package org.jbehave.core.reporters; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.jbehave.core.configuration.Keywords; import org.jbehave.core.embedder.MetaFilter; import org.jbehave.core.failures.KnownFailure; import org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper; import org.jbehave.core.model.ExamplesTable; import org.jbehave.core.model.GivenStories; import org.jbehave.core.model.GivenStory; import org.jbehave.core.model.Lifecycle; import org.jbehave.core.model.Meta; import org.jbehave.core.model.Narrative; import org.jbehave.core.model.OutcomesTable; import org.jbehave.core.model.OutcomesTable.Outcome; import org.jbehave.core.model.Scenario; import org.jbehave.core.model.Story; import org.jbehave.core.model.StoryDuration; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringBetween; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.PARAMETER_TABLE_END; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.PARAMETER_TABLE_START; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.PARAMETER_VALUE_END; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.PARAMETER_VALUE_START; /** * <p> * Abstract story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream. * </p> * <p> * The output of the reported event is configurable via: * <ul> * <li>custom output patterns, providing only the patterns that differ from * default</li> * <li>keywords localised for different languages, providing the i18n Locale</li> * <li>flag to report failure trace</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * Let's look at example of providing custom output patterns, e.g. for the * failed event. <br/> * we'd need to provide the custom pattern, say we want to have something like * "(step being executed) <<< FAILED", keyed on the method name: * * <pre> * Properties patterns = new Properties(); * patterns.setProperty("failed", "{0} <<< {1}"); * </pre> * * The pattern is by default processed and formatted by the * {@link MessageFormat}. Both the * {@link #format(String key, String defaultPattern, Object... args)} and * {@link #lookupPattern(String key, String defaultPattern)} methods are * override-able and a different formatter or pattern lookup can be used by * subclasses. * </p> * <p> * If the keyword "FAILED" (or any other keyword used by the reporter) needs to * be expressed in a different language, all we need to do is to provide an * instance of {@link org.jbehave.core.i18n.LocalizedKeywords} using the * appropriate {@link Locale}, e.g. * * <pre> * Keywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords(new Locale("it")); * </pre> * * </p> */ public abstract class PrintStreamOutput implements StoryReporter { private static final String EMPTY = ""; public enum Format { TXT, HTML, XML } private final Format format; private final PrintStream output; private final Properties outputPatterns; private final Keywords keywords; private ThreadLocal<Boolean> reportFailureTrace = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); private ThreadLocal<Boolean> compressFailureTrace = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); private ThreadLocal<Throwable> cause = new ThreadLocal<Throwable>(); protected PrintStreamOutput(Format format, PrintStream output, Properties outputPatterns, Keywords keywords, boolean reportFailureTrace, boolean compressFailureTrace) { this.format = format; this.output = output; this.outputPatterns = outputPatterns; this.keywords = keywords; doReportFailureTrace(reportFailureTrace); doCompressFailureTrace(compressFailureTrace); } @Override public void beforeStep(String step) { } @Override public void successful(String step) { print(format("successful", "{0}\n", step)); } @Override public void ignorable(String step) { print(format("ignorable", "{0}\n", step)); } @Override public void comment(String step) { print(format("comment", "{0}\n", step)); } @Override public void pending(String step) { print(format("pending", "{0} ({1})\n", step, keywords.pending())); } @Override public void notPerformed(String step) { print(format("notPerformed", "{0} ({1})\n", step, keywords.notPerformed())); } @Override public void failed(String step, Throwable