package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api_sparql_path2; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.BiHashMultimap; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.sparql_path2.JGraphTUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.sparql_path2.Nfa; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.sparql_path2.PredicateClass; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.sparql_path2.ValueSet; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.Pair; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.Vars; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecution; import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding; import org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge; import; import; public class EdgeReducer { /** * - Vertices: are mapped to the estimated set of predicates with their estimated (maximum) frequency * - Edge: Their property classes are resolved to explicit sets of predicates. * Based on the predicates present on their start vertex, an estimate is made * * * The problem is, how to sum up the statistics reaching a vertex from different paths? * * * Duplicates: What if the frontiers reaching a vertex overlap because of duplicates? * For example: * (a|b)|(a|c)d * * Maybe this is a problem of rephrasing the automaton * * TODO We only need to resolve newly added predicates from the join summary * * * @param nfa * @param isEpsilon * @return */ // public static <S, T> Map<T, Double> estimateFrontierCost( // Nfa<S, T> nfa, // Predicate<T> isEpsilon, // Function<T, PredicateClass> transToPredicateClass, // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> initPredFreqs, // JoinSummaryService joinSummaryService // ) { // // For every transition, we keep track of the possible set of predicates and their estimated coste (distinct value count) // // This means, that negative predicate sets are resolved to positive ones via the stateToPredicateFreq map // Map<S, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>> stateToDiPredToCost = new HashMap<>(); // // // for(S state : nfa.getGraph().vertexSet()) { // stateToDiPredToCost.put(state, new Pair<>(new HashMap<Node, Number>(), new HashMap<Node, Number>())); // } // // // A map for keeping track of the set of predicates that still need to be processed and in which states they appear // Pair<BiHashMultimap<Node, S>> openDiPredToStates = new Pair<>(new BiHashMultimap<>(), new BiHashMultimap<>()); // // // //Map<S, Pair<Set<Node>>> openStateToDiPred = new HashMap<>(); // // for(S state : nfa.getStartStates()) { // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> diPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(state); // // for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // Map<Node, Number> predToCost = diPredToCost.get(i); // // Map<Node, Number> initPredToCost = initPredFreqs.get(i); // // // TODO Do an in-place merge // Map<Node, Number> tmp = mergeMaps(predToCost, initPredToCost, (a, b) -> a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue()); // predToCost.putAll(tmp); // // BiHashMultimap<Node, S> openPredToStates = openDiPredToStates.get(i); // // predToCost.keySet().stream().forEach(pred -> openPredToStates.put(pred, state)); // } // } // // // DirectedGraph<S, T> graph = nfa.getGraph(); // // Multimap<T, Node> transitionToPreds = HashMultimap.create(); // // // //Set<S> current = nfa.getStartStates(); // // // Maximum number of iterations to perform // int remainingSteps = 100; // // // The next set of states to consider // Set<S> next = new HashSet<>(); // //while there are open // while(openDiPredToStates.get(0).size() != 0 && openDiPredToStates.get(1).size() != 0) { // // Set<S> current = Sets.union(openDiPredToStates.get(0).getInverse().keySet(), openDiPredToStates.get(1).getInverse().keySet()); // // // Count the number of predicates in the frontier for logging purposes // Map<S, Pair<Number>> predsInFrontier = // collect(Collectors.toMap( // e -> e, // e -> new Pair<Number>(stateToDiPredToCost.get(e).get(0).keySet().size(), stateToDiPredToCost.get(e).get(1).keySet().size()) // )); // // System.out.println("ENTERING states: " + predsInFrontier); // // for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // boolean reverse = i == 1; // BiHashMultimap<Node, S> openPredToStates = openDiPredToStates.get(i); // // Set<Node> openPreds = openPredToStates.keySet(); // joinSummaryService.fetch(openPreds, reverse); // // // // // Whether to fetch inverse or forward direction depends on the transition // Map<Node, Map<Node, Number>> joinSummaryFragment = joinSummaryService.fetch(openPreds, reverse); // // Map<Node, Number> newTgtPredToCost = new HashMap<>(tgtPredToCost); // for(Entry<Node, S> openPredState : openPredToStates.entries()) { //.asMap().entrySet()) { // // Get the predicates state // Node pred = openPredState.getKey(); // S state = openPredState.getValue(); // //Set<S> srcStates = openPredStates.getValue(); // } // // // // // } // // // // for(S srcState : current) { // //Set<T> transitions = JGraphTUtils.resolveTransitions(graph, state, isEpsilon, false); // Set<T> transitions = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(srcState); // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> srcDiPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(srcState); // // // For every transition, resolve the property class, and intersect it with the successors of the join summary // // // Once all transitions are iterated, remove all unneeded predicates from the source vertex // // // The set of the source state's referenced predicates //// Set<Node> sourcePredicates = new HashSet<Node>(); // // //Map<Node, Map<Node, Number>> targetProdCost = new HashMap<>(); // // // // for(T trans : transitions) { // PredicateClass transPredClass = transToPredicateClass.apply(trans); // if(isEpsilon.test(trans)) { // // If this is an eps transition, just contribute the predicate costs of the source state to the target state // // S tgtState = graph.getEdgeTarget(trans); // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> tgtDiPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(tgtState); // // for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // // Map<Node, Number> srcPredToCost = srcDiPredToCost.get(i); // Map<Node, Number> tgtPredToCost = tgtDiPredToCost.get(i); // // Map<Node, Number> newTgtPredToCost = mergeMaps(tgtPredToCost, srcPredToCost, (a, b) -> Math.max(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue())); // // boolean isChange = !tgtPredToCost.equals(newTgtPredToCost); // if(isChange) { // tgtPredToCost.putAll(newTgtPredToCost); // next.add(tgtState); // } // } // } else { // // // // for forward and backward direction - 0: forwards, 1: backwards // S tgtState = graph.getEdgeTarget(trans); // //Set<S> targetStates = JGraphTUtils.transitiveGet(graph, targetState, 1, isEpsilon); // // // // Set<S> targetStates = JGraphTUtils.resolveTransitions(graph, targetState, isEpsilon, false).stream() // // .map(e -> graph.getEdgeTarget(e)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); // //System.out.println("Target States: " + targetStates); // // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> tgtDiPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(tgtState); // // // // for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // boolean isChange = false; // // Map<Node, Number> tgtPredToCost = tgtDiPredToCost.get(i); // Set<Node> tgtPreds = tgtPredToCost.keySet(); // // boolean reverse = i == 1; // // ValueSet<Node> transPredSet = transPredClass.get(i); // // if(transPredSet.isEmpty()) { // continue; // } // // Map<Node, Number> srcPredToCost = srcDiPredToCost.get(i); // // Set<Node> srcPreds = srcPredToCost.keySet(); // // // for every predicate (that corresponds to the source state), check the join summary for // // join candidates // Map<Node, Map<Node, Number>> joinSummaryFragment = joinSummaryService.fetch(srcPreds, reverse); // //Map<Node, Number> joinSummary = joinSummaryService.fetchPredicates(preds, reverse); // // Map<Node, Number> newTgtPredToCost = new HashMap<>(tgtPredToCost); // for(Entry<Node, Number> srcPredCost : srcPredToCost.entrySet()) { // // TODO This join summary lookup is flawed // Node pred = srcPredCost.getKey(); // Number baseCost = srcPredCost.getValue(); // // Map<Node, Number> joinSummary = joinSummaryFragment.get(pred); // joinSummary = joinSummary == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : joinSummary; // // Map<Node, Number> tgtPredCostContrib = // joinSummary.entrySet().stream() // .collect(Collectors.toMap( // Entry::getKey, // costEntry -> baseCost.doubleValue() * costEntry.getValue().doubleValue())); // // Set<Node> tgtContribPreds = tgtPredCostContrib.keySet(); // // // isChange = !tgtPreds.containsAll(tgtContribPreds); // if(isChange) { // next.add(tgtState); // } // // // Compute the costs of the target vertex // Map<Node, Number> totalCost = mergeMaps(newTgtPredToCost, tgtPredCostContrib, (a, b) -> a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue()); // newTgtPredToCost.putAll(totalCost); // // // // Compute the set of joinable predicates that matches the transition // // joinPreds is the set of predicates that joins with preds // Set<Node> joinPreds = joinSummary.keySet(); // // // // Set<Node> actualPreds = // .filter(p -> transPredSet.contains(p)) // .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // // transitionToPreds.putAll(trans, actualPreds); // // // TODO we may have to iteratively relabel the actual predicates // // i.e. if there are cycles, this set gets iteratively refined // // } // tgtPredToCost.putAll(newTgtPredToCost); // } // } // } // } // // current = next; // next = new HashSet<>(); // } // // stateToDiPredToCost.entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> System.out.println(e)); // // // return null; // } // public static <S, T, V, E> Graph<V, E> createJoinSummaryExcerpt( // Nfa<S, T> nfa, // Predicate<T> isEpsilon, // Function<T, PredicateClass> transToPredicateClass, // Pair<Map<Node, Number>> initPredFreqs, // JoinSummaryService joinSummaryService) { // // // Map to keep track which predicates were reached in the state in which iteration // // The iteration corresponds to the minimum path length that may reach the predicate // Map<S, NavigableMap<Integer, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>>> stateToIterToDiPredToCost = new HashMap<>(); // // for(S state : nfa.getGraph().vertexSet()) { // stateToIterToDiPredToCost.put(state, new TreeMap<>()); // } // // int iter = 0; // // // Initiale the zero'th iteration // for(S state : nfa.getStartStates()) { // NavigableMap<Integer, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>> iterToDiPredToCost = stateToIterToDiPredToCost.get(state); // iterToDiPredToCost.get(iter); // // } // // // // DirectedGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> joinGraph = new DefaultDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); // // // // // // } //Map<S, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>> public static <S, T> NfaAnalysisResult<S> estimateFrontierCost( Nfa<S, T> nfa, Predicate<T> isEpsilon, Function<T, PredicateClass> transToPredicateClass, Pair<Map<Node, Number>> initPredFreqs, JoinSummaryService joinSummaryService ) { // For every transition, we keep track of the possible set of predicates and their estimated frequency (distinct value count) // This means, that negative predicate sets are resolved to positive ones via the stateToPredicateFreq map Map<S, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>> stateToDiPredToCost = new HashMap<>(); // The set of predicates for which the join Pair<Set<Node>> currOpenDiPreds = new Pair<>(new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>()); for(S state : nfa.getGraph().vertexSet()) { stateToDiPredToCost.put(state, new Pair<>(new HashMap<Node, Number>(), new HashMap<Node, Number>())); } // A map for keeping track of the set of predicates that still need to be processed and in which states they appear //Pair<BiHashMultimap<Node, S>> openDiPredToStates = new Pair<>(new BiHashMultimap<>(), new BiHashMultimap<>()); //Pair</Se> // Excerpt of the join summary used for reachability DirectedGraph<Node, DefaultEdge> joinGraph = new DefaultDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); //Map<S, Pair<Set<Node>>> openStateToDiPred = new HashMap<>(); for(S state : nfa.getStartStates()) { Pair<Map<Node, Number>> diPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(state); for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Map<Node, Number> predToCost = diPredToCost.get(i); Map<Node, Number> initPredToCost = initPredFreqs.get(i); //Map<Node, Number> tmp = MapUtils.mergeMapsInPlace(predToCost, initPredToCost, (a, b) -> a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue()); //predToCost.putAll(tmp); //BiHashMultimap<Node, S> openPredToStates = openDiPredToStates.get(i); Set<Node> openPreds = currOpenDiPreds.get(i); openPreds.addAll(predToCost.keySet()); //predToCost.keySet().stream().forEach(pred -> openPredToStates.put(pred, state)); } } DirectedGraph<S, T> graph = nfa.getGraph(); //Multimap<T, Node> transitionToPreds = HashMultimap.create(); Set<S> currOpenStates = nfa.getStartStates(); // Maximum number of iterations to perform int remainingSteps = 100; // The next set of states to consider //while(!current.isEmpty() && (remainingSteps--) > 0) { //while there are open while((currOpenDiPreds.get(0).size() != 0 || currOpenDiPreds.get(1).size() != 0) && remainingSteps-- > 0) { Set<S> nextOpenStates = new HashSet<>(); Pair<Set<Node>> nextOpenDiPreds = new Pair<>(new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>()); //Set<S> current = Sets.union(openDiPredToStates.get(0).getInverse().keySet(), openDiPredToStates.get(1).getInverse().keySet()); // Count the number of predicates in the frontier for logging purposes Map<S, Pair<Number>> predsInFrontier = collect(Collectors.toMap( e -> e, e -> new Pair<Number>(stateToDiPredToCost.get(e).get(0).keySet().size(), stateToDiPredToCost.get(e).get(1).keySet().size()) )); System.out.println("ENTERING states: " + predsInFrontier); for(S srcState : currOpenStates) { //Set<T> transitions = JGraphTUtils.resolveTransitions(graph, state, isEpsilon, false); Set<T> transitions = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(srcState); Pair<Map<Node, Number>> srcDiPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(srcState); // For every transition, resolve the property class, and intersect it with the successors of the join summary // Once all transitions are iterated, remove all unneeded predicates from the source vertex for(T trans : transitions) { S tgtState = graph.getEdgeTarget(trans); Pair<Map<Node, Number>> tgtDiPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(tgtState); nextOpenStates.add(tgtState); if(isEpsilon.test(trans)) { // If this is an eps transition, just contribute the predicate costs of the source state to the target state for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Set<Node> nextOpenPreds = nextOpenDiPreds.get(i); Map<Node, Number> srcPredToCost = srcDiPredToCost.get(i); Map<Node, Number> tgtPredToCost = tgtDiPredToCost.get(i); // Contribute all predicates to the transition's target vertex // that are not yet associated with the target Set<Node> srcPreds = srcPredToCost.keySet(); Set<Node> tgtPreds = tgtPredToCost.keySet(); Set<Node> tgtContribPreds = .filter(p -> !tgtPreds.contains(p)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); MapUtils.mergeMapsInPlace(tgtPredToCost, srcPredToCost, (a, b) -> Math.max(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue())); nextOpenPreds.addAll(tgtContribPreds); } } else { PredicateClass transPredClass = transToPredicateClass.apply(trans); // Determine whether the transitition's predicate class is makes use of predicates that are outbound, inbound or both //transPredClass.get(0).isEmpty() for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { boolean reverse = i == 1; ValueSet<Node> transPredSet = transPredClass.get(i); Set<Node> currOpenPreds = currOpenDiPreds.get(i); Set<Node> nextOpenPreds = nextOpenDiPreds.get(i); // If the predicate class is empty for a direction, there is nothing to do for this direction if(!transPredSet.isEmpty()) { Map<Node, Number> srcPredToCost = srcDiPredToCost.get(i); Map<Node, Number> tgtPredToCost = tgtDiPredToCost.get(i); Set<Node> tgtPreds = tgtPredToCost.keySet(); // srcPredToCost may be null if the predicates are not known - this happens if there is a direction change in the predicates // In this case, we can contribute the set of all predicates that join with those matched by the transitions' predicate class if(srcPredToCost == null) { // resolve the predicate class to the set of predicates throw new RuntimeException("not implemented yet"); } // Get the source predicates, and filter them by the current transitions' predicate class //Set<Node> srcPreds = srcPredToCost.keySet(); //Set<Node> srcPassPreds = -> transPredSet.contains(p)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set<Node> openPassPreds = .filter(p -> transPredSet.contains(p)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Now, for the predicates that passed through the