package org.jbehave.core.configuration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepType; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /** * Provides the keywords which allow parsers to find steps in stories and match * those steps with candidates through the annotations. It provides the starting * words (Given, When, Then And, "!--") using in parsing, as well as providing * keywords used in reporting. */ public class Keywords { private static final String SYNONYM_SEPARATOR = "\\|"; public static final String META = "Meta"; public static final String META_PROPERTY = "MetaProperty"; public static final String NARRATIVE = "Narrative"; public static final String IN_ORDER_TO = "InOrderTo"; public static final String AS_A = "AsA"; public static final String I_WANT_TO = "IWantTo"; public static final String SO_THAT = "SoThat"; public static final String SCENARIO = "Scenario"; public static final String GIVEN_STORIES = "GivenStories"; public static final String LIFECYCLE = "Lifecycle"; public static final String BEFORE = "Before"; public static final String AFTER = "After"; public static final String EXAMPLES_TABLE = "ExamplesTable"; public static final String EXAMPLES_TABLE_ROW = "ExamplesTableRow"; public static final String EXAMPLES_TABLE_HEADER_SEPARATOR = "ExamplesTableHeaderSeparator"; public static final String EXAMPLES_TABLE_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "ExamplesTableValueSeparator"; public static final String EXAMPLES_TABLE_IGNORABLE_SEPARATOR = "ExamplesTableIgnorableSeparator"; public static final String GIVEN = "Given"; public static final String WHEN = "When"; public static final String THEN = "Then"; public static final String AND = "And"; public static final String IGNORABLE = "Ignorable"; public static final String PENDING = "Pending"; public static final String NOT_PERFORMED = "NotPerformed"; public static final String FAILED = "Failed"; public static final String DRY_RUN = "DryRun"; public static final String STORY_CANCELLED = "StoryCancelled"; public static final String DURATION = "Duration"; public static final String OUTCOME = "Outcome"; public static final String OUTCOME_ANY = "OutcomeAny"; public static final String OUTCOME_SUCCESS = "OutcomeSuccess"; public static final String OUTCOME_FAILURE = "OutcomeFailure"; public static final String OUTCOME_DESCRIPTION = "OutcomeDescription"; public static final String OUTCOME_VALUE = "OutcomeValue"; public static final String OUTCOME_MATCHER = "OutcomeMatcher"; public static final String OUTCOME_VERIFIED = "OutcomeVerified"; public static final String META_FILTER = "MetaFilter"; public static final String YES = "Yes"; public static final String NO = "No"; public static final List<String> KEYWORDS = asList(META, META_PROPERTY, NARRATIVE, IN_ORDER_TO, AS_A, I_WANT_TO, SO_THAT, SCENARIO, GIVEN_STORIES, LIFECYCLE, BEFORE, AFTER, EXAMPLES_TABLE, EXAMPLES_TABLE_ROW, EXAMPLES_TABLE_HEADER_SEPARATOR, EXAMPLES_TABLE_VALUE_SEPARATOR, EXAMPLES_TABLE_IGNORABLE_SEPARATOR, GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, AND, IGNORABLE, PENDING, NOT_PERFORMED, FAILED, DRY_RUN, STORY_CANCELLED, DURATION, OUTCOME, OUTCOME_ANY, OUTCOME_SUCCESS, OUTCOME_FAILURE, OUTCOME_DESCRIPTION, OUTCOME_VALUE, OUTCOME_MATCHER, OUTCOME_VERIFIED, META_FILTER, YES, NO); private final String meta; private final String metaProperty; private final String narrative; private final String inOrderTo; private final String asA; private final String iWantTo; private final String soThat; private final String scenario; private final String givenStories; private final String lifecycle; private final String before; private final String after; private final String examplesTable; private final String examplesTableRow; private final String examplesTableHeaderSeparator; private final String examplesTableValueSeparator; private final String examplesTableIgnorableSeparator; private final String given; private final String when; private final String then; private final String and; private final String ignorable; private final String pending; private final String notPerformed; private final String failed; private final String dryRun; private final String storyCancelled; private final String duration; private final String outcome; private final String outcomeAny; private final String outcomeSuccess; private final String outcomeFailure; private final String outcomeDescription; private final String outcomeValue; private final String outcomeMatcher; private final String outcomeVerified; private final String metaFilter; private final String yes; private final String no; private final Map<StepType, String> startingWordsByType = new HashMap<StepType, String>(); public static Map<String, String> defaultKeywords() { Map<String, String> keywords = new HashMap<String, String>(); keywords.put(META, "Meta:"); keywords.put(META_PROPERTY, "@"); keywords.put(NARRATIVE, "Narrative:"); keywords.put(IN_ORDER_TO, "In order to"); keywords.put(AS_A, "As a"); keywords.put(I_WANT_TO, "I want to"); keywords.put(SO_THAT, "So that"); keywords.put(SCENARIO, "Scenario:"); keywords.put(GIVEN_STORIES, "GivenStories:"); keywords.put(LIFECYCLE, "Lifecycle:"); keywords.put(BEFORE, "Before:"); keywords.put(AFTER, "After:"); keywords.put(EXAMPLES_TABLE, "Examples:"); keywords.put(EXAMPLES_TABLE_ROW, "Example:"); keywords.put(EXAMPLES_TABLE_HEADER_SEPARATOR, "|"); keywords.put(EXAMPLES_TABLE_VALUE_SEPARATOR, "|"); keywords.put(EXAMPLES_TABLE_IGNORABLE_SEPARATOR, "|--"); keywords.put(GIVEN, "Given"); keywords.put(WHEN, "When"); keywords.put(THEN, "Then"); keywords.put(AND, "And"); keywords.put(IGNORABLE, "!