storyFailure) { // storyFailure be used if a subclass has rewritten the "failed" pattern // to have a {3} as WebDriverHtmlOutput (jbehave-web) does. if (storyFailure instanceof UUIDExceptionWrapper) { this.cause.set(storyFailure.getCause()); print(format("failed", "{0} ({1})\n({2})\n", step, keywords.failed(), storyFailure.getCause(), ((UUIDExceptionWrapper) storyFailure).getUUID())); } else { throw new ClassCastException(storyFailure + " should be an instance of UUIDExceptionWrapper"); } } @Override public void failedOutcomes(String step, OutcomesTable table) { failed(step, table.failureCause()); print(table); } private void print(OutcomesTable table) { print(format("outcomesTableStart", "\n")); List<Outcome<?>> rows = table.getOutcomes(); print(format("outcomesTableHeadStart", "|")); for (String field : table.getOutcomeFields()) { print(format("outcomesTableHeadCell", "{0}|", field)); } print(format("outcomesTableHeadEnd", "\n")); print(format("outcomesTableBodyStart", EMPTY)); for (Outcome<?> outcome : rows) { print(format("outcomesTableRowStart", "|", outcome.isVerified() ? "verified" : "notVerified")); print(format("outcomesTableCell", "{0}|", outcome.getDescription())); print(format("outcomesTableCell", "{0}|", renderOutcomeValue(outcome.getValue(), table.getDateFormat()))); print(format("outcomesTableCell", "{0}|", outcome.getMatcher())); print(format("outcomesTableCell", "{0}|", (outcome.isVerified() ? keywords.yes() :; print(format("outcomesTableRowEnd", "\n")); } print(format("outcomesTableBodyEnd", "\n")); print(format("outcomesTableEnd", "\n")); } private Object renderOutcomeValue(Object value, String dateFormat) { if (value instanceof Date) { return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).format(value); } else { return value; } } @Override public void storyNotAllowed(Story story, String filter) { print(format("filter", "{0}\n", filter)); } @Override public void storyCancelled(Story story, StoryDuration storyDuration) { print(format("storyCancelled", "{0}: {1} ({2} s)\n", keywords.storyCancelled(), keywords.duration(), storyDuration.getDurationInSecs())); } @Override public void beforeStory(Story story, boolean givenStory) { print(format("beforeStory", "{0}\n({1})\n", story.getDescription().asString(), story.getPath())); if (!story.getMeta().isEmpty()) { Meta meta = story.getMeta(); print(meta); } } @Override public void narrative(Narrative narrative) { if (!narrative.isEmpty()) { if (!narrative.isAlternative()) { print(format("narrative", "{0}\n{1} {2}\n{3} {4}\n{5} {6}\n", keywords.narrative(), keywords.inOrderTo(), narrative.inOrderTo(), keywords.asA(), narrative.asA(), keywords.iWantTo(), narrative.iWantTo())); } else { print(format("narrative", "{0}\n{1} {2}\n{3} {4}\n{5} {6}\n", keywords.narrative(), keywords.asA(), narrative.asA(), keywords.iWantTo(), narrative.iWantTo(), keywords.soThat(), narrative.soThat())); } } } @Override public void lifecyle(Lifecycle lifecycle) { if (!lifecycle.isEmpty()) { print(format("lifecycleStart", "{0}\n", keywords.lifecycle())); if (!lifecycle.getBeforeSteps().isEmpty()) { print(format("lifecycleBeforeStart", "{0}\n", keywords.before())); print(lifecycle.getBeforeSteps()); print(format("lifecycleBeforeEnd", "")); } if (!lifecycle.getAfterSteps().isEmpty()) { print(format("lifecycleAfterStart", "{0}\n", keywords.after())); for ( org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario.Outcome outcome : lifecycle.getOutcomes() ){ print(format("lifecycleOutcome", "{0} {1}\n", keywords.outcome(), i18n(outcome))); MetaFilter metaFilter = lifecycle.getMetaFilter(outcome); if ( !metaFilter.isEmpty() ){ print(format("lifecycleMetaFilter", "{0} {1}\n", keywords.metaFilter(), metaFilter.asString())); } print(lifecycle.getAfterSteps(outcome)); } print(format("lifecycleAfterEnd", "")); } print(format("lifecycleEnd", "\n")); } } private String i18n(org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario.Outcome outcome) { switch ( outcome ){ case ANY: return keywords.outcomeAny(); case SUCCESS: return keywords.outcomeSuccess(); case FAILURE: return keywords.outcomeFailure(); default: return; } } private void