package antlr; /* ANTLR Translator Generator * Project led by Terence Parr at * Software rights: * * $Id:,v 1.1 2004/01/21 19:18:29 rgrimm Exp $ */ // // ANTLR C# Code Generator by Micheal Jordan // Kunle Odutola : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com // Anthony Oguntimehin // // With many thanks to Eric V. Smith from the ANTLR list. // // HISTORY: // // 17-May-2002 kunle Fixed bug in OctalToUnicode() - was processing non-Octal escape sequences // Also added namespace support based on Cpp version. // 07-Jun-2002 kunle Added Scott Ellis's _saveIndex creation optimizations // 09-Sep-2002 richardN Richard Ney's bug-fix for literals table construction. // [ Hashtable ctor needed instance of hash code provider not it's class name. ] // 17-Sep-2002 kunle & Added all Token ID definitions as data member of every Lexer/Parser/TreeParser // AOg [ A by-product of problem-solving phase of the hetero-AST changes below // but, it breaks nothing and restores "normal" ANTLR codegen behaviour. ] // 19-Oct-2002 kunle & Completed the work required to support heterogenous ASTs (many changes) // AOg & // michealj // 14-Nov-2002 michealj Added "initializeASTFactory()" to support flexible ASTFactory initialization. // [ Thanks to Ric Klaren - for suggesting it and implementing it for Cpp. ] // 18-Nov-2002 kunle Added fix to make xx_tokenSet_xx names CLS compliant. // 01-Dec-2002 richardN Patch to reduce "unreachable code" warnings // 01-Dec-2002 richardN Fix to generate correct TreeParser token-type classnames. // 12-Jan-2002 kunle & Generated Lexers, Parsers and TreeParsers now support ANTLR's tracing option. // michealj // 12-Jan-2003 kunle Fixed issue where initializeASTFactory() was generated when "buildAST=false" // 14-Jan-2003 AOg initializeASTFactory(AST factory) method was modifying the Parser's "astFactory" // member rather than it's own "factory" parameter. Fixed. // 18-Jan-2003 kunle & Fixed reported issues with ASTFactory create() calls for hetero ASTs // michealj - code generated for LEXER token with hetero-AST option specified does not compile // - code generated for imaginary tokens with hetero-AST option specified uses default AST type // - code generated for per-TokenRef hetero-AST option specified does not compile // 18-Jan-2003 kunle initializeASTFactory(AST) method is now a static public member // // import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.HashSet; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; import antlr.collections.impl.Vector; import; //SAS: changed for proper text file io import; import; /** Generates MyParser.cs, MyLexer.cs and MyParserTokenTypes.cs */ public class CSharpCodeGenerator extends CodeGenerator { // non-zero if inside syntactic predicate generation protected int syntacticPredLevel = 0; // Are we generating ASTs (for parsers and tree parsers) right now? protected boolean genAST = false; // Are we saving the text consumed (for lexers) right now? protected boolean saveText = false; // Grammar parameters set up to handle different grammar classes. // These are used to get instanceof tests out of code generation boolean usingCustomAST = false; String labeledElementType; String labeledElementASTType; String labeledElementInit; String commonExtraArgs; String commonExtraParams; String commonLocalVars; String lt1Value; String exceptionThrown; String throwNoViable; // Tracks the rule being generated. Used for mapTreeId RuleBlock currentRule; // Tracks the rule or labeled subrule being generated. Used for AST generation. String currentASTResult; /** Mapping between the ids used in the current alt, and the * names of variables used to represent their AST values. */ Hashtable treeVariableMap = new Hashtable(); /** Used to keep track of which AST variables have been defined in a rule * (except for the #rule_name and #rule_name_in var's */ HashSet declaredASTVariables = new HashSet(); /* Count of unnamed generated variables */ int astVarNumber = 1; /** Special value used to mark duplicate in treeVariableMap */ protected static final String NONUNIQUE = new String(); public static final int caseSizeThreshold = 127; // ascii is max private Vector semPreds; // Used to keep track of which (heterogeneous AST types are used) // which need to be set in the ASTFactory of the generated parser private java.util.Vector astTypes; private static CSharpNameSpace nameSpace = null; // _saveIndex creation optimization -- don't create it unless we need to use it boolean bSaveIndexCreated = false; /** Create a CSharp code-generator using the given Grammar. * The caller must still call setTool, setBehavior, and setAnalyzer * before generating code. */ public CSharpCodeGenerator() { super(); charFormatter = new CSharpCharFormatter(); } /** Adds a semantic predicate string to the sem pred vector These strings will be used to build an array of sem pred names when building a debugging parser. This method should only be called when the debug option is specified */ protected int addSemPred(String predicate) { semPreds.appendElement(predicate); return semPreds.size()-1; } public void exitIfError() { if (antlrTool.hasError()) { antlrTool.fatalError("Exiting due to errors."); } } /**Generate the parser, lexer, treeparser, and token types in CSharp */ public void gen() { // Do the code generation try { // Loop over all grammars Enumeration grammarIter = behavior.grammars.elements(); while (grammarIter.hasMoreElements()) { Grammar g = (Grammar)grammarIter.nextElement(); // Connect all the components to each other g.setGrammarAnalyzer(analyzer); g.setCodeGenerator(this); analyzer.setGrammar(g); // To get right overloading behavior across heterogeneous grammars setupGrammarParameters(g); g.generate(); exitIfError(); } // Loop over all token managers (some of which are lexers) Enumeration tmIter = behavior.tokenManagers.elements(); while (tmIter.hasMoreElements()) { TokenManager tm = (TokenManager)tmIter.nextElement(); if (!tm.isReadOnly()) { // Write the token manager tokens as CSharp // this must appear before genTokenInterchange so that // labels are set on string literals genTokenTypes(tm); // Write the token manager tokens as plain text genTokenInterchange(tm); } exitIfError(); } } catch (IOException e) { antlrTool.reportException(e, null); } } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The {...} action to generate */ public void gen(ActionElement action) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genAction("+action+")"); if ( action.isSemPred ) { genSemPred(action.actionText, action.line); } else { if ( grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate ) { println("if (0==inputState.guessing)"); println("{"); tabs++; } ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo(); String actionStr = processActionForSpecialSymbols(action.actionText, action.getLine(), currentRule, tInfo); if ( tInfo.refRuleRoot!=null ) { // Somebody referenced "#rule", make sure translated var is valid // assignment to #rule is left as a ref also, meaning that assignments // with no other refs like "#rule = foo();" still forces this code to be // generated (unnecessarily). println(tInfo.refRuleRoot + " = ("+labeledElementASTType+")currentAST.root;"); } // dump the translated action printAction(actionStr); if ( tInfo.assignToRoot ) { // Somebody did a "#rule=", reset internal currentAST.root println("currentAST.root = "+tInfo.refRuleRoot+";"); // reset the child pointer too to be last sibling in sibling list println("if ( (null != "+tInfo.refRuleRoot+") && (null != "+tInfo.refRuleRoot+".getFirstChild()) )"); tabs++; println("currentAST.child = "+tInfo.refRuleRoot+".getFirstChild();"); tabs--; println("else"); tabs++; println("currentAST.child = "+tInfo.refRuleRoot+";"); tabs--; println("currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();"); } if ( grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate ) { tabs--; println("}"); } } } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The "x|y|z|..." block to generate */ public void gen(AlternativeBlock blk) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("gen("+blk+")"); println("{"); tabs++; genBlockPreamble(blk); genBlockInitAction(blk); // Tell AST generation to build subrule result String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult; if (blk.getLabel() != null) { currentASTResult = blk.getLabel(); } boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk); CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, true); genBlockFinish(howToFinish, throwNoViable); tabs--; println("}"); // Restore previous AST generation currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult; } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The block-end element to generate. Block-end * elements are synthesized by the grammar parser to represent * the end of a block. */ public void gen(BlockEndElement end) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genRuleEnd("+end+")"); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The character literal reference to generate */ public void gen(CharLiteralElement atom) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genChar("+atom+")"); if ( atom.getLabel()!=null ) { println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } boolean oldsaveText = saveText; saveText = saveText && atom.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE; genMatch(atom); saveText = oldsaveText; } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The character-range reference to generate */ public void gen(CharRangeElement r) { if ( r.getLabel()!=null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(r.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } boolean flag = ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText || (r.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) ); if (flag) println("_saveIndex = text.Length;"); println("matchRange("+OctalToUnicode(r.beginText)+","+OctalToUnicode(r.endText)+");"); if (flag) println("text.Length = _saveIndex;"); } /** Generate the lexer CSharp file */ public void gen(LexerGrammar g) throws IOException { // If debugging, create a new sempred vector for this grammar if (g.debuggingOutput) semPreds = new Vector(); setGrammar(g); if (!(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) { antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating lexer"); } genBody(g); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The (...)+ block to generate */ public void gen(OneOrMoreBlock blk) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("gen+("+blk+")"); String label; String cnt; println("{ // ( ... )+"); genBlockPreamble(blk); if ( blk.getLabel() != null ) { cnt = "_cnt_"+blk.getLabel(); } else { cnt = "_cnt" + blk.ID; } println("int "+cnt+"=0;"); if ( blk.getLabel() != null ) { label = blk.getLabel(); } else { label = "_loop" + blk.ID; } println("for (;;)"); println("{"); tabs++; // generate the init action for ()+ ()* inside the loop // this allows us to do usefull EOF checking... genBlockInitAction(blk); // Tell AST generation to build subrule result String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult; if (blk.getLabel() != null) { currentASTResult = blk.getLabel(); } boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk); // generate exit test if greedy set to false // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch // or when lookahead derived purely from end-of-file // Lookahead analysis stops when end-of-file is hit, // returning set {epsilon}. Since {epsilon} is not // ambig with any real tokens, no error is reported // by deterministic() routines and we have to check // for the case where the lookahead depth didn't get // set to NONDETERMINISTIC (this only happens when the // FOLLOW contains real atoms + epsilon). boolean generateNonGreedyExitPath = false; int nonGreedyExitDepth = grammar.maxk; if ( !blk.greedy && blk.exitLookaheadDepth<=grammar.maxk && blk.exitCache[blk.exitLookaheadDepth].containsEpsilon() ) { generateNonGreedyExitPath = true; nonGreedyExitDepth = blk.exitLookaheadDepth; } else if ( !blk.greedy && blk.exitLookaheadDepth==LLkGrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC ) { generateNonGreedyExitPath = true; } // generate exit test if greedy set to false // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch if ( generateNonGreedyExitPath ) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) { System.out.println("nongreedy (...)+ loop; exit depth is "+ blk.exitLookaheadDepth); } String predictExit = getLookaheadTestExpression(blk.exitCache, nonGreedyExitDepth); println("// nongreedy exit test"); println("if (("+cnt+" >= 1) && "+predictExit+") goto "+label+"_breakloop;"); } CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, false); genBlockFinish( howToFinish, "if ("+cnt+" >= 1) { goto "+label+"_breakloop; } else { " + throwNoViable + "; }" ); println(cnt+"++;"); tabs--; println("}"); _print(label + "_breakloop:"); println(";"); println("} // ( ... )+"); // Restore previous AST generation currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult; } /** Generate the parser CSharp file */ public void gen(ParserGrammar g) throws IOException { // if debugging, set up a new vector to keep track of sempred // strings for this grammar if (g.debuggingOutput) semPreds = new Vector(); setGrammar(g); if (!(grammar instanceof ParserGrammar)) { antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating parser"); } genBody(g); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The rule-reference to generate */ public void gen(RuleRefElement rr) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genRR("+rr+")"); RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(rr.targetRule); if (rs == null || !rs.isDefined()) { // Is this redundant??? antlrTool.error("Rule '" + rr.targetRule + "' is not defined", grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); return; } if (!(rs instanceof RuleSymbol)) { // Is this redundant??? antlrTool.error("'" + rr.targetRule + "' does not name a grammar rule", grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); return; } genErrorTryForElement(rr); // AST value for labeled rule refs in tree walker. // This is not AST construction; it is just the input tree node value. if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar && rr.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0 ) { println(rr.getLabel() + " = _t==ASTNULL ? null : "+lt1Value+";"); } // if in lexer and ! on rule ref or alt or rule, save buffer index to kill later if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText || rr.