package org.hypergraphdb.transaction; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.hypergraphdb.cache.CacheMap; import org.hypergraphdb.util.RefCountedMap; import org.hypergraphdb.util.RefResolver; import org.hypergraphdb.util.WeakIdentityHashMap; public class TxCacheMap<K, V> implements CacheMap<K, V> { private RefCountedMap<K, Box> writeMap; private boolean weakrefs = false; protected Map<K, Box> M = null; protected HGTransactionManager txManager; protected RefResolver<Object, Box> boxGetter = null; protected VBox<Integer> sizebox = null; // Indicates whether the latest available version of a value should be returned. // This TxCacheMap is mainly designed to cache objects that are otherwise persisted // on this. So when something is loaded from disk in a transaction that is not the // latest running transaction, it is not stored as the latest version of the value // (since there's no way to know if a more recent transaction has modified it). // In such situations, the version element of the version linked list is set to null // and when somebody asks for the latest version, they will get null forcing a re-load // from disk. That's the correct strategy for disk-based values. But it doesn't work // for the reverse Object->HGHandle map in the HGDB cache because runtime instances cannot be // used as keys in disk lookups. For this map, we want to always return the latest available // version when a 'get' is made outside of a transaction or the current transaction is more recent // than the last version in the box linked list. private boolean returnLatestAvailable = false; public abstract class Box extends VBox<V> { public Box(HGTransactionManager txManager) { this.txManager = txManager; this.body = makeNewBody(null, -1, null); } public VBoxBody<V> getBody() { return body; } public abstract K getKey(); public VBoxBody<V> commitImmediately(HGTransaction tx, V newValue, long txNumber) { return super.commit(tx, newValue, txNumber); } public VBoxBody<V> commit(HGTransaction tx, V newValue, long txNumber) { if (body.version == -1) { return body = makeNewBody(newValue, tx.getNumber(),; } else return super.commit(tx, newValue, tx.getNumber()); } @Override public void finish(HGTransaction tx) { if (tx.getLocalValue(this) != null) writeMap.remove(getKey()); if (body.value == null && body.version == 0 && == null) drop(getKey()); } } protected class StrongBox extends Box { final K key; public StrongBox(HGTransactionManager txManager, K key) { super(txManager); this.key = key; } public K getKey() { return key; } } protected class WeakBox extends Box { final WeakReference<K> key; public WeakBox(HGTransactionManager txManager, K key) { super(txManager); this.key = new WeakReference<K>(key); } public K getKey() { return key.get(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Box getBox(Object key) { synchronized (M) { Box box = M.get(key); // Assume calls to this map are synchronized otherwise. If not, a ConcurrentMap needs to be // used if we want lock free behavior. So the caching needs yet another rework for the // WeakRef maps to be lock free. if (box != null) return box; box = writeMap.get(key); if (box != null) { M.put((K)key, box); return box; } box = weakrefs ? new WeakBox(txManager, (K)key) : new StrongBox(txManager, (K)key); M.put((K)key, box); return box; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TxCacheMap(HGTransactionManager tManager, Class<? extends Map> mapImplementation, Object outer) { this.txManager = tManager; this.sizebox = new VBox<Integer>(txManager); this.sizebox.put(0); if (mapImplementation != null) this.weakrefs = WeakHashMap.class.isAssignableFrom(mapImplementation) || WeakIdentityHashMap.class.isAssignableFrom(mapImplementation); try { if (mapImplementation == null) { this.M = new ConcurrentHashMap<K, Box>(); this.writeMap = new RefCountedMap<K, Box>(new HashMap()); } else { this.M = outer == null ? mapImplementation.newInstance() : mapImplementation.getConstructor(outer.getClass()).newInstance(outer); this.writeMap = new RefCountedMap<K, Box>(outer == null ? mapImplementation.newInstance() : mapImplementation.getConstructor(outer.getClass()).newInstance(outer)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (this.M instanceof ConcurrentMap) boxGetter = new RefResolver<Object,Box>() { private ConcurrentMap<K, Box> c_map = (ConcurrentMap<K, Box>)M; private Map<K, Box> cwrite_map = writeMap; public Box resolve(Object k) { Box box = c_map.get(k); if (box != null) return box; box = cwrite_map.get(k); if (box != null) { c_map.putIfAbsent((K)k, box); return box; } box = weakrefs ? new WeakBox(txManager, (K)k) : new StrongBox(txManager, (K)k); Box box2 = c_map.putIfAbsent((K)k, box); return box2 != null ? box2 : box; } }; else boxGetter = new RefResolver<Object,Box>() { public Box resolve(Object k) { return getBox(k); } }; } public Box boxOf(Object key) { if (M instanceof ConcurrentMap<?,?>) return M.get(key); else synchronized (M) { return M.get(key); } } /** * Override to maintain a global write map so that evicted versioned boxes from the cache * get re-attached upon reloading. */ public void put(K key, V value) { HGTransaction tx = txManager.getContext().getCurrent(); Box box = boxGetter.resolve(key); // first, check if this transaction was already written to that Box and if not, // add it as a reference count if (tx.getLocalValue(box) == null) writeMap.put(key, box); V old = get(key); box.put(value); // TODO maybe don't do a 'put' if value == old if (old == null) { if (value != null) sizebox.put(sizebox.get() + 1); } else if (value == null) { sizebox.put(sizebox.get() - 1); } } public void load(K key, V value) { txManager.COMMIT_LOCK.lock(); try { Box box = boxGetter.resolve(key); HGTransaction tx = txManager.getContext().getCurrent(); VBoxBody<V> read = null; if (box.body.version == -1) // version==-1 indicates latest version is not loaded { // We don't have the latest version loaded currently, so if this transaction is // a most recent one, set the passed in value as the latest if (tx.getNumber() >= txManager.mostRecentRecord.transactionNumber || tx == null) { box.body = box.makeNewBody(value, tx.getNumber(),; read = box.body; } else { // Otherwise (the transaction is not the most recent one), insert the value // at the appropriate position in the body list. VBoxBody<V> curr = box.body; while ( != null && > tx.getNumber()) curr =; if ( != null && == tx.getNumber()) = value; else curr.setNext(box.makeNewBody(value, tx.getNumber(),; read =; } } else { // box.body.version is already the latest, so just update the value if we're loading // ...useful if this is gc-ed weak ref if (tx.getNumber() >= box.body.version) { box.body.value = value; read = box.body; } else { VBoxBody<V> curr = box.body; while ( != null && > tx.getNumber()) curr =; if ( != null && == tx.getNumber()) { = value; read =; } else { read = box.makeNewBody(value, tx.getNumber(),; curr.setNext(read); } } } if (!tx.isReadOnly()) tx.bodiesRead.put(box, read); } finally { txManager.COMMIT_LOCK.unlock(); } } public V get(Object key) { // The logic to get the correct version here is a bit different than // the normal VBox.get. Clearly, a tx local value is returned first, if any. // But if there's no local value, we must make sure the correct version is returned. // There are several cases to consider. Because of cache eviction patterns and // potentially long running transactions, we may have the latest committed value // in the VBox or we may just have old values loaded for older transactions still // running. In addition, the current transaction may have started after the latest // value was committed or not. If the current transaction started after the latest // commit of this value, all we care about is whether we have that latest value in // the VBox. Otherwise, we need a version that's exactly tagged with the transaction // number of the current transaction. This is important: for example say the current // transaction has number 5, and there are two versioned bodies in the box tagged // with 6 and 3. Clearly, we can't return version 6 because it's more recent than // our transaction. But we can't return version 3 either, because transaction 4 may // have committed an intermediate version. We don't know - version 3 might be the correct // one or not. So, we must force a load and tag it with version 5. In other words, we // must return null in this case so that the upper layers (using the cache) perform // a load operation. That is, unless the returnLatestAvailable flag is set in which // case we just have to return the latest available version. Box box = boxGetter.resolve(key); HGTransaction tx = txManager.getContext().getCurrent(); if (tx == null) { if (returnLatestAvailable) for (VBoxBody<V> body = box.body; body != null; body = if (body.value != null) return body.value; return box.body.value; } V value = tx.getLocalValue(box); if (value == null) // no local value, we get the correct version if loaded or return null if not { VBoxBody<V> b = box.body; // if the current transaction is not older than the top body we return it: // it will be null if we need a load from disk or the latest committed value // which would be the correct version if (b.version <= tx.getNumber() && b.version != -1) { value = b.value; if (!tx.isReadOnly()) tx.bodiesRead.put(box, b); } else { // else try to find the exact same version as the current transaction if (b.version == -1) b =; // If the transaction is not readonly and we are not reading the latest committed // value, it will conflict at the end anyway, so we might as well cut it off immediately. // IMPORTANT NOTE: even though this looks like an optimization, without it the DataTxTests // fails and I haven't been able to figure out way after weeks of intense debugging, so // I concluded it *could* have to do with a BerkeleyDB issue. What the following statement is // essentially doing is preventing a read from disk on any dirty data in non-read-only // transactions. While debugging, I had modified the 'load' method to actually not load // but throw the same TransactionConflictException in the exact same situation, but that // didn't prevent the test from failing. So even though the cache is kept intact when // an older transaction tries to get old data and it's not read-only, some dirty data still // sneaks in as latest as soon as it is being read from disk. I could not find a way to // explain way short of blaming BerkleyDB. At least the tests pass with the below. --Boris else if (!tx.isReadOnly()) throw new TransactionConflictException(); while (b != null && b.version > tx.getNumber()) b =; if (b != null && b.version == tx.getNumber()) { value = b.value; if (!tx.isReadOnly()) { tx.bodiesRead.put(box, b); } } } } if (value == null && returnLatestAvailable) for (VBoxBody<V> body = box.body; body != null; body = if (body.value != null) value = body.value; return value == HGTransaction.NULL_VALUE ? null : value; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void remove(Object key) { put((K)key, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void drop(Object key) { if (M instanceof ConcurrentMap) M.remove(key); else synchronized (M) { M.remove((K)key); } } public int mapSize() { return M.size(); } public int size() { return sizebox.get(); } public void clear() { M.clear(); } public Set<K> keySet() { return M.keySet(); } public boolean isReturnLatestAvailable() { return returnLatestAvailable; } public void setReturnLatestAvailable(boolean returnLatestAvailable) { this.returnLatestAvailable = returnLatestAvailable; } }