print(List<String> steps) { for (String step : steps) { print(format("lifecycleStep", "{0}\n", step)); } } private void print(Meta meta) { print(format("metaStart", "{0}\n", keywords.meta())); for (String name : meta.getPropertyNames()) { print(format("metaProperty", "{0}{1} {2}", keywords.metaProperty(), name, meta.getProperty(name))); } print(format("metaEnd", "\n")); } @Override public void afterStory(boolean givenOrRestartingStory) { print(format("afterStory", "\n")); // take care not to close System.out // which is used for ConsoleOutput if (!givenOrRestartingStory && output != System.out) { output.close(); } } @Override public void givenStories(GivenStories givenStories) { print(format("givenStoriesStart", "{0}\n", keywords.givenStories())); for (GivenStory givenStory : givenStories.getStories()) { print(format("givenStory", "{0} {1}\n", givenStory.asString(), (givenStory.hasAnchor() ? givenStory.getParameters() : ""))); } print(format("givenStoriesEnd", "\n")); } @Override public void givenStories(List<String> storyPaths) { givenStories(new GivenStories(StringUtils.join(storyPaths, ","))); } @Override public void scenarioNotAllowed(Scenario scenario, String filter) { print(format("filter", "{0}\n", filter)); } @Override public void beforeScenario(String title) { cause.set(null); print(format("beforeScenario", "{0} {1}\n", keywords.scenario(), title)); } @Override public void scenarioMeta(Meta meta) { if (!meta.isEmpty()) { print(meta); } } @Override public void afterScenario() { if (cause.get() != null && !(cause.get() instanceof KnownFailure) && reportFailureTrace() ) { print(format("afterScenarioWithFailure", "\n{0}\n", new StackTraceFormatter(compressFailureTrace()).stackTrace(cause.get()))); } else { print(format("afterScenario", "\n")); } } @Override public void beforeExamples(List<String> steps, ExamplesTable table) { print(format("beforeExamples", "{0}\n", keywords.examplesTable())); for (String step : steps) { print(format("examplesStep", "{0}\n", step)); } print(formatTable(table)); } @Override public void example(Map<String, String> tableRow) { print(format("example", "\n{0} {1}\n", keywords.examplesTableRow(), tableRow)); } @Override public void afterExamples() { print(format("afterExamples", "\n")); } @Override public void dryRun() { print(format("dryRun", "{0}\n", keywords.dryRun())); } @Override public void pendingMethods(List<String> methods) { for (String method : methods) { print(format("pendingMethod", "{0}\n", method)); } } @Override public void restarted(String step, Throwable cause) { print(format("restarted", "{0} {1}\n", step, cause.getMessage())); } @Override public void restartedStory(Story story, Throwable cause) { print(format("restartedStory", "{0} {1}\n", story.getPath(), cause.getMessage())); } /** * Formats event output by key, usually equal to the method name. * * @param key the event key * @param defaultPattern the default pattern to return if a custom pattern * is not found * @param args the args used to format output * @return A formatted event output */ protected String format(String key, String defaultPattern, Object... args) { String escape = escape(defaultPattern); String s = lookupPattern(key, escape); Object[] objects = escapeAll(args); return MessageFormat.format(s, objects); } protected String formatTable(ExamplesTable table) { OutputStream formatted = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(formatted); out.print(format("examplesTableStart", "\n")); List<Map<String, String>> rows = table.getRows(); List<String> headers = table.getHeaders(); out.print(format("examplesTableHeadStart", "|")); for (String header : headers) { out.print(format("examplesTableHeadCell", "{0}|", header)); } out.print(format("examplesTableHeadEnd", "\n")); out.print(format("examplesTableBodyStart", EMPTY)); for (Map<String, String> row : rows) { out.print(format("examplesTableRowStart", "|")); for (String header : headers) { out.print(format("examplesTableCell", "{0}|", row.get(header))); } out.print(format("examplesTableRowEnd", "\n")); } out.print(format("examplesTableBodyEnd", "")); out.print(format("examplesTableEnd", "")); return