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("_saveIndex = text.Length;"); } // Process return value assignment if any printTabs(); if (rr.idAssign != null) { // Warn if the rule has no return type if (rs.block.returnAction == null) { antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule + "' has no return type", grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); } _print(rr.idAssign + "="); } else { // Warn about return value if any, but not inside syntactic predicate if ( !(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) && syntacticPredLevel == 0 && rs.block.returnAction != null) { antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule + "' returns a value", grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); } } // Call the rule GenRuleInvocation(rr); // if in lexer and ! on element or alt or rule, save buffer index to kill later if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText||rr.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) ) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("text.Length = _saveIndex;"); } // if not in a syntactic predicate if (syntacticPredLevel == 0) { boolean doNoGuessTest = ( grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate && ( grammar.buildAST && rr.getLabel() != null || (genAST && rr.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE) ) ); if (doNoGuessTest) { println("if (0 == inputState.guessing)"); println("{"); tabs++; } if (grammar.buildAST && rr.getLabel() != null) { // always gen variable for rule return on labeled rules println(rr.getLabel() + "_AST = ("+labeledElementASTType+")returnAST;"); } if (genAST) { switch (rr.getAutoGenType()) { case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE: if( usingCustomAST ) println("astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, (AST)returnAST);"); else println("astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);"); break; case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET: antlrTool.error("Internal: encountered ^ after rule reference"); break; default: break; } } // if a lexer and labeled, Token label defined at rule level, just set it here if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && rr.getLabel() != null ) { println(rr.getLabel()+" = returnToken_;"); } if (doNoGuessTest) { tabs--; println("}"); } } genErrorCatchForElement(rr); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The string-literal reference to generate */ public void gen(StringLiteralElement atom) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genString("+atom+")"); // Variable declarations for labeled elements if (atom.getLabel()!=null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } // AST genElementAST(atom); // is there a bang on the literal? boolean oldsaveText = saveText; saveText = saveText && atom.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE; // matching genMatch(atom); saveText = oldsaveText; // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); } } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The token-range reference to generate */ public void gen(TokenRangeElement r) { genErrorTryForElement(r); if ( r.getLabel()!=null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(r.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } // AST genElementAST(r); // match println("matchRange("+OctalToUnicode(r.beginText)+","+OctalToUnicode(r.endText)+");"); genErrorCatchForElement(r); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The token-reference to generate */ public void gen(TokenRefElement atom) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genTokenRef("+atom+")"); if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { antlrTool.panic("Token reference found in lexer"); } genErrorTryForElement(atom); // Assign Token value to token label variable if ( atom.getLabel()!=null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } // AST genElementAST(atom); // matching genMatch(atom); genErrorCatchForElement(atom); // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); } } public void gen(TreeElement t) { // save AST cursor println("AST __t" + t.ID + " = _t;"); // If there is a label on the root, then assign that to the variable if (t.root.getLabel() != null) { println(t.root.getLabel() + " = (ASTNULL == _t) ? null : ("+labeledElementASTType +")_t;"); } // check for invalid modifiers ! and ^ on tree element roots if ( t.root.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG ) { antlrTool.error("Suffixing a root node with '!' is not implemented", grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine(), t.getColumn()); t.root.setAutoGenType(GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE); } if ( t.root.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET ) { antlrTool.warning("Suffixing a root node with '^' is redundant; already a root", grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine(), t.getColumn()); t.root.setAutoGenType(GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE); } // Generate AST variables genElementAST(t.root); if (grammar.buildAST) { // Save the AST construction state println("ASTPair __currentAST" + t.ID + " = currentAST.copy();"); // Make the next item added a child of the TreeElement root println("currentAST.root = currentAST.child;"); println("currentAST.child = null;"); } // match root if ( t.root instanceof WildcardElement ) { println("if (null == _t) throw new MismatchedTokenException();"); } else { genMatch(t.root); } // move to list of children println("_t = _t.getFirstChild();"); // walk list of children, generating code for each for (int i=0; i<t.getAlternatives().size(); i++) { Alternative a = t.getAlternativeAt(i); AlternativeElement e = a.head; while ( e != null ) { e.generate(); e =; } } if (grammar.buildAST) { // restore the AST construction state to that just after the // tree root was added println("currentAST = __currentAST" + t.ID + ";"); } // restore AST cursor println("_t = __t" + t.ID + ";"); // move cursor to sibling of tree just parsed println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); } /** Generate the tree-parser CSharp file */ public void gen(TreeWalkerGrammar g) throws IOException { // SAS: debugging stuff removed for now... setGrammar(g); if (!(grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar)) { antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating tree-walker"); } genBody(g); } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param wc The wildcard element to generate */ public void gen(WildcardElement wc) { // Variable assignment for labeled elements if (wc.getLabel()!=null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(wc.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } // AST genElementAST(wc); // Match anything but EOF if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { println("if (null == _t) throw new MismatchedTokenException();"); } else if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) { if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText||wc.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) ) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("_saveIndex = text.Length;"); } println("matchNot(EOF/*_CHAR*/);"); if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText||wc.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) ) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("text.Length = _saveIndex;"); // kill text atom put in buffer } } else { println("matchNot(" + getValueString(Token.EOF_TYPE) + ");"); } // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); } } /** Generate code for the given grammar element. * @param blk The (...)* block to generate */ public void gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("gen*("+blk+")"); println("{ // ( ... )*"); tabs++; genBlockPreamble(blk); String label; if ( blk.getLabel() != null ) { label = blk.getLabel(); } else { label = "_loop" + blk.ID; } println("for (;;)"); println("{"); tabs++; // generate the init action for ()+ ()* inside the loop // this allows us to do usefull EOF checking... genBlockInitAction(blk); // Tell AST generation to build subrule result String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult; if (blk.getLabel() != null) { currentASTResult = blk.getLabel(); } boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk); // generate exit test if greedy set to false // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch // or when lookahead derived purely from end-of-file // Lookahead analysis stops when end-of-file is hit, // returning set {epsilon}. Since {epsilon} is not // ambig with any real tokens, no error is reported // by deterministic() routines and we have to check // for the case where the lookahead depth didn't get // set to NONDETERMINISTIC (this only happens when the // FOLLOW contains real atoms + epsilon). boolean generateNonGreedyExitPath = false; int nonGreedyExitDepth = grammar.maxk; if ( !blk.greedy && blk.exitLookaheadDepth<=grammar.maxk && blk.exitCache[blk.exitLookaheadDepth].containsEpsilon() ) { generateNonGreedyExitPath = true; nonGreedyExitDepth = blk.exitLookaheadDepth; } else if ( !blk.greedy && blk.exitLookaheadDepth==LLkGrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC ) { generateNonGreedyExitPath = true; } if ( generateNonGreedyExitPath ) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) { System.out.println("nongreedy (...)* loop; exit depth is "+ blk.exitLookaheadDepth); } String predictExit = getLookaheadTestExpression(blk.exitCache, nonGreedyExitDepth); println("// nongreedy exit test"); println("if ("+predictExit+") goto "+label+"_breakloop;"); } CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, false); genBlockFinish(howToFinish, "goto " + label + "_breakloop;"); tabs--; println("}"); _print(label+"_breakloop:"); println(";"); tabs--; println("} // ( ... )*"); // Restore previous AST generation currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult; } /** Generate an alternative. * @param alt The alternative to generate * @param blk The block to which the alternative belongs */ protected void genAlt(Alternative alt, AlternativeBlock blk) { // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the alt boolean savegenAST = genAST; genAST = genAST && alt.getAutoGen(); boolean oldsaveTest = saveText; saveText = saveText && alt.getAutoGen(); // Reset the variable name map for the alternative Hashtable saveMap = treeVariableMap; treeVariableMap = new Hashtable(); // Generate try block around the alt for error handling if (alt.exceptionSpec != null) { println("try // for error handling"); println("{"); tabs++; } AlternativeElement elem = alt.head; while ( !(elem instanceof BlockEndElement) ) { elem.generate(); // alt can begin with anything. Ask target to gen. elem =; } if ( genAST) { if (blk instanceof RuleBlock) { // Set the AST return value for the rule RuleBlock rblk = (RuleBlock)blk; if( usingCustomAST ) { println(rblk.getRuleName() + "_AST = ("+labeledElementASTType+")currentAST.root;"); } else { println(rblk.getRuleName() + "_AST = currentAST.root;"); } } else if (blk.getLabel() != null) { // ### future: also set AST value for labeled subrules. // println(blk.getLabel() + "_AST = ("+labeledElementASTType+")currentAST.root;"); antlrTool.warning("Labeled subrules not yet supported", grammar.getFilename(), blk.getLine(), blk.getColumn()); } } if (alt.exceptionSpec != null) { // close try block tabs--; println("}"); genErrorHandler(alt.exceptionSpec); } genAST = savegenAST; saveText = oldsaveTest; treeVariableMap = saveMap; } /** Generate all the bitsets to be used in the parser or lexer * Generate the raw bitset data like "long _tokenSet1_data[] = {...};" * and the BitSet object declarations like "BitSet _tokenSet1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet1_data);" * Note that most languages do not support object initialization inside a * class definition, so other code-generators may have to separate the * bitset declarations from the initializations (e.g., put the initializations * in the generated constructor instead). * @param bitsetList The list of bitsets to generate. * @param maxVocabulary Ensure that each generated bitset can contain at least this value. */ protected void genBitsets( Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary ) { println(""); for (int i = 0; i < bitsetList.size(); i++) { BitSet p = (BitSet)bitsetList.elementAt(i); // Ensure that generated BitSet is large enough for vocabulary p.growToInclude(maxVocabulary); genBitSet(p, i); } } /** Do something simple like: * private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_0() { * long[] data = { -2305839160922996736L, 63L, 16777216L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; * return data; * } * public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0()); * * Or, for large bitsets, optimize init so ranges are collapsed into loops. * This is most useful for lexers using unicode. */ private void genBitSet(BitSet p, int id) { // initialization data println("private static long[] mk_" + getBitsetName(id) + "()"); println("{"); tabs++; int n = p.lengthInLongWords(); if ( n<BITSET_OPTIMIZE_INIT_THRESHOLD ) { println("long[] data = { " + p.toStringOfWords() + "};"); } else { // will init manually, allocate space then set values println("long[] data = new long["+n+"];"); long[] elems = p.toPackedArray(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.length;) { if ( (i+1)==elems.length || elems[i]!=elems[i+1] ) { // last number or no run of numbers, just dump assignment println("data["+i+"]="+elems[i]+"L;"); i++; } else { // scan to find end of run int j; for (j = i + 1; j < elems.length && elems[j]==elems[i]; j++) { ; } // j-1 is last member of run println("for (int i = "+i+"; i<="+(j-1)+"; i++) { data[i]="+ elems[i]+"L; }"); i = j; } } } println("return data;"); tabs--; println("}"); // BitSet object println("public static readonly BitSet " + getBitsetName(id) + " = new BitSet(" + "mk_" + getBitsetName(id) + "()" + ");"); } /** Given the index of a bitset in the bitset list, generate a unique name. * Specific code-generators may want to override this * if the language does not allow '_' or numerals in identifiers. * @param index The index of the bitset in the bitset list. */ protected String getBitsetName(int index) { return "tokenSet_" + index + "_"; } /** Generate the finish of a block, using a combination of the info * returned from genCommonBlock() and the action to perform when * no alts were taken * @param howToFinish The return of genCommonBlock() * @param noViableAction What to generate when no alt is taken */ private void genBlockFinish(CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish, String noViableAction) { if (howToFinish.needAnErrorClause && (howToFinish.generatedAnIf || howToFinish.generatedSwitch)) { if ( howToFinish.generatedAnIf ) { println("else"); println("{"); } else { println("{"); } tabs++; println(noViableAction); tabs--; println("}"); } if ( howToFinish.postscript!