package xtc.tree; import; import; import; import xtc.Constants; import xtc.lang.JavaPrinter; /** * A printer that guarantees that each Node is printed at the <em>exact</em> * file, line, and column specified by its location. Where necessary, this * printer prints line markers (similar to those used by the C preprocessor:<br> * * <tt>#</tt> <i>line</i> <tt>"</tt><i>file</i><tt>"</tt><br> * * Reproducing exact source locations helps downstream tools track symbolic * information for error messages, debugging, and exception backtraces. Even * though this printer makes a best effort to print nodes without locations * nicely, experience shows that the generated code is usually harder to read * for humans (less "pretty") than with the superclass xtc.tree.Printer. */ public class LineupPrinter extends Printer { /** * Is the current line blank? If yes, the printer delays any indentation until * it encounters the first non-blank character on the line. */ protected boolean blankLine = true; /** Does the node currently being visited have a location? */ protected boolean currentNodeHasLocation = true; /** File name specified by the last node that had a location. */ protected String lastFile = null; /** Line number specified by the last node that had a location. */ protected long lastLine = 0; /** File name specified by the last emitted line marker. */ protected String markedFile = null; /** Line number specified by the last emitted line marker. */ protected long markedLine = 0; /** Line number in the actual output after the last emitted line marker. */ protected long markedPhysical = 0; protected boolean showFilePaths = true; public LineupPrinter(final OutputStream out, final boolean showFilePaths) { this(new PrintWriter(out, false), showFilePaths); } public LineupPrinter(final PrintWriter out, final boolean showFilePaths) { super(out); this.showFilePaths = showFilePaths; } public LineupPrinter(final Writer out, final boolean showFilePaths) { this(new PrintWriter(out, false), showFilePaths); } public Printer align(final int desiredColumn) { if (blankLine) { indent = desiredColumn; return this; } return super.align(desiredColumn); } /** Current line in the output adjusted for line markers. */ protected long effectiveLine() { return markedLine + line - markedPhysical; } /** If blankLine is true, print any deferred line breaks and blank characters. */ protected void endBlank() { if (blankLine) { if (Constants.FIRST_COLUMN < column) { if (!currentNodeHasLocation && null != lastFile) /* make it appear to debugger as if line+file stand still */ printLineMarker(lastFile, lastLine); else super.pln(); } blankLine = false; super.indent(); } } /** * If the given node has a location, ensure that the output file, line, and * column is at exactly that location, by emitting some combination of line * markers, line breaks, and blanks. */ protected void ensureLocation(final Node n) { if (null == n || !n.hasLocation()) return; final Location nl = n.getLocation(); /* Note: columns in locations are 1-based, whereas printer columns are based * on Constants.FIRST_COLUMN. Therefore, this code adjusts nl.column. */ final int nlColumn = nl.column + Constants.FIRST_COLUMN - 1; if (null == markedFile || !markedFile.equals(nl.file) || nl.line < effectiveLine() || effectiveLine() + 2 < nl.line || nl.line == effectiveLine() && nlColumn < column) { markedFile = nl.file; markedLine = nl.line; printLineMarker(markedFile, markedLine); markedPhysical = line(); assert effectiveLine() == nl.line; } assert markedFile.equals(nl.file) && effectiveLine() <= nl.line; while (effectiveLine() < nl.line) super.pln(); if (blankLine) { if (Constants.FIRST_COLUMN == column) indent = nlColumn; blankLine = false; } assert column <= nlColumn; while (column < nlColumn) super.p(' '); assert effectiveLine() == nl.line && column == nlColumn; } public Printer indent() { if (indent < 0) indent = 0; return this; } public Printer indentLess() { if (indent < Constants.INDENTATION) indent = Constants.INDENTATION; return this; } public Printer indentMore() { if (indent < 0) indent = 0; return this; } public Printer p(final Attribute a) { return printNode(a); } public Printer p(final char c) { if (blankLine && ' ' == c) { indent++; return this; } endBlank(); return super.p(c); } public Printer p(final Comment c) { return printNode(c); } public Printer p(final double d) { endBlank(); return super.p(d); } public Printer p(final int i) { endBlank(); return super.p(i); } public Printer p(final long l) { endBlank(); return super.p(l); } public Printer p(final Node n) { return printNode(n); } public Printer p(final String s) { endBlank(); return super.p(s); } public Printer pln() { blankLine = true; return this; } public Printer pln(final char c) { return p(c).pln(); } public Printer pln(final double d) { return p(d).pln(); } public Printer pln(final int i) { return p(i).pln(); } public Printer pln(final long l) { return p(l).pln(); } public Printer pln(final String s) { return p(s).pln(); } public void printLineMarker(final String file, final long line) { if (Constants.FIRST_COLUMN < column) super.pln(); final boolean isJava = visitor instanceof JavaPrinter; super.p(isJava ? "//#line " : "# "); final int sepIndex = file.lastIndexOf('/'); final boolean keepFile = !isJava || showFilePaths || -1 == sepIndex; final String fileName = keepFile ? file : file.substring(sepIndex + 1); super.p(line + " \"" + fileName + "\""); super.pln(); blankLine = true; } protected Printer printNode(final Node n) { final boolean outerNodeHasLocation = currentNodeHasLocation; currentNodeHasLocation = null != n && n.hasLocation(); if (currentNodeHasLocation) { lastFile = n.getLocation().file; lastLine = n.getLocation().line; } if (n instanceof LineMarker) { final LineMarker m = (LineMarker) n; assert n.getLocation().file.equals(m.file) && n.getLocation().line == m.line - 1; if (Constants.FIRST_COLUMN < column) super.pln(); indent = 0; markedFile = m.file; markedLine = m.line; markedPhysical = line + 2; } else { ensureLocation(n); } super.p(n); currentNodeHasLocation = outerNodeHasLocation; return this; } public Printer reset() { blankLine = true; return super.reset(); } public Printer sep() { blankLine = true; return super.sep(); } }