package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.core; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import org.aksw.commons.collections.trees.Tree; import org.aksw.commons.collections.trees.TreeUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.op.OpUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionBaseSelect; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.ResultSetCloseable; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.util.collection.RangedSupplier; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.util.collection.RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.BindingUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.QueryUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ResultSetUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.VarUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.index.SparqlViewMatcherOpImpl; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory; import org.apache.jena.query.ARQ; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecution; import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Algebra; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.OpAsQuery; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpNull; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpService; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; public class QueryExecutionViewMatcherMaster extends QueryExecutionBaseSelect { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryExecutionViewMatcherMaster.class); protected OpRewriteViewMatcherStateful opRewriter; protected ExecutorService executorService; // The jena context - used for setting up cache entries // TODO Not sure if this was better part of the rewriter - or even a rewriteContext object protected Context context; // TODO Maybe add a decider which determines whether the result set of a query should be cached protected long indexResultSetSizeThreshold; // Statistic attributes protected Double preparationTimeInSec; // null: not set, 0: miss, 1: partial, 2: complete protected Integer cacheHitLevel; public QueryExecutionViewMatcherMaster( Query query, QueryExecutionFactory subFactory, OpRewriteViewMatcherStateful opRewriter, ExecutorService executorService ) { super(query, subFactory); this.opRewriter = opRewriter; this.context = ARQ.getContext(); this.executorService = executorService; } public static ResultSetCloseable createResultSet(List<String> varNames, RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> rangedSupplier, Range<Long> range, Map<Var, Var> varMap) { Stream<Binding> stream = rangedSupplier.apply(range); if(varMap != null) { stream = -> BindingUtils.rename(b, varMap)); } ResultSet rs = ResultSetUtils.create(varNames, stream.iterator()); ResultSetCloseable result = new ResultSetCloseable(rs); return result; } /** * Substitute cache references either with the cached data or - * if that is not completely available - substitute with the original expression. * * @param op * @param tree * @return */ public static boolean isView(Op op) { boolean result = op instanceof OpService && isView(((OpService)op).getService()); return result; } public static boolean isView(Node node) { boolean result = isView(node.getURI()); return result; } public static boolean isView(String uri) { boolean result = uri.startsWith("view://"); return result; } @Override protected ResultSetCloseable executeCoreSelect(Query rawQuery) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); boolean cacheWholeQuery = true; //!rootService.getURI().startsWith("view://"); List<Var> projectVars = rawQuery.getProjectVars(); //List<String> projectVarNames = VarUtils.getVarNames(projectVars); // Store a present slice, but remove it from the query // NOTE This could also be done on the OP level; but // it seems to be much more convenient to be done on the query level Range<Long> range = QueryUtils.toRange(query); Query q = query.cloneQuery(); q.setLimit(Query.NOLIMIT); q.setOffset(Query.NOLIMIT); Op queryOp = Algebra.toQuadForm(Algebra.compile(q)); // queryOp = SparqlViewMatcherOpImpl.normalizeOp(queryOp); // TODO opRewriter.lookup and opRewriter.put() both perform normalization // We could this duplicate processing by normalizing here // and passing the projected op to both functions ProjectedOp pop = SparqlCacheUtils.cutProjectionAndNormalize(queryOp, SparqlViewMatcherOpImpl::normalizeOp); //Op coreQueryOp = pop.getResidualOp(); // The thing here is, that in general we need to // - Initialize the execution context / jena-wise global data // - Perform the rewrite (may affect execution context state) // - Clean up the execution context / jena-wise global data RewriteResult2 rr = opRewriter.rewrite(pop); cacheHitLevel = rr.getRewriteLevel(); Op rewrittenOp = rr.getOp(); Map<Node, StorageEntry> storageMap = rr.getIdToStorageEntry(); // All subtrees that are to be executed on the original data source must be wrapped with // a standard sparql service clause Tree<Op> tree = OpUtils.createTree(rewrittenOp); // Find all referenced views in the expression Set<Node> cacheRefs = TreeUtils.inOrderSearch(tree.getRoot(), tree::getChildren) .filter(QueryExecutionViewMatcherMaster::isView) .map(op -> ((OpService)op).getService()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Cache<Node, StorageEntry> cache = opRewriter.getCache(); for(Node cacheRef : cacheRefs) { StorageEntry e = cache.getIfPresent(cacheRef); //RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> s =; storageMap.put(cacheRef, e); } // Reverse the levels, so that we start with the leafs Predicate<Op> predicate = x -> !