package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.op; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.IBiSetMultimap; import org.aksw.commons.util.reflect.MultiMethod; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.combinatorics.CombinatoricsUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.combinatorics.Utils2; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.core.SetUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.core.TableUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.dirty.QfpcMatch; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.domain.QuadFilterPatternCanonical; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.NodeTransformRenameMap; import; import; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory; import org.apache.jena.query.Syntax; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Algebra; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Table; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDisjunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDistinct; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.graph.NodeTransform; /** * Iterator for the offsets of candidate sequences in disjunctions * * Returns the indexes of subLists of the haystack, which are compatible to the * items in the node list * * @author raven * */ class IteratorDiffDisjunction extends AbstractIterator<Integer> { private OpDisjunction needle; private OpDisjunction haystack; private int currentIndex = 0; public IteratorDiffDisjunction(OpDisjunction needle, OpDisjunction haystack) { this.needle = needle; this.haystack = haystack; } @Override protected Integer computeNext() { int k = needle.size(); int n = Math.max(0, haystack.size() - k); for(int i = currentIndex; i < n; ++i) { boolean isCandidate = true; for(int j = 0; j < k; ++k) { Op haystackChild = haystack.get(i); Op needleChild = needle.get(i + j); String needleType = needleChild.getClass().getName(); String haystackType = haystackChild.getClass().getName(); if(!needleType.equals(haystackType)) { isCandidate = false; break; } } if(isCandidate) { return i; } } return endOfData(); } } public class DiffUtils { // OpVars.visibleVars(op) public static String getOpClass(Op op) { String result = op.getClass().getName(); return result; } public static Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> diff(Op needle, Op haystack) { // TODO This method is slow, expand with explicit code Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> result; try { result = MultiMethod.invokeStatic(DiffUtils.class, "_diff", needle, haystack); } catch(Exception e) { result = null; // TODO If there is no method, then there simply is no handler for the types // but other exceptions must be re-thrown } return result; /* String nc = getOpClass(needle); String hc = getOpClass(haystack); Ops type = Ops.valueOf(Ops.class, nc); Object result; if(nc.equals(hc)) { switch(type) { case OpDistinct: result = diff((OpDistinct)needle, (OpDistinct)haystack); break; case OpDisjunction: result = diff((OpDisjunction)needle, (OpDisjunction)haystack); break; } } */ } public Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> _diff(OpDistinct needle, OpDistinct haystack) { Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> result = diff(needle.getSubOp(), haystack.getSubOp()); return result; } // public static void diff(QuadFilterPatternCanonical pattern, QuadFilterPatternCanonical haystack, Map<Var, Var> varMap) { // DiffUtils.findMatches(rawCachePattern, queryPattern, varMap, tables) // // } /** *Check if any sequence of members in the needle occurr in the hackstack * * @param needle * @param haystack * @return */ // public Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> _diff(OpDisjunction needle, OpDisjunction haystack) { // Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> result = new IteratorDiffDisjunction(needle, haystack); // return result; ////OpExtendAssign // } // public Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> getCandidateVarMaps(IBiSetMultimap<Quad, Set<Set<Expr>>> queryQuadToCnf, IBiSetMultimap<Quad, Set<Set<Expr>>> candQuadToCnf, Set<Set<Var>> candVarCombos) { // Set<Set<Set<Expr>>> quadCnfs = queryQuadToCnf.getInverse().keySet(); //queryPs.getQuadToCnf().getInverse().keySet(); // // // For