package org.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qry; import org.hypergraphdb.HGException ; import org.hypergraphdb.HGHandle; import org.hypergraphdb.HGOrderedSearchable; import org.hypergraphdb.HGQuery; import org.hypergraphdb.HGSearchResult; import org.hypergraphdb.HGSearchable; import org.hypergraphdb.HyperGraph; import org.hypergraphdb.HGQuery.hg; import org.hypergraphdb.query.AtomTypeCondition; import org.hypergraphdb.query.AtomValueCondition; import org.hypergraphdb.query.ComparisonOperator; import org.hypergraphdb.query.HGQueryCondition; import org.hypergraphdb.query.TypedValueCondition; import org.hypergraphdb.query.impl.IndexBasedQuery; import org.hypergraphdb.query.impl.PipeQuery; import org.hypergraphdb.query.impl.PredicateBasedFilter; import org.hypergraphdb.query.impl.SearchableBasedQuery; import org.hypergraphdb.type.HGAtomType; public class TypedValueToQuery implements ConditionToQuery { static class Query<T> extends HGQuery<T> { TypedValueCondition vc; HyperGraph graph; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public HGSearchResult<T> execute() { // // TODO: how to we deal with null values? For the String // primitive type at least, nulls are possible. // HGHandle typeHandle = vc.getTypeHandle(graph); HGAtomType type = graph.get(typeHandle); if (type == null) throw new HGException("Cannot search by value " + vc.getValue() + " of unknown HGAtomType with handle " + typeHandle); Object value = vc.getValue(); if (type instanceof HGSearchable && vc.getOperator() == ComparisonOperator.EQ || type instanceof HGOrderedSearchable) // // Find value handle by value and pipe into 'indexByValue' search, // then filter // by the expected type to make sure that it matches the actual type // of the atoms // so far obtained. // return new PredicateBasedFilter(graph, new PipeQuery( new SearchableBasedQuery((HGSearchable<?, ?>) type, value, vc.getOperator()), new SearchableBasedQuery(graph .getIndexManager().getIndexByValue(), null, ComparisonOperator.EQ)), new AtomTypeCondition( typeHandle)).execute(); else // else, we need to scan all atoms of the given type return new PredicateBasedFilter(graph, new IndexBasedQuery(graph .getIndexManager().getIndexByType(), typeHandle.getPersistent()), new AtomValueCondition(vc.getValue(), vc.getOperator())).execute(); } } public HGQuery<?> getQuery(HyperGraph graph, HGQueryCondition c) { Query<?> q = new Query<Object>(); = (TypedValueCondition) c; q.graph = graph; return q; } public QueryMetaData getMetaData(HyperGraph graph, HGQueryCondition c) { TypedValueCondition vc = (TypedValueCondition) c; HGHandle typeHandle = vc.getTypeHandle(graph); HGAtomType type = graph.get(typeHandle); if (type == null) throw new HGException("Cannot search by value" + " of unknown HGAtomType with handle " + typeHandle); QueryMetaData qmd; if (!hg.isVar(vc.getTypeReference()) && (type instanceof HGSearchable && vc.getOperator() == ComparisonOperator.EQ || type instanceof HGOrderedSearchable)) { qmd = QueryMetaData.ORDERED.clone(c); } else { qmd = QueryMetaData.MISTERY.clone(c); } qmd.predicateCost = 2.5; return qmd; } }