(x instanceof OpService); Set<Op> taggedNodes = TreeUtils.propagateBottomUpLabel(tree, predicate); logger.debug("Tagged: " + taggedNodes); // If we tagged the root node, then everything can be executed on the original service int idX = 0; // Remap all tagged nodes to be executed on the original service Map<Op, Op> taggedToService = new IdentityHashMap<>(); // Track whether we created a new service for the root node Node newRootServiceNode = null; for(Op tag : taggedNodes) { boolean isRoot = tag == tree.getRoot(); // Do not cache pattern free queries // TODO It would be better to decide caching based on the actual query execution time // I.e. having an auto-caching layer would be nice boolean isPatternFree = OpUtils.isPatternFree(tag); if(isRoot && isPatternFree) { cacheWholeQuery = false; } Node serviceNode; if(isRoot && cacheWholeQuery) { serviceNode = NodeFactory.createURI("view://" + pop.hashCode()); newRootServiceNode = serviceNode; } else { serviceNode = NodeFactory.createURI("view://service/" + idX++); } // We do not need to wrap parts of the query execution with a service // if that part is pattern free (i.e. does not depend on external data) // TODO Make sure that this works with EXISTS if(!isPatternFree) { Op serviceOp = new OpService(serviceNode, OpNull.create(), false); //TransformDisjunctionToUnion //tag = Transformer.transform(TransformDisjunctionToUnion.fn, tag); Op execOp = SparqlViewMatcherOpImpl.denormalizeOp(tag); Query qq = OpAsQuery.asQuery(execOp);"Root query:\n" + qq); RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> s3 = new RangedSupplierQuery(parentFactory, qq); VarInfo varInfo = new VarInfo(new HashSet<>(qq.getProjectVars()), 0); StorageEntry se = new StorageEntry(s3, varInfo); // The var info is not used storageMap.put(serviceNode, se); taggedToService.put(tag, serviceOp); } } rewrittenOp = OpUtils.substitute(rewrittenOp, false, taggedToService::get); logger.debug("Raw query being rewritten for execution:\n" + rawQuery); logger.debug("Rewritten op being passed to execution:\n" + rewrittenOp); Context ctx = context.copy(); ctx.put(OpExecutorViewCache.STORAGE_MAP, storageMap); Set<Var> visibleVars = new HashSet<>(projectVars);//OpVars.visibleVars(rewrittenOp); VarInfo varInfo = new VarInfo(visibleVars, 0); RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> s2 = new RangedSupplierOp(rewrittenOp, ctx); if(cacheWholeQuery && newRootServiceNode != null) { // Caching the whole query requires the following actions: // (1) Allocate a new id for the query // (2) Create a storage entry for the rewritten entry // (3) Make the new id of the query together with its original (i.e. non-rewritten) op known to the rewriter //Node id = NodeFactory.createURI("view://" + queryOp.hashCode()); s2 = new RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<Binding>(executorService, s2, Range.closedOpen(0l, 10000l)); //s2 = new RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<Binding>(executorService, s2, range); StorageEntry se2 = new StorageEntry(s2, varInfo); // Update the storage entry with the cache wrapper //storageMap.put(newRootServiceNode, se2); // TODO The registration at the cache and the rewriter should be atomic // At least we need to deal with the chance that the rewriter maps an op to an id for // which the storageEntry has not yet been registered at the cache opRewriter.put(newRootServiceNode, pop); cache.put(newRootServiceNode, se2); } List<String> visibleVarNames = VarUtils.getVarNames(visibleVars); ResultSetCloseable result = createResultSet(visibleVarNames, s2, range, null); preparationTimeInSec = sw.