package xtc.lang.blink; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import xtc.lang.blink.CallStack.JavaCallFrame; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.DummyCallCompletionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.J2CBreakPointHitEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Java2NativeCallEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Java2NativeCompletionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Java2NativeReturnEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.JavaStepCompletionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.LanguageTransitionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Native2JavaCallEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Native2JavaCompletionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.Native2JavaReturnEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.NativeBreakPointHitEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.JavaBreakPointHitEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.Event.NativeStepCompletionEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.JavaDebugger.InitializedEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.JavaDebugger.ListenAddressEvent; import xtc.lang.blink.NativeDebugger.LanguageTransitionEventType; import xtc.lang.blink.SymbolMapper.SourceFileAndLine; import xtc.lang.blink.agent.AgentNativeDeclaration; import xtc.lang.blink.EventLoop.ReplyHandler; import xtc.lang.blink.EventUtil.EventReplyHandler; import xtc.lang.blink.EventUtil.ConjunctiveReplyHandler; import xtc.lang.blink.EventUtil.DeathReplyHandler; import xtc.lang.blink.EventUtil.J2CCompletionEventHandler; import xtc.lang.blink.EventUtil.EventReplyHandler.EventFilter; /** * The Blink debugger for the Java/C mixed mode source level debugging. * * @author Byeongcheol Lee */ public class Blink implements AgentNativeDeclaration { /** The debugger control status. */ enum DebugerControlStatus { NONE, JDB, GDB, JDB_IN_GDB, GDB_IN_JDB, } /** * Prints a usage message to the user and shows what is wrong in the command * line arguments. Then, terminates the Blink debugger with an error code * (-1). * * @param msg The message. */ private static void usage(String msg) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (msg != null && msg.length() > 0) { buf.append(msg).append("\n\n"); } String usage = "Usage: xtc.lang.blink.Blink [options] CLASS [arguments]\n" + "Blink options:\n" + "\t-help\n" + "\t-jniassert\n" +'\n' + "options forwarded to JDB:\n" + "\t-sourcepath <directories separated by \":\">\n" + "\t-dbgtrace\n" +'\n' + "options forwarded to debuggee JVM:\n" + "\t-v -verbose[:class|gc|jni]\n" + "\t-D<name>=<value> system property\n" + "\t-classpath <directories separated by \":\">\n" + "\t-X<option>\n" +'\n' + "environment variables:\n" + "\tJAVA_DEV_ROOT xtc installation path\n" + "\tCLASSPATH class path\n" + "\tJAVA_HOME JDK installation path\n" + "\tOSTYPE OS type (linux,cygwin,win32, ...)\n" ; buf.append(usage); System.out.println(buf.toString()); System.exit(-1); } /** * Print the help message for the Blink command. */ final void help() { String msg = "\n" + "help print help\n" + "exit exit the Blink debugger\n" + "run start the program run\n" + "\n" + "break [file:line] add a break point e.g.) break Main.jni:9\n" + "stop at <classid>:<line> add a break point e.g.) stop at Main:15\n" + "stop in <classid>:<method> add a break point e.g.) stop in Main:main\n" + "info break list break points\n" + "delete [n] delete a break/watch point with its id [n].\n" + "\n" + "where dump stack trace\n" + "up [n] select n frames up\n" + "down [n] select n frames down\n" + "list print source code.\n" + "locals print local variables in selected frame\n" + "print <jexpr> print Jeannie expression\n" + "\n" + "continue coninue running.\n" + "step execute until another line reached\n" + "next execute the next line, including function calls\n"; out(msg); } /** * The main method for the Blink debugger. * * @param args The command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { InternalOption debuggerOptions = new InternalOption(); StringBuffer sbJVMOptions = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbJDBOptions = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbGDBOPtions = new StringBuffer(); String mainClass = null; StringBuffer sbMainOptions = new StringBuffer(); // parse arguments for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; // [options] CLASS if (mainClass == null) { if (arg.equals("-help")) { usage(""); // BEGIN - internal options for debugging purpose. } else if (arg.equals("-bv") || arg.equals("-bverbose")) { debuggerOptions.moreVerbose(); } else