package org.jbehave.core.steps; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario.Outcome; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.AsParameters; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.ToContext; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.FromContext; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Named; import org.jbehave.core.configuration.Keywords; import org.jbehave.core.failures.BeforeOrAfterFailed; import org.jbehave.core.failures.IgnoringStepsFailure; import org.jbehave.core.failures.RestartingScenarioFailure; import org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper; import org.jbehave.core.model.ExamplesTable; import org.jbehave.core.model.Meta; import org.jbehave.core.parsers.StepMatcher; import org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporter; import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.NullParanamer; import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.Paranamer; import org.jbehave.core.steps.context.StepsContext; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.comment; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.failed; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.ignorable; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.notPerformed; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.pending; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.silent; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.skipped; import static org.jbehave.core.steps.AbstractStepResult.successful; public class StepCreator { public static final String PARAMETER_TABLE_START = "\uff3b"; public static final String PARAMETER_TABLE_END = "\uff3d"; public static final String PARAMETER_VALUE_START = "\uFF5F"; public static final String PARAMETER_VALUE_END = "\uFF60"; public static final String PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE = "\u2424"; public static final UUIDExceptionWrapper NO_FAILURE = new UUIDExceptionWrapper("no failure"); private static final String NEWLINE = "\n"; private static final String SPACE = " "; private static final String NONE = ""; private final Class<?> stepsType; private final InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory; private final ParameterConverters parameterConverters; private final ParameterControls parameterControls; private final Pattern delimitedNamePattern; private final StepMatcher stepMatcher; private final StepsContext stepsContext; private StepMonitor stepMonitor; private Paranamer paranamer = new NullParanamer(); private boolean dryRun = false; public StepCreator(Class<?> stepsType, InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory, StepsContext stepsContext, ParameterConverters parameterConverters, ParameterControls parameterControls, StepMatcher stepMatcher, StepMonitor stepMonitor) { this.stepsType = stepsType; this.stepsFactory = stepsFactory; this.stepsContext = stepsContext; this.parameterConverters = parameterConverters; this.parameterControls = parameterControls; this.stepMatcher = stepMatcher; this.stepMonitor = stepMonitor; this.delimitedNamePattern = Pattern.compile(parameterControls.nameDelimiterLeft() + "(\\w+?)" + parameterControls.nameDelimiterRight()); } public void useStepMonitor(StepMonitor stepMonitor) { this.stepMonitor = stepMonitor; } public void useParanamer(Paranamer paranamer) { this.paranamer = paranamer; } public void doDryRun(boolean dryRun) { this.dryRun = dryRun; } public Object stepsInstance() { return stepsFactory.createInstanceOfType(stepsType); } public Step createBeforeOrAfterStep(Method method, Meta meta) { return new BeforeOrAfterStep(method, meta); } public Step createAfterStepUponOutcome(final Method method, final Outcome outcome, Meta storyAndScenarioMeta) { switch (outcome) { case ANY: default: return new BeforeOrAfterStep(method, storyAndScenarioMeta); case SUCCESS: return new UponSuccessStep(method, storyAndScenarioMeta); case FAILURE: return new UponFailureStep(method, storyAndScenarioMeta); } } public Map<String, String> matchedParameters(final Method method, final String stepAsString, final String stepWithoutStartingWord, final Map<String, String> namedParameters) { Map<String, String> matchedParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (stepMatcher.find(stepWithoutStartingWord)) { // we've found a match, populate map ParameterName[] parameterNames = parameterNames(method); Type[] types = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); String[] values = parameterValuesForStep(namedParameters, types, parameterNames); for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) { String name = parameterNames[i].name; if (name == null) { name = stepMatcher.parameterNames()[i]; } matchedParameters.put(name, values[i]); } } // else return empty map return matchedParameters; } /** * Returns the {@link ParameterName} representations for the method, * providing an abstraction that supports both annotated and non-annotated * parameters. * * @param method the Method * @return The array of {@link ParameterName}s */ private