=null ) { if (howToFinish.needAnErrorClause && howToFinish.generatedSwitch && !howToFinish.generatedAnIf && noViableAction != null) { // Check to make sure that noViableAction is only a throw statement if (noViableAction.indexOf("throw") == 0 || noViableAction.indexOf("goto") == 0) { // Remove the break statement since it isn't reachable with a throw exception int endOfBreak = howToFinish.postscript.indexOf("break;") + 6; String newPostScript = howToFinish.postscript.substring(endOfBreak); println(newPostScript); } else { println(howToFinish.postscript); } } else { println(howToFinish.postscript); } } } /** Generate the init action for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a * plain AlternativeBLock. * @blk The block for which the preamble is to be generated. */ protected void genBlockInitAction(AlternativeBlock blk) { // dump out init action if (blk.initAction != null) { printAction(processActionForSpecialSymbols(blk.initAction, blk.getLine(), currentRule, null)); } } /** Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a * plain AlternativeBLock. This generates any variable declarations * and syntactic-predicate-testing variables. * @blk The block for which the preamble is to be generated. */ protected void genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk) { // define labels for rule blocks. if ( blk instanceof RuleBlock ) { RuleBlock rblk = (RuleBlock)blk; if ( rblk.labeledElements!=null ) { for (int i=0; i<rblk.labeledElements.size(); i++) { AlternativeElement a = (AlternativeElement)rblk.labeledElements.elementAt(i); //System.out.println("looking at labeled element: "+a); //Variables for labeled rule refs and //subrules are different than variables for //grammar atoms. This test is a little tricky //because we want to get all rule refs and ebnf, //but not rule blocks or syntactic predicates if ( a instanceof RuleRefElement || a instanceof AlternativeBlock && !(a instanceof RuleBlock) && !(a instanceof SynPredBlock) ) { if ( !(a instanceof RuleRefElement) && ((AlternativeBlock)a).not && analyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(((AlternativeBlock)a), grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) ) { // Special case for inverted subrules that // will be inlined. Treat these like // token or char literal references println(labeledElementType + " " + a.getLabel() + " = " + labeledElementInit + ";"); if (grammar.buildAST) { genASTDeclaration(a); } } else { if (grammar.buildAST) { // Always gen AST variables for // labeled elements, even if the // element itself is marked with ! genASTDeclaration(a); } if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { println("Token "+a.getLabel()+" = null;"); } if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { // always generate rule-ref variables // for tree walker println(labeledElementType + " " + a.getLabel() + " = " + labeledElementInit + ";"); } } } else { // It is a token or literal reference. Generate the // correct variable type for this grammar println(labeledElementType + " " + a.getLabel() + " = " + labeledElementInit + ";"); // In addition, generate *_AST variables if building ASTs if (grammar.buildAST) { //println(labeledElementASTType+" " + a.getLabel() + "_AST = null;"); if (a instanceof GrammarAtom && ((GrammarAtom)a).getASTNodeType()!=null ) { GrammarAtom ga = (GrammarAtom)a; genASTDeclaration(a, ga.getASTNodeType()); } else { genASTDeclaration(a); } } } } } } } public void genBody(LexerGrammar g) throws IOException { // SAS: moved output creation to method so a subclass can change // how the output is generated (for VAJ interface) setupOutput(grammar.getClassName()); genAST = false; // no way to gen trees. saveText = true; // save consumed characters. tabs=0; // Generate header common to all CSharp output files genHeader(); // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0 println(behavior.getHeaderAction("")); // Generate the CSharp namespace declaration (if specified) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput); tabs++; // Generate header specific to lexer CSharp file // println("import;"); println("// Generate header specific to lexer CSharp file"); println("using System;"); println("using Stream = System.IO.Stream;"); println("using TextReader = System.IO.TextReader;"); println("using Hashtable = System.Collections.Hashtable;"); println(""); println("using TokenStreamException = antlr.TokenStreamException;"); println("using TokenStreamIOException = antlr.TokenStreamIOException;"); println("using TokenStreamRecognitionException = antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;"); println("using CharStreamException = antlr.CharStreamException;"); println("using CharStreamIOException = antlr.CharStreamIOException;"); println("using ANTLRException = antlr.ANTLRException;"); println("using CharScanner = antlr.CharScanner;"); println("using InputBuffer = antlr.InputBuffer;"); println("using ByteBuffer = antlr.ByteBuffer;"); println("using CharBuffer = antlr.CharBuffer;"); println("using Token = antlr.Token;"); println("using CommonToken = antlr.CommonToken;"); println("using RecognitionException = antlr.RecognitionException;"); println("using NoViableAltForCharException = antlr.NoViableAltForCharException;"); println("using MismatchedCharException = antlr.MismatchedCharException;"); println("using TokenStream = antlr.TokenStream;"); println("using LexerSharedInputState = antlr.LexerSharedInputState;"); println("using BitSet = antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;"); // Generate user-defined lexer file preamble println(grammar.preambleAction.getText()); // Generate lexer class definition String sup=null; if ( grammar.superClass!=null ) { sup = grammar.superClass; } else { sup = "antlr." + grammar.getSuperClass(); } // print javadoc comment if any if ( grammar.comment!=null ) { _println(grammar.comment); } Token tprefix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderPrefix"); if (tprefix == null) { print("public "); } else { String p = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tprefix.getText(), "\"", "\""); if (p == null) { print("public "); } else { print(p+" "); } } print("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : "+sup); println(", TokenStream"); Token tsuffix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderSuffix"); if ( tsuffix != null ) { String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix.getText(),"\"","\""); if ( suffix != null ) { print(", "+suffix); // must be an interface name for CSharp } } println(" {"); tabs++; // Generate 'const' definitions for Token IDs genTokenDefinitions(grammar.tokenManager); // Generate user-defined lexer class members print( processActionForSpecialSymbols(grammar.classMemberAction.getText(), grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule, null) ); // // Generate the constructor from InputStream, which in turn // calls the ByteBuffer constructor // println("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "(Stream ins) : this(new ByteBuffer(ins))"); println("{"); println("}"); println(""); // // Generate the constructor from Reader, which in turn // calls the CharBuffer constructor // println("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "(TextReader r) : this(new CharBuffer(r))"); println("{"); println("}"); println(""); print("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "(InputBuffer ib)"); // if debugging, wrap the input buffer in a debugger if (grammar.debuggingOutput) println(" : this(new LexerSharedInputState(new antlr.debug.DebuggingInputBuffer(ib)))"); else println(" : this(new LexerSharedInputState(ib))"); println("{"); println("}"); println(""); // // Generate the constructor from InputBuffer (char or byte) // println("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "(LexerSharedInputState state) : base(state)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("initialize();"); tabs--; println("}"); // Generate the initialize function println("private void initialize()"); println("{"); tabs++; // if debugging, set up array variables and call user-overridable // debugging setup method if ( grammar.debuggingOutput ) { println("ruleNames = _ruleNames;"); println("semPredNames = _semPredNames;"); println("setupDebugging();"); } // Generate the setting of various generated options. // These need to be before the literals since ANTLRHashString depends on // the casesensitive stuff. println("caseSensitiveLiterals = " + g.caseSensitiveLiterals + ";"); println("setCaseSensitive(" + g.caseSensitive + ");"); // Generate the initialization of a hashtable // containing the string literals used in the lexer // The literals variable itself is in CharScanner if (g.caseSensitiveLiterals) println("literals = new Hashtable();"); else println("literals = new Hashtable(new System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), null);"); Enumeration keys = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbolKeys(); while ( keys.hasMoreElements() ) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); if ( key.charAt(0) != '"' ) { continue; } TokenSymbol sym = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(key); if ( sym instanceof StringLiteralSymbol ) { StringLiteralSymbol s = (StringLiteralSymbol)sym; println("literals.Add(" + s.getId() + ", " + s.getTokenType() + ");"); } } Enumeration ids; tabs--; println("}"); // generate the rule name array for debugging if (grammar.debuggingOutput) { println("private const string[] _ruleNames = {"); ids = grammar.rules.elements(); int ruleNum=0; while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) { GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement(); if ( sym instanceof RuleSymbol) println(" \""+((RuleSymbol)sym).getId()+"\","); } println("};"); } // Generate nextToken() rule. // nextToken() is a synthetic lexer rule that is the implicit OR of all // user-defined lexer rules. genNextToken(); // Generate code for each rule in the lexer ids = grammar.rules.elements(); int ruleNum=0; while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) { RuleSymbol sym = (RuleSymbol) ids.nextElement(); // Don't generate the synthetic rules if (!sym.getId().equals("mnextToken")) { genRule(sym, false, ruleNum++, grammar.tokenManager); } exitIfError(); } // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging if (grammar.debuggingOutput) genSemPredMap(); // Generate the bitsets used throughout the lexer genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, ((LexerGrammar)grammar).charVocabulary.size()); println(""); tabs--; println("}"); tabs--; // Generate the CSharp namespace closures (if required) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput); // Close the lexer output stream currentOutput.close(); currentOutput = null; } public void genInitFactory( Grammar g ) { if( g.buildAST ) { // Generate the method to initialize an ASTFactory when we're // building AST's println("static public void initializeASTFactory( ASTFactory factory )"); println("{"); tabs++; println("factory.setMaxNodeType("+g.tokenManager.maxTokenType()+");"); // Walk the token vocabulary and generate code to register every TokenID->ASTNodeType // mapping specified in the tokens {...} section with the ASTFactory. Vector v = g.tokenManager.getVocabulary(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String s = (String)v.elementAt(i); if (s != null) { TokenSymbol ts = g.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(s); if (ts != null && ts.getASTNodeType() != null) { println("factory.setTokenTypeASTNodeType(" + s + ", \"" + ts.getASTNodeType() + "\");"); } } } tabs--; println("}"); } } public void genBody(ParserGrammar g) throws IOException { // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput // SAS: moved file setup so subclass could do it (for VAJ interface) setupOutput(grammar.getClassName()); genAST = grammar.buildAST; tabs = 0; // Generate the header common to all output files. genHeader(); // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0 println(behavior.getHeaderAction("")); // Generate the CSharp namespace declaration (if specified) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput); tabs++; // Generate header for the parser println("// Generate the header common to all output files."); println("using System;"); println(""); println("using TokenBuffer = antlr.TokenBuffer;"); println("using TokenStreamException = antlr.TokenStreamException;"); println("using TokenStreamIOException = antlr.TokenStreamIOException;"); println("using ANTLRException = antlr.ANTLRException;"); println("using " + grammar.getSuperClass() + " = antlr." + grammar.getSuperClass() + ";"); println("using Token = antlr.Token;"); println("using TokenStream = antlr.TokenStream;"); println("using RecognitionException = antlr.RecognitionException;"); println("using NoViableAltException = antlr.NoViableAltException;"); println("using MismatchedTokenException = antlr.MismatchedTokenException;"); println("using SemanticException = antlr.SemanticException;"); println("using ParserSharedInputState = antlr.ParserSharedInputState;"); println("using BitSet = antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;"); if ( genAST ) { println("using AST = antlr.collections.AST;"); println("using ASTPair = antlr.ASTPair;"); println("using ASTFactory = antlr.ASTFactory;"); println("using ASTArray = antlr.collections.impl.ASTArray;"); } // Output the user-defined parser preamble println(grammar.preambleAction.getText()); // Generate parser class definition String sup=null; if ( grammar.superClass != null ) sup = grammar.superClass; else sup = "antlr." + grammar.getSuperClass(); // print javadoc comment if any if ( grammar.comment!