--"); keywords.put(PENDING, "PENDING"); keywords.put(NOT_PERFORMED, "NOT PERFORMED"); keywords.put(FAILED, "FAILED"); keywords.put(DRY_RUN, "DRY RUN"); keywords.put(STORY_CANCELLED, "STORY CANCELLED"); keywords.put(DURATION, "DURATION"); keywords.put(OUTCOME, "Outcome:"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_ANY, "ANY"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_SUCCESS, "SUCCESS"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_FAILURE, "FAILURE"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_DESCRIPTION, "DESCRIPTION"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_MATCHER, "MATCHER"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_VALUE, "VALUE"); keywords.put(OUTCOME_VERIFIED, "VERIFIED"); keywords.put(META_FILTER, "MetaFilter:"); keywords.put(YES, "Yes"); keywords.put(NO, "No"); return keywords; } /** * Creates Keywords with default values {@link #defaultKeywords()} */ public Keywords() { this(defaultKeywords()); } /** * Creates Keywords with provided keywords Map and Encoding * * @param keywords the Map of keywords indexed by their name */ public Keywords(Map<String, String> keywords) { this.meta = keyword(META, keywords); this.metaProperty = keyword(META_PROPERTY, keywords); this.narrative = keyword(NARRATIVE, keywords); this.inOrderTo = keyword(IN_ORDER_TO, keywords); this.asA = keyword(AS_A, keywords); this.iWantTo = keyword(I_WANT_TO, keywords); this.soThat = keyword(SO_THAT, keywords); this.scenario = keyword(SCENARIO, keywords); this.givenStories = keyword(GIVEN_STORIES, keywords); this.lifecycle = keyword(LIFECYCLE, keywords); this.before = keyword(BEFORE, keywords); this.after = keyword(AFTER, keywords); this.examplesTable = keyword(EXAMPLES_TABLE, keywords); this.examplesTableRow = keyword(EXAMPLES_TABLE_ROW, keywords); this.examplesTableHeaderSeparator = keyword(EXAMPLES_TABLE_HEADER_SEPARATOR, keywords); this.examplesTableValueSeparator = keyword(EXAMPLES_TABLE_VALUE_SEPARATOR, keywords); this.examplesTableIgnorableSeparator = keyword(EXAMPLES_TABLE_IGNORABLE_SEPARATOR, keywords); this.given = keyword(GIVEN, keywords); this.when = keyword(WHEN, keywords); this.then = keyword(THEN, keywords); this.and = keyword(AND, keywords); this.ignorable = keyword(IGNORABLE, keywords); this.pending = keyword(PENDING, keywords); this.notPerformed = keyword(NOT_PERFORMED, keywords); this.failed = keyword(FAILED, keywords); this.dryRun = keyword(DRY_RUN, keywords); this.storyCancelled = keyword(STORY_CANCELLED, keywords); this.duration = keyword(DURATION, keywords); this.outcome = keyword(OUTCOME, keywords); this.outcomeAny = keyword(OUTCOME_ANY, keywords); this.outcomeSuccess = keyword(OUTCOME_SUCCESS, keywords); this.outcomeFailure = keyword(OUTCOME_FAILURE, keywords); this.outcomeDescription = keyword(OUTCOME_DESCRIPTION, keywords); this.outcomeMatcher = keyword(OUTCOME_MATCHER, keywords); this.outcomeValue = keyword(OUTCOME_VALUE, keywords); this.outcomeVerified = keyword(OUTCOME_VERIFIED, keywords); this.metaFilter = keyword(META_FILTER, keywords); this.yes = keyword(YES, keywords); = keyword(NO, keywords); startingWordsByType.put(StepType.GIVEN, given()); startingWordsByType.put(StepType.WHEN, when()); startingWordsByType.put(StepType.THEN, then()); startingWordsByType.put(StepType.AND, and()); startingWordsByType.put(StepType.IGNORABLE, ignorable()); } private String keyword(String name, Map<String, String> keywords) { String keyword = keywords.get(name); if (keyword == null) { throw new KeywordNotFound(name, keywords); } return keyword; } public String meta() { return meta; } public String metaProperty() { return metaProperty; } public String narrative() { return narrative; } public String inOrderTo() { return inOrderTo; } public String asA() { return asA; } public String iWantTo() { return iWantTo; } public String soThat() { return soThat; } public String scenario() { return scenario; } public String givenStories() { return givenStories; } public String lifecycle() { return lifecycle; } public String before() { return before; } public String after() { return after; } public String examplesTable() { return examplesTable; } public String examplesTableRow() { return examplesTableRow; } public String examplesTableHeaderSeparator() { return examplesTableHeaderSeparator; } public String