package xtc.lang; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * A class to extract a line number mapping for a source-to-source * transformation. The "input source" and the "output source" are input and * output of the source-to-source transformation. For instance, Main.jni and * are input source and output source files in the Jeannie framework. * This source map extractor assumes that the output source file contains the * input source line directives in a "//#line ${lineno} ${source file} form, and * this form is similiar to the C line number directive. * * The source map extractor takes an output source file (, and * produces a mapping from the input source files (Main.jni) to output source * file ( in JSR45 SMAP format. For more information, look at JSR45 * []. * * @author Byeongcheol Lee */ public class SourceMapExtractor { /** * A regular expression to recognize line number directive like the following. * * //#line ${lineno} ${source file} */ private static final Pattern lineDirectivePattern = Pattern .compile("^\\s*//#line\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+\"(\\S+)\"$"); /** * Print a command line usage, and exit with an error code. * * @param msg A user message to explain what was wrong. */ private static void usage(String msg) { String umsg = "usage: SourceMapExtractor [source file]"; System.err.println(umsg + "\n" + msg); System.exit(-1); } /** * Drives printing the source remapping infomation for the given * #line-decorated source file. * * @param args A command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String outputSourceFileName = null; // parse command line argument for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if (outputSourceFileName == null) { outputSourceFileName = arg; } else { usage("can not recognize command line option:" + arg); } } // check outputSourceFileName is readable if (outputSourceFileName == null) { usage("please, specify [java source file]"); } File javaSourceFile = new File(outputSourceFileName); if (!javaSourceFile.isFile()) { usage("can not find " + outputSourceFileName); } if (!javaSourceFile.canRead()) { usage("check permission for reading " + outputSourceFileName); } try { // read output source file to get source-to-source mapping SourceMapExtractor smapgen = new SourceMapExtractor(outputSourceFileName); smapgen.genSMAP(); // print the source-to-source map to standard output. System.out.println(smapgen.toStringInSMAPFormat()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("failed in extracting SMAP from the " + outputSourceFileName); } } /** * The input source file. */ final protected String sourceFile; /** * The total number of lines in the source file. */ protected int numSourceLines = 0; /** * The line-to-line mapping from the input source file to the output source * file. */ final protected TreeSet<SMAPLineEntry> smapLineEntries = new TreeSet<SMAPLineEntry>(); /** * The mapping from an inputSourceFile to its unique id. Here, the input * source files appear in the line directive. */ final protected HashMap<String, Integer> inputSourceFile2id = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); /** * The number of input source files so far. This is to generate unique id for * new input file. */ protected int numInputSourceFiles = 0; /** * A reverse mapping from an output source line to an input source line in * case of a single input source file. */ private int[] outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine; /** * @param s An input source file. */ public SourceMapExtractor(String s) { this.sourceFile = s; } /** * @return A number of input source files in the source-to-source mapping. */ public int getNumberOfInputSourceFiles() { return numInputSourceFiles; } /** * Search for line number directive (//#line ...) to generate a * source-to-source mapping information. */ public void genSMAP() throws IOException { FileReader freader = new FileReader(sourceFile); LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(freader); LineNumberDirective prevJNILineDirective = null; while (true) { String line = lnr.readLine(); if (line == null) { numSourceLines = lnr.getLineNumber(); // EOF if (prevJNILineDirective != null) { addJNISourceLine(prevJNILineDirective, lnr.getLineNumber()); } break; } // check the line is of the form: //#line ${line number} ${filename} LineNumberDirective curJNILineDirective = checkJNILineNumberDirective( line, lnr.getLineNumber()); if (curJNILineDirective == null) { continue; } // handle line directive: //#line ${line number} ${filename} if (prevJNILineDirective != null) { // flush the previous line number directive. addJNISourceLine(prevJNILineDirective, lnr.getLineNumber() - 1); } prevJNILineDirective = curJNILineDirective; } } /** * Check if the current line is line number directive. If this line is not a * line number directive, this method returns null. Otherwise, this method * returns a line number directive object. * * @param line A line to be checked. * @param lineNumber The current java line where the line appears. * @return An line number directive object. */ private LineNumberDirective checkJNILineNumberDirective(String line, int lineNumber) { // try paring : //#line ${file name} ${line number} final Matcher m = lineDirectivePattern.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) { return null; } assert ( > 0) && ( > 0); int jniLineNumber = Integer.parseInt(; String fileName =; int fileID = ensureSourceFileID(fileName); LineNumberDirective directive = new LineNumberDirective(fileID, jniLineNumber, lineNumber); return directive; } /** * Add a line-to-line mapping entry to the smapLineEntries table. * * @param lineDirective A line number directive. * @param lineEnd The end line number that the lineDirective affects. */ private void addJNISourceLine(final LineNumberDirective lineDirective, final int lineEnd) { final int javaBegin = lineDirective.outputSourceLineNumber + 1; final int count = lineEnd - javaBegin + 1; // non-empty java line assert (javaBegin > 0) && (lineEnd > 0) && (count >= 1); final int jniLineStart = lineDirective.inputSurceLineNumber; final int jniFileID = lineDirective.sourceFileID; SMAPLineEntry entry = new SMAPLineEntry(jniLineStart, jniFileID, javaBegin, count); smapLineEntries.add(entry); } /** * Ensure the input source file id is present in the inputSourceFile2id table. * * @param sourceFile A source file name. * @return A file identification number. */ private int ensureSourceFileID(final String sourceFile) { int id; if (inputSourceFile2id.containsKey(sourceFile)) { id = inputSourceFile2id.get(sourceFile); } else { numInputSourceFiles++; id = numInputSourceFiles; inputSourceFile2id.put(sourceFile, id); } assert inputSourceFile2id.containsKey(sourceFile); return id; } /** * This routine returns a source file name that appeared in all the line * number directive. This routine is only for the -fatten option in the * ClassSOurceRemapper. * * @return A source file name. */ protected String getSingleSourceFileName() { assert numInputSourceFiles == 1; String singleJNIFile = null; for (final String jniFile : inputSourceFile2id.keySet()) { singleJNIFile = jniFile; break; } return singleJNIFile; } /** * Given output source line number (e.g. in, this routine returns a * corresponding input source line number (e.g. in Main.jni). This routine is * only for the -fatten option in the ClassSOurceRemapper. * * @param sourceLineNumber An output source line number. * @return An input source line number. */ protected int getSingleSourceLine(int sourceLineNumber) { assert numInputSourceFiles == 1; if (outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine == null) { outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine = new int[numSourceLines + 1]; for (final SMAPLineEntry entry : smapLineEntries) { int begin = entry.getOutputLineBegin(); int end = entry.getOutputLineEnd(); assert (begin >= 1) && (end >= begin); for (int outputLine = begin; outputLine <= end; outputLine++) { int inputLine = entry.getInputSourceLine(outputLine); int oldInputLine = outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine[outputLine]; if (oldInputLine >= 1) { // take minium if conflict if (oldInputLine < inputLine) { outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine[outputLine] = inputLine; } } else { // first time outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine[outputLine] = inputLine; } } } } assert outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine != null; return outputSourceLine2inputSourceLine[sourceLineNumber]; } /** * Return the source-to-source information in SMAP (JSR45) format. * * @return A text in SMAP format. */ public String toStringInSMAPFormat() { CharArrayWriter wa = new CharArrayWriter(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(wa); w.println("SMAP"); w.println(sourceFile); w.println("JNI"); w.println("*S JNI"); // list of jni source file name and id w.println("*F"); for (final String fname : inputSourceFile2id.keySet()) { int fid = inputSourceFile2id.get(fname); w.println("" + fid + " " + fname); } // list of JNI to java line number with the following format (JSR45) w.println("*L"); for (final SMAPLineEntry jline : smapLineEntries) { w.println(jline.toStringInSMAPFormat()); } w.println("*E"); w.close(); return wa.toString(); } /** * A SMAP line mapping entry class. * */ private static final class SMAPLineEntry implements Comparable<SMAPLineEntry> { /** * These fields represent a partial continuous line number mapping from the * input source files to the output source file. For futher information, * look at JSR45. */ private final int inputStartLine; private final int inputFileID; private final int repeat; private final int outputStartline; private final int ouputLineIncrement; /** * @param inputLine A beginning input source line number. * @param inputFileID An intput source file id number. * @param outputLineStart A beginning output source line number. * @param count A number of lines in the inputr source. */ SMAPLineEntry(int inputLine, int inputFileID, int outputLineStart, int count) { assert (inputLine >= 1) && (outputLineStart >= 1) && (count > 0); this.inputStartLine = inputLine; this.inputFileID = inputFileID; this.repeat = count; this.outputStartline = outputLineStart; this.ouputLineIncrement = 1; } /** * @return The beginning input source line number. */ private int getInputLineBegin() { return inputStartLine; } /** * @return The ending input source line number. */ private int getInputLineEnd() { return inputStartLine + repeat - 1; } /** * @return The beginning output source line number. */ private int getOutputLineBegin() { return outputStartline; } /** * @return The end of output source line number. */ private int getOutputLineEnd() { return outputStartline + repeat * ouputLineIncrement - 1; } /** * @param outputLine The line number of the output file. * @return An line number of the input file. */ private int getInputSourceLine(int outputLine) { assert (outputLine >= getOutputLineBegin()) && (outputLine <= getOutputLineEnd()); int jniLine = (outputLine - outputStartline) / ouputLineIncrement + inputStartLine; assert (jniLine >= inputStartLine) && (jniLine <= getInputLineEnd()); return jniLine; } /** * @return A text in the SMAP format. */ private String toStringInSMAPFormat() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(inputStartLine); sb.append("#").append(inputFileID); if (repeat != 1) { sb.append(",").append(repeat); } sb.append(":").append(outputStartline); if (ouputLineIncrement != 1) { sb.append(",").append(ouputLineIncrement); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Compare and Order smap entry by output source line number. * * @param o2 A SMAP entry. * @return An integer value to compare two SMAP entry. */ public int compareTo(SMAPLineEntry o2) { if (inputFileID != o2.inputFileID) { return inputFileID - o2.inputFileID; } else { if (outputStartline != o2.outputStartline) { return outputStartline - o2.outputStartline; } else { return inputStartLine - o2.inputStartLine; } } } } /** * A class to represent a line number directive event. */ private static final class LineNumberDirective { /** * The output source file line number where this event happened. */ private final int outputSourceLineNumber; /** * The input source line number that appeared in the line number directive. */ private final int inputSurceLineNumber; /** * The id number for the input source file that appeared in the line number * directive. */ private final int sourceFileID; /** * @param fid The input source file id number. * @param inline The input source line number. * @param outline The outoput source line number. */ public LineNumberDirective(int fid, int inline, int outline) { assert (fid > 0) & (inline > 0) & (outline > 0); sourceFileID = fid; inputSurceLineNumber = inline; outputSourceLineNumber = outline; } } }