=null ) { _println(grammar.comment); } Token tprefix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderPrefix"); if (tprefix == null) { print("public "); } else { String p = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tprefix.getText(), "\"", "\""); if (p == null) { print("public "); } else { print(p+" "); } } println("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : "+sup); Token tsuffix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderSuffix"); if ( tsuffix != null ) { String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix.getText(),"\"","\""); if ( suffix != null ) print(" , "+suffix); // must be an interface name for CSharp } println("{"); tabs++; // Generate 'const' definitions for Token IDs genTokenDefinitions(grammar.tokenManager); // set up an array of all the rule names so the debugger can // keep track of them only by number -- less to store in tree... if (grammar.debuggingOutput) { println("private const string[] _ruleNames = {"); tabs++; Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements(); int ruleNum=0; while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) { GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement(); if ( sym instanceof RuleSymbol) println(" \""+((RuleSymbol)sym).getId()+"\","); } tabs--; println("};"); } // Generate user-defined parser class members print( processActionForSpecialSymbols(grammar.classMemberAction.getText(), grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule, null) ); // Generate parser class constructor from TokenBuffer println(""); println("protected void initialize()"); println("{"); tabs++; println("tokenNames = tokenNames_;"); if( grammar.buildAST ) println("initializeFactory();"); // if debugging, set up arrays and call the user-overridable // debugging setup method if ( grammar.debuggingOutput ) { println("ruleNames = _ruleNames;"); println("semPredNames = _semPredNames;"); println("setupDebugging(tokenBuf);"); } tabs--; println("}"); println(""); println(""); println("protected " + grammar.getClassName() + "(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k) : base(tokenBuf, k)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("initialize();"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); println("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "(TokenBuffer tokenBuf) : this(tokenBuf," + grammar.maxk + ")"); println("{"); println("}"); println(""); // Generate parser class constructor from TokenStream println("protected " + grammar.getClassName()+"(TokenStream lexer, int k) : base(lexer,k)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("initialize();"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); println("public " + grammar.getClassName()+"(TokenStream lexer) : this(lexer," + grammar.maxk + ")"); println("{"); println("}"); println(""); println("public " + grammar.getClassName()+"(ParserSharedInputState state) : base(state," + grammar.maxk + ")"); println("{"); tabs++; println("initialize();"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); astTypes = new java.util.Vector(100); // Generate code for each rule in the grammar Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements(); int ruleNum=0; while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) { GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement(); if ( sym instanceof RuleSymbol) { RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)sym; genRule(rs, rs.references.size()==0, ruleNum++, grammar.tokenManager); } exitIfError(); } if ( usingCustomAST ) { // when we are using a custom AST, overload Parser.getAST() to return the // custom AST type println("public new " + labeledElementASTType + " getAST()"); println("{"); tabs++; println("return (" + labeledElementASTType + ") returnAST;"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); } // Generate the method that initializes the ASTFactory when we're // building AST's println("private void initializeFactory()"); println("{"); tabs++; if( grammar.buildAST ) { println("if (astFactory == null)"); println("{"); tabs++; if( usingCustomAST ) { println("astFactory = new ASTFactory(\"" + labeledElementASTType + "\");"); } else println("astFactory = new ASTFactory();"); tabs--; println("}"); println("initializeASTFactory( astFactory );"); } tabs--; println("}"); genInitFactory( g ); // Generate the token names genTokenStrings(); // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager.maxTokenType()); // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging if (grammar.debuggingOutput) genSemPredMap(); // Close class definition println(""); tabs--; println("}"); tabs--; // Generate the CSharp namespace closures (if required) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput); // Close the parser output stream currentOutput.close(); currentOutput = null; } public void genBody(TreeWalkerGrammar g) throws IOException { // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput // SAS: move file open to method so subclass can override it // (mainly for VAJ interface) setupOutput(grammar.getClassName()); genAST = grammar.buildAST; tabs = 0; // Generate the header common to all output files. genHeader(); // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0 println(behavior.getHeaderAction("")); // Generate the CSharp namespace declaration (if specified) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput); tabs++; // Generate header specific to the tree-parser CSharp file println("// Generate header specific to the tree-parser CSharp file"); println("using System;"); println(""); println("using " + grammar.getSuperClass() + " = antlr." + grammar.getSuperClass() + ";"); println("using Token = antlr.Token;"); println("using AST = antlr.collections.AST;"); println("using RecognitionException = antlr.RecognitionException;"); println("using ANTLRException = antlr.ANTLRException;"); println("using NoViableAltException = antlr.NoViableAltException;"); println("using MismatchedTokenException = antlr.MismatchedTokenException;"); println("using SemanticException = antlr.SemanticException;"); println("using BitSet = antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;"); println("using ASTPair = antlr.ASTPair;"); println("using ASTFactory = antlr.ASTFactory;"); println("using ASTArray = antlr.collections.impl.ASTArray;"); // Output the user-defined parser premamble println(grammar.preambleAction.getText()); // Generate parser class definition String sup=null; if ( grammar.superClass!=null ) { sup = grammar.superClass; } else { sup = "antlr." + grammar.getSuperClass(); } println(""); // print javadoc comment if any if ( grammar.comment!=null ) { _println(grammar.comment); } Token tprefix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderPrefix"); if (tprefix == null) { print("public "); } else { String p = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tprefix.getText(), "\"", "\""); if (p == null) { print("public "); } else { print(p+" "); } } println("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : "+sup); Token tsuffix = (Token)grammar.options.get("classHeaderSuffix"); if ( tsuffix != null ) { String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix.getText(),"\"","\""); if ( suffix != null ) { print(" , "+suffix); // must be an interface name for CSharp } } println("{"); tabs++; // Generate 'const' definitions for Token IDs genTokenDefinitions(grammar.tokenManager); // Generate user-defined parser class members print( processActionForSpecialSymbols(grammar.classMemberAction.getText(), grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule, null) ); // Generate default parser class constructor println("public " + grammar.getClassName() + "()"); println("{"); tabs++; println("tokenNames = tokenNames_;"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); astTypes = new java.util.Vector(); // Generate code for each rule in the grammar Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements(); int ruleNum=0; String ruleNameInits = ""; while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) { GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement(); if ( sym instanceof RuleSymbol) { RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)sym; genRule(rs, rs.references.size()==0, ruleNum++, grammar.tokenManager); } exitIfError(); } if ( usingCustomAST ) { // when we are using a custom ast override Parser.getAST to return the // custom AST type println("public new " + labeledElementASTType + " getAST()"); println("{"); tabs++; println("return (" + labeledElementASTType + ") returnAST;"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); } // Generate the ASTFactory initialization function genInitFactory( grammar ); // Generate the token names genTokenStrings(); // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager.maxTokenType()); // Close class definition tabs--; println("}"); println(""); tabs--; // Generate the CSharp namespace closures (if required) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput); // Close the parser output stream currentOutput.close(); currentOutput = null; } /** Generate a series of case statements that implement a BitSet test. * @param p The Bitset for which cases are to be generated */ protected void genCases(BitSet p) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genCases("+p+")"); int[] elems; elems = p.toArray(); // Wrap cases four-per-line for lexer, one-per-line for parser int wrap = (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) ? 4 : 1; int j=1; boolean startOfLine = true; for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (j==1) { print(""); } else { _print(" "); } _print("case " + getValueString(elems[i]) + ":"); if (j==wrap) { _println(""); startOfLine = true; j=1; } else { j++; startOfLine = false; } } if (!startOfLine) { _println(""); } } /**Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a * postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the * block. Other routines may append else-clauses and such for * error checking before the postfix is generated. If the * grammar is a lexer, then generate alternatives in an order * where alternatives requiring deeper lookahead are generated * first, and EOF in the lookahead set reduces the depth of * the lookahead. @param blk The block to generate @param * noTestForSingle If true, then it does not generate a test * for a single alternative. */ public CSharpBlockFinishingInfo genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle) { int nIF=0; boolean createdLL1Switch = false; int closingBracesOfIFSequence = 0; CSharpBlockFinishingInfo finishingInfo = new CSharpBlockFinishingInfo(); if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genCommonBlock("+blk+")"); // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the block boolean savegenAST = genAST; genAST = genAST && blk.getAutoGen(); boolean oldsaveTest = saveText; saveText = saveText && blk.getAutoGen(); // Is this block inverted? If so, generate special-case code if ( blk.not && analyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(blk, grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) ) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("special case: ~(subrule)"); Lookahead p = analyzer.look(1, blk); // Variable assignment for labeled elements if (blk.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { println(blk.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";"); } // AST genElementAST(blk); String astArgs=""; if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { if ( usingCustomAST ) astArgs = "(AST)_t,"; else astArgs = "_t,"; } // match the bitset for the alternative println("match(" + astArgs + getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(p.fset)) + ");"); // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); } return finishingInfo; } // Special handling for single alt if (blk.getAlternatives().size() == 1) { Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(0); // Generate a warning if there is a synPred for single alt. if (alt.synPred != null) { antlrTool.warning( "Syntactic predicate superfluous for single alternative", grammar.getFilename(), blk.getAlternativeAt(0).synPred.getLine(), blk.getAlternativeAt(0).synPred.getColumn() ); } if (noTestForSingle) { if (alt.semPred != null) { // Generate validating predicate genSemPred(alt.semPred, blk.line); } genAlt(alt, blk); return finishingInfo; } } // count number of simple LL(1) cases; only do switch for // many LL(1) cases (no preds, no end of token refs) // We don't care about exit paths for (...)*, (...)+ // because we don't explicitly have a test for them // as an alt in the loop. // // Also, we now count how many unicode lookahead sets // there are--they must be moved to DEFAULT or ELSE // clause. int nLL1 = 0; for (int i=0; i<blk.getAlternatives().size(); i++) { Alternative a = blk.getAlternativeAt(i); if ( suitableForCaseExpression(a) ) { nLL1++; } } // do LL(1) cases if ( nLL1 >= makeSwitchThreshold) { // Determine the name of the item to be compared String testExpr = lookaheadString(1); createdLL1Switch = true; // when parsing trees, convert null to valid tree node with NULL lookahead if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("if (null == _t)"); tabs++; println("_t = ASTNULL;"); tabs--; } println("switch ( " + testExpr+" )"); println("{"); //tabs++; for (int i=0; i<blk.alternatives.size(); i++) { Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(i); // ignore any non-LL(1) alts, predicated alts, // or end-of-token alts for case expressions if ( !suitableForCaseExpression(alt) ) { continue; } Lookahead p = alt.cache[1]; if ( == 0 && !p.containsEpsilon()) { antlrTool.warning("Alternate omitted due to empty prediction set", grammar.getFilename(), alt.head.getLine(), alt.head.getColumn()); } else { genCases(p.fset); println("{"); tabs++; genAlt(alt, blk); println("break;"); tabs--; println("}"); } } println("default:"); tabs++; } // do non-LL(1) and nondeterministic cases This is tricky in // the lexer, because of cases like: STAR : '*' ; ASSIGN_STAR // : "*="; Since nextToken is generated without a loop, then // the STAR will have end-of-token as it's lookahead set for // LA(2). So, we must generate the alternatives containing // trailing end-of-token in their lookahead sets *after* the // alternatives without end-of-token. This implements the // usual lexer convention that longer matches come before // shorter ones, e.g. "*=" matches ASSIGN_STAR not STAR // // For non-lexer grammars, this does not sort the alternates // by depth Note that alts whose lookahead is purely // end-of-token at k=1 end up as default or else clauses. int startDepth = (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) ? grammar.maxk : 0; for (int altDepth = startDepth; altDepth >= 0; altDepth--) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("checking depth "+altDepth); for (int i=0; i<blk.alternatives.size(); i++) { Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(i); if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genAlt: "+i); // if we made a switch above, ignore what we already took care // of. Specifically, LL(1) alts with no preds // that do not have end-of-token in their prediction set // and that are not giant unicode sets. if ( createdLL1Switch && suitableForCaseExpression(alt) ) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("ignoring alt because it was in the switch"); continue; } String e; boolean unpredicted = false; if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) { // Calculate the "effective depth" of the alt, // which is the max depth at which // cache[depth]!