ParameterName[] parameterNames(Method method) { String[] annotatedNames = annotatedParameterNames(method); String[] paranamerNames = paranamerParameterNames(method); String[] contextNames = contextParameterNames(method); ParameterName[] parameterNames = new ParameterName[annotatedNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < annotatedNames.length; i++) { parameterNames[i] = parameterName(annotatedNames, paranamerNames, contextNames, i); } return parameterNames; } private ParameterName parameterName(String[] annotatedNames, String[] paranamerNames, String[] contextNames, int i) { boolean annotated = true; boolean fromContext = false; String name = contextNames[i]; if (name != null) { fromContext = true; } else { name = annotatedNames[i]; if (name == null) { name = (paranamerNames.length > i ? paranamerNames[i] : null); annotated = false; } } return new ParameterName(name, annotated, fromContext); } /** * Extract parameter names using {@link Named}-annotated parameters * * @param method the Method with {@link Named}-annotated parameters * @return An array of annotated parameter names, which <b>may</b> include * <code>null</code> values for parameters that are not annotated */ private String[] annotatedParameterNames(Method method) { Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); String[] names = new String[parameterAnnotations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotations[i]) { names[i] = annotationName(annotation); } } return names; } /** * Extract parameter names using {@link FromContext}-annotated parameters * * @param method the Method with {@link FromContext}-annotated parameters * @return An array of annotated parameter names, which <b>may</b> include * <code>null</code> values for parameters that are not annotated */ private String[] contextParameterNames(Method method) { Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); String[] names = new String[parameterAnnotations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotations[i]) { names[i] = contextName(annotation); } } return names; } /** * Returns either the value of the annotation, either {@link Named} or * "javax.inject.Named". * * @param annotation the Annotation * @return The annotated value or <code>null</code> if no annotation is * found */ private String annotationName(Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.annotationType().isAssignableFrom(Named.class)) { return ((Named) annotation).value(); } else if ("javax.inject.Named".equals(annotation.annotationType().getName())) { return Jsr330Helper.getNamedValue(annotation); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the value of the annotation {@link FromContext}. * * @param annotation the Annotation * @return The annotated value or <code>null</code> if no annotation is * found */ private String contextName(Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.annotationType().isAssignableFrom(FromContext.class)) { return ((FromContext) annotation).value(); } else { return null; } } /** * Extract parameter names using * {@link Paranamer#lookupParameterNames(AccessibleObject, boolean)} * * @param method the Method inspected by Paranamer * @return An array of parameter names looked up by Paranamer */ private String[] paranamerParameterNames(Method method) { return paranamer.lookupParameterNames(method, false); } public Step createParametrisedStep(final Method method, final String stepAsString, final String stepWithoutStartingWord, final Map<String, String> namedParameters) { return new ParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); } public Step createParametrisedStepUponOutcome(final Method method, final String stepAsString, final String stepWithoutStartingWord, final Map<String, String> namedParameters, Outcome outcome) { switch (outcome) { case ANY: return new UponAnyParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); case SUCCESS: return new UponSuccessParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); case FAILURE: return new UponFailureParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); default: return new ParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); } } private String parametrisedStep(String stepAsString, Map<String, String> namedParameters, Type[] types, ParameterName[] names, String[] parameterValues) { String parametrisedStep = stepAsString; // mark parameter values that are parsed boolean hasTable = hasTable(types); for (int position = 0; position < types.length; position++) { parametrisedStep = markParsedParameterValue(parametrisedStep, types[position], parameterValues[position], hasTable); } // mark parameter values that are named for (String name : namedParameters.keySet()) { parametrisedStep = markNamedParameterValue(parametrisedStep, namedParameters, name); } return parametrisedStep; } private boolean hasTable(Type[] types) { for (Type type : types) { if ( isTable(type) ){ return true; } } return false; } private String markNamedParameterValue(String stepText, Map<String, String> namedParameters, String name) { String value = namedParameter(namedParameters, name); if (value != null) { stepText = stepText.replace(delimitedName(name), markedValue(value)); } return stepText; } private String delimitedName(String name) { return parameterControls.nameDelimiterLeft() + name + parameterControls.nameDelimiterRight(); } private String markParsedParameterValue(String stepText, Type type, String value, boolean hasTable) { if (value != null) { if (isTable(type)) { stepText = stepText.replace(value, markedTable(value)); } else { // only mark non-empty string as parameter (JBEHAVE-656) if (value.trim().length() != 0) { String markedValue = markedValue(value); // identify parameter values to mark as padded by spaces to avoid duplicated replacements of overlapping values (JBEHAVE-837) String leftPad = SPACE; String rightPad = ( stepText.endsWith(value) ? NONE : SPACE ); stepText = stepText.replace(pad(value, leftPad, rightPad), pad(markedValue, leftPad, rightPad)); } if ( !hasTable ){ stepText = stepText.replace(NEWLINE, PARAMETER_VALUE_NEWLINE); } } } return stepText; } private String markedTable(String value) { return pad(value, PARAMETER_TABLE_START, PARAMETER_TABLE_END); } private String markedValue(String value) { return pad(value, PARAMETER_VALUE_START, PARAMETER_VALUE_END); } private String pad(String value, String left, String right){ return new StringBuilder().append(left).append(value).append(right).toString(); } private boolean isTable(Type type) { return isExamplesTable(type) || isExamplesTableParameters(type); } private boolean isExamplesTable(Type type) { return type instanceof Class && ((Class<?>) type).isAssignableFrom(ExamplesTable.class); } private boolean isExamplesTableParameters(Type type) { boolean result = false; if (type instanceof Class) { ((Class) type).isAnnotationPresent(AsParameters.class); } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type; result = isExamplesTableParameters(rawClass(parameterizedType)) || isExamplesTableParameters(argumentClass(parameterizedType)); } return result; } private boolean isExamplesTableParameters(Class type) { return type != null && type.isAnnotationPresent(AsParameters.class); } private Class<?> rawClass(ParameterizedType type) { Class result = null; Type rawType = type.getRawType(); if (rawType instanceof Class) { result = (Class) rawType; } return result; } private Class<?> argumentClass(ParameterizedType type) { Class result = null; Type[] typeArguments = type.getActualTypeArguments(); if (typeArguments.length > 0) { Type argument = typeArguments[0]; if (argument instanceof Class) { result = (Class) argument; } } return result; } private String[] parameterValuesForStep(Map<String, String> namedParameters, Type[] types, ParameterName[] names) { final String[] parameters = new String[types.length]; for (int position = 0; position < types.length; position++) { parameters[position] = parameterForPosition(position, names, namedParameters); } return parameters; } private Object[] convertParameterValues(String[] valuesAsString, Type[] types, ParameterName[] names) { final Object[] parameters = new Object[valuesAsString.length]; for (int position = 0; position < valuesAsString.length; position++) { if (names[position].fromContext) { parameters[position] = stepsContext.get(valuesAsString[position]); } else { parameters[position] = parameterConverters.convert(valuesAsString[position], types[position]); } } return parameters; } private String parameterForPosition(int position, ParameterName[] names, Map<String, String> namedParameters) { int namePosition = parameterPosition(names, position); String parameter = null; if (namePosition != -1) { String name = names[position].name; boolean annotated = names[position].annotated; boolean fromContext = names[position].fromContext; boolean delimitedNamedParameters = false; if (isGroupName(name)) { parameter = matchedParameter(name); String delimitedName = delimitedNameFor(parameter); if (delimitedName != null) { name = delimitedName; delimitedNamedParameters = true; } else { monitorUsingNameForParameter(name, position, annotated); } } if (delimitedNamedParameters || isTableName(namedParameters, name)) { parameter = namedParameter(namedParameters, name); if (parameter != null) { monitorUsingTableNameForParameter(name, position, annotated); } } if (fromContext && parameter == null) { parameter = name; stepMonitor.usingStepsContextParameter(parameter); } } if (parameter == null) { // This allow parameters to be in different order. position = position - numberOfPreviousFromContext(names, position); stepMonitor.usingNaturalOrderForParameter(position); parameter = matchedParameter(position); String delimitedName = delimitedNameFor(parameter); if (delimitedName != null && isTableName(namedParameters, delimitedName)) { parameter = namedParameter(namedParameters, delimitedName); } } stepMonitor.foundParameter(parameter, position); return parameter; } private int numberOfPreviousFromContext(ParameterName[] names, int currentPosition) { int number = 0; for(int i=currentPosition-1; i>=0; i--){ if (names[i].fromContext) { number++; } } return number; } private void monitorUsingTableNameForParameter(String name, int position, boolean usingAnnotationNames) { if (usingAnnotationNames) { stepMonitor.usingTableAnnotatedNameForParameter(name, position); } else { stepMonitor.usingTableParameterNameForParameter(name, position); } } private void monitorUsingNameForParameter(String name, int position, boolean usingAnnotationNames) { if (usingAnnotationNames) { stepMonitor.usingAnnotatedNameForParameter(name, position); } else { stepMonitor.usingParameterNameForParameter(name, position); } } private String delimitedNameFor(String parameter) { if (!parameterControls.delimiterNamedParameters()) { return null; } Matcher matcher = delimitedNamePattern.matcher(parameter); return matcher.matches() ? : null; } String matchedParameter(String name) { String[] parameterNames = stepMatcher.parameterNames(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) { String parameterName = parameterNames[i]; if (name.equals(parameterName)) { return matchedParameter(i); } } throw new ParameterNotFound(name, parameterNames); } private String matchedParameter(int position) { String[] parameterNames = stepMatcher.parameterNames(); int matchedPosition = position + 1; if (matchedPosition <= parameterNames.length) { return stepMatcher.parameter(matchedPosition); } throw new ParameterNotFound(position, parameterNames); } private int parameterPosition(ParameterName[] names, int position) { if (names.length == 0) { return -1; } String positionName = names[position].name; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String name = names[i].name; if (name != null && name.equals(positionName)) { return i; } } return -1; } private boolean isGroupName(String name) { String[] groupNames = stepMatcher.parameterNames(); for (String groupName : groupNames) { if (name.equals(groupName)) { return true; } } return false; } private String namedParameter(Map<String, String> namedParameters, String name) { return namedParameters.get(name); } private boolean isTableName(Map<String, String> namedParameters, String name) { return namedParameter(namedParameters, name) != null; } public static Step createPendingStep(final String stepAsString, String previousNonAndStep) { return new PendingStep(stepAsString, previousNonAndStep); } public static Step createIgnorableStep(final String stepAsString) { return new IgnorableStep(stepAsString); } public static Step createComment(final String stepAsString) { return new Comment(stepAsString); } private void storeOutput(Object object, Method method) { ToContext annotation = method.getAnnotation(ToContext.class); if (annotation != null) { stepsContext.put(annotation.value(), object, annotation.retentionLevel()); } } /** * This is a different class, because the @Inject jar may not be in the * classpath. */ public static class Jsr330Helper { private static String getNamedValue(Annotation annotation) { return ((javax.inject.Named) annotation).value(); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class ParameterNotFound extends RuntimeException { public ParameterNotFound(String name, String[] parameters) { super("Parameter not found for name '" + name + "' amongst '" + asList(parameters) + "'"); } public ParameterNotFound(int position, String[] parameters) { super("Parameter not found for position '" + position + "' amongst '" + asList(parameters) + "'"); } } public static abstract class AbstractStep implements Step { public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE); } } private class BeforeOrAfterStep extends AbstractStep { private final Method method; private final Meta meta; public BeforeOrAfterStep(Method method, Meta meta) { this.method = method; this.meta = meta; } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { ParameterConverters paramConvertersWithExceptionInjector = paramConvertersWithExceptionInjector(storyFailureIfItHappened); MethodInvoker methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker(method, paramConvertersWithExceptionInjector, paranamer, meta); Timer timer = new Timer().start(); try { Object outputObject = methodInvoker.invoke(); storeOutput(outputObject, method); return silent(method).setTimings(timer.stop()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { return failed(method, new UUIDExceptionWrapper(new BeforeOrAfterFailed(method, e.getCause()))) .setTimings(timer.stop()); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(method, new UUIDExceptionWrapper(new BeforeOrAfterFailed(method, t))) .setTimings(timer.stop()); } } private ParameterConverters paramConvertersWithExceptionInjector(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return parameterConverters.newInstanceAdding(new UUIDExceptionWrapperInjector(storyFailureIfItHappened)); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } private class UUIDExceptionWrapperInjector implements ParameterConverters.ParameterConverter { private final UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened; public UUIDExceptionWrapperInjector(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { this.storyFailureIfItHappened = storyFailureIfItHappened; } public boolean accept(Type type) { return UUIDExceptionWrapper.class == type; } public Object convertValue(String value, Type type) { return storyFailureIfItHappened; } } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return method.getName()+";"+meta.asString(keywords); } } public class UponSuccessStep extends AbstractStep { private BeforeOrAfterStep beforeOrAfterStep; public UponSuccessStep(Method method, Meta storyAndScenarioMeta) { this.beforeOrAfterStep = new BeforeOrAfterStep(method, storyAndScenarioMeta); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return skipped(); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return beforeOrAfterStep.perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return beforeOrAfterStep.asString(keywords); } } public class UponFailureStep extends AbstractStep { private final BeforeOrAfterStep beforeOrAfterStep; public UponFailureStep(Method method, Meta storyAndScenarioMeta) { this.beforeOrAfterStep = new BeforeOrAfterStep(method, storyAndScenarioMeta); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return beforeOrAfterStep.perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return skipped(); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return beforeOrAfterStep.asString(keywords); } } public class ParametrisedStep extends AbstractStep { private Object[] convertedParameters; private String parametrisedStep; private final String stepAsString; private final Method method; private final String stepWithoutStartingWord; private final Map<String, String> namedParameters; public ParametrisedStep(String stepAsString, Method method, String stepWithoutStartingWord, Map<String, String> namedParameters) { this.stepAsString = stepAsString; this.method = method; this.stepWithoutStartingWord = stepWithoutStartingWord; this.namedParameters = namedParameters; } public void describeTo(StoryReporter storyReporter) { storyReporter.beforeStep(stepAsString); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { Timer timer = new Timer().start(); try { parametriseStep(); stepMonitor.performing(parametrisedStep, dryRun); if (!dryRun) { Object outputObject = method.invoke(stepsInstance(), convertedParameters); storeOutput(outputObject, method); } return successful(stepAsString).withParameterValues(parametrisedStep) .setTimings(timer.stop()); } catch (ParameterNotFound e) { // step parametrisation failed, return pending StepResult return pending(stepAsString).withParameterValues(parametrisedStep); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof RestartingScenarioFailure) { throw (RestartingScenarioFailure) e.getCause(); } if (e.getCause() instanceof IgnoringStepsFailure) { throw (IgnoringStepsFailure) e.getCause(); } Throwable failureCause = e.getCause(); if (failureCause instanceof UUIDExceptionWrapper) { failureCause = failureCause.getCause(); } return failed(stepAsString, new UUIDExceptionWrapper(stepAsString, failureCause)).withParameterValues( parametrisedStep).setTimings(timer.stop()); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(stepAsString, new UUIDExceptionWrapper(stepAsString, t)).withParameterValues( parametrisedStep).setTimings(timer.stop()); } } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { try { parametriseStep(); } catch (Throwable t) { // step parametrisation failed, but still return // notPerformed StepResult } return notPerformed(stepAsString).withParameterValues(parametrisedStep); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { if ( parametrisedStep == null){ parametriseStep(); } return parametrisedStep; } private void parametriseStep() { stepMatcher.find(stepWithoutStartingWord); ParameterName[] names = parameterNames(method); Type[] types = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); String[] parameterValues = parameterValuesForStep(namedParameters, types, names); convertedParameters = convertParameterValues(parameterValues, types, names); addNamedParametersToExamplesTables(); parametrisedStep = parametrisedStep(stepAsString, namedParameters, types, names, parameterValues); } private void addNamedParametersToExamplesTables() { for (Object object : convertedParameters) { if (object instanceof ExamplesTable) { ((ExamplesTable) object).withNamedParameters(namedParameters); } } } } public class UponAnyParametrisedStep extends AbstractStep { private ParametrisedStep parametrisedStep; public UponAnyParametrisedStep(String stepAsString, Method method, String stepWithoutStartingWord, Map<String, String> namedParameters){ this.parametrisedStep = new ParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return parametrisedStep.perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return parametrisedStep.asString(keywords); } } public class UponSuccessParametrisedStep extends AbstractStep { private ParametrisedStep parametrisedStep; public UponSuccessParametrisedStep(String stepAsString, Method method, String stepWithoutStartingWord, Map<String, String> namedParameters){ this.parametrisedStep = new ParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return skipped(); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return parametrisedStep.perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return parametrisedStep.asString(keywords); } } public class UponFailureParametrisedStep extends AbstractStep { private ParametrisedStep parametrisedStep; public UponFailureParametrisedStep(String stepAsString, Method method, String stepWithoutStartingWord, Map<String, String> namedParameters){ this.parametrisedStep = new ParametrisedStep(stepAsString, method, stepWithoutStartingWord, namedParameters); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return parametrisedStep.perform(storyFailureIfItHappened); } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return skipped(); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return parametrisedStep.asString(keywords); } } public static class PendingStep extends AbstractStep { private final String stepAsString; private final String previousNonAndStep; private Method method; public PendingStep(String stepAsString, String previousNonAndStep) { this.stepAsString = stepAsString; this.previousNonAndStep = previousNonAndStep; } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return pending(stepAsString); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return pending(stepAsString); } public String stepAsString() { return stepAsString; } public String previousNonAndStepAsString() { return previousNonAndStep; } public void annotatedOn(Method method) { this.method = method; } public boolean annotated() { return method != null; } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return stepAsString; } } public static class IgnorableStep extends AbstractStep { private final String stepAsString; public IgnorableStep(String stepAsString) { this.stepAsString = stepAsString; } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return ignorable(stepAsString); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return ignorable(stepAsString); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return stepAsString; } } public static class Comment extends AbstractStep { private final String stepAsString; public Comment(String stepAsString) { this.stepAsString = stepAsString; } public StepResult perform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return comment(stepAsString); } public StepResult doNotPerform(UUIDExceptionWrapper storyFailureIfItHappened) { return comment(stepAsString); } public String asString(Keywords keywords) { return stepAsString; } } private class MethodInvoker { private final Method method; private final ParameterConverters parameterConverters; private final Paranamer paranamer; private final Meta meta; private final Type[] parameterTypes; public MethodInvoker(Method method, ParameterConverters parameterConverters, Paranamer paranamer, Meta meta) { this.method = method; this.parameterConverters = parameterConverters; this.paranamer = paranamer; this.meta = meta; this.parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); } public Object invoke() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { return method.invoke(stepsInstance(), parameterValuesFrom(meta)); } private Parameter[] methodParameters() { Parameter[] parameters = new Parameter[parameterTypes.length]; String[] annotatedNames = annotatedParameterNames(method); String[] paranamerNames = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(method, false); for (int position = 0; position < parameterTypes.length; position++) { String name = parameterNameFor(position, annotatedNames, paranamerNames); parameters[position] = new Parameter(position, parameterTypes[position], name); } return parameters; } private String parameterNameFor(int position, String[] annotatedNames, String[] paranamerNames) { String annotatedName = nameByPosition(annotatedNames, position); String paranamerName = nameByPosition(paranamerNames, position); if (annotatedName != null) { return annotatedName; } else if (paranamerName != null) { return paranamerName; } return null; } private String nameByPosition(String[] names, int position) { return position < names.length ? names[position] : null; } private Object[] parameterValuesFrom(Meta meta) { Object[] values = new Object[parameterTypes.length]; for (Parameter parameter : methodParameters()) { values[parameter.position] = parameterConverters.convert(parameter.valueFrom(meta), parameter.type); } return values; } private class Parameter { private final int position; private final Type type; private final String name; public Parameter(int position, Type type, String name) { this.position = position; this.type = type; = name; } public String valueFrom(Meta meta) { if (name == null) { return null; } return meta.getProperty(name); } } } private static class ParameterName { private String name; private boolean annotated; private boolean fromContext; private ParameterName(String name, boolean annotated, boolean fromContext) { = name; this.annotated = annotated; this.fromContext = fromContext; } } }