if (arg.equals("-ex")) { if ((i + 1) >= args.length) usage("Please, specify a Blink command after -ex"); String cmd = ""; for (i++; i < args.length && !args[i].equals("-xe"); i++) { cmd += " " + args[i]; } if (i >= args.length) usage("Please, specify -xe to end the Blink initial command."); debuggerOptions.addInitialBlinkCommand(cmd); } else if (arg.equals("-jniassert")) { debuggerOptions.setJniCheck(false); // END - internal options for debugging purpose. //jdb options } else if (arg.equals("-sourcepath")) { if ((i + 1) >= args.length) usage("Please, specify path after -sourcepath."); String argPath = args[++i]; sbJDBOptions.append(' ').append(arg).append(' ').append(argPath); } else if (arg.equals("-dbgtrace")) { sbJDBOptions.append(' ').append(arg); //jvm options } else if (arg.equals("-classpath")) { if ((i + 1) >= args.length) usage("Please, specify path after -classpath."); String argPath = args[++i]; sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(arg); sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(argPath); } else if (arg.equals("-v") || Pattern.matches("-verbose(:(class|gc|jni))?", arg)) { sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(arg); } else if (arg.matches("-X.+")) { sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(arg); } else if (arg.matches("-D[^=]+=.*")) { sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(arg); }else { mainClass = arg; } } else { // app options sbMainOptions.append(' ').append(arg); } } // check arguments if (mainClass == null) { usage("Please, specify the main CLASS name."); } //agent native files if (debuggerOptions.getAgentLibrarypath() != null) { ensureAgentLibrary(debuggerOptions.getAgentLibrarypath()); } else { debuggerOptions.setAgentLibrarypath(ensureAgentLibraryPathFromEnv()); } // build jvm arguments sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(mainClass); sbJVMOptions.append(' ').append(sbMainOptions); if (debuggerOptions.getVerboseLevel() >= 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("xtc.lang.blink.Debugger"); for (final String a : args) { sb.append(' ').append(a);} System.out.println("running: " + sb + "\n"); } //now actually launch the Blink. try { Blink debugger = new Blink(mainClass, sbJVMOptions.toString(), sbJDBOptions.toString(), sbGDBOPtions.toString(), debuggerOptions); debugger.startSession(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } /** Ensure the JAVA_DEV_ROOT directory is available. */ private static String ensureJavaDevRoot() { String java_dev_root= System.getenv("JAVA_DEV_ROOT"); if (java_dev_root == null || java_dev_root.equals("")) { usage("JAVA_DEV_ROOT environment variable is not set"); assert false:"not reachable"; } if (!new File(java_dev_root).isDirectory()) { usage(("JAVA_DEV_ROOT(=" + java_dev_root + ") is expected to be directory")); assert false:"not reachable"; } return java_dev_root; } /** * Ensure the debug agent's native shared library path from envorinment * variable. */ static String ensureAgentLibraryPathFromEnv() { String java_dev_root= ensureJavaDevRoot(); String java_dev_bin = java_dev_root + + "bin"; ensureAgentLibrary(java_dev_bin); return java_dev_bin; } /** Ensure the Agent dll exists and return its full path. */ static String ensureAgentLibraryPath() { return ensureAgentLibrary(ensureAgentLibraryPathFromEnv()); } /** * Ensure debug agent's native shared library exists. * @param libpath The library path. */ private static String ensureAgentLibrary(String libpath) { assert libpath != null; String dll_windows = libpath + + BDA_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME + ".dll"; String dll_unix = libpath + File.separator + "lib" + BDA_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME + ".so"; if (new File(dll_windows).exists()) { return dll_windows; } else if (new File(dll_unix).exists()) { return dll_unix; } else { usage("can not find Blink agent native library in " + libpath); assert false : "not reachable"; return null; } } /** * check if the Blink run jdb process, and create Blink's jdb controller. If * the Blink can not correctly create the jdb process, terminate the current * debugging session. */ private static JavaDebugger ensureJavaDebugger(Blink dbg) { try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("jdb -version"); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); String firstLine = r.readLine(); if (firstLine.startsWith("This is jdb version")) { int exitCode = p.waitFor(); r.close(); if (exitCode != 0) { usage("can not correctly access jdb in the current environment."); } } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { usage("can not correctly access jdb in the current