=end-of-token int effectiveDepth = alt.lookaheadDepth; if (effectiveDepth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) { // use maximum lookahead effectiveDepth = grammar.maxk; } while ( effectiveDepth >= 1 && alt.cache[effectiveDepth].containsEpsilon() ) { effectiveDepth--; } // Ignore alts whose effective depth is other than // the ones we are generating for this iteration. if (effectiveDepth != altDepth) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("ignoring alt because effectiveDepth!=altDepth;"+effectiveDepth+"!="+altDepth); continue; } unpredicted = lookaheadIsEmpty(alt, effectiveDepth); e = getLookaheadTestExpression(alt, effectiveDepth); } else { unpredicted = lookaheadIsEmpty(alt, grammar.maxk); e = getLookaheadTestExpression(alt, grammar.maxk); } // Was it a big unicode range that forced unsuitability // for a case expression? if (alt.cache[1] > caseSizeThreshold && suitableForCaseExpression(alt)) { if ( nIF==0 ) { println("if " + e); println("{"); } else { println("else if " + e); println("{"); } } else if (unpredicted && alt.semPred==null && alt.synPred==null) { // The alt has empty prediction set and no // predicate to help out. if we have not // generated a previous if, just put {...} around // the end-of-token clause if ( nIF==0 ) { println("{"); } else { println("else {"); } finishingInfo.needAnErrorClause = false; } else { // check for sem and syn preds // Add any semantic predicate expression to the lookahead test if ( alt.semPred != null ) { // if debugging, wrap the evaluation of the predicate in a method // // translate $ and # references ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo(); String actionStr = processActionForSpecialSymbols(alt.semPred, blk.line, currentRule, tInfo); // ignore translation info...we don't need to // do anything with it. call that will inform // SemanticPredicateListeners of the result if (((grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) && grammar.debuggingOutput) { e = "("+e+"&& fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(antlr.debug.SemanticPredicateEvent.PREDICTING,"+ //FIXME addSemPred(charFormatter.escapeString(actionStr))+","+actionStr+"))"; } else { e = "("+e+"&&("+actionStr +"))"; } } // Generate any syntactic predicates if ( nIF>0 ) { if ( alt.synPred != null ) { println("else {"); tabs++; genSynPred( alt.synPred, e ); closingBracesOfIFSequence++; } else { println("else if " + e + " {"); } } else { if ( alt.synPred != null ) { genSynPred( alt.synPred, e ); } else { // when parsing trees, convert null to valid tree node // with NULL lookahead. if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("if (_t == null)"); tabs++; println("_t = ASTNULL;"); tabs--; } println("if " + e); println("{"); } } } nIF++; tabs++; genAlt(alt, blk); tabs--; println("}"); } } String ps = ""; for (int i=1; i<=closingBracesOfIFSequence; i++) { ps+="}"; } // Restore the AST generation state genAST = savegenAST; // restore save text state saveText=oldsaveTest; // Return the finishing info. if ( createdLL1Switch ) { tabs--; finishingInfo.postscript = ps+"break; }"; finishingInfo.generatedSwitch = true; finishingInfo.generatedAnIf = nIF>0; //return new CSharpBlockFinishingInfo(ps+"}",true,nIF>0); // close up switch statement } else { finishingInfo.postscript = ps; finishingInfo.generatedSwitch = false; finishingInfo.generatedAnIf = nIF>0; // return new CSharpBlockFinishingInfo(ps, false,nIF>0); } return finishingInfo; } private static boolean suitableForCaseExpression(Alternative a) { return a.lookaheadDepth == 1 && a.semPred == null && !a.cache[1].containsEpsilon() && a.cache[1]<=caseSizeThreshold; } /** Generate code to link an element reference into the AST */ private void genElementAST(AlternativeElement el) { // handle case where you're not building trees, but are in tree walker. // Just need to get labels set up. if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar && !grammar.buildAST ) { String elementRef; String astName; // Generate names and declarations of the AST variable(s) if (el.getLabel() == null) { elementRef = lt1Value; // Generate AST variables for unlabeled stuff astName = "tmp" + astVarNumber + "_AST"; astVarNumber++; // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate mapTreeVariable(el, astName); // Generate an "input" AST variable also println(labeledElementASTType+" "+astName+"_in = "+elementRef+";"); } return; } if (grammar.buildAST && syntacticPredLevel == 0) { boolean needASTDecl = (genAST && (el.getLabel() != null || (el.getAutoGenType() != GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG))); // RK: if we have a grammar element always generate the decl // since some guy can access it from an action and we can't // peek ahead (well not without making a mess). // I'd prefer taking this out. if (el.getAutoGenType() != GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG && (el instanceof TokenRefElement)) needASTDecl = true; boolean doNoGuessTest = (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate && needASTDecl); String elementRef; String astNameBase; // Generate names and declarations of the AST variable(s) if (el.getLabel() != null) { // if the element is labeled use that name... elementRef = el.getLabel(); astNameBase = el.getLabel(); } else { // else generate a temporary name... elementRef = lt1Value; // Generate AST variables for unlabeled stuff astNameBase = "tmp" + astVarNumber; astVarNumber++; } // Generate the declaration if required. if (needASTDecl) { // Generate the declaration if ( el instanceof GrammarAtom ) { GrammarAtom ga = (GrammarAtom)el; if ( ga.getASTNodeType()!=null ) { genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase, ga.getASTNodeType()); //println(ga.getASTNodeType()+" " + astName+" = null;"); } else { genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase, labeledElementASTType); //println(labeledElementASTType+" " + astName + " = null;"); } } else { genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase, labeledElementASTType); //println(labeledElementASTType+" " + astName + " = null;"); } } // for convenience.. String astName = astNameBase + "_AST"; // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate mapTreeVariable(el, astName); if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { // Generate an "input" AST variable also println(labeledElementASTType+" " + astName + "_in = null;"); } // Enclose actions with !guessing if (doNoGuessTest) { //println("if (0 == inputState.guessing)"); //println("{"); //tabs++; } // if something has a label assume it will be used // so we must initialize the RefAST if (el.getLabel() != null) { if ( el instanceof GrammarAtom ) { println(astName + " = "+ getASTCreateString((GrammarAtom)el, elementRef) + ";"); } else { println(astName + " = "+ getASTCreateString(elementRef) + ";"); } } // if it has no label but a declaration exists initialize it. if (el.getLabel() == null && needASTDecl) { elementRef = lt1Value; if ( el instanceof GrammarAtom ) { println(astName + " = "+ getASTCreateString((GrammarAtom)el, elementRef) + ";"); } else { println(astName + " = "+ getASTCreateString(elementRef) + ";"); } // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { // set "input" AST variable also println(astName + "_in = " + elementRef + ";"); } } if (genAST) { switch (el.getAutoGenType()) { case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE: if ( usingCustomAST || ( (el instanceof GrammarAtom) && (((GrammarAtom)el).getASTNodeType() != null) ) ) println("astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, (AST)" + astName + ");"); else println("astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, " + astName + ");"); break; case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET: if ( usingCustomAST || ( (el instanceof GrammarAtom) && (((GrammarAtom)el).getASTNodeType() != null) ) ) println("astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, (AST)" + astName + ");"); else println("astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, " + astName + ");"); break; default: break; } } if (doNoGuessTest) { //tabs--; //println("}"); } } } /** Close the try block and generate catch phrases * if the element has a labeled handler in the rule */ private void genErrorCatchForElement(AlternativeElement el) { if (el.getLabel() == null) return; String r = el.enclosingRuleName; if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { r = CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(el.enclosingRuleName); } RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(r); if (rs == null) { antlrTool.panic("Enclosing rule not found!"); } ExceptionSpec ex = rs.block.findExceptionSpec(el.getLabel()); if (ex != null) { tabs--; println("}"); genErrorHandler(ex); } } /** Generate the catch phrases for a user-specified error handler */ private void genErrorHandler(ExceptionSpec ex) { // Each ExceptionHandler in the ExceptionSpec is a separate catch for (int i = 0; i < ex.handlers.size(); i++) { ExceptionHandler handler = (ExceptionHandler)ex.handlers.elementAt(i); // Generate catch phrase println("catch (" + handler.exceptionTypeAndName.getText() + ")"); println("{"); tabs++; if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) { println("if (0 == inputState.guessing)"); println("{"); tabs++; } // When not guessing, execute user handler action ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo(); printAction(processActionForSpecialSymbols(handler.action.getText(), handler.action.getLine(), currentRule, tInfo)); if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) { tabs--; println("}"); println("else"); println("{"); tabs++; // When guessing, rethrow exception //println("throw " + extractIdOfAction(handler.exceptionTypeAndName) + ";"); println("throw;"); tabs--; println("}"); } // Close catch phrase tabs--; println("}"); } } /** Generate a try { opening if the element has a labeled handler in the rule */ private void genErrorTryForElement(AlternativeElement el) { if (el.getLabel() == null) return; String r = el.enclosingRuleName; if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { r = CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(el.enclosingRuleName); } RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(r); if (rs == null) { antlrTool.panic("Enclosing rule not found!"); } ExceptionSpec ex = rs.block.findExceptionSpec(el.getLabel()); if (ex != null) { println("try // for error handling"); println("{"); tabs++; } } protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el) { genASTDeclaration(el, labeledElementASTType); } protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el, String node_type) { genASTDeclaration(el, el.getLabel(), node_type); } protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el, String var_name, String node_type) { // already declared? if (declaredASTVariables.contains(el)) return; // emit code //String s = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(node_type, "\"", "\""); //println(s + " " + var_name + "_AST = null;"); println(node_type + " " + var_name + "_AST = null;"); // mark as declared declaredASTVariables.add(el); } /** Generate a header that is common to all CSharp files */ protected void genHeader() { println("// $ANTLR "+Tool.version+": "+ "\"" + antlrTool.fileMinusPath(antlrTool.grammarFile) + "\"" + " -> "+ "\""+grammar.getClassName()+".cs\"$"); } private void genLiteralsTest() { println("_ttype = testLiteralsTable(_ttype);"); } private void genLiteralsTestForPartialToken() { println("_ttype = testLiteralsTable(text.ToString(_begin, text.Length-_begin), _ttype);"); } protected void genMatch(BitSet b) { } protected void genMatch(GrammarAtom atom) { if ( atom instanceof StringLiteralElement ) { if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { genMatchUsingAtomText(atom); } else { genMatchUsingAtomTokenType(atom); } } else if ( atom instanceof CharLiteralElement ) { if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { genMatchUsingAtomText(atom); } else { antlrTool.error("cannot ref character literals in grammar: "+atom); } } else if ( atom instanceof TokenRefElement ) { genMatchUsingAtomText(atom); } else if (atom instanceof WildcardElement) { gen((WildcardElement)atom); } } protected void genMatchUsingAtomText(GrammarAtom atom) { // match() for trees needs the _t cursor String astArgs=""; if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { if ( usingCustomAST ) astArgs="(AST)_t,"; else astArgs="_t,"; } // if in lexer and ! on element, save buffer index to kill later if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText||atom.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) ) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("_saveIndex = text.Length;"); } print(atom.not ? "matchNot(" : "match("); _print(astArgs); // print out what to match if (atom.atomText.equals("EOF")) { // horrible hack to handle EOF case _print("Token.EOF_TYPE"); } else { _print(atom.atomText); } _println(");"); if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && (!saveText||atom.getAutoGenType()==GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) ) { declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded(); println("text.Length = _saveIndex;"); // kill text atom put in buffer } } protected void genMatchUsingAtomTokenType(GrammarAtom atom) { // match() for trees needs the _t cursor String astArgs=""; if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { if( usingCustomAST ) astArgs="(AST)_t,"; else astArgs="_t,"; } // If the literal can be mangled, generate the symbolic constant instead String mangledName = null; String s = astArgs + getValueString(atom.getType()); // matching println( (atom.not ? "matchNot(" : "match(") + s + ");"); } /** Generate the nextToken() rule. nextToken() is a synthetic * lexer rule that is the implicit OR of all user-defined * lexer rules. */ public void genNextToken() { // Are there any public rules? If not, then just generate a // fake nextToken(). boolean hasPublicRules = false; for (int i = 0; i < grammar.rules.size(); i++) { RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.rules.elementAt(i); if ( rs.isDefined() && rs.access.equals("public") ) { hasPublicRules = true; break; } } if (!hasPublicRules) { println(""); println("override public new Token nextToken()\t\t\t//throws TokenStreamException"); println("{"); tabs++; println("try"); println("{"); tabs++; println("uponEOF();"); tabs--; println("}"); println("catch(CharStreamIOException csioe)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("throw new TokenStreamIOException(;"); tabs--; println("}"); println("catch(CharStreamException cse)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("throw new TokenStreamException(cse.Message);"); tabs--; println("}"); println("return new CommonToken(Token.EOF_TYPE, \"\");"); tabs--; println("}"); println(""); return; } // Create the synthesized nextToken() rule RuleBlock nextTokenBlk = MakeGrammar.createNextTokenRule(grammar, grammar.rules, "nextToken"); // Define the nextToken rule symbol RuleSymbol nextTokenRs = new RuleSymbol("mnextToken"); nextTokenRs.setDefined(); nextTokenRs.setBlock(nextTokenBlk); nextTokenRs.access = "private"; grammar.define(nextTokenRs); // Analyze the nextToken rule boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(nextTokenBlk); // Generate the next token rule String filterRule=null; if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterMode ) { filterRule = ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterRule; } println(""); println("public new Token nextToken()\t\t\t//throws TokenStreamException"); println("{"); tabs++; println("Token theRetToken = null;"); _println("tryAgain:"); println("for (;;)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("Token _token = null;"); println("int _ttype = Token.INVALID_TYPE;"); if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterMode ) { println("setCommitToPath(false);"); if ( filterRule!