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000000000.0; System.out.println("Time to prepare the result set: " + (preparationTimeInSec * 1000) + " ms"); return result; } @Override protected QueryExecution executeCoreSelectX(Query query) { // TODO Fix bad design - this method is not needed return null; } public Integer getCacheHitLevel() { return cacheHitLevel; } } //if(false) { // Iterators.size(storage.apply(range)); // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<Binding> test = storage.unwrap(RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache.class, true); // System.out.println("Is range cached: " + test.isCached(range)); // // ResultSet xxx = ResultSetUtils.create2(visibleVars, storage.apply(range)); // Table table = TableUtils.createTable(xxx); // OpTable repl = OpTable.create(table); // rewrittenOp = repl; //} //StorageEntry se = new StorageEntry(storage, varInfo); //storageMap.put(serviceNode, se); // // Note: We use Jena to execute the op. // The op itself may use SERVICE<> as the root node, which will cause jena to pass execution to the appropriate handler // TODO Pass the op to an op executor //QueryEngineMainQuad // TODO Decide whether to cache the overall query // Do NOT cache if: // - there is already a cache entry that only differs in the var map // - (if the new query is just linear post processing of an existing cache entry) // This means, that the query will be available for cache lookups //Node rootService = rewrittenOp instanceof OpService // ? ((OpService)rewrittenOp).getService() // : null; //boolean cacheWholeQuery = true; //!rootService.getURI().startsWith("view://"); //context.put(OpExecutorViewCache.STORAGE_MAP, storageMap); //if(cacheWholeQuery) { //RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> s2; //s2 = new RangedSupplierOp(rewrittenOp, ctx); // For each parents of which all children are in the set, remove the children from the set // and add the parent to the set instead //Node serviceNode = NodeFactory.createURI("view://"); // //rewrittenOp = new OpService(serviceNode, OpNull.create(), false); // //RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> backend = new RangedSupplierQuery(parentFactory, rawQuery); ////RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<Binding> //RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> storage = new RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<>(executorService, backend, Range.atMost(10000l), null); // //storage = RangedSupplierSubRange.create(storage, range); // Adujst limit //rewrittenOp = QueryUtils.applyRange(rewrittenOp, range); //rewrittenOp = RewriteUtils.transformUntilNoChange(rewrittenOp, op -> Transformer.transform(TransformPushSlice.fn, op)); //DatasetGraph dg = DatasetGraphFactory.create(); //Context context = ARQ.getContext().copy(); //context.put(OpExecutorViewCache.STORAGE_MAP, storageMap); //QueryEngineFactory qef = QueryEngineRegistry.get().find(rewrittenOp, dg, context); //Plan plan = qef.create(rewrittenOp, dg, BindingRoot.create(), context); //QueryIterator queryIter = plan.iterator(); // // ////QueryIterator queryIter = x.eval(rewrittenOp, dg, BindingRoot.create(), context); //ResultSet tmpRs = ResultSetFactory.create(queryIter, projectVarNames); // //// TODO Not sure if we should really return a result set, or a QueryIter instead //ResultSetCloseable result = new ResultSetCloseable(tmpRs, () -> queryIter.close()); //ResultSetUtils.create(varNames, bindingIt) //QueryEngineMain //QC.execute(rewrittenOp, BindingRoot.create(), ARQ.getContext()); //org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryStr, syntax, model, initialBinding) // // // //LookupResult<Node> lr = viewMatcher.lookupSingle(opCache); //RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> rangedSupplier; //Map<Var, Var> varMap; //if(lr == null) { // Node id = viewMatcher.add(opCache); // // Obtain the supplier from a factory (the factory may e.g. manage the sharing of a thread pool) // // rangedSupplier = new RangedSupplierQuery(parentFactory, query); // rangedSupplier = new RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<>(executorService, rangedSupplier, Range.atMost(10000l), null); // // //rangedSupplier = new RangedSupplierQuery(parentFactory, q); // opToRangedSupplier.put(id, rangedSupplier); // varMap = null; //} //else { // // varMap = Iterables.getFirst(lr.getOpVarMap().getVarMaps(), null); // // assert varMap != null : "VarMap was not expected to be null at this point"; // // Node entryId = lr.getEntry().id; // rangedSupplier = opToRangedSupplier.get(entryId); //} // //ResultSetCloseable result = createResultSet(rangedSupplier, range, varMap); //return result; // // public static StorageEntry createStorageEntry(Op op, VarInfo varInfo, Context context) { // //Set<Var> visibleVars = OpVars.visibleVars(op); // VarInfo varInfo = new VarInfo(visibleVars, Collections.emptySet()); // // RangedSupplier<Long, Binding> storage = new RangedSupplierOp(op, context); // // StorageEntry result = new StorageEntry(storage, varInfo); // return result; // //// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //// RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache<Binding> test = storage.unwrap(RangedSupplierLazyLoadingListCache.class, true); //// System.out.println("Is range cached: " + test.isCached(range)); // //// ResultSet xxx = ResultSetUtils.create2(visibleVars, storage.apply(range)); //// Table table = TableUtils.createTable(xxx); //// OpTable repl = OpTable.create(table); //// rewrittenOp = repl; // // // } //