a pattern there might be multiple candidate variable mappings // // Filter expressions are not considered at this stage // Iterator<Map<Var, Var>> result = CombinatoricsUtils.computeVarMapQuadBased(queryQuadToCnf, candQuadToCnf, candVarCombos); // // return result; // } // public testSubsumption(QuadFilterPatternCanonical rawCachePattern, QuadFilterPatternCanonical queryPattern, Map<Var, Var> varMap) { // NodeTransform rename = new NodeTransformRenameMap(varMap); // // QuadFilterPatternCanonical cachePattern = rawCachePattern.applyNodeTransform(rename); // // boolean isSubsumed = cachePattern.isSubsumedBy(queryPattern); // // } /** * Checks if the the cache and query pattern are equal under the * given variable mapping * * @param rawCachePattern * @param queryPattern * @param varMap */ public static boolean isIsomorph(QuadFilterPatternCanonical rawCachePattern, QuadFilterPatternCanonical queryPattern, Map<Var, Var> varMap) { NodeTransform rename = new NodeTransformRenameMap(varMap); QuadFilterPatternCanonical cachePattern = rawCachePattern.applyNodeTransform(rename); boolean result = cachePattern.equals(queryPattern); return result; } /** * Given a cache pattern with a collection of corresponding tables, * a query pattern and a variable mapping between the cache and the query pattern, * find possible substitutions in the query with the cache * * @param rawCachePattern * @param queryPattern * @param varMap * @param tables * @return */ /* public static List<QfpcMatch> findMatches(QuadFilterPatternCanonical rawCachePattern, QuadFilterPatternCanonical queryPattern, Map<Var, Var> varMap, Iterable<Table> tables) { List<QfpcMatch> result = new ArrayList<QfpcMatch>(); NodeTransform rename = new NodeTransformRenameMap(varMap); QuadFilterPatternCanonical cachePattern = rawCachePattern.applyNodeTransform(rename); boolean isSubsumed = cachePattern.isSubsumedBy(queryPattern); // System.out.println("isSubsumed: " + isSubsumed); // If we found a subsumption, we need to finally check whether we can make use of it... // This means: no variable in the query that gets replaced by the cache pattern // must occur in any other triple or filter //List<Table> tables = new ArrayList<Table>(); if(isSubsumed) { for(Table table : tables) { Set<Var> candVars = cachePattern.getVarsMentioned(); Set<Var> patternVars = cachePattern.getVarsMentioned(); Set<Var> rawTableVars = new HashSet<Var>(table.getVars()); Set<Var> queryTableVars = SetUtils.mapSet(rawTableVars, varMap); Set<Var> disallowedVars = Sets.difference(patternVars, queryTableVars); QuadFilterPatternCanonical diffPattern = cachePattern.diff(queryPattern); Set<Var> testVars = diffPattern.getVarsMentioned(); Set<Var> cooccurs = Utils2.getCooccurrentVars(queryTableVars, diffPattern.getQuads()); disallowedVars = Sets.difference(disallowedVars, cooccurs); Set<Var> intersection = Sets.intersection(disallowedVars, testVars); if(intersection.isEmpty()) { table = TableUtils.transform(table, rename); QfpcMatch cacheHit = new QfpcMatch(cachePattern, diffPattern, table, varMap); //Expr expr = createExpr(rs, varMap); //test.getFilterCnf() //test.getFilterCnf().add(Collections.singleton(expr)); // TODO Convert back into a quad filter pattern result.add(cacheHit); } } } return result; } */ public static Object find(Collection<Op> caches, Op request) { for(Op cache : caches) { diff(request, cache); } return null; } public static Op toOp(String queryStr) { Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryStr, Syntax.syntaxSPARQL_11); Op result = Algebra.compile(query); return result; } public static int main(String[] args) { Op a = toOp("Select ?s { ?s a <Airport> }"); Op b = toOp("Select ?x { ?s locatedIn <Leipzig>"); Op c = toOp("Select ?x { ?s a <Airport> . ?s locatedIn <Leipzig>"); Collection<Op> cache = new ArrayList<Op>(); cache.add(a); cache.add(b); /* * For each each cache op, return its list of possible substitutions. * * issue: what if a substitution requires a transformation of the query? * how to represent a transformation? * we probably need to track which sub-tree in the original query was transformed * so we know, which parts were unchanged, and which one was modified * * * * * * * * Map<cacheOp, List<Op, Substitutions>> */ Object candidates = find(cache, c); return 0; } }