List<Op> newMembers = new ArrayList<Op>(members.size()); Set<Clause> intersection = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Op member : members) { RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions = filterByVars(cnf, member); Op newMember = optimize(member, restrictions); newMembers.add(newMember); Set<Clause> tmp = Sets.intersection(restrictions.getCnf(), intersection); intersection = new HashSet<Clause>(tmp); } Set<Clause> remaining = Sets.difference(cnf.getCnf(), intersection); Op result = OpSequence.create().copy(newMembers); if(!remaining.isEmpty()) { //result = OpFilter.filter(cnfToExprList(remaining), result); result = OpFilterIndexed.filter(new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(remaining)), result); } return result; } // TODO This method looks wrong // For each element of the union push all appropriate clauses public Op _optimize(OpDisjunction op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { List<Op> args = new ArrayList<Op>(); for(Op element : op.getElements()) { Set<Var> elementVars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(element); //Set<Clause> clauses = new HashSet<Clause>(); boolean elementHasRequiredVars = true; for(Clause clause : cnf.getCnf()) { Set<Var> clauseVars = clause.getVarsMentioned(); if(clauseVars.containsAll(elementVars)) { elementHasRequiredVars = false; break; } } if(!elementHasRequiredVars) { continue; } Op optimizedMember = optimize(element, cnf); args.add(optimizedMember); } OpDisjunction result = OpDisjunction.create(); result.getElements().addAll(args); return result; } public Op _optimize(OpDistinct op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return new OpDistinct(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf)); } public Op _optimize(OpProject op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { Op subOp = optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf); Op result = new OpProject(subOp, op.getVars()); return result; } public Op _optimize(OpExtend op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { logger.warn("OpExtend probably not optimally implemented"); return op.copy(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf)); } public Op _optimize(OpGroup op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return new OpGroup(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf), op.getGroupVars(), op.getAggregators()); } //public static Op _optimize(OpEx) /* public static Op _optimize(OpFilter op, RestrictionManager cnf) { RestrictionManager child = new RestrictionManager(cnf); for(Expr expr : op.getExprs()) { NestedNormalForm newCnf = CnfUtils.toCnf(expr); child.stateCnf(newCnf); } return optimize(op.getSubOp(), child); } */ public Op _optimizeNewButNotSureIfWeNeedSplitsHere(OpFilterIndexed op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { RestrictionManagerImpl child = new RestrictionManagerImpl(cnf); child.stateRestriction(op.getRestrictions()); FilterSplit filterSplit = splitFilter(op, child); RestrictionManagerImpl pushable = filterSplit.getPushable(); Op result = optimize(op.getSubOp(), pushable); if(!filterSplit.getNonPushable().getCnf().isEmpty()) { result = OpFilterIndexed.filter(filterSplit.getNonPushable(), result); } /* if(child.isUnsatisfiable()) { Op result = OpNull.create(); return result; }*/ return result; } public Op _optimize(OpFilterIndexed op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { RestrictionManagerImpl child = new RestrictionManagerImpl(cnf); child.stateRestriction(op.getRestrictions()); /* if(child.isUnsatisfiable()) { Op result = OpNull.create(); return result; }*/ Op result = optimize(op.getSubOp(), child); return result; } public Op _optimize(OpNull op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return op; } public Op _optimize(OpSlice op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return op.copy(optimize(op.getSubOp(), cnf)); } public static boolean evalPredicate(Expr expr, Predicate<Expr> predicate) { if(predicate.evaluate(expr)) { return true; } else if(expr.isFunction()) { for(Expr arg : expr.getFunction().getArgs()) { if(evalPredicate(arg, predicate)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean doesClauseContainBoundExpr(Clause clause) { Predicate<Expr> predicate = new PredicateInstanceOf<Expr>(E_Bound.class); /* Expr test = new E_Bound(new ExprVar(Var.alloc("v"))); System.out.println("Predicate evaluated to: " + predicate.evaluate(test)); System.exit(0); */ for(Expr expr : clause.getExprs()) { if(evalPredicate(expr, predicate)) { return true; } } return false; } public Op _optimize(final OpLeftJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { Op result = handleLeftJoin(op.getLeft(), op.getRight(), cnf, (a, b) -> OpLeftJoin.create(a, b, op.getExprs())); return result; } public Op _optimize(OpConditional op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { Op result = handleLeftJoin(op.getLeft(), op.getRight(), cnf, OpConditional::new); return result; } public static FilterSplit splitFilter(Op op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { //Set<Var> rightVars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(right); Set<Var> opVars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(op); Set<Clause> leftClauses = new HashSet<Clause>(); Set<Clause> nonPushable = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Clause clause : cnf.getCnf()) { Set<Var> clauseVars = clause.getVarsMentioned(); // If the clause