environment."); System.exit(-1); } catch(IOException e) { usage("can not correctly access jdb in the current environment."); System.exit(-1); } return new JavaDebugger(dbg, "jdb"); } /** * Choose a native debugger, check Blink can run this native debugger, and * create Blink's native debugger handler. If Blink can not correctly use the * native debugger, terminate the current debugging session. * * The OSTYPE environment variable controls which native debugger to use. */ private static NativeDebugger ensureNativeDebugger(Blink dbg) { String ostype = System.getenv("OSTYPE"); if (ostype == null || !ostype.equals("win32")) { // default is gdb. try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("gdb -version"); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); String firstLine = r.readLine(); if (firstLine.startsWith("GNU gdb")) { int exitCode = p.waitFor(); r.close(); if (exitCode != 0) { usage("can not correctly access gdb in the current environment."); } } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { usage("can not correctly access gdb in the current environment."); } catch(IOException e) { usage("can not correctly access gdb in the current environment."); } return new NativeGDB(dbg, "gdb"); } else { //if OSTYPE is win32, use cdb. assert ostype.equals("win32"); try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cdb -version"); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); String versionLine = r.readLine(); if (versionLine.matches("cdb version \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+")) { int exitCode = p.waitFor(); r.close(); if (exitCode != 0) { usage("cdb returned non-zero exit code: " + exitCode + " when running cdb -version."); } } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { usage("can not correctly run cdb in the current environemnt."); } catch (IOException e) { usage("can not correctly run cdb in the current environment."); } return new NativeCDB(dbg, "cdb"); } } /** The application main class. */ private final String mainClass; /** The option string to be forwarded to the jvm. */ private final String jvmArguments; /** The option string to be forwarded to the jdb. */ private final String jdbArguments; /** The user command monitor. */ private final CommandLineInterface user; /** The application. */ final DebugeeJVM jvm; /** The jdb message monitor. */ final JavaDebugger jdb; /** The gdb message monitor. */ final NativeDebugger ndb; /** * The Blink event queue. Let the main thread be thread who initiated the * eventLoop() method, and this thread consumes events in the queue. There are * three event producers: user, jdb and gdb. */ private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Event>(); final EventLoop eventLoop; /** The current debugger control status. */ private DebugerControlStatus debugControl = DebugerControlStatus.NONE; /** * This is a flag to recode a fact that the jdb and gdb are initialized for * j2c and c2j debugger switching. */ private boolean gdbAttached = false; /** The break points manager. */ final BreakPointManager breakpointManager = new BreakPointManager(this); /** The Blink debugger options. */ final InternalOption options; /** the jni env value for the current context. */ String jnienvValue; /** The unified log queue for debugging purpose. */ final BoundedLogQueue logQueue = new BoundedLogQueue(4*1024); /** * Construct the Blink debugger. * * @param mainClass The main class name. * @param jvmArguments The jvm command line options. * @param jdbArguments The jdb command line options. * @param gdbOptions The gdb command line options. * @param debugOption The Blink debugger options. */ private Blink(final String mainClass, final String jvmArguments, final String jdbArguments, final String gdbOptions, final InternalOption debugOptions) { this.mainClass = mainClass; this.jvmArguments = jvmArguments; this.jdbArguments = jdbArguments; this.options = debugOptions; this.jdb =ensureJavaDebugger(this); this.ndb = ensureNativeDebugger(this); this.user = new CommandLineInterface(this); this.jvm = new DebugeeJVM(this, "jvm"); this.eventLoop = new EventLoop(this); } /** * Start the Blink debugger and wait until the end of this Blink session. */ private void startSession() throws IOException { // launch Java debugger and get the listening address. jdb.startListening(jdbArguments); final String address = (String) EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventLoop.ReplyHandler() { boolean dispatch(Event e) { if (e instanceof ListenAddressEvent && e.getSource() == Blink.this.jdb) { ListenAddressEvent listenEvent = (ListenAddressEvent) e; setResult(listenEvent.getAddress()); return true; } else { return