package org.jbehave.core.steps; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import org.jbehave.core.model.StepPattern; import org.jbehave.core.reporters.Format; import static java.text.MessageFormat.format; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /** * StepMonitor that prints to a {@link PrintStream}, defaulting to * {@link System.out}. */ public class PrintStreamStepMonitor implements StepMonitor { private static final String CONVERTED_VALUE_OF_TYPE = "Converted value ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' to ''{2}'' with converter ''{3}''"; private static final String STEP_MATCHES_TYPE = "Step ''{0}'' (with previous step ''{1}'') ''{2}'' type ''{3}'' for method ''{4}'' with annotations ''{5}'' in steps instance ''{6}''"; private static final String STEP_MATCHES_PATTERN = "Step ''{0}'' {1} pattern ''{2}'' for method ''{3}'' with annotations ''{4}'' in steps instance ''{5}''"; private static final String PERFORMING = "Performing step ''{0}'' {1}"; private static final String DRY_RUN = "(DRY RUN)"; private static final String MATCHES = "matches"; private static final String DOES_NOT_MATCH = "does not match"; private static final String USING_NAME_FOR_PARAMETER = "Using {0} name ''{1}'' for parameter position {2}"; private static final String ANNOTATED = "annotated"; private static final String PARAMETER = "parameter"; private static final String TABLE_ANNOTATED = "table annotated"; private static final String TABLE_PARAMETER = "table parameter"; private static final String USING_NATURAL_ORDER_FOR_PARAMETER = "Using natural order for parameter position {0}"; private static final String FOUND_PARAMETER = "Found parameter ''{0}'' for position {1}"; private static final String STEPS_CONTEXT_PARAMETER = "Found parameter ''{0}'' from Steps Context"; private final PrintStream output; public PrintStreamStepMonitor() { this(System.out); } public PrintStreamStepMonitor(PrintStream output) { this.output = output; } public void stepMatchesType(String step, String previous, boolean matches, StepType stepType, Method method, Object stepsInstance) { String message = format(STEP_MATCHES_TYPE, step, previous, (matches ? MATCHES : DOES_NOT_MATCH), stepType, method, asList(method.getAnnotations()), stepsInstance); print(output, message); } public void stepMatchesPattern(String step, boolean matches, StepPattern stepPattern, Method method, Object stepsInstance) { String message = format(STEP_MATCHES_PATTERN, step, (matches ? MATCHES : DOES_NOT_MATCH), stepPattern, method, asList(method .getAnnotations()), stepsInstance); print(output, message); } public void convertedValueOfType(String value, Type type, Object converted, Class<?> converterClass) { print(output, format(CONVERTED_VALUE_OF_TYPE, value, type, converted, converterClass)); } public void performing(String step, boolean dryRun) { print(output, format(PERFORMING, step, (dryRun ? DRY_RUN : ""))); } public void usingAnnotatedNameForParameter(String name, int position) { print(output, format(USING_NAME_FOR_PARAMETER, ANNOTATED, name, position)); } public void usingParameterNameForParameter(String name, int position) { print(output, format(USING_NAME_FOR_PARAMETER, PARAMETER, name, position)); } public void usingTableAnnotatedNameForParameter(String name, int position) { print(output, format(USING_NAME_FOR_PARAMETER, TABLE_ANNOTATED, name, position)); } public void usingTableParameterNameForParameter(String name, int position) { print(output, format(USING_NAME_FOR_PARAMETER, TABLE_PARAMETER, name, position)); } public void usingNaturalOrderForParameter(int position) { print(output, format(USING_NATURAL_ORDER_FOR_PARAMETER, position)); } public void foundParameter(String parameter, int position) { print(output, format(FOUND_PARAMETER, parameter, position)); } public void usingStepsContextParameter(String parameter) { print(output, format(STEPS_CONTEXT_PARAMETER, parameter)); } protected void print(PrintStream output, String message) { Format.println(output, message); } }