=null ) { // Here's a good place to ensure that the filter rule actually exists if (!grammar.isDefined(CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(filterRule))) { grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule " + filterRule + " does not exist in this lexer"); } else { RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(filterRule)); if ( !rs.isDefined() ) { grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule " + filterRule + " does not exist in this lexer"); } else if ( rs.access.equals("public") ) { grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule " + filterRule + " must be protected"); } } println("int _m;"); println("_m = mark();"); } } println("resetText();"); println("try // for char stream error handling"); println("{"); tabs++; // Generate try around whole thing to trap scanner errors println("try // for lexical error handling"); println("{"); tabs++; // Test for public lexical rules with empty paths for (int i=0; i<nextTokenBlk.getAlternatives().size(); i++) { Alternative a = nextTokenBlk.getAlternativeAt(i); if ( a.cache[1].containsEpsilon() ) { //String r = a.head.toString(); RuleRefElement rr = (RuleRefElement)a.head; String r = CodeGenerator.decodeLexerRuleName(rr.targetRule); antlrTool.warning("public lexical rule "+r+" is optional (can match \"nothing\")"); } } // Generate the block String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(nextTokenBlk, false); String errFinish = "if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR) { uponEOF(); returnToken_ = makeToken(Token.EOF_TYPE); }"; errFinish += newline+"\t\t\t\t"; if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterMode ) { if ( filterRule==null ) { //kunle: errFinish += "else { consume(); continue tryAgain; }"; errFinish += "\t\t\t\telse"; errFinish += "\t\t\t\t{"; errFinish += "\t\t\t\t\tconsume();"; errFinish += "\t\t\t\t\tgoto tryAgain;"; errFinish += "\t\t\t\t}"; } else { errFinish += "\t\t\t\t\telse"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t{"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\tcommit();"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\ttry {m"+filterRule+"(false);}"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\tcatch(RecognitionException e)"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t{"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t // catastrophic failure"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t reportError(e);"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t consume();"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\t}"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t\tgoto tryAgain;"+newline+ "\t\t\t\t}"; } } else { errFinish += "else {"+throwNoViable+"}"; } genBlockFinish(howToFinish, errFinish); // at this point a valid token has been matched, undo "mark" that was done if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterMode && filterRule!=null ) { println("commit();"); } // Generate literals test if desired // make sure _ttype is set first; note returnToken_ must be // non-null as the rule was required to create it. println("if ( null==returnToken_ ) goto tryAgain; // found SKIP token"); println("_ttype = returnToken_.Type;"); if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).getTestLiterals()) { genLiteralsTest(); } // return token created by rule reference in switch println("returnToken_.Type = _ttype;"); println("return returnToken_;"); // Close try block tabs--; println("}"); println("catch (RecognitionException e) {"); tabs++; if ( ((LexerGrammar)grammar).filterMode ) { if ( filterRule==null ) { println("if (!getCommitToPath())"); println("{"); tabs++; println("consume();"); println("goto tryAgain;"); tabs--; println("}"); } else { println("if (!getCommitToPath())"); println("{"); tabs++; println("rewind(_m);"); println("resetText();"); println("try {m"+filterRule+"(false);}"); println("catch(RecognitionException ee) {"); println(" // horrendous failure: error in filter rule"); println(" reportError(ee);"); println(" consume();"); println("}"); //println("goto tryAgain;"); tabs--; println("}"); println("else"); } } if ( nextTokenBlk.getDefaultErrorHandler() ) { println("{"); tabs++; println("reportError(e);"); println("consume();"); tabs--; println("}"); } else { // pass on to invoking routine tabs++; println("throw new TokenStreamRecognitionException(e);"); tabs--; } tabs--; println("}"); // close CharStreamException try tabs--; println("}"); println("catch (CharStreamException cse) {"); println(" if ( cse is CharStreamIOException ) {"); println(" throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException)cse).io);"); println(" }"); println(" else {"); println(" throw new TokenStreamException(cse.Message);"); println(" }"); println("}"); // close for-loop tabs--; println("}"); // close method nextToken tabs--; println("}"); println(""); } /** Gen a named rule block. * ASTs are generated for each element of an alternative unless * the rule or the alternative have a '!' modifier. * * If an alternative defeats the default tree construction, it * must set <rule>_AST to the root of the returned AST. * * Each alternative that does automatic tree construction, builds * up root and child list pointers in an ASTPair structure. * * A rule finishes by setting the returnAST variable from the * ASTPair. * * @param rule The name of the rule to generate * @param startSymbol true if the rule is a start symbol (i.e., not referenced elsewhere) */ public void genRule(RuleSymbol s, boolean startSymbol, int ruleNum, TokenManager tm) { tabs=1; if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("genRule("+ s.getId() +")"); if ( !s.isDefined() ) { antlrTool.error("undefined rule: "+ s.getId()); return; } // Generate rule return type, name, arguments RuleBlock rblk = s.getBlock(); currentRule = rblk; currentASTResult = s.getId(); // clear list of declared ast variables.. declaredASTVariables.clear(); // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the rule boolean savegenAST = genAST; genAST = genAST && rblk.getAutoGen(); // boolean oldsaveTest = saveText; saveText = rblk.getAutoGen(); // print javadoc comment if any if ( s.comment!=null ) { _println(s.comment); } // Gen method access and final qualifier //print(s.access + " final "); print(s.access + " "); // Gen method return type (note lexer return action set at rule creation) if (rblk.returnAction != null) { // Has specified return value _print(extractTypeOfAction(rblk.returnAction, rblk.getLine(), rblk.getColumn()) + " "); } else { // No specified return value _print("void "); } // Gen method name _print(s.getId() + "("); // Additional rule parameters common to all rules for this grammar _print(commonExtraParams); if (commonExtraParams.length() != 0 && rblk.argAction != null ) { _print(","); } // Gen arguments if (rblk.argAction != null) { // Has specified arguments _println(""); tabs++; println(rblk.argAction); tabs--; print(")"); } else { // No specified arguments _print(")"); } // Gen throws clause and open curly _print(" //throws " + exceptionThrown); if ( grammar instanceof ParserGrammar ) { _print(", TokenStreamException"); } else if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { _print(", CharStreamException, TokenStreamException"); } // Add user-defined exceptions unless lexer (for now) if ( rblk.throwsSpec!=null ) { if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { antlrTool.error("user-defined throws spec not allowed (yet) for lexer rule "+rblk.ruleName); } else { _print(", "+rblk.throwsSpec); } } _println(""); _println("{"); tabs++; // Convert return action to variable declaration if (rblk.returnAction != null) println(rblk.returnAction + ";"); // print out definitions needed by rules for various grammar types println(commonLocalVars); if (grammar.traceRules) { if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { if ( usingCustomAST ) println("traceIn(\""+ s.getId() +"\",(AST)_t);"); else println("traceIn(\""+ s.getId() +"\",_t);"); } else { println("traceIn(\""+ s.getId() +"\");"); } } if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { // lexer rule default return value is the rule's token name // This is a horrible hack to support the built-in EOF lexer rule. if (s.getId().equals("mEOF")) println("_ttype = Token.EOF_TYPE;"); else println("_ttype = " + s.getId().substring(1)+";"); // delay creation of _saveIndex until we need it OK? bSaveIndexCreated = false; /* println("boolean old_saveConsumedInput=saveConsumedInput;"); if ( !rblk.getAutoGen() ) { // turn off "save input" if ! on rule println("saveConsumedInput=false;"); } */ } // if debugging, write code to mark entry to the rule if ( grammar.debuggingOutput) if (grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) println("fireEnterRule(" + ruleNum + ",0);"); else if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) println("fireEnterRule(" + ruleNum + ",_ttype);"); // Generate trace code if desired if ( grammar.debuggingOutput || grammar.traceRules) { println("try { // debugging"); tabs++; } // Initialize AST variables if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { // "Input" value for rule println(labeledElementASTType+" " + s.getId() + "_AST_in = ("+labeledElementASTType+")_t;"); } if (grammar.buildAST) { // Parser member used to pass AST returns from rule invocations println("returnAST = null;"); // Tracks AST construction // println("ASTPair currentAST = (inputState.guessing==0) ? new ASTPair() : null;"); println("ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();"); // User-settable return value for rule. println(labeledElementASTType+" " + s.getId() + "_AST = null;"); } genBlockPreamble(rblk); genBlockInitAction(rblk); println(""); // Search for an unlabeled exception specification attached to the rule ExceptionSpec unlabeledUserSpec = rblk.findExceptionSpec(""); // Generate try block around the entire rule for error handling if (unlabeledUserSpec != null || rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler() ) { println("try { // for error handling"); tabs++; } // Generate the alternatives if ( rblk.alternatives.size()==1 ) { // One alternative -- use simple form Alternative alt = rblk.getAlternativeAt(0); String pred = alt.semPred; if ( pred!=null ) genSemPred(pred, currentRule.line); if (alt.synPred != null) { antlrTool.warning( "Syntactic predicate ignored for single alternative", grammar.getFilename(), alt.synPred.getLine(), alt.synPred.getColumn() ); } genAlt(alt, rblk); } else { // Multiple alternatives -- generate complex form boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(rblk); CSharpBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(rblk, false); genBlockFinish(howToFinish, throwNoViable); } // Generate catch phrase for error handling if (unlabeledUserSpec != null || rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler() ) { // Close the try block tabs--; println("}"); } // Generate user-defined or default catch phrases if (unlabeledUserSpec != null) { genErrorHandler(unlabeledUserSpec); } else if (rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler()) { // Generate default catch phrase println("catch (" + exceptionThrown + " ex)"); println("{"); tabs++; // Generate code to handle error if not guessing if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) { println("if (0 == inputState.guessing)"); println("{"); tabs++; } println("reportError(ex);"); if ( !(grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) ) { // Generate code to consume until token in k==1 follow set Lookahead follow = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.FOLLOW(1, rblk.endNode); String followSetName = getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(follow.fset)); println("consume();"); println("consumeUntil(" + followSetName + ");"); } else { // Just consume one token println("if (null != _t)"); println("{"); tabs++; println("_t = _t.getNextSibling();"); tabs--; println("}"); } if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) { tabs--; // When guessing, rethrow exception println("}"); println("else"); println("{"); tabs++; //println("throw ex;"); println("throw;"); tabs--; println("}"); } // Close catch phrase tabs--; println("}"); } // Squirrel away the AST "return" value if (grammar.buildAST) { println("returnAST = " + s.getId() + "_AST;"); } // Set return tree value for tree walkers if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("retTree_ = _t;"); } // Generate literals test for lexer rules so marked if (rblk.getTestLiterals()) { if ( s.access.equals("protected") ) { genLiteralsTestForPartialToken(); } else { genLiteralsTest(); } } // if doing a lexer rule, dump code to create token if necessary if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { println("if (_createToken && (null == _token) && (_ttype != Token.SKIP))"); println("{"); tabs++; println("_token = makeToken(_ttype);"); println("_token.setText(text.ToString(_begin, text.Length-_begin));"); tabs--; println("}"); println("returnToken_ = _token;"); } // Gen the return statement if there is one (lexer has hard-wired return action) if (rblk.returnAction != null) { println("return " + extractIdOfAction(rblk.returnAction, rblk.getLine(), rblk.getColumn()) + ";"); } if ( grammar.debuggingOutput || grammar.traceRules) { tabs--; println("}"); println("finally"); println("{ // debugging"); tabs++; // If debugging, generate calls to mark exit of rule if ( grammar.debuggingOutput) if (grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) println("fireExitRule(" + ruleNum + ",0);"); else if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) println("fireExitRule(" + ruleNum + ",_ttype);"); if (grammar.traceRules) { if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("traceOut(\""+ s.getId() +"\",_t);"); } else { println("traceOut(\""+ s.getId() +"\");"); } } tabs--; println("}"); } tabs--; println("}"); println(""); // Restore the AST generation state genAST = savegenAST; // restore char save state // saveText = oldsaveTest; } private void GenRuleInvocation(RuleRefElement rr) { // dump rule name _print(rr.targetRule + "("); // lexers must tell rule if it should set returnToken_ if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { // if labeled, could access Token, so tell rule to create if ( rr.getLabel() != null ) { _print("true"); } else { _print("false"); } if (commonExtraArgs.length() != 0 || rr.args!