package org.hypergraphdb.query.impl; import org.hypergraphdb.HGRandomAccessResult; import org.hypergraphdb.util.Mapping; public class FilteredRAResultSet<T> extends FilteredResultSet<T> implements HGRandomAccessResult<T> { private HGRandomAccessResult<T> rs; public FilteredRAResultSet(HGRandomAccessResult<T> searchResult, Mapping<T, Boolean> predicate, int lookahead) { super(searchResult, predicate, lookahead); rs = searchResult; } public HGRandomAccessResult.GotoResult goTo(T value, boolean exactMatch) { GotoResult r = rs.goTo(value, exactMatch); if (exactMatch) return r == GotoResult.found && predicate.eval(value) ? GotoResult.found : GotoResult.nothing; if (predicate.eval(value)) { //would happen on result of found // System.out.println("FRARS matched the value, We have a match for:" + value); return r; } if (hasNext()) { //Replaced AP // System.out.println("FRARS goto checked for next, got it, so moving to next and returning close"); next(); return GotoResult.close; } //would cause infinite loops // while (rs.hasNext()) // if (predicate.eval( // return GotoResult.close; // return GotoResult.nothing; } public void goAfterLast() { rs.goAfterLast(); while (rs.hasPrev() && !predicate.eval(rs.prev())); if (!rs.hasNext()) rs.goAfterLast(); else; } public void goBeforeFirst() { rs.goBeforeFirst(); while (rs.hasNext() && !predicate.eval(; if (!rs.hasPrev()) rs.goBeforeFirst(); else rs.prev(); } }