package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.util; import java.util.function.Function; import; public class RewriteUtils { public static <T> T transformUntilNoChange(T after, Function<T, T> fn) { T before; do { before = after; after = fn.apply(before); } while(!before.equals(after)); return after; } // TODO The following approaches could also be seen as reductions: // listCandidates returns a stream of reduction rules that are applicable to the baseItem // applyCandidate then applies the reduction rule // It should not happen that the exact same reduction occurs more than once (otherwise we may not terminate) // We could relax this rule that the baseItems must occur more than once public static <T, C> Stream<T> exhaustiveRewrite( T baseItem, Function<T, Stream<T>> reductions //Function<T, Stream<C>> listCandidates, //BiFunction<T, C, T> applyCandidate, //Collection<C> usedCandidates ) { // Terminal items are those that do not have (further) candidates Stream<T> result = Stream.of(baseItem).flatMap(item -> { //Stream<C> candidates = listCandidates.apply(item); boolean[] empty = new boolean[]{true}; // We perform conditional concatenation: If the stream turned out to be empty, we append our element Stream<T> nestedItems = reductions.apply(item)//candidates //.filter(c -> ! usedCandidates.contains(c)) .peek(i -> empty[0] = false) .flatMap(c -> { //usedCandidates.add(c); //T nextItem = applyCandidate.apply(item, c); Stream<T> r = exhaustiveRewrite(c, reductions); //Stream<T> r = exhaustiveRewrite(nextItem, listCandidates, applyCandidate, usedCandidates); return r; }); Stream<T> s = Stream.concat(nestedItems, Stream.of(item).filter(x -> empty[0] == true)); return s; }); return result; } public static <T, C, X extends Comparable<X>> T exhaustiveRewrite( T item, Function<T, Stream<T>> reductions, //Function<T, Stream<C>> listCandidates, //BiFunction<T, C, T> applyCandidate, Function<T, X> cost ) { //, usedCandidates //Collection<C> usedCandidates = new HashSet<>(); Stream<T> stream = exhaustiveRewrite(item, reductions); T result = stream .min((a, b) -> { X ca = cost.apply(a); X cb = cost.apply(b); int r = ca.compareTo(cb); return r; }) .orElse(null); return result; } // enhance :- x = listCandidates.apply(item).findFirst().orElse(null); x != null ? applyCandidate(item, x) : null public static <T, C> Stream<T> greedyRewrite( T item, Function<T, Stream<T>> reductions //Function<T, Stream<C>> listCandidates, //BiFunction<T, C, T> applyCandidate ) { //Stream<T> result = it return Stream.of(item).map(i -> greedyRewriteCore(item, reductions)); //Collection<C> usedCandidates = new HashSet<>(); } public static <T, C> T greedyRewriteCore( T item, Function<T, Stream<T>> reductions ) { T result = item; for(;;) { // TODO: enhance must be refactored into: // - getCandidates - // - applyCandidate // C candidate = listCandidates.apply(item) // .filter(c -> ! usedCandidates.contains(c)) // .findFirst() // .orElse(null); //T tmp = enhance.apply(item).findFirst().orElse(null); T tmp = reductions.apply(result).findFirst().orElse(null); if(tmp == null) { break; } result = tmp; // // usedCandidates.add(candidate); // result = applyCandidate.apply(item, candidate); } return result; } }