/* * Jajuk * Copyright (C) The Jajuk Team * http://jajuk.info * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.jajuk.ui.helpers; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.jajuk.base.File; import org.jajuk.base.FileManager; import org.jajuk.base.Item; import org.jajuk.base.PropertyMetaInformation; import org.jajuk.base.TrackManager; import org.jajuk.base.Type; import org.jajuk.ui.widgets.IconLabel; import org.jajuk.util.Conf; import org.jajuk.util.Const; import org.jajuk.util.Filter; import org.jajuk.util.Messages; /** * Table model used for physical table view. */ public class FilesTableModel extends JajukTableModel { /** Generated serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Associated view ID. */ private String viewID; /** * Model constructor. * * @param viewID Associated view ID */ public FilesTableModel(String viewID) { super(20); this.viewID = viewID; setEditable(Conf.getBoolean(Const.CONF_FILES_TABLE_EDITION)); // Columns names // First column is play icon, need to set a space character // for proper display in some look and feel vColNames.add(" "); idList.add(Const.XML_PLAY); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_ALBUM)); idList.add(Const.XML_ALBUM); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_ARTIST)); idList.add(Const.XML_ARTIST); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_ALBUM_ARTIST)); idList.add(Const.XML_ALBUM_ARTIST); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_GENRE)); idList.add(Const.XML_GENRE); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_RATE)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_RATE); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_LENGTH)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_LENGTH); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_DEVICE)); idList.add(Const.XML_DEVICE); vColNames.add(Messages.getString("Property_filename")); idList.add(Const.XML_NAME); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_COMMENT)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_COMMENT); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_QUALITY)); idList.add(Const.XML_QUALITY); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_SIZE)); idList.add(Const.XML_SIZE); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_ORDER)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_ORDER); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_DISC_NUMBER)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_DISC_NUMBER); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_YEAR)); idList.add(Const.XML_YEAR); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_DIRECTORY)); idList.add(Const.XML_DIRECTORY); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_FILE_DATE)); idList.add(Const.XML_FILE_DATE); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_HITS)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_HITS); vColNames.add(Messages.getHumanPropertyName(Const.XML_TRACK_DISCOVERY_DATE)); idList.add(Const.XML_TRACK_DISCOVERY_DATE); // -- Custom properties now-- // for files Iterator<PropertyMetaInformation> it = FileManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PropertyMetaInformation meta = it.next(); vColNames.add(meta.getName()); idList.add(meta.getName()); } // for tracks it = TrackManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PropertyMetaInformation meta = it.next(); vColNames.add(meta.getName()); idList.add(meta.getName()); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jajuk.ui.helpers.JajukTableModel#populateModel(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.util.List) */ @Override public void populateModel(String sPropertyName, String sPattern, List<String> columnsToShow) { // This should be monitor file manager to avoid NPE when changing items List<File> alToShow = FileManager.getInstance().getFiles(); // Filter mounted files if needed and apply sync table with tree // option if needed final boolean syncTreeTable = Conf.getBoolean(Const.CONF_SYNC_TABLE_TREE + "." + viewID); oItems = new Item[iRowNum]; CollectionUtils.filter(alToShow, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object o) { File file = (File) o; // show it if no sync option or if item is in the selection boolean bShowWithTree = !syncTreeTable // tree selection = null means none selection have been // done in tree so far || treeSelection == null // check if the tree selection contains the current file || (treeSelection.size() > 0 && treeSelection.contains(file)); return (!file.shouldBeHidden() && bShowWithTree); } }); // Filter files Filter filter = new Filter(sPropertyName, sPattern, true, Conf.getBoolean(Const.CONF_REGEXP)); alToShow = Filter.filterItems(alToShow, filter, File.class); Iterator<File> it = alToShow.iterator(); int iColNum = iNumberStandardCols + FileManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties().size() + TrackManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties().size(); iRowNum = alToShow.size(); it = alToShow.iterator(); oValues = new Object[iRowNum][iColNum]; oItems = new Item[iRowNum]; bCellEditable = new boolean[iRowNum][iColNum]; // For perfs, prepare columns visibility boolean bTrackName = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK)); boolean bAlbum = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_ALBUM)); boolean bArtist = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_ARTIST)); boolean bAlbumArtist = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_ALBUM_ARTIST)); boolean bGenre = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_GENRE)); boolean bRate = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK_RATE)); boolean bLength = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK_LENGTH)); boolean bDevice = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_DEVICE)); boolean bFileName = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_NAME)); boolean bComment = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK_COMMENT)); boolean bQuality = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_QUALITY)); boolean bSize = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_SIZE)); boolean bDiscovery = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow .contains(Const.XML_TRACK_DISCOVERY_DATE)); boolean bOrder = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK_ORDER)); boolean bDiscNumber = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow .contains(Const.XML_TRACK_DISC_NUMBER)); boolean bYear = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_YEAR)); boolean bDirectory = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_DIRECTORY)); boolean bFileDate = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_FILE_DATE)); boolean bHits = (columnsToShow != null && columnsToShow.contains(Const.XML_TRACK_HITS)); for (int iRow = 0; it.hasNext(); iRow++) { File file = it.next(); setItemAt(iRow, file); // Id oItems[iRow] = file; // Play IconLabel il = null; if (file.isReady()) { il = getIcon(false); } else { il = getIcon(true); } oValues[iRow][0] = il; bCellEditable[iRow][0] = false; // check track has an associated tag editor (not null) boolean bHasATagEditor = false; Type type = file.getType(); if (type != null) { bHasATagEditor = (type.getTaggerClass() != null); } // Track name if (bTrackName) { oValues[iRow][1] = file.getTrack().getName(); } else { oValues[iRow][1] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][1] = bHasATagEditor; // Album if (bAlbum) { oValues[iRow][2] = file.getTrack().getAlbum().getName2(); } else { oValues[iRow][2] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][2] = bHasATagEditor; // Artist if (bArtist) { oValues[iRow][3] = file.getTrack().getArtist().getName2(); } else { oValues[iRow][3] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][3] = bHasATagEditor; // AlbumArtist if (bAlbumArtist) { oValues[iRow][4] = file.getTrack().getAlbumArtist().getName2(); } else { oValues[iRow][4] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][4] = bHasATagEditor; // Genre if (bGenre) { oValues[iRow][5] = file.getTrack().getGenre().getName2(); } else { oValues[iRow][5] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][5] = bHasATagEditor; // Rate if (bRate) { oValues[iRow][6] = StarsHelper.getStarIconLabel(file.getTrack()); } else { oValues[iRow][6] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][6] = false; // Length if (bLength) { oValues[iRow][7] = new Duration(file.getTrack().getDuration()); } else { oValues[iRow][7] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][7] = false; // Device if (bDevice) { oValues[iRow][8] = file.getDirectory().getDevice().getName(); } else { oValues[iRow][8] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][8] = false; // File name if (bFileName) { oValues[iRow][9] = file.getName(); } else { oValues[iRow][9] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][9] = true; // Comment if (bComment) { oValues[iRow][10] = file.getTrack().getValue(Const.XML_TRACK_COMMENT); } else { oValues[iRow][10] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][10] = bHasATagEditor; // Quality if (bQuality) { long lQuality = file.getQuality(); oValues[iRow][11] = lQuality; } else { oValues[iRow][11] = 0l; } bCellEditable[iRow][11] = false; // Size, we want to keep 2 decimals to the value in MB if (bSize) { oValues[iRow][12] = Math.round(file.getSize() / 10485.76) / 100f; } else { oValues[iRow][12] = 0l; } bCellEditable[iRow][12] = false; // Order if (bOrder) { oValues[iRow][13] = file.getTrack().getOrder(); } else { oValues[iRow][13] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][13] = bHasATagEditor; // Disc number if (bDiscNumber) { oValues[iRow][14] = file.getTrack().getDiscNumber(); } else { oValues[iRow][14] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][14] = bHasATagEditor; // year if (bYear) { oValues[iRow][15] = file.getTrack().getYear().getValue(); } else { oValues[iRow][15] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][15] = bHasATagEditor; // directory full path if (bDirectory) { oValues[iRow][16] = file.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); } else { oValues[iRow][16] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][16] = false; // file date if (bFileDate) { oValues[iRow][17] = file.getDateValue(Const.XML_FILE_DATE); } else { oValues[iRow][17] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][17] = false; // Hits if (bHits) { oValues[iRow][18] = file.getTrack().getHits(); } else { oValues[iRow][18] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][18] = false; // Discovery date if (bDiscovery) { oValues[iRow][19] = file.getTrack().getDiscoveryDate(); } else { oValues[iRow][19] = ""; } bCellEditable[iRow][19] = false; // -- Custom properties now -- Map<String, Object> properties = file.getProperties(); // files custom tags Iterator<PropertyMetaInformation> it2 = FileManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties() .iterator(); for (int i = 0; it2.hasNext(); i++) { PropertyMetaInformation meta = it2.next(); Object o = properties.get(meta.getName()); if (o != null) { oValues[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = o; } else { oValues[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = meta.getDefaultValue(); } // Date values not editable, use properties panel instead to // edit if (meta.getType().equals(Date.class)) { bCellEditable[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = false; } else { bCellEditable[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = true; } } // tracks custom properties properties = file.getTrack().getProperties(); it2 = TrackManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties().iterator(); for (int i = FileManager.getInstance().getCustomProperties().size(); it2.hasNext(); i++) { PropertyMetaInformation meta = it2.next(); Object o = properties.get(meta.getName()); if (o != null) { oValues[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = properties.get(meta.getName()); } else { oValues[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = meta.getDefaultValue(); } // Date values not editable, use properties panel instead to // edit if (meta.getType().equals(Date.class)) { bCellEditable[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = false; } else { bCellEditable[iRow][iNumberStandardCols + i] = true; } } } } }