=null ) { _print(","); } } // Extra arguments common to all rules for this grammar _print(commonExtraArgs); if (commonExtraArgs.length() != 0 && rr.args!=null ) { _print(","); } // Process arguments to method, if any RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(rr.targetRule); if (rr.args != null) { // When not guessing, execute user arg action ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo(); String args = processActionForSpecialSymbols(rr.args, 0, currentRule, tInfo); if ( tInfo.assignToRoot || tInfo.refRuleRoot!=null ) { antlrTool.error("Arguments of rule reference '" + rr.targetRule + "' cannot set or ref #" + currentRule.getRuleName(), grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); } _print(args); // Warn if the rule accepts no arguments if (rs.block.argAction == null) { antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule + "' accepts no arguments", grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); } } else { // For C++, no warning if rule has parameters, because there may be default // values for all of the parameters if (rs.block.argAction != null) { antlrTool.warning("Missing parameters on reference to rule " + rr.targetRule, grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn()); } } _println(");"); // move down to the first child while parsing if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("_t = retTree_;"); } } protected void genSemPred(String pred, int line) { // translate $ and # references ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo(); pred = processActionForSpecialSymbols(pred, line, currentRule, tInfo); // ignore translation info...we don't need to do anything with it. String escapedPred = charFormatter.escapeString(pred); // if debugging, wrap the semantic predicate evaluation in a method // that can tell SemanticPredicateListeners the result if (grammar.debuggingOutput && ((grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar))) pred = "fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(antlr.debug.SemanticPredicateEvent.VALIDATING," + addSemPred(escapedPred) + "," + pred + ")"; println("if (!(" + pred + "))"); println(" throw new SemanticException(\"" + escapedPred + "\");"); } /** Write an array of Strings which are the semantic predicate * expressions. The debugger will reference them by number only */ protected void genSemPredMap() { Enumeration e = semPreds.elements(); println("private string[] _semPredNames = {"); tabs++; while(e.hasMoreElements()) println("\""+e.nextElement()+"\","); tabs--; println("};"); } protected void genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk, String lookaheadExpr) { if ( DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR ) System.out.println("gen=>("+blk+")"); // Dump synpred result variable println("bool synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " = false;"); // Gen normal lookahead test println("if (" + lookaheadExpr + ")"); println("{"); tabs++; // Save input state if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("AST __t" + blk.ID + " = _t;"); } else { println("int _m" + blk.ID + " = mark();"); } // Once inside the try, assume synpred works unless exception caught println("synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " = true;"); println("inputState.guessing++;"); // if debugging, tell listeners that a synpred has started if (grammar.debuggingOutput && ((grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar))) { println("fireSyntacticPredicateStarted();"); } syntacticPredLevel++; println("try {"); tabs++; gen((AlternativeBlock)blk); // gen code to test predicate tabs--; //println("System.out.println(\"pred "+blk+" succeeded\");"); println("}"); //kunle: lose a few warnings cheaply // println("catch (" + exceptionThrown + " pe)"); println("catch (" + exceptionThrown + ")"); println("{"); tabs++; println("synPredMatched"+blk.ID+" = false;"); //println("System.out.println(\"pred "+blk+" failed\");"); tabs--; println("}"); // Restore input state if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { println("_t = __t"+blk.ID+";"); } else { println("rewind(_m"+blk.ID+");"); } println("inputState.guessing--;"); // if debugging, tell listeners how the synpred turned out if (grammar.debuggingOutput && ((grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar))) { println("if (synPredMatched" + blk.ID +")"); println(" fireSyntacticPredicateSucceeded();"); println("else"); println(" fireSyntacticPredicateFailed();"); } syntacticPredLevel--; tabs--; // Close lookahead test println("}"); // Test synred result println("if ( synPredMatched"+blk.ID+" )"); println("{"); } /** Generate a static array containing the names of the tokens, * indexed by the token type values. This static array is used * to format error messages so that the token identifers or literal * strings are displayed instead of the token numbers. * * If a lexical rule has a paraphrase, use it rather than the * token label. */ public void genTokenStrings() { // Generate a string for each token. This creates a static // array of Strings indexed by token type. println(""); println("public static readonly string[] tokenNames_ = new string[] {"); tabs++; // Walk the token vocabulary and generate a Vector of strings // from the tokens. Vector v = grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String s = (String)v.elementAt(i); if (s == null) { s = "<"+String.valueOf(i)+">"; } if ( !s.startsWith("\"") && !s.startsWith("<") ) { TokenSymbol ts = (TokenSymbol)grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(s); if ( ts!=null && ts.getParaphrase()!=null ) { s = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(ts.getParaphrase(), "\"", "\""); } } else if (s.startsWith("\"")) { s = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(s, "\"", "\""); } print(charFormatter.literalString(s)); if (i != v.size()-1) { _print(","); } _println(""); } // Close the string array initailizer tabs--; println("};"); } /** Generate the token types CSharp file */ protected void genTokenTypes(TokenManager tm) throws IOException { // Open the token output CSharp file and set the currentOutput stream // SAS: file open was moved to a method so a subclass can override // This was mainly for the VAJ interface setupOutput(tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix); tabs = 0; // Generate the header common to all CSharp files genHeader(); // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0 println(behavior.getHeaderAction("")); // Generate the CSharp namespace declaration (if specified) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput); tabs++; // Encapsulate the definitions in a class. This has to be done as a class because // they are all constants and CSharp inteface types cannot contain constants. println("public class " + tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix); //println("public class " + getTokenTypesClassName()); println("{"); tabs++; genTokenDefinitions(tm); // Close the interface tabs--; println("}"); tabs--; // Generate the CSharp namespace closures (if required) if (nameSpace != null) nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput); // Close the tokens output file currentOutput.close(); currentOutput = null; exitIfError(); } protected void genTokenDefinitions(TokenManager tm) throws IOException { // Generate a definition for each token type Vector v = tm.getVocabulary(); // Do special tokens manually println("public const int EOF = " + Token.EOF_TYPE + ";"); println("public const int NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = " + Token.NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD + ";"); for (int i = Token.MIN_USER_TYPE; i < v.size(); i++) { String s = (String)v.elementAt(i); if (s != null) { if ( s.startsWith("\"") ) { // a string literal StringLiteralSymbol sl = (StringLiteralSymbol)tm.getTokenSymbol(s); if ( sl==null ) { antlrTool.panic("String literal " + s + " not in symbol table"); } else if ( sl.label != null ) { println("public const int " + sl.label + " = " + i + ";"); } else { String mangledName = mangleLiteral(s); if (mangledName != null) { // We were able to create a meaningful mangled token name println("public const int " + mangledName + " = " + i + ";"); // if no label specified, make the label equal to the mangled name sl.label = mangledName; } else { println("// " + s + " = " + i); } } } else if ( !s.startsWith("<") ) { println("public const int " + s + " = " + i + ";"); } } } println(""); } /** Process a string for an simple expression for use in xx/action.g * it is used to cast simple tokens/references to the right type for * the generated language. Basically called for every element in * the vector to getASTCreateString(vector V) * @param str A String. */ public String processStringForASTConstructor( String str ) { /* System.out.println("processStringForASTConstructor: str = "+str+ ", custom = "+(new Boolean(usingCustomAST)).toString()+ ", tree = "+(new Boolean((grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar))).toString()+ ", parser = "+(new Boolean((grammar instanceof ParserGrammar))).toString()+ ", notDefined = "+(new Boolean((!(grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str))))).toString() ); */ if( usingCustomAST && ( (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) || (grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) ) && !(grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str)) ) { //System.out.println("processStringForASTConstructor: "+str+" with cast"); return "(AST)"+str; } else { //System.out.println("processStringForASTConstructor: "+str); return str; } } /** Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree. * @param v A Vector of String, where each element is an expression * in the target language yielding an AST node. */ public String getASTCreateString(Vector v) { if (v.size() == 0) { return ""; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("("+labeledElementASTType+ ")astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(" + v.size() + "))"); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { buf.append(".add(" + v.elementAt(i) + ")"); } buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } /** Get a string for an expression to generate creating of an AST node * @param atom The grammar node for which you are creating the node * @param str The arguments to the AST constructor */ public String getASTCreateString(GrammarAtom atom, String astCtorArgs) { String astCreateString = "astFactory.create(" + astCtorArgs + ")"; if (atom == null) return getASTCreateString(astCtorArgs); else { if ( atom.getASTNodeType() != null ) { // this Atom was instantiated from a Token that had an "AST" option - associating // it with a specific heterogeneous AST type - applied to either: // 1) it's underlying TokenSymbol (in the "tokens {} section" or, // 2) a particular token reference in the grammar // // For option (1), we simply generate a cast to hetero-AST type // For option (2), we generate a call to factory.create(Token, ASTNodeType) and cast it too TokenSymbol ts = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(atom.getText()); if ( (ts == null) || (ts.getASTNodeType() != atom.getASTNodeType()) ) astCreateString = "(" + atom.getASTNodeType() + ") astFactory.create(" + astCtorArgs + ", \"" + atom.getASTNodeType() + "\")"; else if ( (ts != null) && (ts.getASTNodeType() != null) ) astCreateString = "(" + ts.getASTNodeType() + ") " + astCreateString; } else if ( usingCustomAST ) astCreateString = "(" + labeledElementASTType + ") " + astCreateString; } return astCreateString; } /** Returns a string expression that creates an AST node using the specified * AST constructor argument string. * Parses the first (possibly only) argument in the supplied AST ctor argument * string to obtain the token type -- ctorID. * * IF the token type is a valid token symbol AND * it has an associated AST node type AND * this is not a #[ID, "T", "ASTType"] constructor * THEN * generate a call to factory.create(ID, Text, token.ASTNodeType()) * * #[ID, "T", "ASTType"] constructors are mapped to astFactory.create(ID, "T", "ASTType") * * The supported AST constructor forms are: * #[ID] * #[ID, "text"] * #[ID, "text", ASTclassname] -- introduced in 2.7.2 * * @param astCtorArgs The arguments to the AST constructor */ public String getASTCreateString(String astCtorArgs) { // kunle: 19-Aug-2002 // This AST creation string is almost certainly[*1] a manual tree construction request. // From the manual [I couldn't read ALL of the code ;-)], this can only be one of: // 1) #[ID] -- 'astCtorArgs' contains: 'ID' (without quotes) or, // 2) #[ID, "T"] -- 'astCtorArgs' contains: 'ID, "Text"' (without single quotes) or, // kunle: 08-Dec-2002 - 2.7.2a6 // 3) #[ID, "T", "ASTTypeName"] -- 'astCtorArgs' contains: 'ID, "T", "ASTTypeName"' (without single quotes) // // [*1] In my tests, 'atom' was '== null' only for manual tree construction requests if ( astCtorArgs==null ) { astCtorArgs = ""; } String astCreateString = "astFactory.create(" + astCtorArgs + ")"; String ctorID = astCtorArgs; String ctorText = null; int commaIndex; boolean ctorIncludesCustomType = false; // Is this a #[ID, "t", "ASTType"] constructor? commaIndex = astCtorArgs.indexOf(','); if ( commaIndex != -1 ) { ctorID = astCtorArgs.substring(0, commaIndex); // the 'ID' portion of #[ID, "Text"] ctorText = astCtorArgs.substring(commaIndex+1, astCtorArgs.length()); // the 'Text' portion of #[ID, "Text"] commaIndex = ctorText.indexOf(','); if (commaIndex != -1 ) { // This is an AST creation of the form: #[ID, "Text", "ASTTypename"] // Support for this was introduced with 2.7.2a6 // create default type or (since 2.7.2) 3rd arg is classname ctorIncludesCustomType = true; } } TokenSymbol ts = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(ctorID); if ( (null != ts) && (null != ts.getASTNodeType()) ) astCreateString = "(" + ts.getASTNodeType() + ") " + astCreateString; else if ( usingCustomAST ) astCreateString = "(" + labeledElementASTType + ") " + astCreateString; return astCreateString; } protected String getLookaheadTestExpression(Lookahead[] look, int k) { StringBuffer e = new StringBuffer(100); boolean first = true; e.append("("); for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { BitSet p = look[i].fset; if (!first) { e.append(") && ("); } first = false; // Syn preds can yield <end-of-syn-pred> (epsilon) lookahead. // There is no way to predict what that token would be. Just // allow anything instead. if (look[i].containsEpsilon()) { e.append("true"); } else { e.append(getLookaheadTestTerm(i, p)); } } e.append(")"); return e.toString(); } /**Generate a lookahead test expression for an alternate. This * will be a series of tests joined by '&&' and enclosed by '()', * the number of such tests being determined by the depth of the lookahead. */ protected String getLookaheadTestExpression(Alternative alt, int maxDepth) { int depth = alt.lookaheadDepth; if ( depth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC ) { // if the decision is nondeterministic, do the best we can: LL(k) // any predicates that are around will be generated later. depth = grammar.maxk; } if ( maxDepth==0 ) { // empty lookahead can result from alt with sem pred // that can see end of token. E.g., A : {pred}? ('a')? ; return "( true )"; } return "(" + getLookaheadTestExpression(alt.cache,depth) + ")"; } /**Generate a depth==1 lookahead test expression given the BitSet. * This may be one of: * 1) a series of 'x==X||' tests * 2) a range test using >= && <= where possible, * 3) a bitset membership test for complex comparisons * @param k The lookahead level * @param p The lookahead set for level k */ protected String getLookaheadTestTerm(int k, BitSet p) { // Determine the name of the item to be compared String ts = lookaheadString(k); // Generate a range expression if possible int[] elems = p.toArray(); if (elementsAreRange(elems)) { return getRangeExpression(k, elems); } // Generate a bitset membership test if possible StringBuffer e; int degree =; if ( degree == 0 ) { return "true"; } if (degree >= bitsetTestThreshold) { int bitsetIdx = markBitsetForGen(p); return getBitsetName(bitsetIdx) + ".member(" + ts + ")"; } // Otherwise, generate the long-winded series of "x==X||" tests e = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { // Get the compared-to item (token or character value) String cs = getValueString(elems[i]); // Generate the element comparison if ( i>0 ) e.append("||"); e.append(ts); e.append("=="); e.append(cs); } return e.toString(); } /** Return an expression for testing a contiguous renage of elements * @param k The lookahead level * @param elems The elements representing the set, usually from BitSet.toArray(). * @return String containing test expression. */ public String getRangeExpression(int k, int[] elems) { if (!elementsAreRange(elems)) { antlrTool.panic("getRangeExpression called with non-range"); } int begin = elems[0]; int end = elems[elems.length-1]; return "(" + lookaheadString(k) + " >= " + getValueString(begin) + " && " + lookaheadString(k) + " <= " + getValueString(end) + ")"; } /** getValueString: get a string representation of a token or char value * @param value The token or char value */ private String getValueString(int value) { String cs; if ( grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) { cs = charFormatter.literalChar(value); } else { TokenSymbol ts = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbolAt(value); if ( ts == null ) { return ""+value; // return token type as string // antlrTool.panic("vocabulary for token type " + value + " is null"); } String tId = ts.getId(); if ( ts instanceof StringLiteralSymbol ) { // if string literal, use predefined label if any // if no predefined, try to mangle into LITERAL_xxx. // if can't mangle, use int value as last resort StringLiteralSymbol sl = (StringLiteralSymbol)ts; String label = sl.getLabel(); if ( label!=null ) { cs = label; } else { cs = mangleLiteral(tId); if (cs == null) { cs = String.valueOf(value); } } } else { cs = tId; } } return cs; } /**Is the lookahead for this alt empty? */ protected boolean lookaheadIsEmpty(Alternative alt, int maxDepth) { int depth = alt.lookaheadDepth; if ( depth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC ) { depth = grammar.maxk; } for (int i=1; i<=depth && i<=maxDepth; i++) { BitSet p = alt.cache[i].fset; if ( != 0) { return false; } } return true; } private String lookaheadString(int k) { if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { return "_t.Type"; } return "LA(" + k + ")"; } /** Mangle a string literal into a meaningful token name. This is * only possible for literals that are all characters. The resulting * mangled literal name is literalsPrefix with the text of the literal * appended. * @return A string representing the mangled literal, or null if not possible. */ private String mangleLiteral(String s) { String mangled = antlrTool.literalsPrefix; for (int i = 1; i < s.length()-1; i++) { if (!Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != '_') { return null; } mangled += s.charAt(i); } if ( antlrTool.upperCaseMangledLiterals ) { mangled = mangled.toUpperCase(); } return mangled; } /** Map an identifier to it's corresponding tree-node variable. * This is context-sensitive, depending on the rule and alternative * being generated * @param idParam The identifier name to map * @return The mapped id (which may be the same as the input), or null if the mapping is invalid due to duplicates */ public String mapTreeId(String idParam, ActionTransInfo transInfo) { // if not in an action of a rule, nothing to map. if ( currentRule==null ) return idParam; boolean in_var = false; String id = idParam; if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { if ( !grammar.buildAST ) { in_var = true; } // If the id ends with "_in", then map it to the input variable else if (id.length() > 3 && id.lastIndexOf("_in") == id.length()-3) { // Strip off the "_in" id = id.substring(0, id.length()-3); in_var = true; } } // Check the rule labels. If id is a label, then the output // variable is label_AST, and the input variable is plain label. for (int i = 0; i < currentRule.labeledElements.size(); i++) { AlternativeElement elt = (AlternativeElement)currentRule.labeledElements.elementAt(i); if (elt.getLabel().equals(id)) { return in_var ? id : id + "_AST"; } } // Failing that, check the id-to-variable map for the alternative. // If the id is in the map, then output variable is the name in the // map, and input variable is name_in String s = (String)treeVariableMap.get(id); if (s != null) { if (s == NONUNIQUE) { // There is more than one element with this id antlrTool.error("Ambiguous reference to AST element "+id+ " in rule "+currentRule.getRuleName()); return null; } else if (s.equals(currentRule.getRuleName())) { // a recursive call to the enclosing rule is // ambiguous with the rule itself. // if( in_var ) // System.out.println("returning null (rulename)"); antlrTool.error("Ambiguous reference to AST element "+id+ " in rule "+currentRule.getRuleName()); return null; } else { return in_var ? s + "_in" : s; } } // Failing that, check the rule name itself. Output variable // is rule_AST; input variable is rule_AST_in (treeparsers). if( id.equals(currentRule.getRuleName()) ) { String r = in_var ? id + "_AST_in" : id + "_AST"; if ( transInfo!=null ) { if ( !in_var ) { transInfo.refRuleRoot = r; } } return r; } else { // id does not map to anything -- return itself. return id; } } /** Given an element and the name of an associated AST variable, * create a mapping between the element "name" and the variable name. */ private void mapTreeVariable(AlternativeElement e, String name) { // For tree elements, defer to the root if (e instanceof TreeElement) { mapTreeVariable( ((TreeElement)e).root, name); return; } // Determine the name of the element, if any, for mapping purposes String elName = null; // Don't map labeled items if (e.getLabel() == null) { if (e instanceof TokenRefElement) { // use the token id elName = ((TokenRefElement)e).atomText; } else if (e instanceof RuleRefElement) { // use the rule name elName = ((RuleRefElement)e).targetRule; } } // Add the element to the tree variable map if it has a name if (elName != null) { if (treeVariableMap.get(elName) != null) { // Name is already in the map -- mark it as duplicate treeVariableMap.remove(elName); treeVariableMap.put(elName, NONUNIQUE); } else { treeVariableMap.put(elName, name); } } } /** Lexically process tree-specifiers in the action. * This will replace #id and #(...) with the appropriate * function calls and/or variables. */ protected String processActionForSpecialSymbols(String actionStr, int line, RuleBlock currentRule, ActionTransInfo tInfo) { if ( actionStr==null || actionStr.length()==0 ) return null; // The action trans info tells us (at the moment) whether an // assignment was done to the rule's tree root. if (grammar==null) return actionStr; // see if we have anything to do... if ((grammar.buildAST && actionStr.indexOf('#') != -1) || grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar || ((grammar instanceof LexerGrammar || grammar instanceof ParserGrammar) && actionStr.indexOf('$') != -1) ) { // Create a lexer to read an action and return the translated version antlr.actions.csharp.ActionLexer lexer = new antlr.actions.csharp.ActionLexer(actionStr, currentRule, this, tInfo); lexer.setLineOffset(line); lexer.setFilename(grammar.getFilename()); lexer.setTool(antlrTool); try { lexer.mACTION(true); actionStr = lexer.getTokenObject().getText(); // System.out.println("action translated: "+actionStr); // System.out.println("trans info is "+tInfo); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { lexer.reportError(ex); return actionStr; } catch (TokenStreamException tex) { antlrTool.panic("Error reading action:"+actionStr); return actionStr; } catch (CharStreamException io) { antlrTool.panic("Error reading action:"+actionStr); return actionStr; } } return actionStr; } private void setupGrammarParameters(Grammar g) { if (g instanceof ParserGrammar || g instanceof LexerGrammar || g instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) { /* RK: options also have to be added to and for options * on the file level entries have to be defined in * and passed around via 'globals' in */ if( antlrTool.nameSpace != null ) nameSpace = new CSharpNameSpace( antlrTool.nameSpace.getName() ); //genHashLines = antlrTool.genHashLines; /* let grammar level options override filelevel ones... */ if( g.hasOption("namespace") ) { Token t = g.getOption("namespace"); if( t != null ) { nameSpace = new CSharpNameSpace(t.getText()); } } /* if( g.hasOption("genHashLines") ) { Token t = g.getOption("genHashLines"); if( t != null ) { String val = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(t.getText(),"\"","\""); genHashLines = val.equals("true"); } } */ } if (g instanceof ParserGrammar) { labeledElementASTType = "AST"; if ( g.hasOption("ASTLabelType") ) { Token tsuffix = g.getOption("ASTLabelType"); if ( tsuffix != null ) { String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix.getText(), "\"", "\""); if ( suffix != null ) { usingCustomAST = true; labeledElementASTType = suffix; } } } labeledElementType = "Token "; labeledElementInit = "null"; commonExtraArgs = ""; commonExtraParams = ""; commonLocalVars = ""; lt1Value = "LT(1)"; exceptionThrown = "RecognitionException"; throwNoViable = "throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());"; } else if (g instanceof LexerGrammar) { labeledElementType = "char "; labeledElementInit = "'\\0'"; commonExtraArgs = ""; commonExtraParams = "bool _createToken"; commonLocalVars = "int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.Length;"; lt1Value = "LA(1)"; exceptionThrown = "RecognitionException"; throwNoViable = "throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());"; } else if (g instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) { labeledElementASTType = "AST"; labeledElementType = "AST"; if ( g.hasOption("ASTLabelType") ) { Token tsuffix = g.getOption("ASTLabelType"); if ( tsuffix != null ) { String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix.getText(), "\"", "\""); if ( suffix != null ) { usingCustomAST = true; labeledElementASTType = suffix; labeledElementType = suffix; } } } if ( !g.hasOption("ASTLabelType") ) { g.setOption("ASTLabelType", new Token(ANTLRTokenTypes.STRING_LITERAL,"AST")); } labeledElementInit = "null"; commonExtraArgs = "_t"; commonExtraParams = "AST _t"; commonLocalVars = ""; lt1Value = "("+labeledElementASTType+")_t"; exceptionThrown = "RecognitionException"; throwNoViable = "throw new NoViableAltException(_t);"; } else { antlrTool.panic("Unknown grammar type"); } } /** This method exists so a subclass, namely VAJCodeGenerator, * can open the file in its own evil way. JavaCodeGenerator * simply opens a text file... */ public void setupOutput(String className) throws IOException { currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(className + ".cs"); } /** Helper method from Eric Smith's version of CSharpCodeGenerator.*/ private static String OctalToUnicode(String str) { // only do any conversion if the string looks like "'\003'" if ( (4 <= str.length()) && ('\'' == str.charAt(0)) && ('\\' == str.charAt(1)) && (('0' <= str.charAt(2)) && ('7' >= str.charAt(2))) && ('\'' == str.charAt(str.length()-1)) ) { // convert octal representation to decimal, then to hex Integer x = Integer.valueOf(str.substring(2, str.length()-1), 8); return "'\\x" + Integer.toHexString(x.intValue()) + "'"; } else { return str; } } /** Helper method that returns the name of the interface/class/enum type for token type constants. */ public String getTokenTypesClassName() { TokenManager tm = grammar.tokenManager; return new String(tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix); } private void declareSaveIndexVariableIfNeeded() { if (!bSaveIndexCreated) { println("int _saveIndex = 0;"); bSaveIndexCreated = true; } } }