contains vars that are not part of the op, we cannot push it down if(opVars.containsAll(clauseVars)) { leftClauses.add(clause); } else { nonPushable.add(clause); } /* if(Sets.intersection(clauseVars, rightVars).isEmpty()) { // Do we need to check && !doesClauseContainBoundExpr(clause)) { leftClauses.add(clause); } else { nonPushable.add(clause); } */ } RestrictionManagerImpl leftRm = new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(leftClauses)); RestrictionManagerImpl np = new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(nonPushable)); for(Entry<Var, RestrictionImpl> entry : cnf.getRestrictions().entrySet()) { Var var = entry.getKey(); RestrictionImpl rest = entry.getValue(); leftRm.stateRestriction(var, rest); np.stateRestriction(var, rest); } /* for(Var var : leftRm.getVariables()) { RestrictionImpl r = cnf.getRestriction(var); if(r != null) { leftRm.stateRestriction(var, r); } } for(Var var : np.getVariables()) { RestrictionImpl r = cnf.getRestriction(var); if(r != null) { np.stateRestriction(var, r); } } */ FilterSplit result = new FilterSplit(leftRm, np); return result; } /* * TODO: We could still push constraints down on the RHS - why aren't we doing this? * Even the old version only considered restrictions on the left hand side * */ public Op handleLeftJoin(Op left, Op right, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf, BinaryOperator<Op> factory) { // Only push those expression on the, that do not contain any // variables of the right side FilterSplit filterSplit = splitFilter(left, cnf); RestrictionManagerImpl leftRm = filterSplit.getPushable(); RestrictionManagerImpl np = filterSplit.getNonPushable(); Op newLeft = optimize(left, leftRm); // We can push expressions from the left side into the right side - but // only if ther expressions are pushable FilterSplit rsplit = splitFilter(right, leftRm); RestrictionManagerImpl rightRm = rsplit.getPushable(); Op newRight = optimize(right, rightRm); //Op leftJoin = OpLeftJoin.create(newLeft, newRight, new ExprList()); Op leftJoin = factory.apply(newLeft, newRight); Op result = surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(leftJoin, np); return result; } public Op handleLeftJoinOld(Op left, Op right, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf, BinaryOperator<Op> factory) { // Only push those expression on the, that do not contain any // variables of the right side Set<Var> rightVars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(right); Set<Clause> leftClauses = new HashSet<Clause>(); Set<Clause> nonPushable = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Clause clause : cnf.getCnf()) { Set<Var> clauseVars = clause.getVarsMentioned(); // If there are variables in the clause which do not appear on the right side, we cannot push the clause down the right side of the left join //if(rightVars.containsAll(clauseVars)) { if(Sets.intersection(clauseVars, rightVars).isEmpty()) { leftClauses.add(clause); } else { nonPushable.add(clause); } /* if(Sets.intersection(clauseVars, rightVars).isEmpty()) { // Do we need to check && !doesClauseContainBoundExpr(clause)) { leftClauses.add(clause); } else { nonPushable.add(clause); } */ } RestrictionManagerImpl leftRm = new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(leftClauses)); RestrictionManagerImpl np = new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(nonPushable)); Op newLeft = optimize(left, leftRm); Op newRight = optimize(right, leftRm); //Op leftJoin = OpLeftJoin.create(newLeft, newRight, new ExprList()); Op leftJoin = factory.apply(newLeft, newRight); Op result = surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(leftJoin, np); return result; } /* public static ExprList cnfToExprList(Set<Set<Expr>> cnf) { ExprList result = new ExprList(); for(Set<Expr> clause : cnf) { Expr expr = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(clause); result.add(expr); } return result; }*/ public Op surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(Op op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { Op result; if(cnf.isUnsatisfiable()) { result = new OpFilterIndexed(op, new RestrictionManagerImpl(new NestedNormalForm(new HashSet<Clause>(Collections.singleton(new Clause(new HashSet<Expr>(Collections.singleton(NodeValue.FALSE)))))))); } else if(cnf.getCnf().isEmpty()) { result = op; } else { result = new OpFilterIndexed(op, cnf); /* ExprList exprs = cnfToExprList(cnf); Op result = OpFilter.filter(exprs, op); */ } return result; } // @Deprecated // public static Op _optimize(OpRdfViewPattern op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { // return surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(op, cnf); // } public Op _optimize(OpViewInstanceJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(op, cnf); } public Op _optimize(OpSparqlViewPattern op, RestrictionManagerImpl cnf) { return surroundWithFilterIfNeccessary(op, cnf); } /* public static Op _optimize(OpUnion op, Set<Set<Expr>> cnf) { Set<Var> rightVars = GetVarsMentioned.getVarsMentioned(op.getRight()); Set<Set<Expr>> leftClauses = new HashSet<Set<Expr>>(); Set<Set<Expr>> nonPushable = new HashSet<Set<Expr>>(); for(Set<Expr> clause : cnf) { Set<Var> clauseVars = ClauseUtils.getVarsMentioned(clause); if(Sets.intersection(clauseVars, rightVars).isEmpty()) { leftClauses.add(clause); } else { nonPushable.add(clause); } } return new OpUnion(optimize(op.getLeft(), cnf), optimize(op.getRight(), cnf)); }*/ }