false; } } }); // launch JVM and attach the JVM to the JDB. jvm.beginDebugSession(jvmArguments, address); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventLoop.ReplyHandler() { boolean dispatch(Event e) { if (e instanceof InitializedEvent && e.getSource() == Blink.this.jdb) { setResult(new Boolean(true)); return true; } else { return false; } } }); //advance the program execution to the main method. jdb.setBreakPoint(mainClass + ".main");; EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventLoop.ReplyHandler() { boolean dispatch(Event e) { if (e instanceof JavaBreakPointHitEvent && e.getSource() == Blink.this.jdb) { JavaBreakPointHitEvent je = (JavaBreakPointHitEvent)e; if (je.getClassName().equals(mainClass) && je.getMethodName().equals("main")) { setResult(new Boolean(true)); return true; } else { assert false : "unknown Java breakpoint hit"; return false; } } else { return false; } } }); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); jdb.clearBreakPoint(mainClass + ".main"); initj(); // show welcome message. out("Blink a Java/C mixed language debugger.\n"); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); // execute some initial Blink commands. for (final String line : options.getInitialBlinkCommandList()) { eventLoop.executeBlinkCommand(line); } // Now, enable the user command line processing. user.start(); showPrompt(); // Now, get into the event loop. eventLoop.main(); } /** * Present a terminal command prompt to the user. */ void showPrompt() { switch(debugControl) { case JDB: out("(bdb-j) "); break; case GDB: out("(bdb-c) "); break; case JDB_IN_GDB: out("(bdb-c2j) "); break; case GDB_IN_JDB: out("(bdb-j2c) "); break; } } /** Implement Blink "run" command. */ void run() { try { assert (getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.JDB);; changeDebugControlStatus(Blink.DebugerControlStatus.NONE); } catch (IOException e) { err("could not successfully run the application"); } } /** * Prepare jdb and gdb for j2c and c2j debugger switching. Internally, this * will initilize the Blink debugger agent by running a number of jdb and gdb * commands. */ boolean initj() { if (gdbAttached) { err("the initj was run before."); return true; } assert debugControl == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; // try to initialize the DebugAgent try { if (!jdb.initAgent()) { return false; } } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in executing initj for jdb\n"); return false; } // get debugee process id through the DebugAgent Code. int pid; try { pid = jdb.getJVMProcessID(); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in getting debugged process id\n"); return false; } // gdb - attach the debugee try { ndb.attach(pid); gdbAttached = true; } catch (IOException e) { err("could not attach the native code debugger.\n"); return false; } ensurePureContext(); assert getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; return true; } /** * Implements the j2c macro command. This will activate the gdb assuming that * the jdb has control over the debuggee. */ void j2c() { if (!IsNativeDebuggerAttached()) { err("please run initj before j2c\n"); return; } if (options.getVerboseLevel() >= 1) { out("switching to gdb mode due to j2c command.\n"); } try { jdb.j2c(); Event e = (Event)EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, J2CBreakPointHitEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, LanguageTransitionEvent.class), })); if (e instanceof LanguageTransitionEvent) { ndb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, J2CBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); } changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB_IN_JDB); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in executing j2c\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Implements the c2j macro command. This will activate the jdb assuming that * gdb has control over the debugee. */ void c2j() { if (!IsNativeDebuggerAttached()) { err("please run initj before c2j\n"); return; } if (options.getVerboseLevel() >= 1) { out("switching to jdb mode due to c2j command,\n"); } try { ndb.callNative2Java(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB_IN_GDB); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in executing c2j\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Implements the jret macro command. If the current debugger nesting is * jdb->gdb, then this will resume the gdb j2c break point, and the user input * redirection will be switched to the jdb. If the current debugger nesting is * gdb->jdb, this will resume the jdb c2j break point, and the user input * redirection will be switched to the gdb. */ void jret() { if (!IsNativeDebuggerAttached()) { err("please run initj before jret\n"); return; } switch (getDebugControlStatus()) { case NONE: case JDB: case GDB: err("jret is for jdb and gdb nesting."); break; case JDB_IN_GDB: if (options.getVerboseLevel() >= 1) { out("return to gdb\n"); } try { jdb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, Native2JavaCompletionEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, LanguageTransitionEvent.class), })); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in resuming jdb control nested in the gdb\n"); } break; case GDB_IN_JDB: if (options.getVerboseLevel() >= 1) { out("returning to jdb\n"); } try { ndb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new ReplyHandler() { boolean dispatch(Event e) { if (e instanceof Java2NativeCompletionEvent && e.getSource() == jdb) { setResult(new Boolean(true)); return true; } else if (e instanceof NativeBreakPointHitEvent && e.getSource() == ndb) { NativeBreakPointHitEvent ne = (NativeBreakPointHitEvent )e; try { ndb.cont(); } catch(IOException ioe) { err("could not continue from breakpoint from the native breakpoint:" + e); EventLoop.reportEvent(Blink.this, ne); } return false; } else { return false; } } }); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in resuming gdb control nested in the jdb\n"); } break; default: break; } } /** * Implement Blink "continue/cont" command. */ void cont() { assert debugControl != DebugerControlStatus.NONE; jnienvValue = null; switch (getDebugControlStatus()) { case JDB: case GDB: if (breakpointManager.hasDeferredNativeBreakpoint()) { try { ensureJDBContext(); jdb.setLoadLibraryEvent(); }catch(IOException e) { err("could not handle deferred gdb break point"); } } break; } switch (getDebugControlStatus()) { case JDB: try { jdb.cont(); changeDebugControlStatus(Blink.DebugerControlStatus.NONE); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in executing the continue\n"); } break; case GDB: try { ndb.cont(); changeDebugControlStatus(Blink.DebugerControlStatus.NONE); } catch (IOException e) { err("failed in executing the continue\n"); } break; case JDB_IN_GDB: case GDB_IN_JDB: err("\"continue\" is not allowed in this nested mode:" + getDebugControlStatus() + "\n" + "use jret to return to the gdb.\n"); break; default: assert false : "not allowed"; break; } } /** * Perform inter-language source level stepping. */ Event step() throws IOException { ensurePureContext(); Event e = null; SourceFileAndLine start = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); assert start != null; SymbolMapper.SourceFileAndLine now = null; do { switch(getDebugControlStatus()) { case JDB: e = stepj(); now = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); break; case GDB: e = stepc(); now = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); break; default: assert false; break; } } while(now == null || start.equals(now)); return e; } /** * Perform the inter-language source level stepping from Java context, and * return component debugger that finished this single stepping. * * @return The component event. */ private Event stepj() throws IOException { assert getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; // try JDB step-into and expect pause at Java or native code. j2c(); ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_CALL, 0); ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN, 0); jret(); jdb.step(); boolean reachedSourceLine = false; Event e; do { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE); e = (Event)EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler(new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaStepCompletionEvent.class), new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, Java2NativeCallEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, Native2JavaReturnEvent.class) })); if (e.getSource() == jdb) { // stepping from Java remains inside the Java area. changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); j2c(); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_CALL); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN); jret(); reachedSourceLine = true; // assume all Java byte code has the source line here. } else { // the control will stay in the native code. assert e.getSource() == ndb; changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB); if (ndb.getCurrentLocation() == null ) { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE); ndb.cont(); } else { ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_CALL); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN); // flush the JDB's stepping status. ndb.callJavaDummy(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler(new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaStepCompletionEvent.class) })); jdb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler(new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, DummyCallCompletionEvent.class) })); reachedSourceLine = true; } } } while(!reachedSourceLine); return e; } /** * Perform an inter-language source level stepping from native code, and return * component debugger event that finished this stepping. * * @return The component event. */ private Event stepc() throws IOException { assert getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.GDB; //set breakpoints for escaping to the Java. ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_CALL, 0); ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN, 0); ndb.step(); Event e = (Event)EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, Native2JavaCallEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, Java2NativeReturnEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, NativeStepCompletionEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, NativeBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_CALL); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN); if (e instanceof NativeStepCompletionEvent || e instanceof NativeBreakPointHitEvent) { //done! } else if (e instanceof Native2JavaCallEvent) { Native2JavaCallEvent ne = (Native2JavaCallEvent)e; //reach the Java target method entry. String className= ne.getClassName(); int lineNumber = ne.getLineNumber(); c2j(); jdb.setBreakPoint(className, lineNumber); jret(); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE); ndb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop( this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); jdb.clearBreakPoint(className, lineNumber); } else if (e instanceof Java2NativeReturnEvent) { Java2NativeReturnEvent ne = (Java2NativeReturnEvent)e; //reach the Java return site. String cname = ne.getJavaTarget(); int line = ne.getTargetLineNumber(); c2j(); jdb.setBreakPoint(cname, line); jret(); ensureGDBContext(); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE); ndb.cont(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); jdb.clearBreakPoint(cname, line); } return e; } /** * Perform an inter-language source level stepping, and return the component * debugger event that terminated the single stepping. * * @return The component debugger event. */ Event next() throws IOException { Event e = null; ensurePureContext(); SymbolMapper.SourceFileAndLine start = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); assert start != null; SymbolMapper.SourceFileAndLine now = null; do { switch(getDebugControlStatus()) { case JDB: e = nextj(); now = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); break; case GDB: e = nextc(); now = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); break; default: assert false; break; } } while(now == null || start.equals(now)); ensurePureContext(); assert e != null; return e; } /** * Perform a source-level step-over from the Java code, and return the * component debugger event that terminated this single stepping. At the end * of this operation, this debuggee is in either Java or native code. * * @return The component debugger event. */ private Event nextj() throws IOException { assert debugControl == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; //set c2j_return breakpoint. j2c(); int languageTransitionCountOnStack = ndb.getLanguageTransitionCount(); ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN, languageTransitionCountOnStack); jret(); //start a single step from Java. changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE);; Event e = (Event)EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler(new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaStepCompletionEvent.class), new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, Native2JavaReturnEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, NativeBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); if (e.getSource() == jdb) { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); j2c(); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN); jret(); return e; } else { assert e.getSource() == ndb; changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.C2J_RETURN); return e; } } /** * Perform a source-level step-over from the native code, and return the * component debugger event that terminated this single stepping. At the end * of this operation, this debuggee is in either Java or native code. * * @return The component debugger event. */ private Event nextc() throws IOException { assert debugControl == DebugerControlStatus.GDB; //set language