formatted.toString(); } private String escape(String defaultPattern) { return (String) escapeAll(defaultPattern)[0]; } private Object[] escapeAll(Object... args) { return escape(format, args); } /** * Escapes args' string values according to format * * @param format the Format used by the PrintStream * @param args the array of args to escape * @return The cloned and escaped array of args */ protected Object[] escape(final Format format, Object... args) { // Transformer that escapes HTML and XML strings Transformer<Object, Object> escapingTransformer = new Transformer<Object, Object>() { @Override public Object transform(Object object) { switch (format) { case HTML: return escapeHtml4(asString(object)); case XML: return escapeXml(asString(object)); default: return object; } } private String asString(Object object) { return (object != null ? object.toString() : EMPTY); } }; List<Object> list = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.clone(args)); CollectionUtils.transform(list, escapingTransformer); return list.toArray(); } /** * Looks up the format pattern for the event output by key, conventionally * equal to the method name. The pattern is used by the * {#format(String,String,Object...)} method and by default is formatted * using the {@link MessageFormat#format(String, Object...)} method. If no * pattern is found for key or needs to be overridden, the default pattern * should be returned. * * @param key the format pattern key * @param defaultPattern the default pattern if no pattern is * @return The format patter for the given key */ protected String lookupPattern(String key, String defaultPattern) { if (outputPatterns.containsKey(key)) { return outputPatterns.getProperty(key); } return defaultPattern; } public boolean reportFailureTrace() { Boolean reportFailure = reportFailureTrace.get(); if ( reportFailure != null ){ return reportFailure; } return false; } public PrintStreamOutput doReportFailureTrace(boolean reportFailureTrace) { this.reportFailureTrace.set(reportFailureTrace); return this; } public boolean compressFailureTrace() { return compressFailureTrace.get(); } public PrintStreamOutput doCompressFailureTrace(boolean compressFailureTrace) { this.compressFailureTrace.set(compressFailureTrace); return this; } protected void overwritePattern(String key, String pattern) { outputPatterns.put(key, pattern); } /** * Prints text to output stream, replacing parameter start and end * placeholders * * @param text the String to print */ protected void print(String text) { if (containsTable(text)) { String tableStart = format(PARAMETER_TABLE_START, PARAMETER_TABLE_START); String tableEnd = format(PARAMETER_TABLE_END, PARAMETER_TABLE_END); String tableAsString = substringBetween(text, tableStart, tableEnd); output.print(text .replace(tableAsString, formatTable(new ExamplesTable(tableAsString))) .replace(tableStart, format("parameterValueStart", EMPTY)) .replace(tableEnd, format("parameterValueEnd", EMPTY)) .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_START, PARAMETER_VALUE_START), format("parameterValueStart", EMPTY)) .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_END, PARAMETER_VALUE_END), format("parameterValueEnd", EMPTY)) .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE, PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE), format("parameterValueNewline", "\n"))); } else { output.print(text .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_START, PARAMETER_VALUE_START), format("parameterValueStart", EMPTY)) .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_END, PARAMETER_VALUE_END), format("parameterValueEnd", EMPTY)) .replace(format(PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE, PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE), format("parameterValueNewline", "\n"))); } } private boolean containsTable(String text) { String tableStart = format(PARAMETER_TABLE_START, PARAMETER_TABLE_START); String tableEnd = format(PARAMETER_TABLE_END, PARAMETER_TABLE_END); return text.contains(tableStart) && text.contains(tableEnd); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE).append(format).append(output).toString(); } }