/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.igfs; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.apache.ignite.Ignite; import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode; import org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.igfs.IgfsPerBlockLruEvictionPolicy; import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration; import org.apache.ignite.configuration.FileSystemConfiguration; import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsGroupDataBlocksKeyMapper; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsInputStream; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsInvalidPathException; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsIpcEndpointConfiguration; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsIpcEndpointType; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMetrics; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMode; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsOutputStream; import org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsPath; import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInterruptedCheckedException; import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheAdapter; import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridAbsPredicate; import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.G; import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U; import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi; import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder; import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils; import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode.TRANSACTIONAL; import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.PARTITIONED; import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.REPLICATED; import static org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMode.DUAL_SYNC; import static org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMode.PRIMARY; /** * Tests for IGFS per-block LR eviction policy. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions", "ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored"}) public class IgfsCachePerBlockLruEvictionPolicySelfTest extends IgfsCommonAbstractTest { /** Primary IGFS name. */ private static final String IGFS_PRIMARY = "igfs-primary"; /** Primary IGFS name. */ private static final String IGFS_SECONDARY = "igfs-secondary"; /** Secondary file system REST endpoint configuration map. */ private static final IgfsIpcEndpointConfiguration SECONDARY_REST_CFG; /** File working in PRIMARY mode. */ public static final IgfsPath FILE = new IgfsPath("/file"); /** File working in DUAL mode. */ public static final IgfsPath FILE_RMT = new IgfsPath("/fileRemote"); /** Primary IGFS instances. */ private static IgfsImpl igfsPrimary; /** Secondary IGFS instance. */ private static IgfsImpl secondaryFs; /** Primary file system data cache. */ private static GridCacheAdapter<IgfsBlockKey, byte[]> dataCache; /** Eviction policy */ private static IgfsPerBlockLruEvictionPolicy evictPlc; static { SECONDARY_REST_CFG = new IgfsIpcEndpointConfiguration(); SECONDARY_REST_CFG.setType(IgfsIpcEndpointType.TCP); SECONDARY_REST_CFG.setPort(11500); } /** * Start a grid with the primary file system. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void startPrimary() throws Exception { FileSystemConfiguration igfsCfg = new FileSystemConfiguration(); igfsCfg.setName(IGFS_PRIMARY); igfsCfg.setBlockSize(512); igfsCfg.setDefaultMode(DUAL_SYNC); igfsCfg.setPrefetchBlocks(1); igfsCfg.setSequentialReadsBeforePrefetch(Integer.MAX_VALUE); igfsCfg.setSecondaryFileSystem(secondaryFs.asSecondary()); Map<String, IgfsMode> pathModes = new HashMap<>(); pathModes.put(FILE.toString(), PRIMARY); igfsCfg.setPathModes(pathModes); CacheConfiguration dataCacheCfg = defaultCacheConfiguration(); dataCacheCfg.setCacheMode(PARTITIONED); dataCacheCfg.setNearConfiguration(null); dataCacheCfg.setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC); dataCacheCfg.setAtomicityMode(TRANSACTIONAL); evictPlc = new IgfsPerBlockLruEvictionPolicy(); dataCacheCfg.setEvictionPolicy(evictPlc); dataCacheCfg.setOnheapCacheEnabled(true); dataCacheCfg.setAffinityMapper(new IgfsGroupDataBlocksKeyMapper(128)); dataCacheCfg.setBackups(0); CacheConfiguration metaCacheCfg = defaultCacheConfiguration(); metaCacheCfg.setCacheMode(REPLICATED); metaCacheCfg.setNearConfiguration(null); metaCacheCfg.setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC); metaCacheCfg.setAtomicityMode(TRANSACTIONAL); igfsCfg.setMetaCacheConfiguration(metaCacheCfg); igfsCfg.setDataCacheConfiguration(dataCacheCfg); IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(); cfg.setIgniteInstanceName("grid-primary"); TcpDiscoverySpi discoSpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi(); discoSpi.setIpFinder(new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder(true)); cfg.setDiscoverySpi(discoSpi); cfg.setFileSystemConfiguration(igfsCfg); cfg.setLocalHost(""); cfg.setConnectorConfiguration(null); Ignite g = G.start(cfg); igfsPrimary = (IgfsImpl)g.fileSystem(IGFS_PRIMARY); dataCache = igfsPrimary.context().kernalContext().cache().internalCache( igfsPrimary.context().configuration().getDataCacheConfiguration().getName()); } /** * Start a grid with the secondary file system. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void startSecondary() throws Exception { FileSystemConfiguration igfsCfg = new FileSystemConfiguration(); igfsCfg.setName(IGFS_SECONDARY); igfsCfg.setBlockSize(512); igfsCfg.setDefaultMode(PRIMARY); igfsCfg.setIpcEndpointConfiguration(SECONDARY_REST_CFG); CacheConfiguration dataCacheCfg = defaultCacheConfiguration(); dataCacheCfg.setCacheMode(PARTITIONED); dataCacheCfg.setNearConfiguration(null); dataCacheCfg.setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC); dataCacheCfg.setAffinityMapper(new IgfsGroupDataBlocksKeyMapper(128)); dataCacheCfg.setBackups(0); dataCacheCfg.setAtomicityMode(TRANSACTIONAL); CacheConfiguration metaCacheCfg = defaultCacheConfiguration(); metaCacheCfg.setCacheMode(REPLICATED); metaCacheCfg.setNearConfiguration(null); metaCacheCfg.setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC); metaCacheCfg.setAtomicityMode(TRANSACTIONAL); igfsCfg.setMetaCacheConfiguration(metaCacheCfg); igfsCfg.setDataCacheConfiguration(dataCacheCfg); IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(); cfg.setIgniteInstanceName("grid-secondary"); TcpDiscoverySpi discoSpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi(); discoSpi.setIpFinder(new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder(true)); cfg.setDiscoverySpi(discoSpi); cfg.setFileSystemConfiguration(igfsCfg); cfg.setLocalHost(""); cfg.setConnectorConfiguration(null); Ignite g = G.start(cfg); secondaryFs = (IgfsImpl)g.fileSystem(IGFS_SECONDARY); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void afterTest() throws Exception { try { // Cleanup. igfsPrimary.clear(); while (!dataCache.isEmpty()) U.sleep(100); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); } finally { stopAllGrids(false); } } /** * Startup primary and secondary file systems. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void start() throws Exception { startSecondary(); startPrimary(); evictPlc.setMaxBlocks(0); evictPlc.setMaxSize(0); evictPlc.setExcludePaths(null); } /** * Test how evictions are handled for a file working in PRIMARY mode. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testFilePrimary() throws Exception { start(); // Create file in primary mode. It must not be propagated to eviction policy. igfsPrimary.create(FILE, true).close(); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); int blockSize = igfsPrimary.info(FILE).blockSize(); append(FILE, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); read(FILE, 0, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); } /** * Test how evictions are handled for a file working in PRIMARY mode. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testFileDual() throws Exception { start(); igfsPrimary.create(FILE_RMT, true).close(); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); int blockSize = igfsPrimary.info(FILE_RMT).blockSize(); // File write. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(1, blockSize); // One more write. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(2, blockSize * 2); // Read. read(FILE_RMT, 0, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(2, blockSize * 2); } /** * Ensure that a DUAL mode file is not propagated to eviction policy * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testFileDualExclusion() throws Exception { start(); evictPlc.setExcludePaths(Collections.singleton(FILE_RMT.toString())); // Create file in primary mode. It must not be propagated to eviction policy. igfsPrimary.create(FILE_RMT, true).close(); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); int blockSize = igfsPrimary.info(FILE_RMT).blockSize(); append(FILE_RMT, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); read(FILE_RMT, 0, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); } /** * Ensure that exception is thrown in case we are trying to rename file with one exclude setting to the file with * another. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testRenameDifferentExcludeSettings() throws Exception { start(); GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { igfsPrimary.rename(FILE, FILE_RMT); return null; } }, IgfsInvalidPathException.class, "Cannot move file to a path with different eviction exclude setting " + "(need to copy and remove)"); GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { igfsPrimary.rename(FILE_RMT, FILE); return null; } }, IgfsInvalidPathException.class, "Cannot move file to a path with different eviction exclude setting " + "(need to copy and remove)"); } /** * Test eviction caused by too much blocks. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testBlockCountEviction() throws Exception { start(); int blockCnt = 3; evictPlc.setMaxBlocks(blockCnt); igfsPrimary.create(FILE_RMT, true).close(); checkEvictionPolicy(0, 0); int blockSize = igfsPrimary.info(FILE_RMT).blockSize(); // Write blocks up to the limit. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize * blockCnt); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Write one more block what should cause eviction. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Read the first block. read(FILE_RMT, 0, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); checkMetrics(1, 1); } /** * Test eviction caused by too big data size. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testDataSizeEviction() throws Exception { start(); igfsPrimary.create(FILE_RMT, true).close(); int blockCnt = 3; int blockSize = igfsPrimary.info(FILE_RMT).blockSize(); evictPlc.setMaxSize(blockSize * blockCnt); // Write blocks up to the limit. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize * blockCnt); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Reset metrics. igfsPrimary.resetMetrics(); // Read the first block what should cause reordering. read(FILE_RMT, 0, blockSize); checkMetrics(1, 0); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Write one more block what should cause eviction of the block 2. append(FILE_RMT, blockSize); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Read the first block. read(FILE_RMT, 0, blockSize); checkMetrics(2, 0); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); // Read the second block (which was evicted). read(FILE_RMT, blockSize, blockSize); checkMetrics(3, 1); checkEvictionPolicy(blockCnt, blockCnt * blockSize); } /** * Read some data from the given file with the given offset. * * @param path File path. * @param off Offset. * @param len Length. * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void read(IgfsPath path, int off, int len) throws Exception { IgfsInputStream is = igfsPrimary.open(path); is.readFully(off, new byte[len]); is.close(); } /** * Append some data to the given file. * * @param path File path. * @param len Data length. * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void append(IgfsPath path, int len) throws Exception { IgfsOutputStream os = igfsPrimary.append(path, false); os.write(new byte[len]); os.close(); } /** * Check metrics counters. * * @param blocksRead Expected blocks read. * @param blocksReadRmt Expected blocks read remote. * @throws Exception If failed. */ public void checkMetrics(final long blocksRead, final long blocksReadRmt) throws Exception { assert GridTestUtils.waitForCondition(new GridAbsPredicate() { @Override public boolean apply() { IgfsMetrics metrics = igfsPrimary.metrics(); return metrics.blocksReadTotal() == blocksRead && metrics.blocksReadRemote() == blocksReadRmt; } }, 5000) : "Unexpected metrics [expectedBlocksReadTotal=" + blocksRead + ", actualBlocksReadTotal=" + igfsPrimary.metrics().blocksReadTotal() + ", expectedBlocksReadRemote=" + blocksReadRmt + ", actualBlocksReadRemote=" + igfsPrimary.metrics().blocksReadRemote() + ']'; } /** * Check eviction policy state. * * @param curBlocks Current blocks. * @param curBytes Current bytes. */ private void checkEvictionPolicy(final int curBlocks, final long curBytes) throws IgniteInterruptedCheckedException { assert GridTestUtils.waitForCondition(new GridAbsPredicate() { @Override public boolean apply() { return evictPlc.getCurrentBlocks() == curBlocks && evictPlc.getCurrentSize() == curBytes; } }, 5000) : "Unexpected counts [expectedBlocks=" + curBlocks + ", actualBlocks=" + evictPlc.getCurrentBlocks() + ", expectedBytes=" + curBytes + ", currentBytes=" + curBytes + ']'; } }