transition, // label the target vertex with the potentially joining predicates of the join summary Map<Node, Map<Node, Number>> joinSummaryFragment = joinSummaryService.fetch(openPassPreds, reverse); if(joinSummaryFragment == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Join summary fragment was null - should not happen"); } //Map<Node, Number> newTgtPredToCost = new HashMap<>(tgtPredToCost); for(Node openPassPred : openPassPreds) { //Number baseCost = srcPredToCost.get(openPassPred); Number baseCost = srcPredToCost.getOrDefault(openPassPred, 0); if(baseCost == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No base cost for " + openPassPred + " - should not happen"); } Map<Node, Number> joinPredToCost = joinSummaryFragment.getOrDefault(openPassPred, Collections.emptyMap()); Set<Node> joinPreds = joinPredToCost.keySet(); // find out, which of the joining predicates are newly contributed Set<Node> tgtContribPreds = .filter(p -> !tgtPreds.contains(p)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // for those, compute the cost Map<Node, Number> tgtPredCostContrib = .map(p -> new SimpleEntry<>(p, baseCost.doubleValue() * joinPredToCost.get(p).doubleValue())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)); // Compute the costs of the target vertex MapUtils.mergeMapsInPlace(tgtPredToCost, tgtPredCostContrib, (a, b) -> a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue()); // Map<Node, Number> totalCost = // tgtPredToCost.putAll(totalCost); // Update the join graph joinGraph.addVertex(openPassPred); -> { joinGraph.addVertex(tgtPred); joinGraph.addEdge(openPassPred, tgtPred); }); nextOpenPreds.addAll(tgtContribPreds); // Compute the set of joinable predicates that matches the transition // joinPreds is the set of predicates that joins with preds //Set<Node> joinPreds = joinPredToCost.keySet(); // // Set<Node> actualPreds = // .filter(p -> transPredSet.contains(p)) // .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // // transitionToPreds.putAll(trans, actualPreds); // TODO we may have to iteratively relabel the actual predicates // i.e. if there are cycles, this set gets iteratively refined } System.out.println("Join graph size now: " + joinGraph.edgeSet().size() + " after " + openPassPreds.size() + " predicates passing transition " + trans); //tgtPredToCost.putAll(newTgtPredToCost); } } } } } currOpenStates = nextOpenStates; currOpenDiPreds = nextOpenDiPreds; } // System.out.println("COSTS:"); // stateToDiPredToCost.entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> System.out.println(e)); return new NfaAnalysisResult<>(stateToDiPredToCost, joinGraph); //return stateToDiPredToCost; } /** * This method takes as input an nfa where edges are labeled with the predicates according to the join summary. * This method then starts from the target states, and checks which properties join with it. * However, predicates that do not join with the predicates are removed. This process is carried out recursively. * * * */ public static <S, T> Map<T, Double> trimPredicates( Nfa<S, T> nfa, Predicate<T> isEpsilon, Function<T, PredicateClass> transitionToPredicateClass, Pair<Map<Node, Number>> initDiPredToCost, Map<S, Pair<Map<Node, Number>>> stateToDiPredToCost, JoinSummaryService joinSummaryService) { DirectedGraph<S, T> graph = nfa.getGraph(); // The set of remaining predicates per state Map<S, Pair<Set<Node>>> stateToDiRestPreds = new HashMap<>();//new Pair<>(HashMultimap.create(), HashMultimap.create());; for(S state : nfa.getGraph().vertexSet()) { stateToDiRestPreds.put(state, new Pair<>(new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>())); } Set<S> endStates = nfa.getEndStates(); for(S endState : endStates) { Pair<Map<Node, Number>> diPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(endState); Pair<Set<Node>> diRestPreds = stateToDiRestPreds.get(endState); for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { boolean reverse = i == 1; Map<Node, Number> predToCost = diPredToCost.get(i); Map<Node, Number> initPredToCost = initDiPredToCost.get(i); // Set<Node> restPreds = diRestPreds.get(i); Set<Node> preds = predToCost.keySet(); Set<Node> initPreds = initPredToCost.keySet(); preds.retainAll(initPreds); } } // Init: trim the target state to the set of known predicates Set<S> currOpenStates = nfa.getEndStates(); while(!currOpenStates.isEmpty()) { for(S tgtState : currOpenStates) { Set<T> transitions = graph.incomingEdgesOf(tgtState); for(T trans : transitions) { } Pair<Map<Node, Number>> diPredToCost = stateToDiPredToCost.get(tgtState); for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { boolean reverse = i == 1; Map<Node, Number> predToCost = diPredToCost.get(i); } // Cross check the set of predicates that reached the target state with the known set of predicates //JGraphTUtils.resolveTransitions(graph, vertex, isEpsilon); } } return null; } // TODO Create a function that removes all transitions of an nfa // that do not contribute to finding paths between source and target /** * 0: no predicates (occurrs e.g. on accepting states that do not lie on cyclic paths) * 1: outbound * 2: inbound * 3: both * * @param graph * @param state * @param toPredicateClass * @return */ public static <S, T> int determineRequiredPredicateDirectionsForRetrieval(DirectedGraph<S, T> graph, S state, Function<T, PredicateClass> toPredicateClass) { Collection<T> edges = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(state); int result = 0; for(T edge : edges) { PredicateClass pc = toPredicateClass.apply(edge); result |= !pc.getFwdNodes().isEmpty() ? 1 : 0; result |= !pc.getBwdNodes().isEmpty() ? 2 : 0; } return result; } /* public static <S, T> int mergePredicateClasses(DirectedGraph<S, T> graph, S state, Function<T, PredicateClass> toPredicateClass) { Collection<T> edges = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(state); int result = 0; for(T edge : edges) { PredicateClass pc = toPredicateClass.apply(edge); result |= !pc.getFwdNodes().isEmpty() ? 1 : 0; result |= !pc.getBwdNodes().isEmpty() ? 2 : 0; } return result; } */ // TODO Turn this into a service, that does not have to preload all data into memory // TODO Include cardinalities public static BiHashMultimap<Node, Node> loadJoinSummary(QueryExecutionFactory qef) { BiHashMultimap<Node, Node> result = new BiHashMultimap<>(); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution("PREFIX o: <> SELECT ?x ?y { ?s o:sourcePredicate ?x ; o:targetPredicate ?y }"); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while(rs.hasNext()) { Binding binding = rs.nextBinding(); Node x = binding.get(Vars.x); Node y = binding.get(Vars.y); result.put(x, y); } return result; } public static Map<Node, Long> loadPredicateSummary(QueryExecutionFactory qef) { Map<Node, Long> result = new HashMap<>(); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution("PREFIX o: <> SELECT ?x ?y { ?s a o:PredicateSummary ; o:predicate ?x ; o:freqTotal ?y }"); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while(rs.hasNext()) { Binding binding = rs.nextBinding(); Node x = binding.get(Vars.x); Node y = binding.get(Vars.y); result.put(x, ((Number)y.getLiteralValue()).longValue()); } return result; } /** * Based on the nfa, a list of all predicates and a predicate join summary, * determine the set of predicates referenced by the nfa * * The set of all predicates is implicitly used by transitionsToPredicates, as this function must resolve negated predicate sets * * BiHashMultimap<P, P> joinSummary * * @param nfa * @param predicates * @param joinSummary */ public static <S, T, P> Set<P> getReferencedPredicates(Nfa<S, T> nfa, Predicate<Entry<P, P>> joins, Predicate<T> isEpsilon, Function<Set<T>, Set<P>> transitionsToPredicates) { Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(); DirectedGraph<S, T> graph = nfa.getGraph(); boolean change = true; Set<S> visited = new HashSet<>(); Set<S> states = nfa.getStartStates(); Multimap<S, P> priorTransitions = HashMultimap.create(); while(change) { Set<S> nextStates = new HashSet<S>(); Multimap<S, P> nextTransitions = HashMultimap.create(); Set<T> transitions = JGraphTUtils.resolveTransitions(graph, isEpsilon, states, false); for(T t : transitions) { S state = graph.getEdgeTarget(t); Set<P> nextPredicates = transitionsToPredicates.apply(Collections.singleton(t)); Collection<P> priorPredicates = priorTransitions.get(state); Set<P> reachablePredicates = -> -> joins.test(new SimpleEntry<>(np, p))) ).collect(Collectors.toSet()); // -> priorTransitions.put(state, p)); } change = visited.addAll(states); states = nextStates; //Set<P> predicates = transitionsToPredicates.apply(transitions); } return null; } }