package org.jbehave.core.parsers; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static; import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepType; import org.junit.Test; public class RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParserBehaviour { private StepPatternParser parser = new RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser(); @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatterns() { assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a house with $numberOfDoors doors and $some windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", true, "numberOfDoors", "some"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "the house on $street", "the house on Easy Street", true, "street"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "$number houses", "5 houses", true, "number"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "my house", "my house", true); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "I toggle the cell at ( $column , $row )", "I toggle the cell at ( 3 , 4 )", true, "column", "row"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "$name should ask, \"Why?\"", "Fred should ask, \"Why?\"", true, "name"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "$thousands x 10^3", "2 x 10^3", true, "thousands"); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternsUsingUnderscoresInParameterNames() { assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a house with $number_of_1st_floor_doors doors and $facing_to windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", true, "number_of_1st_floor_doors", "facing_to"); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternsUsingNumbersInParameterNames() { assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a house with $numberOf1stFloorDoors doors and $facing2 windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", true, "numberOf1stFloorDoors", "facing2"); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternsUsingAccentsInParameterNames() { assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "une maison avec $numérosDesPortes portes et $quelques fenêtres", "une maison avec 3 portes et 4 fenêtres", true, "numérosDesPortes", "quelques"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "ein Haus mit $anzahlDerTüren Türen und $einige Fenster", "ein Haus mit 3 Türen und 4 Fenster", true, "anzahlDerTüren", "einige"); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternsUsingCustomPrefix() { RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser parser = new RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser("%"); assertThat(parser.getPrefix(), equalTo("%")); assertThat(parser.toString(), containsString("prefix=%")); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a house with %numberOfDoors doors and %some windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", true, "numberOfDoors", "some"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "the house on %street", "the house on Easy Street", true, "street"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "%number houses", "5 houses", true, "number"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "my house", "my house", true); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "I toggle the cell at ( %column , %row )", "I toggle the cell at ( 3 , 4 )", true, "column", "row"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "%name should ask, \"Why?\"", "Fred should ask, \"Why?\"", true, "name"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "%thousands x 10^3", "2 x 10^3", true, "thousands"); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternsUsingCustomCharacterClass() { RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser parserAllowingOnlyLettersInParameterNames = new RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser("$", "[\\p{L}]"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parserAllowingOnlyLettersInParameterNames, "a house with $numberOfFirstFloorDoors doors and $facing windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", true, "numberOfFirstFloorDoors", "facing"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parserAllowingOnlyLettersInParameterNames, "a house with $numberOf1stFloorDoors doors and $facing2 windows", "a house with 3 doors and 4 windows", false); } @Test public void shouldEscapeRegexPunctuationUsedInPatterns() { StepMatcher matcherWithAllTheRegexPunctuation = parser .parseStep(StepType.GIVEN, "$regexp should not be confused by []{}?^.*()+\\"); assertThat(matcherWithAllTheRegexPunctuation.matches("[]{}?^.*()+\\ should not be confused by []{}?^.*()+\\"), is(true)); assertThat(matcherWithAllTheRegexPunctuation.parameter(1), equalTo("[]{}?^.*()+\\")); } @Test public void shouldMatchStepWithPatternContainingRegexPunctuation() { assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a house with no. $number", "a house with no. 3", true, "number"); assertThatPatternMatchesStep(parser, "a hotel with $number *", "a hotel with 3 *", true, "number"); } private void assertThatPatternMatchesStep(StepPatternParser parser, String pattern, String step, boolean matching, String... parameterNames) { StepMatcher stepMatcher = parser.parseStep(StepType.GIVEN, pattern); assertThat(stepMatcher.matches(step), is(matching)); assertThat(stepMatcher.parameterNames(), equalTo(parameterNames)); } @Test public void shouldNotCareSoMuchAboutWhitespace() { StepMatcher stepMatcher = parser.parseStep(StepType.GIVEN, "The grid looks like $grid"); // Given an argument on a new line assertThat(stepMatcher.matches("The grid looks like\n" + "..\n" + "..\n"), is(true)); assertThat(stepMatcher.parameter(1), equalTo("..\n" + "..\n")); // Given an argument on a new line with extra spaces assertThat(stepMatcher.matches("The grid looks like \n" + "..\n" + "..\n"), is(true)); assertThat(stepMatcher.parameter(1), equalTo("..\n" + "..\n")); // Given an argument with extra spaces assertThat(stepMatcher.matches("The grid looks like ."), is(true)); assertThat(stepMatcher.parameter(1), equalTo(".")); } @Test public void shouldExtractParameterNamesFromStepPattern() { String[] names = parser.parseStep(StepType.GIVEN, "The grid $name looks like $grid").parameterNames(); assertThat(names.length, equalTo(2)); assertThat(names[0], equalTo("name")); assertThat(names[1], equalTo("grid")); } @Test public void shouldExtractParameterNamesWithoutQuotes() { String[] names = parser.parseStep(StepType.GIVEN, "The grid \"$name\" looks like \"$grid\"").parameterNames(); assertThat(names.length, equalTo(2)); assertThat(names[0], equalTo("name")); assertThat(names[1], equalTo("grid")); } }