examplesTableValueSeparator() { return examplesTableValueSeparator; } public String examplesTableIgnorableSeparator() { return examplesTableIgnorableSeparator; } public String given() { return given; } public String when() { return when; } public String then() { return then; } public String and() { return and; } public String ignorable() { return ignorable; } public String pending() { return pending; } public String notPerformed() { return notPerformed; } public String failed() { return failed; } public String dryRun() { return dryRun; } public String storyCancelled() { return storyCancelled; } public String duration() { return duration; } public String outcome() { return outcome; } public String outcomeAny(){ return outcomeAny; } public String outcomeSuccess(){ return outcomeSuccess; } public String outcomeFailure(){ return outcomeFailure; } public List<String> outcomeFields() { return asList(outcomeDescription, outcomeValue, outcomeMatcher, outcomeVerified); } public String metaFilter() { return metaFilter; } public String yes() { return yes; } public String no() { return no; } public String[] synonymsOf(String word) { return word.split(SYNONYM_SEPARATOR); } public String[] startingWords() { List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String word : startingWordsByType().values()) { words.addAll(asList(synonymsOf(word))); } return words.toArray(new String[words.size()]); } public Map<StepType, String> startingWordsByType() { return startingWordsByType; } private boolean ofStepType(String stepAsString, StepType stepType) { boolean isType = false; for (String word : startingWordsFor(stepType)) { isType = stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, word); if (isType) break; } return isType; } public boolean isAndStep(String stepAsString) { return ofStepType(stepAsString, StepType.AND); } public boolean isIgnorableStep(String stepAsString) { return ofStepType(stepAsString, StepType.IGNORABLE); } public String stepWithoutStartingWord(String stepAsString, StepType stepType) { String startingWord = startingWord(stepAsString, stepType); return stepAsString.substring(startingWord.length() + 1); // 1 for the // space after } public String startingWord(String stepAsString, StepType stepType) throws StartingWordNotFound { for (String wordForType : startingWordsFor(stepType)) { if (stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, wordForType)) { return wordForType; } } for (String andWord : startingWordsFor(StepType.AND)) { if (stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, andWord)) { return andWord; } } throw new StartingWordNotFound(stepAsString, stepType, startingWordsByType); } public String startingWord(String stepAsString) throws StartingWordNotFound { for (StepType stepType : startingWordsByType.keySet()) { for (String wordForType : startingWordsFor(stepType)) { if (stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, wordForType)) { return wordForType; } } } throw new StartingWordNotFound(stepAsString, startingWordsByType); } public StepType stepTypeFor(String stepAsString) throws StartingWordNotFound { for (StepType stepType : startingWordsByType.keySet()) { for (String wordForType : startingWordsFor(stepType)) { if (stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, wordForType)) { return stepType; } } } throw new StartingWordNotFound(stepAsString, startingWordsByType); } public boolean stepStartsWithWord(String step, String word) { return stepStartsWithWords(step, word); } public boolean stepStartsWithWords(String step, String... words) { char separator = ' '; // space after qualifies it as word String start = StringUtils.join(words, separator) + separator; return step.startsWith(start); } public String startingWordFor(StepType stepType) { String startingWord = startingWordsByType.get(stepType); if (startingWord == null) { throw new StartingWordNotFound(stepType, startingWordsByType); } return startingWord; } public String[] startingWordsFor(StepType stepType) { return synonymsOf(startingWordFor(stepType)); } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class KeywordNotFound extends RuntimeException { public KeywordNotFound(String name, Map<String, String> keywords) { super("Keyword " + name + " not found amongst " + keywords); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class StartingWordNotFound extends RuntimeException { public StartingWordNotFound(String step, StepType stepType, Map<StepType, String> startingWordsByType) { super("No starting word found for step '" + step + "' of type '" + stepType + "' amongst '" + startingWordsByType + "'"); } public StartingWordNotFound(String step, Map<StepType, String> startingWordsByType) { super("No starting word found for step '" + step + "' amongst '" + startingWordsByType + "'"); } public StartingWordNotFound(StepType stepType, Map<StepType, String> startingWordsByType) { super("No starting word found of type '" + stepType + "' amongst '" + startingWordsByType + "'"); } } }