transition breakpoint. ensureGDBContext(); int languageTransitionCountOnStack = ndb.getLanguageTransitionCount(); ndb.setTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN, languageTransitionCountOnStack); //resume the execution with native stepping over. changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE);; Event e = (Event)EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(ndb, NativeStepCompletionEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, NativeBreakPointHitEvent.class), new EventFilter(ndb, Java2NativeReturnEvent.class), new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); //handle the step completion cases if (e instanceof NativeStepCompletionEvent || e instanceof NativeBreakPointHitEvent) { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN); } else if (e instanceof Java2NativeReturnEvent) { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.GDB); ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN); //continue until the program reaches the return site. ensureJDBContext(); Java2NativeReturnEvent event = (Java2NativeReturnEvent)e; String cname = event.getJavaTarget(); int line = event.getTargetLineNumber(); assert cname != null && line > 0 : "can not put byte code index break point with jdb."; jdb.setBreakPoint(cname, line); ensureGDBContext(); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.NONE); ndb.cont(); boolean returnSiteReached = false; do { JavaBreakPointHitEvent jbpHitEvent = (JavaBreakPointHitEvent) EventLoop.subLoop(this, new EventReplyHandler( new EventFilter[] { new EventFilter(jdb, JavaBreakPointHitEvent.class), })); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); returnSiteReached =jbpHitEvent.getClassName().equals(cname) && jbpHitEvent.getLineNumber() == line; } while (!returnSiteReached); jdb.clearBreakPoint(cname, line); changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); } else if (e instanceof JavaBreakPointHitEvent) { changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus.JDB); j2c(); //this will flush the native single stepping. ndb.clearTransitionBreakPoint(LanguageTransitionEventType.J2C_RETURN); jret(); } else { assert false : " not reachable"; } return e; } /** Exit the current debugging session. */ void exit() { if (getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.NONE ) { out("can not terminate the current debugging session.\n"); return; } ensurePureContext(); if (getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.JDB) { try { // ensure gdb is detached. if (gdbAttached) { j2c(); ndb.detach(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new ConjunctiveReplyHandler( new J2CCompletionEventHandler(jdb), new DeathReplyHandler(ndb) )); debugControl = DebugerControlStatus.JDB; gdbAttached = false; } jdb.exit(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new ConjunctiveReplyHandler( new DeathReplyHandler(jvm), new DeathReplyHandler(jdb) )); debugControl = DebugerControlStatus.NONE; } catch (IOException e) { err("could not successfully run the exit sequent from jdb."); } } else if (getDebugControlStatus() == DebugerControlStatus.GDB) { try { ndb.quit(); EventLoop.subLoop(this, new ConjunctiveReplyHandler( new DeathReplyHandler(jvm), new DeathReplyHandler(jdb), new DeathReplyHandler(ndb) )); } catch (IOException e) { err("could not successfully run the exit sequent from gdb."); } } else { assert false : "should not reach here"; return; } } /** * Print a message to the console. * * @param msg The message to print. */ void out(String msg) { user.out(msg); } /** * Print an message to the console. * * @param b The byte buffer. * @param off The offset. * @param len The length. */ void out(char[] b) { user.out(new String(b)); } /** * Print an error message to the console. * * @param msg The error message to print. */ void err(String msg) { user.err(msg); } /** * Getter method for the debuggerSwitchingInitialized. * * @return true if the debug context switching is ready, or false otherwise. */ boolean IsNativeDebuggerAttached() { return gdbAttached; } /** * Ensure the debug agent is ready. */ boolean ensureDebugAgent() throws IOException { assert debugControl == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; if (IsNativeDebuggerAttached()) { return true; } return initj(); } /** * Ensure jdb is available. */ public boolean ensureJDBContext() { switch (debugControl) { case JDB: case JDB_IN_GDB: return true; case GDB: c2j(); return true; case GDB_IN_JDB: jret(); return true; default: assert false : "not allowed state"; return false; } } /** * try to ensure gdb is available. * * @return true if the gdb context. false otherwise. */ public boolean ensureGDBContext() { if (!IsNativeDebuggerAttached()) { return false; } switch (debugControl) { case JDB: j2c(); break; case JDB_IN_GDB: jret(); break; case GDB: case GDB_IN_JDB: break; default: assert false : "not allowed state"; break; } return true; } /** * Ensure a pure debug context. */ public final void ensurePureContext() { switch(getDebugControlStatus()) { case JDB: case GDB: break; case JDB_IN_GDB: case GDB_IN_JDB: jret(); break; case NONE: break; } } /** * Ensure the JNIENV pointer is available. * * @return The JNIEnv pointer value. */ public String ensureJNIENV() { if (jnienvValue != null) { return jnienvValue; } if (!ensureGDBContext()) { assert false : "panic"; } try { jnienvValue = ndb.getJNIEnv(); } catch (IOException e) { err("could not get jnienv value.\n"); } return jnienvValue; } /** * Dispatch the internal Blink user command. * * @param command The command. */ void executeDebugCommand(String command) { assert command.startsWith("bdb "); if (command.equals("bdb log")) { out(logQueue.getLastTrace()); Thread.dumpStack(); } else if (Pattern.matches("bdb log (jdb|gdb)", command)) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("bdb log (jdb|gdb)").matcher(command); if (!m.matches()) { assert false: "impossible!"; } String mdbg; if (mdbg.equals("jdb")) { out(jdb.getLastOutputMessage() + "\n"); } else { assert mdbg.equals("gdb") : "impossible!"; out(ndb.getLastOutputMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (command.equals("bdb verbose")) { options.moreVerbose(); } else if (command.equals("bdb quiet")) { options.setVerboseLevel(0); } else if (command.equals("bdb where")) { Thread.dumpStack(); } else { err("can not recognize: " + command + "\n"); } } /** * Switch to the new debugger state. * * @param newStatus The requested new state. */ synchronized void changeDebugControlStatus(DebugerControlStatus newStatus) { DebugerControlStatus oldStatus = debugControl; if (oldStatus == newStatus) { return; } boolean success = false; switch (debugControl) { case NONE: success = newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.JDB || newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.GDB; break; case JDB: success = newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.NONE || newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.GDB_IN_JDB; break; case GDB: success = newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.NONE || newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.JDB_IN_GDB; break; case JDB_IN_GDB: success = newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.GDB; break; case GDB_IN_JDB: success = newStatus == DebugerControlStatus.JDB; break; } debugControl = newStatus; if (!success) { err("warning: not an expected transition in the following context\n" + oldStatus + "->" + newStatus); Thread.dumpStack(); } } /** * @return The debugger control status. */ synchronized DebugerControlStatus getDebugControlStatus() { return debugControl; } /** * @return The current language context */ synchronized String getCurrentLanguageContext() { switch (debugControl) { case JDB_IN_GDB: case JDB: return "Java"; case GDB_IN_JDB: case GDB: return "C"; default: return "None"; } } /** * Get current location where the debugee suspened. * @return The location. */ SourceFileAndLine getCurrentSourceLevelLocation() throws IOException { ensurePureContext(); SourceFileAndLine location; switch(debugControl) { case JDB: location = jdb.getCurrentLocation(); break; case GDB: location = ndb.getCurrentLocation(); break; default: assert false: "not reachable"; location = null; break; } return location; } String getCurrentSourceLine() throws IOException { ensurePureContext(); String line; switch(debugControl) { case JDB: List<JavaCallFrame> frames = jdb.getFrames(); assert frames.size() > 0; JavaCallFrame top = frames.get(0); line = jdb.getSourceLine(top); break; case GDB: SourceFileAndLine loc = getCurrentSourceLevelLocation(); line = ndb.getSourceLines(loc.getSourceFile(), loc.getSourceLine(), 1); break; default: assert false: "not reachable"; line = null; break; } return line; } /** * Enqueue an event. * * @param e The event. */ void enqueEvent(Event e) { if (!eventQueue.add(e)) { err("can not successfully insert event: " + e + " from " + Thread.currentThread() + "\n"); err("Now, I'm discarding that event\n"); } } /** * Dequeue an event. * * @return The event. */ Event dequeEvent() { Event event = null; try { event = eventQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (event == null) { err("could not get non-null event from queue\n"); return null; } } return event; } /** * Getter method for mainClass. * * @return The mainClass. */ public String getMainClass() { return mainClass; } }